Want To and Have To-2

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1. Play outside for at least 30 minutes every day.

2. Help with simple chores like setting the table.
3. Learn emergency contact information.
4. Complete homework assignments before playtime.
5. Take turns and share toys with friends.
6. Express feelings through words or drawings.
7. Set a timer for chores or homework to stay on track.
8. Create a craft project once a month.
9. Read for at least 20 minutes every day.
10. Participate in a sports team or physical activity twice a week.
11. Wash hands before meals and after using the restroom.
12. Practice saying "please" and "thank you" consistently.
13. Turn off lights and electronics when not in use.
14. Ask questions in class to understand lessons better.
15. Follow a regular bedtime routine for a good night's sleep.
16. Share highlights of the day during family meals.
17. Listen actively when others are speaking.
18. Spend 30 minutes drawing or coloring each week.
19. Feed the family pet on a regular schedule.
20. Plant a small garden or care for houseplants.

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