Quantification and Characterization of Regional Seismic Signals From Cast Blasting in Mines: A Linear Elastic Model

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Geophys. J . Int.

(1997) 131,45-60

Quantification and characterization of regional seismic signals from

cast blasting in mines: a linear elastic model

Sridhar Anandakrishnan,* Steven R. Taylor and Brian W. Stump

Earth and Environmental Sciences Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, University of California, Los Alamos, NM 87545, U S A .
E-mail: Taylor@lanl.gov

Accepted 1997 April 16. Received 1997 March 7; in original form 1996 November 18

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Cast blasts in coal mines, designed to move large volumes of overburden, are a source
of large (1-5 kt), frequent explosions in parts of the world with near-surface coal
resources. Mining events of this source type are triggering the prototype International
Monitoring System for the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty being tested under the
Group of Scientific Experts Technical Test 3 (GSETT-3).We wish to develop techniques
to distinguish between the seismic signals produced by these explosions and equivalent
size single (or point) sources. To that end, we have developed a linear elastic model to
simulate regional-distance seismograms from mining cast blasts. Cast blasting involves
a shot-array with delayed detonations casting rock horizontally into a pit. We model
the effects of the millisecond-delay-firing pattern, the depth of the pit and the cast of
material into the pit. We attempt to separate the effects due to the explosion, the
vertical movement of mass and the horizontal movement of mass in order to produce
a physical understanding of the resulting waveforms, which can be used to assess
potential discriminants for these types of explosions. These physical models of source
processes are constrained by near-surface measurements of cast blasts in NE Wyoming
that are triggering GSETT-3. Two observational results at regional distances that are
replicated by these models are the excitation of 8-12s surface waves by the cast blasts
and the insensitivity of peak amplitude to total explosive size for normal blasting
practices. The insensitivity of peak amplitudes from the cast blast to total source size
is a consequence of the delay-firing practice under normal procedures. This practice
was initiated to reduce ground motions in the near-source region around the mine and
it appears that it is also successful in controlling peak amplitudes at regional distances.
The mass transfer into the pit has both a vertical and a horizontal force component,
each of which contribute to the final seismogram, the latter being azimuthally dependent.
Assuming maximum coupling, the contribution to the seismogram due to the vertical
force component is approximately equal to the explosion contribution for pit depths
of about 10 m, but dominates for pit depths of 20 m or greater. The contribution due
to the horizontal force component is mainly in the enhanced Rayleigh waves.
Comparison of high-frequency seismic radiation from the single shot and cast blast
shows little qualitative difference in the regional waveforms.

istics similar to a single-fired nuclear explosion. Analysis of

preliminary results from the GSETT-3 experiment demon-
Monitoring a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) will strates that mining explosions are triggering the prototype
require the detection, location and identification of a number International Monitoring System and thus will have to be
of source types including earthquakes, mine explosions, mine included in this event identification process (Stump et al. 1996).
collapses and rock bursts. The seismic signals generated by One type of mine explosion that uses a large amount of
each will be used to assess whether the event has any character- explosives [ 1-5 kiloton (kt)] and is triggering GSETT-3 is
coal overburden cast blasts. In a number of geological con-
* Now at: Pennsylvania State University, Earth Systems Science ditions worldwide, economic coal deposits are found relatively
Center, 248 Deike, University Park, PA 16802, USA. close (< 100 m) to the surface. One method of coal recovery

0 1997 RAS 45
46 S. Anundukrishnun, S. R. Tuylor and B. W. Stump

utilized under these situations is to construct a pit that extends cent of the overburden is cast into its final position and does
to the bottom of the coal and then explosively move the not require further movement to expose the coal. The length
overburden above the coal into the adjacent pit thus exposing of the working face is of the order of 1-5 km; the highwall
the coal for recovery. In practice, the explosives are used to (free face) of the Black Thunder Coal Mine (BT) south pit is
remove a portion of the overburden and fracture the remainder, 4 km long (Stump et al. 1996).
which is dug with a dragline (a large bucket with a volume of One possible scenario for the evasion of a Comprehensive
z 100 m3 pulled by steel cables used to remove overburden). Test Ban Treaty is to attempt to mask a small nuclear test
Overburdens of 10@200 ft can require individual explosive (< 2 kt) in cast blast explosions routinely conducted as part of
boreholes with 5000-10000 lb. Cast blasts can include as many coal extraction operations. Previous investigators have studied
as 1000 individual boreholes delay-fired over several seconds the spectral 'scalloping' from millisecond-delay explosions and
in order to maximize mass movement while minimizing high- have attempted to use that as a basis for discrimination (Smith
frequency peak amplitudes. The explosive array consists of 1989; Harris & Clark 1990 Hedlin, Minster & Orcutt 1990;
rows of holes parallel to the free face of the mine, and the aim Smith 1993). The large number of individual explosions
of the time-delay between rows is to ensure that the front row employed during cast blasting, in combination with the design
(closest to the face) fractures the rock and begins to move goal of casting material, produces complex time-series that are

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material into the pit before a similar process is initiated in unlike the more impulsive explosions designed only to fracture
subsequent rows. In practice, cast blasts can include as many material (coal shots). In addition to these temporal effects,
as nine rows. The casting process is quite effective in the first the model used to represent the source array is extended by
several rows of the shot but the back rows are primarily adding a horizontal spall component as well as a vertical spall
fractured, thus reducing shear strength and allowing flow into and mass-transfer component (e.g. McLaughlin et al. 1993)
the space exposed by the first few rows. Typically 20-30 per accounting for the casting process.

