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EDU728/733 Te Tiriti o Waitangi in Education - School Based Learning Tasks

The tasks listed in the table support your course learning and will guide you to put theory into practice and become familiar with the life of a school. They
are designed to support you to develop knowledge and skills, as well as collect relevant information, resources and materials to support your learning and
assessment (see assessment links below, e.g., AS1 links to Assessment 1 in this course). You may have additional questions/discussion points from your
course work or school-based learning that you might like to discuss with your mentor teacher. You may also have additional opportunities to observe and
work with tamariki/rangatahi – make the most of your school-based learning!

Beginning Middle End

Collecting & Talking Observing & Recording Teaching & Reflecting
• Have an introduction meeting with your • Observe how kaiako embed te reo Māori in Under supervision and with support of the
Mentor Teacher on your first school-based everyday interactions with all classroom teacher:
learning day. Use this time to review tamariki/rangatahi. (AS1/2)
• Incorporate greetings in te reo when entering
expectations, etc. • Note strategies utilised by your partner school classes and working with tamariki/rangatahi.
• Discuss and document how your school to strengthen Māori learners’ educational (AS2)
ensures they meet their obligations under Te achievement through a bi-cultural teaching
• Plan and implement an activity with a
Tiriti o Waitangi. Note aspects such as: approach. (AS1/2)
class/group that demonstrates ko te ākonga
o Collaboration with local iwi/hapū te pūtake o te ako (the learner is the centre of
o Consistent use of te reo Māori me ngā teaching and learning). (AS1/2)
tikanga Māori For activity/lesson planning, use the lesson
o Ensuring success of Māori tamariki as template (SBL Templates)
o Including local Māori tamariki as • Reflect on the tasks above.
Māori (AS1) Use the reflection template provided (SBL
• Describe what you are doing to use and
improve your te reo Māori while in your • Consider a challenging situation/puzzle of
school. (AS2) practice you’ve encountered across your
• Discuss the Teaching Standard, Te Tiriti o school-based learning. Reflect on the
Waitangi Partnership, and how your partner issue/situation and consider possible
school is upholding the standard. (AS1/2) solutions. (CIA)
• Discuss how your partner school liaises with
mana whenua. (AS1/2)

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