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BILLNO.c1 BLOK PENTADBIRAN ITEM DESCRIPTION unt | ary ELEMENT NO. 6 - STAIRCASE, STEPS & |SEATING TERRACE (Contd) [The Following is 4 No. of Staircase (cont'd) |Acproved anti-slip homogenous nosing tiles of Japoroved colour and pattem as described laid lenathwige including bedding jointing and pomting in Jcoment mortar (1:3) as described A. |Extra for 300mm x 75mm non slip nosing tles M | Prepare and apply one coat of approved alkalesistina primer and two finishing coats of laporoved emulsion paint as describes: B_ |To plastered tanding beam m2 4 © To plastered som staircase me 2a| D_|To plastered landing slab m2 10 E [To plastered raking open sting 300mm 2 al wide Mild stool raling as specifies F [200mm high mild steel rang constructed Jof Somm diameter x Smm thick cirular hollow section (CHS) handrail, baluster and intermediate rail welded together complete with 100mm x 100mm x [5mm thick mild steel plate embeded in concrete kerb lth requisite bolt and nuts as per $.0's instruction and including (1) one layer anti-rust and (2) two layer final painting all as per Architecture Architecture drawing no, | sMRIKBS/TOR/O25/20/0D/BP/STO2IO4 M 2a To Collection cre BILLNO.c1 BLOK PENTADBIRAN ITEM DESCRIPTION unt | ary IELEMENT NO. 6 - STAIRCASE, STEPS & |SEATING TERRACE (Contd) [The Following is 1 Nos. of St | Staircase (cont'd) [Tempered glass raling Fabricate 1400mm high, 10mm thick tempered glass handrailing constructed of 50mm diameter timber handrail fxed to 10mm thick tempered glass including 300mm x 50mm thick mild steel stringer, laluminium U-channel, al necessary mild stee! plate Jombedded in concrete with requisite bolt and nut as per S.0's instruction all as per Architecture |drawing no SMRIKBS/TDRIO25/20/0D/BP/STO1/03, Prepare and apply one coat of metalic primer. one undercoat and two finishing coats of gloss enamel paint as specified on metal works including providing hive (5) vears writen quarantee |General surfaces of metal works |The Following Is 2 Nos. of steps Reinforced Concrete Grade 30 as specified In step, sloping aver 15 degrees form horizontal /1Somm - 300mm Thick landing slab High vield deformed bar reinforcement to B.S, |2449 as described in - Insteo }2mm Diameter, straight or bent, 16mm Diameter, straight or bent, TONNE q 3 1 Ms 1 Ke 2a} owe 5 To Collection BILLNO. C1 BLOK PENTADBIRAN Tem DESCRIPTION UNIT ary |ELEMENT NO. 18 - SUNDRIES (Cont'd RAILING Mic steel raling as specified :- 1 100mm high milé steel railing constructed Jof Somm diameter x Smm thick eiraular hollow [section (CHS) handrail and intermediate ral weldes to Somm diameter x Smm thick CHS baluster (post), Jcomplete with 50mm diameter x Smm thick CHS railing welded to 50mm diameter x Smm thick CHS oaluster at 200mm high and including 100mm x Hoomm x Smm thick mild stee! plate embeded in Jconcrete with requisite bolt and nuts as per S.0's instruction and including (1) one layer ant-rust and (2) two layer final painting all as per Architecture lsrawing no, ISMRIKBS/TDRIO25/20/DD/GYMIRAMPO401 & ISMRIKBS/TDRIO25/20/DD/GYMIRAMPOSIO" & canes To Collection BILLNO.c2 BLOK ASRAMA ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ary | RATE (RM) ‘AMOUNT (RM) IELEMENT NO. 6 - STAIRCASE (Cont'd |The Following is 4 Nos. of Staircase (Cont'd lApproved anti-slip homogenous nosing tes of laporoved colour and patiom as described lig enathwise including bedding. jointing and pointing in Jcement mortar (1:3) as described [300mm x 75mm x 6mm thick non slip nosing ties Prepare and apply one fnishing cost