110 108 106 I

.3 k

- -4
l " " " " ' I
0 100 km
Figure 1. Topographic and location map of Wyoming showing the Black Thunder Mine (BT) and the Pinedale seismic array location (PDAR).

0 1997 RAS, G J I 131, 45-60

Regional seismic signalsfrom cast blasting in mines 47

The total explosive energy (and possibly the seismic energy) Seismic Array, Pinedale, WY; Fig. l), we used an earth velocity
of the cast blast is comparable to a possible decoupled nuclear model for eastern Wyoming (simplified from Prodehl 1979;
explosion (which could be detonated simultaneously). On the Fig. 2 ) and calculated the Green’s functions for a source at BT
basis of modelling and observations, Smith (1993) concluded and a receiver at PDAR. To calculate the synthetic Green’s
that a simultaneous explosion of greater than 5-15 per cent of functions we used the technique of Kennett (1983). The salient
the total explosive-source array yield would dominate the parameters are: Nyquist frequency of 10 Hz, maximum slow-
seismic record. The cast blast can generate a complex waveform ness of 0.4 s km-’, range of 360 km, azimuth of 240” and
due to the mass movement and the millisecond delay-firing. frequency-independent attenuation in the upper kilometre of
This complexity may complicate discrimination efforts (Hedlin, the crust.
Minster & Orcutt 1989) and it is important to understand the A more complicated approach (such as finite difference) could
relative contributions of the different elements of these seismic have been used to represent the complicated path between the
sources. In this paper, we discuss the model and produce Black Thunder Mine and PDAR. However, we are interested
synthetic seismograms to parametrize the source. Qualitative in representing source differences and the relative energy
comparisons are made with data collected from sources at the partitioning between phases along the same path and chose to
Black Thunder Mine recorded at the regional array, PDAR, use simple 1-D synthetics to represent the average path.

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near Pinedale, WY, USA. In Fig. 3, the relevant Green’s function components for the
We have now conducted experiments in the Powder vertical motions, G, =,=, G,,,,, G,,,, and Gzx,,, are shown, where
River Basin that include the recording of a modest single- G,,,, are the Green’s functions in the n direction associated
fired explosion (40 000-50 000 lb), cast blasts (3 000 000- with the moment tensor mp4.The full set of Green’s functions
SOOOOOOlb) and coal shots (3OOC-500000 Ib; Stump et nl. associated with the moment tensor representation of the source,
1996). All these sources have generated regional seismic signals Gni,j,is not needed for explosions and spall and so we retain
that, in conjunction with near-source phenomenology, will only the components G = CG,,,,, Gnx,,,Gny,,,G,,J
provide the constraints necessary to refine the models devel- Next we produced the seismograms related to each compo-
oped in this paper. Once these simple models are refined to nent of the source outlined above: the explosion, the vertical
the extent that they can explain the general character of the component of spall (opening horizontal crack, unloading of
regional signals, they can be used as a guide to assess the the earth and slapdown, possibly with an extra force due to the
effects of other blasting practices and scenarios. Although these mass transfer into the pit) and the horizontal spall (the opening
studies are focused on large-scale cast blasting because of the vertical crack and the horizontal component of the slapdown).
large amount of explosives used in these processes and the fact These are shown graphically as point-force equivalents in
that these sources are triggering the prototype International Fig. 4.
Monitoring System, the same tools can then be applied to
other types of blasting such as that associated with the recovery
of minerals from hard rock where the primary purpose of the
explosions is to fracture the material. 2 3 4 5 6 7


To quantify the parameters involved in characterizing a cast
blast, a simple model was formulated to represent the following
components of the source:
(1) the individual explosion of each hole;
(2) the horizontal fracture (z=h) and vertical spalling of
the mass; 15
(3) the vertical fracture (x cos 4 + y sin 4 = 0) and horizontal h

spalling of mass in the direction relative to x (where 4 is the

azimuth of the casting direction relative to north);
5 20
(4) the converted energy due to the vertical transport of
mass falling into the pit with free-face height h,; t?
(5) the effect of superposition of hundreds of these events 25
in the array with varying time-delays.
The depth of spall, h, is set equal to the depth of the explosion.
Variables x and y correspond to the source coordinate system,
where x is oriented north and y east.
The model is similar in many ways to the quarry blast
model described by McLaughlin et al. (1993), except that we
have added a more general time function for the horizontal
and vertical spall that can be constrained by high-speed
photography. The equivalent moment-tensor formulation for
this model was then convolved with the regional Green’s Figure 2. P-velocity model used in waveform synthesis for the path
functions to produce the synthetic waveforms. In anticipation between the Black Thunder Mine and PDAR. The S-wave velocity
of future work with data from BT and PDAR (Pinedale model is set assuming a Poisson’s ratio of 0.25.

