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(Preferred)The Fox and The Crow

Once upon a time there lived a crow. One day, it was very
hungry. “If I do not get anything to eat, then I will die," the
crow said.

When the crow was searching for food, it saw a piece of bread.
It quickly flew down and picked it up. Then, it flew up onto a
tree and enjoyed the bread happily.

Then, a hungry fox was walking around. It saw the crow sitting
on the tree. “Yummy! The bread looks so delicious. I want to
get the bread," the fox said.

The fox quickly made a plan. It wanted the crow to speak. It

sat under the tree. The crow saw the fox and said, “I guess this
fox wants to eat my bread. I shall hold it carefully."

The fox spoke to the crow politely. It said, “Hello friend! How
are you?" But the crow did not say anything.

“Crows are so lovely. I heard that you have a sweet voice.

Please sing a song for me." said the fox to the crow.

Then, the crow started to believe the fox. “I am the most

beautiful bird in the world. I want to sing a song for him," said
the crow.

The crow started to sing. When it opened its mouth, the bread
fell onto the ground. The fox got the bread and ran away
“Oh no! I dropped my bread! You stole my bread!” said the
“ I didn’t steal your bread, you got the compliments and I get
the bread!”
In the end, the crow was hungry and it learnt a big lesson.
The moral of the story is never trust a stranger.
Thank you.

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