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Characters Active Transport Passive Transport

Definition The movement of molecules The movement of ions and

across a membrane from a molecules across the cell
region of lower concentration membrane without requiring
to a region of higher energy
concentration against the
concentration gradient

Energy Requirement Requires cellular energy Does not require cellular

Concentration Gradient The movement of molecules Circulates from a region of

across a membrane from a higher concentration to a
region of lower concentration region of lower concentration

to a region of higher
concentration against the
concentration gradient

Molecules Transported
BhRequired for the Required for the
transportation of all the transportation of all soluble
molecules such as proteins, molecules, including oxygen,
large cells, complex sugars, water, carbon dioxide, lipids,
ions, etc sex hormones, etc

Effect on Cell Transports various molecules Involved in the maintenance of


in the cell the equilibrium level inside the


Process Type Active transport is a dynamic Passive Transport is a

process physical process

Selectivity It is highly selective It is partly non-selective


Speed Active transport is a rapid Passive transport is a

process comparatively slow process

Directionality Transpires in one direction Transpires bidirectionally


Effect of Temperature Active transportation is Passive transportation is not

influenced by temperature influenced by temperature

● Active Transport: a process that involves the movement of molecules from a region
of lower concentration to a region of higher concentration against a gradient with the
use of external energy.
Types of Active Transport:

Hrithik Bhuiya Sem 1’24

1. Primary Active Transport: In this process, the energy is utilized by the breakdown
of ATP to transport molecules across the membrane against a concentration
gradient. An example of primary active transport is the sodium-potassium pump,
where the sodium ions are moved to the outside of the cell and potassium ions are
moved to the inside of the cell.
2. Secondary Active Transport: This type of active transport uses electrochemical
energy. It takes place across a biological membrane where a transporter protein
couples the movement of an electrochemical ion (typically Na+ or H+) down its
electrochemical gradient to the upward movement of another molecule or an ion
against a concentration or electrochemical gradient.

● Passive Transport: a process by which molecules are transported from a region of
higher concentration to a region of lower concentration along a concentration
gradient. Passive transport is a natural phenomenon and does not require any
external energy.

Types of Passive Transport:
1. Simple Diffusion: molecules move on their own along the concentration gradient.
Oxygen and carbon dioxide are examples of molecules transported by simple
2. Facilitated Diffusion: the substances moving through the semi permeable
membrane from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration
with the help of transport proteins. These proteins form channels or carriers to allow
the passage of the molecules. Examples: Ion Channels which are transmembrane

proteins that allow the selective transport of ions and solutes across the plasma

Hrithik Bhuiya Sem 1’24

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