Acevedo - Final Task - May 2023

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(UNPAZ 01) La enseñanza de la gramática en la clase de inglés:

nuevas perspectivas, nuevos rumbos 2023

Final Task

Use the same textbook unit you’ve chosen for Task 1 and 2 and focus ONLY on
the grammar topics taught in that unit. Then, answer the questions below.

● Book: TOP SECRET 3

● Level: PRIMARY
● Unit: 4

The grammar is presented inductively, the

● Is the grammar point presented
unit starts with a controlled drilling
inductively or deductively? Provide exercise (p. 44) where STS listen and
examples. repeat the correct grammatical form of the
● What are the advantages and present continuous without stating any
rule. The use of pictures helps STS to
disadvantages of the way it is associate grammar and function first.
presented? Next, STS will be shown syntactic and
morphological forms to be applied in short
sentences in context. Pictures play a key
role to associate verbs and their
meanings (pp. 45-46)
The unit has the advantage of using
pictures and simple grammar boxes which
help learners to associate meanings of
verbs and functions quickly. Sentences
are short and appropriate for the level and
topics are engaging and grammar
explanations are kept to a minimum.

Grammar is presented mostly using a

● Is it presented as part of a text or is it
sentence-focus approach.

On p. 46, a dialogue is presented using

● Provide examples of spoken and written
the target grammar in the context of a
grammar taken from the textbook. If conversation. The exercise involves the
there isn’t any instance of spoken use of contractions, interjections and
grammar, include examples of your own expressions such as “oh dear!”, “ha ha
that would be relevant in the unit. ha! “, utterances are short, speakers
construct the conversation together.

Later on, p. 52 ex. 2 the unit aims at

teaching features of written grammar:
correct sentence structure, capitalization
and punctuation following an example.

● Does the textbook resort to L1 or There is no use of translation activities in

to translation? the textbook. But T could implement a
● How would you use Spanish to connection between both languages, for
present this grammar topic? instance: I would explain to STS that
Spanish also has a similar tense called
"presente progresivo” I would show them
the equivalent Spanish examples, such as
"Estoy comiendo" (I am eating) or "Ellos
(UNPAZ 01) La enseñanza de la gramática en la clase de inglés:
nuevas perspectivas, nuevos rumbos 2023
están corriendo" (They are running).

Another useful strategy is to compare

verb endings: I discuss the verb endings
in both languages. First, in Spanish, the
present continuous tense is formed by
using the verb "estar" (to be) followed by
the present participle (-ando/- iendo
endings). And that in English, it is formed
by using the verb "to be" in the present
tense (am, is, are) followed by the present
participle (-ing ending).

The use of situational videos:

● Suggest an improved conversations, interviews, video games
presentation for the topic in the etc. would engage STS as most of them
unit, considering the questions are surrounded by social media and
above. technology on a daily basis. They could
reflect a less artificial presentation instead
of the typical book prepared content.


How does the role of error correction differ in ELF and EFL contexts? Explain briefly.
Choose one of the following case-studies, decide whether you would correct the
following mistakes, and account for your decision. (200 - 250 w)

The role of error correction in ELF and EFL contexts differs primarily due to the goals
and expectations associated with each context:
In ELF contexts, the main focus is on effective communication and mutual
understanding rather than strict adherence to native-like proficiency. The purpose is
to facilitate communication among speakers with different first languages. In such
contexts, error correction may be less emphasized or even discouraged. Corrections
that do occur are typically related to misunderstandings or major comprehension
issues that hinder effective communication.
On the other hand, In EFL contexts, the primary aim is to develop proficiency in
English as a foreign language. In these settings, error correction plays a more
prominent role. The focus is on helping learners develop correct language usage and
reduce errors to improve their overall proficiency.
(UNPAZ 01) La enseñanza de la gramática en la clase de inglés:
nuevas perspectivas, nuevos rumbos 2023

Learners’ profile 1 Learners’ profile 2

Teaching context A course in an A course in a state- run

extracurricular programme secondary school.
at university.

Type of activity to work Communicative Communicative

on the spoken medium

Students Adults ( + 18 ) Teenagers

Level of proficiency in A2 ( Pre- Intermediate) A2 ( Pre- intermediate)


Utterances with deviations from standard English, produced by students

during a communicative activity

1- People thinks this is correct.

2- Did you went to the beach last summer?

Utterance 1 / learner profile 2 (People thinks this is correct)

As students are involved in a communicative activity where fluency is the main aim, I
WOULD NOT CORRECT this mistake immediately. Instead, I would let them finish
the activity first, take notes of the mistake to later explain/teach to the group that
good grammatical control is important to follow English native forms. However, I
would point out that even native speakers can omit, adapt or even break
grammatical rules according to their needs but most of the time the communicative
purpose of language is achieved. Still, I think that to correct STS errors in judiciou
ways is important and it that correction will help them to improve their overall
proficiency , to gain confidence , and finally to express their ideas in the multicultural
and interconnected world of today.
(UNPAZ 01) La enseñanza de la gramática en la clase de inglés:
nuevas perspectivas, nuevos rumbos 2023


Performance criteria Meets expectations Meets expectations Below expectations

fully partially

● Grammar: VG
Deductive vs
● Pros & cons of the

● Sentence Grammar VG
or Text Grammar.

● Spoken vs Written

● The use of L1 in VG
the textbook and as
a tool to teach

● An improved OK
presentation for the
grammar topic in
the unit.

Reflection question

FINAL RESULT APROBADO. The concept of ELF needs working on, though

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