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The Great Thinkers: Navigating the Political Landscape of the Ancient World
Course Description: This course embarks on a thrilling intellectual journey through the
minds of the greatest political thinkers of the ancient world. We will grapple with timeless
questions about justice, power, citizenship, and the ideal form of government, as explored by
philosophers and statesmen from Greece, Rome, India, and China. By engaging with their
seminal works, we will not only gain historical insight but also sharpen our own critical
thinking skills and apply their wisdom to contemporary political challenges.

Course Objectives:

 Develop a comprehensive understanding of key concepts and theories in ancient

political thought.
 Analyze the major works of influential thinkers like Plato, Aristotle, Confucius,
Mencius, Cicero, Machiavelli, and Kautilya.
 Compare and contrast diverse perspectives on topics like the nature of justice, the role
of law, the ideal ruler, and the relationship between citizens and the state.
 Enhance critical thinking and argumentation skills through close reading, discussion,
and debate.
 Evaluate the relevance of ancient political thought to contemporary political issues
and debates.

Learning Outcomes
1) Demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of key concepts and theories in ancient
political thought.
2) Analyze the major works of influential thinkers from diverse traditions.
3) Compare and contrast different perspectives on central political questions.
4) Apply insights from ancient political theories to contemporary political issues and

Course Structure:

Module 1: Foundations of Greek Political Thought:

The origins of political philosophy in Greece:

Pre-Socratic Thinkers: Thales, Anaximander, and Heraclitus:
Socrates: The examined life and the Socratic method and the quest for truth.
Plato's "Republic": The ideal state, philosopher-kings, and the allegory of the cave
Aristotle's "Politics": Classification of government, the best state, and the concept of virtue
Hellenistic Period

Stoicism: Zeno of Citium and the Stoic worldview

Epicureanism: Epicurus and the pursuit of pleasure in governance

Module 2: Eastern Traditions of Political Thought:

 Hammurabi: Code of Laws
 Confucianism: harmony, filial piety, and the role of the benevolent ruler.
 Mencius: human nature, education, and the pursuit of the "Great Way."
 Ancient political thought in India: Ancient Political Thought
Sources of political thought in India – Origin of State and early political speculation in
Ancient India - The Vedas – The Mahabharata –Shanti Parva – Political thought of Bhagvad
Gita – Smritis – Kumandakiya Nitisara – Political thought in Manusmriti – Compilations by
Hindu lawyers - Evolution from Puranas to Niti shastras – Buddhist and Jain texts.
Kautilya's Arthashastra: statecraft, diplomacy, and the pursuit of power.

Module 3: Republicanism and the Roman World:

Cicero: Concepts of natural law, justice, and the ideal republic
Seneca: Stoicism in political philosophy
The decline of the Roman Republic: Polybius and the cycles of government

Module 4: Ancient Legacies and Contemporary Relevance:

The enduring influence of ancient political thought on modern ideas of democracy, law, and
Applying ancient wisdom to contemporary challenges: justice, inequality, and the role of
government in the 21st century.
Evaluating the limitations of ancient political theories in light of modern advancements and
societal changes.

1. Stephen Salkever, (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Political
Thought Cambridge University Press, 2009.
2. Barker, Ernest (2010): Greek Political Theory: Plato and His Predecessors, New York:
3. Dunning W.A. (1988): A History of Political Theory: Rousseau to Spencer, Allahabad:
Central Book Depot.
4. Dunning W.A. (2000): History of Political Theories, New Delhi: S. Chand &
5. Ebenstein (2007): Great Political Thinkers (Plato to Present), New Delhi: Sterling
6. Kangle, R. P. (1997) Arthashastra of Kautilya-Part-III: A Study. Delhi: Motilal
7. Wayper C.L. (1986): Political Thought, New Delhi: BI Publications.
8. M.H. Hansen, The Athenian Democracy in the Age of Demosthenes: Structure,
Principles, and Ideology (Oxford, Blackwell, 1991)
9. C.J. Rowe and M. Schofield, eds., The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman
Political Thought (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000)
10. A.A. Long and D. Sedley, The Hellenistic Philosophers, 2 vols. (Cambridge, Cambridge University
Press, 1987)

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