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1. What is the color of an adult Bombyx mori moth?

a) Black b) Brown c) Whitish d) GreenC

2. How many eggs does a female Bombyx mori moth lay within 24 hours at about 24°C? a) 100 to 200
b) 300 to 500 c) 500 to 700 d) 700 to 900B
3. How long is a newly hatched Bombyx mori larva? a) About 1 mm b) About 2 mm c) About 3 mm d)
About 4 mmC
4. How many ‘sleeps’ or dormancy periods does a Bombyx mori larva go through? a) Two b) Three c)
Four d) FiveC
5. How many days does a Bombyx mori larva eat before it starts spinning its cocoon? a) About 10
days b) About 15 days c) About 20 days d) About 25 daysC
6. How many days does a Bombyx mori larva eat before it starts spinning its cocoon? a) About 10
days b) About 15 days c) About 20 days d) About 25 daysC
7. How long does a Bombyx mori caterpillar take to complete a cocoon? a) About 1 day b) About 2
days c) About 3 days d) About 4 daysD
8. How long is the silk thread that forms a Bombyx mori cocoon? a) 100 to 600 meters b) 400 to 1500
meters c) 1600 to 2700 meters d) 2800 to 3900 metersB
9. How many days does it take for a Bombyx mori pupa to transform into a full-grown adult? a) Five
days b) Ten days c) Fifteen days d) Twenty daysB
10. What does the adult Bombyx mori secrete to dissolve the cocoon at one end? a) A type of acid b) A
type of base c) A type of enzyme d) A type of saltC
11. How many days does it take for Bombyx mori larvae to hatch out from the eggs? a) 5 to 6 days b) 7
to 8 days c) 9 to 10 days d) 11 to 12 daysC
12. Which of the following sequences represents the correct life cycle stages of Bombyx mori?A) Egg,
larva, pupa, adult B) Egg, pupa, larva, adult C) Larva, egg, pupa, adult D) Larva, pupa, egg, adultA
13. In which stage does Bombyx mori undergo metamorphosis? A) Egg B) Larva C) Pupa D) AdultC
14. What is the primary food source for Bombyx mori during its larval stage? A) Leaves of mulberry
trees B) Nectar from flowers C) Decaying organic matter D) Small insectsA
15. Which stage of the Bombyx mori life cycle is characterized by spinning a silk cocoon? A) Egg B)
Larva C) Pupa D) AdultB
16. What is the average lifespan of a Bombyx mori moth? a) 1-2 days b) 1-2 weeks c) 1-2 months d) 1-
2 yearsB
17. What is the primary function of the Bombyx mori moth? a) To eat b) To spin silk c) To reproduce d)
To shed skinC
18. How many molting stages does the Bombyx mori larva go through before it becomes a pupa? a)
Two b) Three c) Four d) FiveC
19. What is the color of the Bombyx mori cocoon? a) White b) Yellow c) Green d) BrownA
20. What is the primary diet of the Bombyx mori larva? a) Grass b) Mulberry leaves c) Oak leaves d)
21. How long does it take for the Bombyx mori larva to spin a cocoon? a) 2-3 days b) 4-5 days c) 6-7
days d) 8-9 daysB
22. How long does the Bombyx mori pupa stage last? a) 10-12 days b) 13-15 days c) 16-18 days d) 19-
21 daysB
23. How many eggs does a female Bombyx mori moth typically lay? a) 100-200 b) 200-300 c) 300-400
d) 400-500D
24. What is the temperature range suitable for the growth of Bombyx mori larvae? a) 20-25°C b) 25-
30°C c) 30-35°C d) 35-40°CB
25. What is the humidity range suitable for the growth of Bombyx mori larvae? a) 50-60% b) 60-70% c)
70-80% d) 80-90%C
26. What is the scientific name of the Indian tasar silkworm? a) Bombyx mori b) Antheraea mylitta c)
Antheraea assama d) Samia cynthia ricini
27. Which silk moth is known for its golden-yellow muga silk? a) Antheraea mylitta b) Antheraea
assama c) Antheraea yamamai d) Antheraea roylei
28. Which silk moth is known for its white or brick-red eri silk? a) Antheraea mylitta b) Antheraea
assama c) Samia cynthia ricini d) Antheraea roylei
29. Which silk moth is native to China and is known for its white or yellowish silk? a) Antheraea mylitta
b) Antheraea assama c) Bombyx mori d) Antheraea roylei
30. The larvae of which silk moth feed on oak leaves? a) Antheraea mylitta b) Antheraea assama c)
Antheraea yamamai d) Antheraea roylei
31. Which silk moth is known for its tasar silk and is a native of India? a) Antheraea mylitta b) Antheraea
