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(UNPAZ 01) La enseñanza de la

gramática en la clase de inglés: nuevas

perspectivas, nuevos rumbos 2023 -

This portfolio has been created to facilitate collaborative work towards your final projects.
They can be used synchronously and/or asynchronously, to do the different enabling tasks
that you will work on as each group’s members finish the activities on the platform. Enabling
tasks are due one week after each module is over. If you work collaboratively on each
module’s task along the course, you will find it a lot easier when you get to the final project.
The point is to see this space as a means for learning collaboratively. This is the last course
requirement, together with active participation in the forums and completion of all the
obligatory activities.

Name the file as follows:



Module n°1:

The activities below are meant as a guide for group reflection, as well as scaffolds for the
final analysis. You are supposed to work on the answers collaboratively. If it suits you better,
you can easily do this asynchronously, by using google doc’s tools, such as font colours,
notes or suggestions.

PART 1: Check out the files provided in the “Final Task” tab, and choose ONE file to work
with. Focus on the grammar topics. Then, fill in the chart.


Unit: 4

MORPHOLOGY Are tenses currently undergoing any Although the book is

variation in ELF settings? Is there relatively new, it is not
any evidence in the textbook? following ELF standards.
Evidence of this is the
presentation of a chart with
SPELLINGS (page 46) in
order to make SS internalize
the “correct form” following
Standard English norms (SE)

Are there other words that may In the section KEY

behave differently in ELF settings, LANGUAGE (P. 45 ) the
from Standard English norms? SUBJECT- VERB slots are
What about verb patterns? presented as a formulaic
pattern. It is possible that a
student may use the
AFFIRMATIVE pattern as a
QUESTION by adding a
question mark at the end of
the affirmative form. This
could be a reflection of an
an EFL setting but in an ELF
it may well not be considered
as a serious mistake affecting
intelligibility, instead we can
remember that “one of the
tenets of ELF communication
is that it is more about
content than form, with the
focus on the message and
getting the meaning across” (
Cogo, 2009) Of course we
can also say that when
language is taught, it needs
to be appropriate to the
context and that being aware
of these mistakes are well
worth considering.

TEACHER Which activities from the book ACT Nº 10 P.46 could be

ATTITUDES would you adapt so that your adapted as a SPEAKING
approach is less Eurocentric? (In ASSESSMENT using a
other words, can you think of rubric CLARITY /
practical activities so that we can COMPREHENSIBILITY.
start decolonising our profession?
Then T will explain that:

As additional language
learners we will never sound
exactly like a native-speaker
so, It could be valuable that
before doing the task SS
should not try to sound like a
native speaker as the MAIN
GOAL, instead they should
focus on clarity, articulation
and comprehension.

after this :

T plays the track for SS to

read and listen to the
dialogue , then in pairs they
rehearse (3 or 4 mins.) Next,
T could ask for volunteers to
role play the conversation
and T will only interfere when
incomprehensibility occurs.

When the activity is

completed, the class could
discuss how well it went.

PART 2: Answer the questions below. (Write no more than 100 words)

What is the impact of ELF in the teaching of English?

ELF presupposes a change of paradigm in English teaching unthought-of before. We
believe its most significant impact has to do with an emphasis on communication
when using the language, rather than with the once common prescriptivism which
revolved around correctness of form. Essentially, this new perspective might aid
learners in assuming a different and positive attitude towards the learning process,
especially in relation with mistakes and errors, which will not be penalized as they
used to.

Good job!
Some comments to go on reflecting and revising the material in weeks 1 & 2 with a view to
the final task.

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