of approved on paint as described internally on th folowing surfaces = }7o plastered landing beam To plastered sloping soffit staircase [To plastered landing slab [To plastered raking open wide 19 300mm Mild steel raling as specifies Fabricate 1000mm high mild steel raling constructed Jot Somm diameter x 5mm thick circular hollow [section (CHS) handrail welded to 30mm x 30mm x J5mm thick CHS post, complete with 18mm x 15mm lx 3mm thick square hollow section baluster welded to bottom and top SOmm x 6mm thick mild steel plate ar inclucing 100mm x Smm thick mild steel plate Jembeded in concrete kerb with requisite bolt and nuts las per $.0's instruction and including (1) one layer fant-ust and (2) two layer final painting all as per Jarchitecture drawing no. |smRiKBs/TORI025/201 DIASISTION m2 2 m2 116 1 23a + a 2 cae 3 ToCollection RM 0.09} BILLNO. C2 BLOK ASRAMA ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ary RATE (RM) ‘AMOUNT (RM) ELEMENT No, 18 - SUNDRIES JABLUTION STOOLING (cont'd [200mm x 300mm approved homogenous tes as [specified in pattem approved by the S.0. jointed and pointed in white or plain cement on and including |cement and sand (1:3) backing screed all as [specified to JAbluton stooling Edges of abution stooing, 150mm high RAILING crate ket i |Vinrated reinforced concrete Grade 30 including & nos 12mm diameter high tensile rod reinforcement fand 1Omm diameter stirrups at 200mm centres, with hooked end formwork, hoisting, setting, jointing and pointing as described and all necessary works as per [approved by the S.0 Hoomm x 100mm concrete ker |Cement and sand (1:6) as described mixed with an laporoves plastciser fn'shed with a woos trowel lexternally J2omm Thick to concrete ker Prepare and apply one coat of approved Jakal-esisting primer and two finishing coats of J2poroved weathershield paint as described in [aporoved coloured by S.0 including providing five 5) years written quarantee extemally on the folowing surfaces - To plastered concrete kerb 2 we 2 35] 1d 10 cane 4 To Collection RM 0.09} BILLNO. C2 BLOK ASRAMA ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ary RATE (RM) ‘AMOUNT (RM) ELEMENT No, 18 - SUNDRIES RAILING (Cont Mid stool raling as specifies Fabricate 1000mm high mild stee! raling constructed Jof Somm diameter x 3mm thick cireular hollow [section (CHS) handrail ral welded to 30mm x 30mm lx 3mm thick SHS baluster (post), 5mm x Smm thick top and bottom mild steel fat bar welded to mm x }1Smm x 2mm thick square holow section post Jcomplete with 100mm x Smm thick mild steel plate Jembeded in concrete wit requisite bolt and nuts as per S.0's instruction and including (1) one layer fantsust and (2) two layer final painting all as per JArchitecture drawing no. |smuk@S/TOR/025/20/0D/ASIRAD4IOZ Fabricate mild steel wall mounted raling constructed lof Somm diameter x 5mm thick including necessary mild steel plate fixe to brickwall at 900mm righ with requisite bolt and nuts as per $.0's instruction and including (1) one layer ant-ust and (2) two layer final painting all as per Architecture drawing no. |SMR/KBS/TDR/O25/20/DD/AS/RDOZIO+ Fabricate 900mm high mild steel raling constructed Jof Somm diameter x 5mm thick eireular hollow Inandrail,ntermeciate ral and baluster welded logether including *2mm diameter x 3mm thick post Jcomplete with 100mm x Smm thick mild steel plate Jembeded in concrete wit requisite bolt and nuts as per S.0's instruction and including (1) one layer fant-rust and (2) two layer final painting all as per Jarchitecture drawing no. | SMRUKBS/TOR/O25/20/DD/AS/RDO01 17 