assama c) Samia cynthia ricini d) Antheraea roylei
32. What is the silk gland in Bombyx mori also known as? a) Salivary gland b) Labial gland c)
Mandibular gland d) Pharyngeal glandB
33. Where does the silk gland lie in relation to the alimentary canal in Bombyx mori larvae? a) Dorsal b)
Ventral c) Lateral d) MedialB
34. How many distinct regions does each silk gland have? a) Two b) Three c) Four d) FiveB
35. What is secreted by the posterior region of the silk gland? a) Sericin b) Fibroin c) Chitin d) KeratinB
36. What is the shape of the middle region of the silk gland? a) U-shaped b) V-shaped c) W-shaped d)
37. What is the function of the anterior region of the silk gland? a) Secretion of silk b) Storage of silk c)
Maturation of silk d) Transportation of silkD
38. What is the name of the projection that draws the silk out in the form of a fine filament? a) Spinneret
b) Spindle c) Spatula d) SpiculeA
39. What are the two filaments coming out of the two sides of the silk gland called? a) Brins b) Baves c)
Bolls d) BudsA
40. How many layers does the silk gland wall have? a) Two b) Three c) Four d) FiveB
41. What is the name of the glands that open into the anterior part of the silk gland near its opening into
the spinneret? a) Filippi’s gland b) Lyonnet’s gland c) Malpighian gland d) Meibomian glandA
42. What is the product obtained from mulberry silkworms that is of economic importance?A. WoolB.
SilkC. HoneyD. Wax
43. What is the process of transferring silkworm eggs to a cooler place before they are ready to hatch
called?A. IncubationB. FertilizationC. ChillingD. Conditioning
44. What is the term used to describe the phenomenon of producing multiple generations in a year by
organisms?A) VoltinismB) MetamorphosisC) ParthenogenesisD) HibernationA
45. What is the primary food source for mulberry silkworm larvae during rearing?A) Mulberry leavesB)
Oak leavesC) Maple leavesD) Elm leavesA
46. Which stage of the mulberry silkworm life cycle is responsible for spinning silk cocoons? A) LarvaB)
PupaC) AdultD) EggB
47. What is the ideal temperature range for rearing mulberry silkworms? A) 0-5°CB) 10-15°CC) 20-
25°CD) 30-35°CC
48. Which of the following factors is NOT important for successful rearing of mulberry silkworms? A)
HumidityB) VentilationC) Noise levelD) HygieneC
49. Which of the following factors is crucial for the success of mulberry silkworm rearing but can be
challenging to control? A) TemperatureB) HumidityC) VentilationD) Food availabilityB
50. What does voltinism refer to in the context of silkworms? a) The color of the silkworm b) The size of
the silkworm c) The number of generations per year d) The lifespan of the silkwormC
51. Which type of silkworm race produces only one generation per year? a) Univoltine b) Bivoltine c)
Multivoltine d) SemivoltineA
52. Which type of silkworm race can have more than three generations per year? a) Univoltine b)
Bivoltine c) Multivoltine d) SemivoltineC
53. What is the term for the dormant state that the eggs of univoltine silkworms enter until the next
spring? a) Diapause b) Dormancy c) Hibernation d) QuiescenceA
54. Which type of silkworm race has two generations per year, with the first generation adults
developing from eggs hatched in spring and the second generation adults developing from non-
diapausing eggs? a) Univoltine b) Bivoltine c) Multivoltine d) SemivoltineB
55. What is the purpose of "mountage" in the rearing of mulberry silkworms? A) To stimulate cocoon
spinningB) To induce moltingC) To control population densityD) To improve hygieneA
56. Which stage of the mulberry silkworm life cycle is characterized by the consumption of large
amounts of food to prepare for pupation? A) LarvaB) PupaC) AdultD) EggA
57. What is the primary reason for maintaining proper hygiene during the rearing of mulberry
silkworms? A) To prevent diseasesB) To reduce food wasteC) To improve silk qualityD) To increase
cocoon productionA
58. Which of the following is NOT a common method for controlling pests and diseases in mulberry
silkworm rearing? A) Chemical pesticidesB) Biological control agentsC) Cultural practicesD) Genetic
