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Mata Kuliah : MKDU Bahasa Inggris Hari : Jum’at

Kode MK : UNU2005 Tanggal : 25 November 2022
Dosen Pengampu : TIM Dosen Jenis Soal : Pil. Ganda & Essay
Jam : 08.30 s/d 10.20 WITA Sifat soal : Tertulis / Close Book

Choose part of speech from the bold word below! (Question 1 to 5)

1. My friends are friendly

a. Verb

b. Adjective

c. Noun

d. Adverb
2. We never eat dinner with him

a. Verb

b. Adjective

c. Noun

d. Adverb
3. You go with me to the Q-mall

a. Verb

b. Adjective

c. Noun

d. Adverb
4. She is my classmate at university

a. Verb

b. Adjective

c. Noun

d. Adverb
5. They do homework at home

a. Verb

b. Adjective

c. Noun

d. Adverb
Complete the sentences below! (Question 6 to 20)

6. …… we at the same English class?

a. Is

b. Do

c. Are

d. Does
7. He …… a lecturer of NU University

a. is

b. do

c. are

d. does
8. …… they have breakfast at seven o’clock in the morning?

a. Is

b. do

c. are

d. does
9. My sister …… beautiful eyes.

a. Is

b. are

c. have

d. has
10. They …… much money to buy the shoes

a. Is

b. are

c. have

d. has

11. My brother has …… motorbike.

a. a

b. any

c. much

d. a lot of

12. The waitress does not serve …… coffee.

a. three

b. any

c. many

d. a

13. My mother cooks …… rice in the kitchen.

a. Some

b. many

c. a

d. several
14. You put the flowers into four ……

a. Box

b. Box

c. Boxes

d. Boxies

15. My friend gives me five ……

a. Cake

b. Cakes

c. Cakeses

d. Cakies

16. My mother said “…… cat sleeps on the armchair”

a. a

b. an

c. the

d. Two

17. She uses …… umbrella when it is rain.

a. a

b. an

c. the

d. three
18. We study at …… University of NU.

a. a

b. an

c. the

d. two

19. They have …… boyfriends.

a. a

b. an

c. the

d. two

20. The students write …… article.

a. a

b. an

c. some

d. two

Look at the picture and complete the sentences below! (Question 21 to 32)
21. I love …… red apple

a. This

b. These

c. That
d. Those

22. …… dog walks with me every noon.

a. This

b. These

c. That

d. Those
23. She likes …… black car.

a. This

b. These

c. That

d. Those
24. …… are seven boys.

a. This

b. These

c. That

d. Those

25. …… are six pencils.

a. This

b. These

c. That

d. Those
26. …… is a big clock.

a. This

b. These

c. That

d. Those
27. The bird is …… the brown box.

a. in

b. on

c. beside

d. between
28. The bird is …… the brown box.

a. in

b. on

c. behind

d. between
29. The bird is …… the brown box.

a. in

b. on

c. behind

d. between
30. The bird is …… the brown box.

a. in

b. on

c. behind

d. between
31. The bird is …… the brown box.

a. in front of

b. on

c. behind

d. between
32. The bird is …… the brown box.

a. in
b. on
c. behind
d. between
Read this text and choose the correct answer. (Question 33 to 34)

What is a tax? A tax is money sent to our government. This money is used to support
programs in our country. Tax is necessary because it’s the only way to keep a country going.
Without the government collecting taxes, it would have no money to spend on education,
schools, hospitals, roads, public transportation, etc. You are considered as a personal
resident taxpayer if you have been in Indonesia for at least 183 days within 12 months or
have been in Indonesia during a fiscal year and plans to live in Indonesia for longer. Not
every country has the same taxation system. People in Sweden and Denmark pay very high
tax, but then schools, hospitals and other social services are free. In America, tax is lower
but Americans have to pay for their own healthcare. If you have no money or insurance, you
can’t go to hospital.

33. Where does the government get most of its money?

a. It prints money
b. It sells land
c. Taxes
d. It produces products to sell

34. Tax is taken to pay for, except...

a. Education
b. Public transportation
c. Nuclear power
d. Roads

35. Please identify part of speech from the paragraph below as many as possible
The use of taxes has been around for centuries. In ancient Mesopotamia, taxes were paid in
the form of animals or goods since formal money had not yet been invented. Over the years,
different forms of money were invented, and the collection of taxes continued. Today, taxes
are collected in different ways and at various levels of government. Nowdays, taxpayers can
make tax payments without having to queue at the Bank or Post Office. They can pay their
tax by utilizing ATM, mobile banking and internet banking facilities.

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