cara’ 5 To Collection RM 0.09} BILLNO. c3 ASTAKA rem DESCRIPTION UNIT ary RATE (RM) ‘AMOUNT (RM) IELEMENT NO. 6 - STAIRCASE & SEATING TERRACE lthe Following is 3 Nos. of Staircase Mass Concrete Grade 30 as specified In stops 1 formwork as spec ns, asin cantilevers, slabs. starcases and associated features Risers of steps, vertical face, 260mm-500mm high Edges of steps, 300mm wide |Cement and sand (1:3) rendering as specifies stee! trowelled internally J2omm Thick to riser 167mm high J20mm Thick to tread 333mm wide {300mm x 300mm thick approved homogenous tiles las specified in pattern approved by the S.0, jointed Jand pointed in white or plain cement on and including lcement and sand (1:3) backing screed all as specified to: Extra for 300mm x 75mm x 8mm thick non sip, nosing thes RAILING Mild stool raling as specifies Fabricate 1100mm high mild steel railing constructed lof Somm x Smm thick cireular hollow section handrail and baluster complete with 10mm diameter [square hollow section tp rail complete with 100mm lx Smm thick mild steel plate embeded in concrete lth requisite bolt and nuts as per $.0's instruction land including (1) one layer anti-ust and (2) two layer final painting all as per Architecture drawing no. SMRIKBSITORIO25(20/0D/A'ST/01 to |SMRIKBS/TORIO25/20/0D/NV'ST/03) M3 204 37] ag xsl 73] caer 1 To Collection RM 0.09} BILLNO. c3 ASTAKA rem DESCRIPTION luni] ary RATE (RM) ‘AMOUNT (RM) JELEMENT NO, 17 - SUNDRIES (Conta) RAILING |Concrete kerb as described :- Vibrated reinforced concrete Grade 30 including 4 nos 12mm diameter high tensile rod reinforcement Jand 10mm diameter strvups at 200mm eantres, with hooked end formwork hosting. setting, jointing and loointing as described and all necessary works as per laporoved by the $.0 Hoomm x 160mm concrete kerb |Cement and sand (1:6) as describes mixed with an Japoroves plastciserfin'shed with a wood trowel Jexternally Hamm Thick to 100mm x 150mm kerb Mid steel raling as specified = [Supply and install 850mm high mild steel handraling land balustrading constructed generally of SOmm Jdiameter x 3mm thick mild stee! circular hollow Jsection handrail, 10mm diameter mild steel fat bar rang and welded to balustrade, 50mm diameter x [smm thick mid steel holow section balustrade cast nto concrete staircase at every 1200mm centres including ailing holes, bend, ramp, stop and end and etc, all cut, welded and framed together and fxing in position including all shop and site connection ang fling smooth welded junction complete with fishes lwth one coat ant rust coat and 2 coats approved Joloss paint al as per Architect's detail drawing No. | SMR/KBS/TORIO25/20/DD/A/RAVO1 to |SMRUKBS/TOR/025/20/0D/ARAIO4) To Collection cat 2 RM 0.00) BILLNO. C4 DEWAN UTAMA Tem DESCRIPTION IELEMENT NO. 6 - STEPS (Contd) Handraling raling as species Fabricate 1000mm high mild steel railing constructed [section (CHS) handrail welded to 30mm x 80mm x [5mm thick CHS post, complete with 1Smm x 1mm fx 3mm thick square hollow section baluster welded to bottom and top SOmm x émim thick mild steel plate bar inclucing 100mm x Smm thick mild steel plate Jembeded in concrete step with requisite bolt and nuts as per §.0's instruction and including (1) one layer ant-rust and (2) two layer fnal painting ll as ber Architecture drawing UNIT ary | RATE (RM) ‘AMOUNT (RM) cae 3 To Collection RM 0.09} BILL NO. c5 KOMPLEKS GIMNASIUM ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ary RATE (RM) ‘AMOUNT (RM) IELEMENT No, 16 - SUNDRIES (Cont'd RAILING |Concrate kerb as described WVinrated reinforced concrete Grade 