59. What is the process of unwinding silk from a cocoon called?A. SpinningB. ReelingC. WeavingD.
60. Which of the following is not a step in the process of silk extraction?A. SericultureB. Reeling the
silkC. DegummingD. FermentationD
61. What is the substance that is removed from raw silk during the degumming process?A. SericinB.
FibroinC. KeratinD. CollagenA
62. What is the name of the device used traditionally for reeling silk from cocoons?A. LoomB.
CharkhaC. SpindleD. Silk reelD
63. Why are the cocoons boiled before reeling the silk?A. To soften the sericinB. To kill the pupaC. To
clean the silkD. All of the aboveD
64. What is the process of twisting together strands of silk to create a thicker thread called?A.
SpinningB. ThrowingC. WeavingD. KnittingB
65. Which of the following is not a type of silk?A. Mulberry silkB. Tussar silkC. Eri silkD. Cashmere silkD
66. What is the process of removing impurities from the silk called?A. ReelingB. ScouringC.
DegummingD. ThrowingC
67. What is the process of dyeing silk fabric called?A. ScouringB. DegummingC. DyeingD. ThrowingC
68. What is the name of the raw silk thread composed of several finer threads joined together?A. Spun
silkB. Thrown silkC. Raw silkD. Organzine silkD
69. What is the name of the machine used to unwind silk fibers from cocoons? A) SpinneretB) LoomC)
ReelerD) SpinnerC
70. During the reeling process, silk fibers are typically unwound from how many cocoons
simultaneously? A) OneB) TwoC) ThreeD) FourA
71. Which part of the silkworm's life cycle involves spinning a cocoon made of silk fibers? A) Larval
stageB) Pupal stageC) Adult stageD) Egg stageB
72. What is the main component of silk fibers? A) CottonB) WoolC) ProteinD) PolyesterC
73. After reeling, silk fibers are typically subjected to a process called ____ to remove impurities and
prepare them for spinning. A) DyeingB) BleachingC) WashingD) IroningB
74. What is the primary method used to dry cocoons to achieve better silk quality? a) Sun drying b) Hot
air drying c) Cold air drying d) Natural air dryingB
75. Which of the following cocoons are unsuitable for reeling quality silk and should be sorted out? a)
Double cocoons b) Flimsy cocoons c) Melted cocoons d) All of the aboveD
76. What is the ideal temperature for the 5th instar stage of silkworm development? a) 23-24°C b) 24-
25°C c) 25-26°C d) 26-28°CA
77. What is the ideal humidity for the 5th instar stage of silkworm development? a) 60% b) 70% c) 80%
d) 90%B
78. Which of the following types of silk is primarily produced by wild silkworms? A) Mulberry silkB)
Tussar silkC) Muga silkD) Eri silkC
79. Which part of the silk cocoon is used to extract silk fibers during the reeling process? A) Inner
layerB) Outer layerC) Middle layerD) All layers are usedA
80. During the reeling process, what is used to soften the sericin (silk gum) and facilitate the unwinding
of silk fibers from the cocoon? A) Hot waterB) Cold waterC) SteamD) Acid solutionA
81. Which of the following countries is NOT a major producer of silk? A) ChinaB) IndiaC) BrazilD)
82. What is the name of the process of twisting silk fibers together to form a continuous thread suitable
for weaving or knitting? A) ReelingB) SpinningC) CombingD) CardingB
83. What is the primary purpose of mulberry cocoon management in sericulture?A) Increase silk yield
and qualityB) Control pests and diseasesC) Enhance mulberry leaf productionD) Promote cocoon
84. Which of the following factors is crucial for successful mulberry cocoon management in sericulture?
A) Temperature and humidity controlB) Soil pH and nutrient levelsC) Mulberry tree species
