Life Science Question Words

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English IsiXhosa Afrikaans Definition How to answer Example Q

Often you will need to

examine a diagram/graph
and to explain what you see
Hlalutya utolike Examine and Analyse the trend of
Analyse Analiseer by providing reasons from
interpret. the graph.
the image. You must use
what you observe in your

In general always show your

A numerical answer is working out and give a unit Calculate the
Calculate Bala
Bereken needed. of measurement in your average.

Often we will ask to classify

Hlela / beka
based on a diagram, so use
what you can see.
Group things based
Sometimes you will not How do we classify
Classify Klassifiseer on common
always be able to see a plants?
structure so you will need
to know these

miss angler
(pty) LTD
English isixhosa afrikaans definition how to answer example q

Often this will be a table

answer but when writing the
Show either similarities or Compare animal cells with
Compare Thelekisa Vergelyk comparison your answers
differences plant cells.
must complement each

Give a set definition that is

define Chaza intsingiselo Definieer Give a clear meaning. Define homeostasis.
often word for word.

You must provide the How,

State in words the main
Where, When and Why.
points of a Describe the process of
Describe Cacisa Beskryf Often these questions
structure/process/phenome fertilisation.
require lots of detail and in
the correct sequence.

Look at the diagram/graph

To answer by examining provided and come to a Determine the trend of the
Determine Qinisekisa Bepaal
something. conclusion while providing graph.
a reason for your answer.

miss angler
(pty) LTD
English isixhosa afrikaans definition how to answer example q

Often you will need to

explain or list the
Differentiate between active
differences between
Differentiate Ahlula Onderskei Use differences. and passive transport.
processes. (similar to

Take the results and provide

Consider all info and reasons for why they may Discuss the results of the
Discuss Xoxa Bespreek
come to a conclusion. have happened. experiment.

Often this answer will have

a “cause” and “effect”
Provide a reason. structure. It will contain the
Explain Chaza Verduidelik Explain fertilisation.
How and Why. (Often
confused with describe)

Select visible
Chonga / structures/processes from
Name the essential
Identify ukwazi ukuba Identifiseer the diagram given. Normally Identify the process at A.
into iyintoni this question requires you to
label something.

miss angler
(pty) LTD
English isixhosa afrikaans definition how to answer example q

Provide names for

xela / leyibhela Identify on a diagram or processes, structures, Label the diagram of the
Label Byskrif
drawing. regions or products. heart.

Often these questions

require single word
List items but with no
answers. Remember if it List the requirements for
List Yenza uluhlu Lys further detail.
asks for 2 but you give 3 gaseous exchange.
they will only mark the first
2 answers.

These answers require no Where does photosynthesis

Mention khankanya Noem Refer to relevant points further explanation just a occur and mention the
statement. organelle used.

One word answers.

Xela / biza Remember if they ask to
Give the name (proper Name TWO organs found in
Name igama / Noem name 2 things but you name
noun) of something the digestive system.
khankanya 4 they can only mark the
first 2.

Short answers are given,

Write down information
Se (bracket normally one sentence or a State the purpose of
State Xela / chaza without further
on the “e”) phrase. There is no further chlorophyll.
explanation needed.
English isixhosa afrikaans definition how to answer example q

These often higher-order

questions require you to Suggest TWO reasons for
Offer an explanation or
Suggest Bonisa Stel voor think above what has been the results seen in the
provided and to make link experiment.
between ideas.

The answers in the table

Hlela must read left to right and
Tabulate the differences
ngokwemiqolo/ must complement each
Tabulate Tabuleer Draw a table between ligaments and
ngokwemihlathi other. In other words they
must consist of the same

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