0 1997 RAS, G J I 131,45-60

48 S. Anandakrishnan, S . R. Taylor and B. W. Stump

1 , 1 ' / I I L
80 60 80 100 120 140 160 1x0 200 220 240
I I 1 1 I I

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1 , 1 , I d
1040 60 X0 100 I20 140 160 1x0 200 220 240
I, 1 I , I 1 1 I

.I I 1 1 I I I I , I
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
Time (s)
Figure 3. Synthetic Green's functions G,,,,, G,,,,, G,,,, and G,,,, for a 10'' N m step-function source at BT and a receiver at PDAR with the
velocity model from Fig. 2. Pn occurs at about 53 s, P, at 60 s, L, at 100 s and R , at 160 s. The scale is [m s - ' / ~ O ' ~ N m 3 (i.e. scaled to a 10''
N m step function).

To illustrate the contributions of the mass transfer into the

(a) Explosion pit, we separate out the vertical forces f v ( t ) into f v ( t ) =
fvl(t)+fv2(t). Here, fvl is the opening horizontal crack, the

subsequent unloading, and the component of the slapdown
that would have been present even without the mass transfer
into the pit (Fig. 4b and eq. 1, below). The force due to the
mass-transfer into the pit is represented ash2 (eq. 2) and the
(b) Vertical spall forces horizontal force is fh(t) (eq. 3; horizontal spall initiation and
horizontal component of the subsequent impact). We modify
the source force time functions of Stump (1985, eq. 5):

(c) Horizontalspall forces

T-, QO
Figure 4. Graphical illustration of the point forces resulting from a
cast blast into a pit. The vertical forces are the opening crack and the
unloading of the Earth followed by impact The horizontal forces are
the opening crack and the horizontal component of the impact

0 1997 RAS, G J I 131,45-60

Regional seismic signalsfrom cast blasting in mines 49

We u priori set the vertical spall velocity V, and then determine

the horizontal velocity by Vh= &/tan 6, where H is the mass-
ejection angle (relative to the horizontal). The vertical spall

-Fm4 3 0 ( ~ - T , ) ~ 60(t-T,)3
+ 30(f-T,)2
i"Zf 1. velocity V,=O.S m sC1 is based on examination of near-source
accelerograms. The mass ejection angle can be estimated from
digitized video images of the blasts. The spall dwell time T, is
x ( H ( t - Ts)-H(t- Ts- '&,
1) >
where V, and V, are the initial vertical spall velocity and the
(3) T, = (Vn + V,)/g
where V, = J V i + 2hrfg is the vertical impact velocity of the

impact vertical velocity, respectively, and V, is the horizontal spalled mass and hff is the vertical distance the centre of mass
velocity for both spall and impact. We have modified the time of the cast material travels before impacting the floor of the
function to allow for two pulse widths: the initial crack- pit and g is the gravitational acceleration. It should be noted
opening pulse width '&, and the final impact pulse width T,,. that in order to conserve momentum it is necessary to modify
For a vertical spall with no free face, we assume T,,= T,,, but T, in eqs (1) to (3) using the relationship
examination of video images of a casting shot at BT shows

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TI=T,-('&,-KT,,)/2 (4 4
that T f z 2 s (Stump et ul. 1996). The spall mass mT is estimated
using the Sobel (1978) scaling of 9.6 x lo9 kg per kt of yield. (Yang, personal communication, 1997). For impulsive or nearly
The estimate of the spalled mass is one of the largest sources impulsive sources the use of eq. (4) is adequate. For larger
of uncertainty in our modelling. Relationships between
explosion yield and spalled mass have been published for
values of T,, (e.g. T,, 2 s), the amplitudes can be overestimated
by as much as a factor of 2 at 0.1 Hz, while the high frequencies
underground nuclear explosions (e.g. Viecelli 1973; Sobel 1978; remain unaffected. For these cases, the value of T, used in eqs
Patton 1990) and may not be applicable to mining explosions. (1) to (3) should be modified using eq. (4a). For the purposes
Existing models vary by over an order of magnitude in their of this paper, usage of eq. (4) alone does not significantly affect
prediction of total spalled mass. For example, the Sobel mass the results or the final conclusions. The force time functions
estimate is about a factor of six larger than that of Viecelli, are shown in Fig. 5.
which can be enough to bracket the predicted seismic ampli- We then represent the source time function for a pure
tudes from an accompanying explosion (Taylor & Randall explosion with a Mueller-Murphy source functionf,, (Mueller
1989). Additional uncertainties arise due to questions about & Murphy 1975; Stump 1985; Fig. 5) for an explosion of
how the mass movement actually couples into the Earth. For 0.0025 kt (50001b), detonated at a depth of 4 0 m in wet tuff
example, there can be as much as 30 per cent bulking for the (u,=1900m s-', oS=900m s-', p=1800kg m-3). The
material cast into the pit with the possible collapse of air voids moment tensor for an explosion is simply the identity matrix
providing a loss mechanism at impact that will reduce the I scaled by f,,. Although these are cylindrical explosive
resulting seismic signal. boreholes, we follow the work of Reamer, Hinzen & Stump