diversityD) Cocoon spinning durationA
85. What is the ideal stage of mulberry leaf harvest for maximizing silk production in sericulture?A) Bud
stageB) Flowering stageC) Young leaf stageD) Mature leaf stageC
86. What is the ideal stage of mulberry leaf harvest for maximizing silk production in sericulture?A) Bud
stageB) Flowering stageC) Young leaf stageD) Mature leaf stageC
87. What is the most common disease of mulberry silkworms?A. GrasserieB. FlacherieC. MuscardineD.
88. Which of the following is a viral disease in silkworms?A. GrasserieB. FlacherieC. MuscardineD.
89. What is the causative agent of the disease Pebrine in silkworms?A. BacteriaB. VirusC. FungusD.
90. Which of the following is not a control measure for silkworm diseases?A. Use of antibioticsB.
Maintaining hygieneC. Use of pesticidesD. Regular health check-upsC
91. What is the primary pest of mulberry plants?A. SilkwormB. Leaf rollerC. ThripsD. AphidsB
92. Which of the following is a fungal disease in silkworms?A. GrasserieB. FlacherieC. MuscardineD.
93. What is the control measure for the disease Muscardine in silkworms?A. Use of antiviral drugsB.
Use of antibioticsC. Use of antifungal drugsD. Use of antiprotozoal drugsC
94. Which of the following is a bacterial disease in silkworms?A. GrasserieB. FlacherieC. MuscardineD.
95. What is the control measure for the disease Flacherie in silkworms?A. Use of antiviral drugsB. Use
of antibioticsC. Use of antifungal drugsD. Use of antiprotozoal drugsB
96. Which of the following is not a symptom of silkworm diseases?A. Loss of appetiteB. Slow growthC.
DiscolorationD. Increased silk productionD
97. What is the control measure for the disease Grasserie in silkworms?A. Use of antiviral drugsB. Use
of antibioticsC. Use of antifungal drugsD. Use of antiprotozoal drugsA
98. Which of the following is a protozoan disease in silkworms?A. GrasserieB. FlacherieC.
MuscardineD. PebrineD
99. What is the control measure for the disease Pebrine in silkworms?A. Use of antiviral drugsB. Use of
antibioticsC. Use of antifungal drugsD. Use of antiprotozoal drugsD
100. Which of the following is not a pest of mulberry plants?A. SilkwormB. Leaf rollerC. ThripsD.
101. What is the control measure for pests of mulberry plants?A. Use of antiviral drugsB. Use of
pesticidesC. Use of antifungal drugsD. Use of antiprotozoal drugsB
102. Which mulberry species is native to the Indian subcontinent and is commonly used in
traditional medicine?a) Morus alba b) Morus nigra c) Morus indica d) Morus serrataC
103. What is the primary symptom of flacherie disease in mulberry silkworms?A) Yellowing of
leavesB) Darkening of larvaeC) Loss of appetiteD) Crawling of larvaeB
104. Which of the following pests commonly affects mulberry leaves, leading to defoliation?A)
AphidsB) CaterpillarsC) MealybugsD) ThripsB
105. Which of the following is an effective biological control measure against mulberry pests?A)
Chemical pesticidesB) Neem oil sprayC) Introducing natural predatorsD) MulchingC
106. Which disease is caused by a fungus and results in the yellowing and drying of mulberry
leaves?A) Flacherie B) PebrineC) Wilt diseaseD) Rust diseaseD
107. What is the recommended method for controlling mulberry silkworm diseases and pests
without harming the environment?A) Biological controlB) Synthetic chemical pesticidesC) Burning
infected plantsD) Soil fumigationA
108. What is the employment potential of sericulture in West Bengal?a) Lowb) Moderatec) Highd)
109. What is the employment potential of sericulture in West Bengal?A) Limited job opportunities
due to mechanizationB) Moderate job opportunities mainly in rural areasC) High job opportunities
mainly in urban areasD) Negligible job opportunities due to lack of demandB
110. Which factor contributes to the growth of sericulture in West Bengal?A) Harsh climatic
conditionsB) Availability of suitable landC) Limited water resourcesD) High levels of air pollutionB
111. What role does the government play in promoting sericulture in West Bengal?A) Providing
subsidies only to urban sericulture unitsB) Offering tax breaks exclusively to large-scale sericulture
companiesC) Implementing schemes and providing financial assistance to sericulture farmersD)
Ignoring sericulture as an agricultural sectorC
112. Which aspect of sericulture contributes to sustainable employment generation in West
Bengal?A) Seasonal nature of sericulture activitiesB) Lack of technological advancements in the
industryC) Continuous demand for silk productsD) High investment requirement for setting up
sericulture unitsC
113. How does sericulture contribute to rural development in West Bengal?A) By causing
environmental degradationB) By decreasing agricultural productivityC) By providing alternative
sources of income to rural householdsD) By increasing rural-to-urban migrationC

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