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Chapter 12: Introduction to Acid & Base Notes

Define Acid and Base with one example each.

Acid is such a substance which gives H+ ions in solution state. Example-HCl

A base is a substance whose water solution gives hydroxide (OH-) ions. Example-NaOH

What are the properties of Acid?

Properties of acid :
1. Acids are sour in taste.
2. Acid molecules contain hydrogen ion (H+) as a main constituent.
3. Acid reacts with metal to form hydrogen gas.
4. Acid reacts with carbonates and liberates CO2 gas.
5. Blue litmus turns red in acid.

What are the properties of a base?

1. Bases have a bitter taste.
2. They are slippery.
3. Bases contain hydroxide (OH-) as a main constituent.
4. Metal oxides are generally basic.

Write chemical names from given formulae.

H2SO4, Ca(OH)2, HCl, NaOH, KOH, NH4OH

H2SO4 – Sulphuric acid

Ca(OH)2 – Calcium hydroxide
HCl – Hydrochloric acid
NaOH – Sodium hydroxide
KOH – Potassium hydroxide
NH4OH – Ammonium hydroxide

What is an indicator? Name some indicators and their colours in acid and base.

The substances which change their colours in the presence of acid or base are called ‘Indicators’.

Answer the following:

Question a.
Which acid is used for getting chloride salt?
Hydrochloric acid is used for getting chloride salt.

Question b.
By squeezing lemon on a piece of rock the gas liberated turned lime water milky. Which compound is present in the rock?
Metal carbonate is present in the rock.

Question c.
The label on the bottle of chemicals is spoiled. How will you find out whether the chemical is acidic or not?
The chemical is tested with blue litmus paper. If it turns red it is acidic otherwise tested with red litmus paper, if it turns blue, it is

Classify the following substances into acidic, basic and neutral groups:
HCl, NaCl, MgO, KCl, CaO, H2SO4, HNO3, H2O and Na2CO3.

What is Neutralization?
We have seen that acid contains (H+) hydrogen ions and base contains(OH-) hydroxide ions. Salt and water are formed by the
combination of acid and base.
Acid + Base Salt + Water
HCl + NaOH= NaCl + H2O
(Hydrochloric acid) (Sodium hydroxide) (Sodium chloride) (Water)
This chemical reaction is called neutralization.

Match the pairs.

Group A Group B
1. Tamarind a. Acetic acid
2. Curd b. Citric acid
3. Lemon c. Tartaric acid
4. Vinegar d. Lactic acid


Group A Group B
1. Tamarind a. Tartaric acid
2. Curd b. Lactic Acid
3. Lemon c. Citric acid
4. Vinegar d. Acetic acid

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