x lo8

-4 '
9 lo9





9' 10''
-2 I t I I
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
I 1 I


g-I - I I

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Time (s)
Figure 5 . Graphical illustration of the point forces resulting from a cast blast into a pit. The vertical forces are the opening crack and the
unloading of the Earth followed by impact (vertical spall,f,,) and mass transfer into the pit (fvz). The horizontal forces are the opening crack and
the horizontal component of the impact (fh). The explosion time function is computed using a Mueller-Murphy source model. See text for details.

Q 1997 RAS, G J I 131,45-60

50 S. Anandakrishnan, S. R. Taylor and B. W. Stump

( 1992) and use the Mueller-Murphy source time function to contribution). However, in the case of casting into a 20 m deep
represent the explosion part of the source representation. pit, the explosion contribution is a factor of two smaller than
The coupling efficiency of the individual explosions, as well either of the spall contributions (Fig. 7). The Pg from the vertical
as the contribution of the cast material, will require further spall contribution is particularly enhanced due to the force of
exploration as the source models are refined. the spalled mass falling into the pit (fv2 dominating), and there
To calculate the synthetics we use the seismic moment is an enhanced low-frequency content on the spall elements that
density tensor m (Aki & Richards 1980, Equation. 3.20): is not present in the case of no casting. This is due to the form
of the force time functions f, and fh, which have two pulses
mp4= iVLCUk(S, 41h,, +~ V , C ~ , ( t J ) l f V,cu,(t, 41 9 (5) separated by T,=2 s, thus introducing a strong peak at low
where [u] is the displacement discontinuity across the fault frequencies (e.g. Taylor & Randall 1989). This peak is not found
surface, v is the normal to the fault, 5 is the location of the in the explosion spectrum. Note also that on the horizontal
fault and z is time. For a horizontal tension crack with purely spall element, Pg is relatively weak (there is no extra contribution
vertical displacement (u=[O,O, [u3]] and v = [O,O, l]), the due to mass falling into the pit as there was withf,,), but R,
diagonal elements of rn are diag ( m ) = [ i , i , ( i b + 2 p ) ] [ u 3 ( t , z ) ] . (160 s) is strong because of the horizontal orientation of the
For a vertical tension crack, u = [ l u l sin$, IuI cos 4,0], where source force. This contribution to the synthetics will depend on

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1111 is the horizontal displacement, 1 and p are the Lame the azimuth of the receiver relative to the pit orientation. Bonner,
constants, and 4 is the azimuth of the crack normal (measured Herrin & Goforth (1996) reported near-source (= 10 km) R,
clockwise from north). The diagonal elements of ni are observations from small quarry blasts that exhibited a marked
diag (m)= [J. +2 p sin' 4,L 2p COS' 4,illul. azimuthal variation.
Following Day & McLaughlin (1988), we scale the doubly As discussed above, a number of uncertainties exist in these
integrated spall time function by the factor uih-', where up is calculations. Most notable are the estimates of the spalled mass
the compressional-wave velocity and h is the depth of the shot and the coupling of the spalled energy into seismic waves. In
hole. Finally, these time functions (f, and fh suitably scaled) this case, we are assuming full coupling of the secondary sources
are convolved with the moment tensor for the horizontal crack into the wavefield. Complicated non-linear effects may alter this
and the vertical crack, respectively. The displacement at the coupling and the relative amplitudes of the different components.
receiver is then represented by: A representative seismogram u, is shown in Fig. 8, obtained
by summing the three contributions shown in Fig. 7. This
0 0 synthetic represents a W=0.0025 kt source in a h=40 m deep
0 (J"+2P)
1 o ] G " p . q ]
hole that casts material into a pit with hff = 20 m. The free face
of the pit is oriented at azimuth $=O. The casting ejection
angle relative to the horizontal is 13= 10".
To represent completely a cast blast we next convolve the
seismogram from a single hole with the millisecond delay-fire
time-series (Stump & Reinke 1988). In essence, we delay and
sum one seismogram:

(d+2 p sin' 4) 2psinQ,cos4 0
2 p sin 4 cos 4 ( I + 2 p cos' 4) 0 G,,,,
*" 0 0 I where T. is the shooter-imposed delay between the nth and
the reference (1st) shot. We make the assumption that each of
the individual explosions are identical and that linear super-
where u, is the displacement vector at the receiver and Grip,, position holds, for which there is some empirical evidence (e.g.
are the Green's functions in the n direction associated with the Stump & Reinke 1988; Hedlin et al. 1989).
moment tensor mpq. The moment tensor for the explosion The delay due to the geometry of the array, whereby the
is simply fMM8,,, the identity matrix appropriately scaled. traveltime from different parts of the array to the receiver
Convolution is represented by the * symbol. varies, is represented by z,= r, cos [/vp0, where r, is the distance
from the nth to the reference shot, [ is the angle between two
vectors from the reference shot that point towards the receiver
and towards the nth hole (Fig. 9) and upo is the compressional-
In Figs 6 and 7, we have plotted the vertical velocity synthetics wave velocity in the near-surface. We plot these time-delays for
from the vertical and horizontal spall and the explosion (for the BT shot of 1994 December 15 at 2004 hours (Stump et al.
a = 240" and A = 360 km). Fig. 6 is for solely vertical spall with 1996) along with the spectrum of that time-series in Fig. 10.
no casting into a pit, and Fig. 7 is for casting into a hff =20 m Finally, we apply a high-pass filter with a corner of 1 Hz to
deep pit for I$ =O. These signals include the time functions for simulate the instrument response of an S-13 seismometer. All
the individual source contributions shown in Fig. 5. subsequent seismograms have had this filter applied unless
All three elements show strong Pg(60 s) and L, (100 s) phases, stated otherwise. The resulting synthetic seismogram u ( t ) is
with the Pn (52 s) most prominent on the explosion element. shown in Fig. 11. The spectrum of the millisecond-delay blast
Note that P, is very difficult to discern in many of the figures simulation indicates the strong low-pass filtering effect due to
because of the velocity model used in the synthesis. In the case the finite (4s) length of the blasting. Thus, our seismogram
of no casting (Fig. 6), the peak amplitude on the explosion (which has a low-frequency corner of 1 Hz) is strongly attenu-
element is approximately a factor of 20 greater than the peak ated relative to the lower frequencies that would be observed
on the vertical spall contribution (there is no horizontal spall by broad-band instruments.

0 1997 RAS, G J I 131, 45-60

Regionul seismic signals from cast blasting in mines 51

-1 -
I 1 I 1 I I I
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

0.5 c
-0.5 1 -I
-1 I '

60 80 100

120 140



200 220 240

x 10
, ,

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I ' I I I

-1 -
-2 -

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Time (s)
Figure6. The three elements on the right-hand side of eq. 6 are shown for an explosion and vertical spall with no casting: (top) vertical spall;
(centre) horizontal spa11 (null trace); (bottom) explosion.

I I' ' I
-5 ' '










~ x 10

-5 1 ' I I I I I I' I I I f

415 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

x 10

-1 -
-2 -
I I I I I I I I , I I I

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Time (s)
Figure 7. The three elements on the right-hand side of eq. 6 are shown for casting into a 20 m deep pit: (top) vertical spall including the final
slapdown with the extra pit contribution; (centre) horizontal spall; (bottom) explosion.

configuration and material displaced, amongst other measure-

ments. In addition to the standard cast blasts designed to
remove overburden, two additional types of explosions were
A set of experimental studies was conducted in the Powder documented. The second type was explosions detonated in the
River Basin of Wyoming in order to study regional seismic coal designed to fragment the material for recovery but
signals from large cast blasts (Stump et al. 1996). Quantification included no casting. The third type of explosion was the
of the blast characteristics included the time, location, explosive simultaneous detonation of 10 boreholes that were drilled and

0 1997 RAS, GJf 131,45-60

52 S. Anandakrishnan, S. R. Taylor and B. W. Stump


so -1


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-5 t

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Time (s)
Figure 8. Final waveform resulting from adding together the contributions from the vertical and horizontal spall as well as the single explosion
shown in Fig. 7.

frequency data are filtered into the bands > 1 Hz (short period),
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-4 Hz, 0.5-1.0 Hz and 0.125-0.250 Hz, while the broad-band
data are filtered between 0.05 and 0.10 Hz without correction
for instrument response. The complete waveforms and those
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ” filtered in the 2-4 Hz band from both the cast and the single
shot display similar characteristics, although the Pg/Lg is
nihshot hole slightly greater for the single shot. This observation is consist-
<?*ershot hole 0 0 0 Y ent with reported successes in high-frequency Pg/Lg discrimi-
nants (Hartse et al. 1997). In the lower-frequency bands,
differences between the two source types are noted that are
s o o o o o o consistent with the synthetics developed in this paper.
Although this event does not have exactly the same shot-
hole pattern as that used for the synthetics, it does have a
similar blasting phenomenology, including a large number of
to receiver boreholes, casting and material displacement. This is because
seismograms at PDAR were not available for the modelled
Figure 9. Map view of the shot array showing the reference shot hole
and the direction vectors to the receiver and to the nth hole and the event, but were available for a later, similar explosion. The
angle 5 between them. slight difference in the shot configuration is not expected to
change the results. Comparisons of the synthetics with the
loaded away from the free face of the mine. These boreholes observations are only included to illustrate the similar charac-
were drilled to 49 m and each was filled with z 5000 lb of an teristics of the two, including the relative excitation of phases,
ANFO/emulsion mixture and then backfilled to the surface. the general frequency content and the qualitative character of
The amount of explosives and the hole depth were chosen to the seismograms.
ensure that the shots would not vent to the atmosphere. In order to make first-order comparisons with the obser-
In-hole instrumentation at shot time indicated that only eight vations, we plot the synthetic seismograms for the ‘cast’ shot
of the holes detonated fully, thus suggesting the total yield was (Fig. 13a) and the ‘simultaneous’ explosion (Fig. 13b) filtered
40 000 lb. in the same pass bands as the observations. Note that the
Observed seismograms at the regional array PDAR from large R, phase in the calculations at 160 s is an artefact due
one of the cast blasts and the simultaneous shot are reproduced to the trapping of energy in the undisturbed low-velocity
in Figs 12(a) and (b), respectively. The cast blast that generated surface layers. The lowest-frequency bands, 0.125-0.250 Hz
these seismograms consisted of 274 holes with a total explo- and 0.05-0.10 Hz, indicate that the cast blasts are generating
sive weight of 2266 178 Ib. In each of these plots the vertical significant long-period energy, unlike the simultaneous con-
waveforms are displayed from the high-frequency array element tained explosion. The long-period excitation observed from
PD03 and the broad-band seismometer PD31. The high- the cast blast, as indicated in the discussion of Fig. 7, can be

