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Part A Takaful Basic Examination

Basic Takaful and Medical & Health Takaful

Wealth The preservation and protection of wealth i.e. property, non-property,

cash, stock etc. under all circumstances.
The pro-
against misfortunes or disasters.

1.1.3 Sources of

There are four sources of law agreed by the majority of scholars are as follow:

Source Descriptions

words of SWT that are revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW in the

Arabic language as His argumentation.
Sunnah Literally Sunnah means habitual or customary practice, whether this
practice is good or bad. In the terminology of U -Fiqh or principles of
jurisprudence, Sunnah denotes a saying (qawl), action ( ) or tacit
approval (taqrîr) related from the Prophet SAW or issuing from him other

It can be divided into three categories:

1. Sunnah by Words (Sunnah Qawliyyah)

Refers to the words of Prophet SAW or the messages he conveyed

( , Hadith No. 2378)

2. Sunnah by Action ( )
This type of Sunnah refers to the conducts of the Prophet SAW from
which legal rulings are derived or have been relied upon.

Example : The way Prophet SAW performs his prayer ( ).

3. Sunnah by Agreement ( )
It refers to the sanction of Prophet SAW (or he did not prohibit as
the case may be) on the saying or actions of his companion(s).

Example, after the call to prayer ( ) is made for Maghrib, some

companions used to perform additional prayer (commendable); of
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