0 1997 RAS, GJI 131, 45-60

Regional seismic signals from cast blasting in mines 53

0 'I I


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lo-' 1oo 10' 1 o2
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 10. Time-series (top) displaying the size and time of individual shots within the millisecond-delay-fired cast-blast shot of 1994 December 15
at BT. The ordinate is scaled to 5000 lb and the abscissa is time in seconds. The bottom figure is the spectrum of the time-series.

I I I 1 I

2.5 -




so -0.5



40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Time (s)
Figure 11. Final vertical-component synthetic seismogram after applying the millisecond-delay-fire cast-blast array of the BT mine on
1994 December 15 to the seismogram shown in Fig. 8 and applying a 1 Hz high-pass filter.

attributed to the long duration of these cast blasts and the

additional source excitation resulting from the horizontal and
vertical forces that represent the material cast into the pit The above discussion illustrates that the simulations produce
(eq. 6). waveforms that have characteristics that are approximately

0 1997 RAS, G J I 131,45-60

54 S. Anandakrishnun, S. R. Taylor and B. W. Stump
' I
(a) 20-
-20 r
-40 ' '
'11'1 ,
80 100 120 140
180 200 220
I I I -.
2-4 HZ
-20 - I I I I 1

35 0
> -20 -
, I I I I I I I I I

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

20- ' I I I , I I I _

0.125 - 0.25 Hz

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-20 - I I I 4 I I

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

1- I I , I I I I _
0.05 - 0.1 Hz
0 A

-I - I I , L , I I 1


Short Period

2-4 HZ

0 0.5-1 Hz
* 0


' io
60 sb 1 k l;o li0 IkO li0 2; 2;o 260
0.125 - 0.25 HZ
0 5 -
-10 ' I I I I I ! I I I I

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

10 I I I I I I I I I I I

0.05 - 0.1 Hz

-10 ' I I I I I I I I I

similar to observations from BT at PDAR. In this section, we (2) yield W (kt) and depth d (m) of individual explosions;
perform simple parametric studies to examine the effect of (3) number N and timing of individual shots that make up
different parameters such as the height of the free face and the cast blast;
the time function of the mass movement on the regional (4) height of the free face hff (m);
seismograms. ( 5 ) pulse width T,, (s) of the cast-material impact;
The main parameters that can affect the final waveform are: (6) azimuth 4 (degrees) of the casting direction.
(1) station azimuth a (degrees), distance D (km) and The values of the relevant parameters are given in Table 1,
instrument response of receiver; and it should be noted that we have not investigated the effects

0 1997 RAS, GJI 131, 45-60

Regional seismic signals f r o m cast blasting in mines 55

2- Short Period
-2 -
-4 '



100 120
I 1


160 180


21 I I I I I , I I I

-2 I ' I I , I I I I
40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
L? 21 I I I I I ! 1
.z 0.5-1 Hz

60 sb lA0 1
o; 1;o l&O IlO 2& 220 2;o I


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-2 ' I I I I I I I 1

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

0.1 I I I I I I I I 1

0.05 - 0.1 Hz

-0.1 I ' , I I I I I I

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

Time (s)

40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
I1 I I I 1 r I I I I , I

?? 0.1 I
' '



140 160





0.125 - 0.25 Hz
I I I I I I 4 I I

0.05- 0.1Hz

of imperfect casting in this paper. For example, the implicit

Effect of cast-blast size
assumption is that each individual shot casts its entire spalled
material into the pit. In reality, it is likely that only the shots To investigate the relationship between the source yield and
in the two or three rows closest to the free face completely the observed amplitude of the signal (and thus the inferred
cast their spalled material into the pit. In addition, higher- magnitude of the source), full and subshot-array synthetics are
order effects such as 3-D and non-linear source effects are generated and compared. Fig. 14 is a plot of the three seismog-
ignored. Abnormal performance of the explosions, as men- rams resulting from the full-, half- and quarter-shot array. It
tioned earlier, is another factor that must be taken into is apparent that the peak amplitude in the time domain does
account. We have experimental evidence for the accidental not scale linearly with the source yield due to destructive
simultaneous detonation of as much as 500 000 lb of explosives interference between shots of the millisecond-delay-fire pattern.
in the midst of a standard cast blast. Peak amplitude measurements at PDAR (short period) show

0 1997 RAS, GJ1 131, 45-60

56 S. Anandukrishnan, S. R. Taylor und B. W. Stump

Table 1. Parameters for synthetics.

Parameter Value Comments

Location: BT 43.65"N, 105.25"W Black Thunder Coal Mine
Location: PDAR 42.778"N, 109.556-W Pinedale Seismic Research Facility
Rec azimuth, a 240
Rec distance, D 360 km
Yield, W 0.0025 kt 5000 Ib per hole
Number of shots, N 700 700 individual shots made up the BT cast blast of 1994 December 15
Timing 35 ms between holes in a row Laid out in 78 'columns' of nine holes perpendicular to the 4 km long
free face
125, 300, 500, 700, 900, 1000, 1200,
1400 ms between rows
Hole depth, d 40 m
Free-face height 0, 10, 2 0 m
Impact pulse width, T,, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 s
Casting direction, 4 East-west pit

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-2 -

-2 t 1

-2 -
-4 ' '


80 100






220 240

Time (s)
Figure 14. Vertical-component synthetic seismograms resulting from firing the full (top), one-half (middle) and one-quarter (bottom) array are
plotted. The yield is successively halved, but the peak amplitude of the resulting synthetic does not scale linearly.

little if any increase in amplitude with yield for normal Black

Effect of the time function
Thunder cast blasts over the yield range of 2-5 million Ib. At
longer periods (< 1 Hz), the peak amplitudes may scale with We vary the impact pulse width T,,=0.108, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 s
the total yield of the explosive array. and plot the resulting seismograms (for a fixed free-face height
of hff=20m) in Fig. 16. In general, Pg grows both larger and
'spikier' with increasing Kf; note, however, that for T,, =0.5 s,
Effect of free-face height
Pg is a minimum. The amplitudes of the different phases in the
To investigate the contribution of the casting of material into seismograms change in a complex way with changing T,, that
a pit, the free-face height is variously set to h, =0, 10 and is apparently due to the shifting of energy into different
20 m. Fig. 15 is a plot of the resulting seismograms. The peak frequency bands as T,, changes.
amplitudes of Pg and Lg increase linearly with increasing hff A number of different physical phenomena have been intro-
due to the enhanced contribution of fvz, the casting of mass duced into the equivalent elastic model of cast blasting (not
into the pit. The seismograms for hff= 10 and 20 m show a including the complex non-linear interactions around the
strong Rayleigh wave that is due to the horizontal casting explosion), including the directly coupled explosive energy,
based upon the comparison of horizontal and vertical spall vertical spa11 (with and without the pit) and horizontal spall.
contributions in the single-source calculations (Fig. 7). Each source component adds its own complexity to the

0 1997 RAS, G J I 131, 45-60

Regional seismic signals f r o m cast blasting in mines 57


-1 -

I 1 I I I I I I I I

Zo -1

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-4 ' '










Time (s)
Figure 15. Vertical-component synthetic seismograms resulting from free-face height set to 0 m (top), 10 m (middle) and 20 m (bottom). Note
difference in amplitude scales

-5 ' ' I










5 1 I I I I I I 4 I I I

I 1 I I I I I I I

-5 L ' I I I I I I I I I

1$3 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240

51 I I I I I I I I

-5 ' '
40 60 80
100 120
200 220
Time (s)
Figure 16. Vertical-component synthetic seismograms resulting from impact pulse-width set to (top to bottom) 0.108, 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0 s.

resulting seismograms in both the near-source region and at the explosions detonate in the blast sequence, the superposition
regional distances (e.g. Reamer et al. 1992). To illustrate the of these rings from the many individual detonations forms a
2-D and possibly 3-D nature of the source, we modelled the 2-D representation of the radiated seismic energy. Four images
spatial and temporal effects of the directly coupled com- of this process are shown in Fig. 17. As time increases in the
pressional energy from over 700 individual sources. The P latter images, the spatial extent of each figure expands in order
wave from each explosion was represented as a ring growing to capture the complete expanding wavefield.
in radius with time at the P velocity of the in situ material. As Focusing of the P energy in the direction of blast propagation

0 1997 RAS, G J I 131,45-60

58 S. Anandakvishnun, S. R . Tuylor und B. W. Stump

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Figure 17. The constructive and destructive interference of P waves generated by a cast shot at four different time points (upper right-hand
corners). Each of the > 700 boreholes in the explosive array generates a P wave at its detonation time and spatial location, which is represented
by a ring expanding at a velocity of 3000 ft sC1. The bar at the bottom of each image is 5000 ft long and indicates that each successive image in
the sequence includes a greater area, capturing all the P-wave energy.

is illustrated, as well as additional complex constructive and practices including anomalous or accidental detonalions that
destructive interference patterns as a function of azimuth. sometimes accompany standard blasting operations.
Thus, both the body- and surface-wave energy will exhibit The models developed in this paper are quite complex in
strong azimuthal variations. A portion of the azimuthal vari- terms of the range of effects that can be seen in the regional
ation results from the focusing effects of the spatial propagation synthetic seismograms. Constraint of the differen1 source con-
of the individual explosion (Reamer & Stump 1992). Additional tributions will require a combination of good azimuthal and
azimuthal variation is produced by the secondary source frequency coverage of the regional wavefield, constraint on the
function representing the material cast into the pit. regional wave-propagation effects, as well as quantification of
Quantification of these effects at regional distances remains an the blasting practices in the mine, including documentation of
open question but the observations of Bonner et al. (1996) blast timing, spatial extent and mass-motion effects. The
suggest that it is worth exploration. approach here has been to develop an equivalent elastic
representation of the important physical phenomena
accompanying the explosion in order to investigate their effects
on the regional seismograms. Non-linear effects i n the blasting
Models of cast blasting that simulate regional seismograms process are not specifically considered because of the difficulty
have been developed and compared with observational data. in uniquely resolving their contributions to the regional seismo-
Model parameters for these explosions are constrained by grams with existing data.
ground truth information from the cast-blasting process. The In our model of cast blasting we have included the effects
quantification of these models provides a tool for interpreting due to mass transfer into a pit after the blast. This mass
various discriminants for these event types. Validated models transfer has both a vertical and a horizontal component, each
provide a mechanism for investigating effects of other blasting of which contribute to the final seismogram, the latter being

0 1997 RAS, G J I 131, 45-60

Regional seismic signals f r o m cast blasting in mines 59

azimuthally dependent. The contribution to the seismogram GSETT-3 suggest values of between 3.5 and 4.3. The duration
due to the vertical component is approximately equal to the of the explosions and accompanying mass movement can be
explosion contribution for pit depths of about 10m, but in excess of 6-8 s, much longer than a comparable earthquake
dominates for pit depths of 20 m or greater. The Contribution or a nuclear explosion. Observation of the excitation of 8-12 s
due to the horizontal component is mainly in the enhanced surface waves suggests that the source duration and mass
Rayleigh waves. movement into the pit is observable. The modelling technique
Long-period excitation from a combination of the long described in this paper provides the opportunity to understand
source duration and casting process is found in the obser- these effects and determine the robustness of discriminants
vational data as well as in the synthetics, suggesting that these based upon such observations.
types of events might appear closer to the earthquake popu- A second important outcome of the empirical work in
lation on a m,/M, discrimination plot. Comparison of high- quantifying these sources is the frequency of abnormal blasting
frequency seismic radiation from the single shot and cast blast practices. For example, twice in the last year during large cast
shows little difference in the regional waveforms. blasts (>4000 000 lb) we have documented the simultaneous
The cast blasts, in both the observations and the models, (and probably sympathetic) detonation of a number of bore-
show little increase in peak regional amplitude with yield, a holes near the end of a blast (Stump et al. 1996). In one case,
reflection of the delay-firing practice under normal procedures. we estimated that as much as 5000001b of explosives were

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This practice was initiated to reduce ground motions in the simultaneously detonated. The models developed in this study
near-source region around the mine and it appears that it is provide a mechanism for determining the effect of such simul-
also successful in controlling peak amplitudes at regional taneous detonations on the regional (and near-source) wave-
distances. forms. Experts from the blasting community have estimated
The cast blasts are quite long in duration, which may that as many as 1 in 20 (or more) explosions detonate
provide a unique characteristic that can be exploited in our abnormally (Chiappetta, personal communication, 1996). The
analysis of the regional seismograms. Preliminary local magni- modelling simulations will allow us to understand these sources
tudes ( M L ) for cast blasts from NE Wyoming reported by and possibly reduce false alarms under a CTBT.

Figure 18. 3-D model of the mine pit before (grey) and after (dark grey) a cast blast. Data set is developed from overhead photography (see Stump
et al. 1996 for details).

0 1997 RAS, G J I 131,45-60

60 S . Anandakrishnan, S . R . Taylor and B. W . Stump

In future work we will attempt to quantify the spall contri- REFERENCES

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS mining blasts, Bull. seism. Soc. Am., 83, 160-179.
We would like to thank D. Craig Pearson for reviewing the Stump, B.W, 1985. Constraints on explosive sources with spall from
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and David Anderson for help with imaging some of the 2- and 1059-1073.
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pulse with, xf. A thorough review by Michael Hedlin is also Evasion Assessment: A Progress Report, Los Alamos National
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between NTS and Shagan River nuclear explosions, J. geophys. Res.,
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the auspices of the US Department of Energy by Los Alamos Viecelli, J.A., 1973. Spallation and the generation of surface waves by
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0 1997 RAS, GJI 131, 45-60

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