30 including & nos 12mm diameter high tensile rod reinforcement Jand tOmm diameter stirrups at 200mm centres, with hooked ena formwork, hoisting, setting, jointing ana pointing as described and all necessary works as per [approved by the S.0 Hoomm x 100mm concrete ker |Ccement and sand (1:6) as described mixed with an laporoves plastciserfn'shed with a woos trowel lexternally J2omm Thick to concrete kerb Prepare and apply one coat of approved kal resisting primer and two Tinishing coats of [aporoved weathershield paint as described in [2poroved coloured by $.0 including providing five 5} years wrtlen quarantee externally on the Hiolowng surfaces = [To plastered concrete kerb RAILING Mid stool raling as specifies :- 100mm high mild steel railing constructed lof Somm diameter x Sm thick circular hallow section (CHS) handrail and intermediate ral weldes to Somm diameter x 5mm thick CHS baluster (post), Jcomplete with SOmm diameter x 5mm thick CHS railing welded to 50mm diameter x 5mm thick CHS batuster at 800mm high and including 100mm x Hoomm x 5mm thick mild stee! plate embeded in Jconcrete with requisite bolt and nuts as per S.0's Instruction and including (1) one layer ant-rust and (2) two layer final painting all as per Architecture Jérawing no. painting works all as per Architecture irawing no, |SMR/KBS/TDRIO25/20/00/GYM/RAMPO4IO1 & |SMR/KBS/TDRIO25/20/0D/GYM/RAMPOSIO‘ & 2 m2 csit6 2 To Collection RM BILLNO. D1 Kiosk ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT ary IELEMENT NO. 5 - STAIRCASE AND RAILING (Cont'd Handealling at staircase 1 100mm high mild steel raling constructed of Somm diameter x Smm thick circular hollow section (CHS) handrail rail welded to 30mm x 30mm x 3mm thick ISHS baluster (post), 30mm x §mm thick top and bottom mild stee! flat bar welded to 20mm x 20mm x lamm thick square holow section post complete with /1oomm x Smm thick mild steel plate welded to stee! staircase with requisite bolt and nuts as per $.0's instuetion and ineluding (1) one layer ant-rust and (2) two layer final painting ll as per Architecture lirawing no, |SMRIKBS/TDRIO25/20/DD/KISTIO1802 andealling at Ruang Tin ing Slab) + 100mm high mila steel raling constructed of Somm diameter x mm thick circular hollow section (CHS) handrail rail welded to 30mm x 30mm x 3mm thick ISHS baluster (post), 30mm x 5mm thick top and bottom mild stee! flat bar welded to 20mm x 20mm x lamm thick square holow section post complete with }1oomm x Smm thick mild stee! plate welded to stee! slab with requisite bok ang nuts as per $.0's instruction and including (1) one layer ant-rust and (2) two layer final painting all as per Architecture lérawing no, ISMRIKBS/TDRI025/20/DD/K/RA/OS a7] Divsi2 To Collection RM BILLNO. D1 Kiosk ITEM DESCRIPTION unt | arty RATE (RM) AMOUNT (RM) JELEMENT NO. 7 - REFURBISHED CONTAINER Refurbished Metal Shipping Container | Supply fabricate and install complete 2 nos refurbished metal shipping container each overall size 2438mm x 6058mm x 250mm high in order as per architect drawing, complete with eight Nos. of [sola flush door complete mild steel framing overall size 800mm x 2100mm high, 1 nos natural anodised aluminium louvres door comprising fixed louvres Joveral size 1500mm x 230mm high, 4 Nos. heavy duty natural anodised roller shutter windows overall size 1200mm x 1150mm high, natural anodised aluminium fixed louvres overall size 1500mm x J2300mm high, ceramic wal tiles 300mm x 300mm at 500mm high, fibrous plaster ceiling board with rockwoo! insulation, 4 nos of single bow! stainless stect kitchen sink including sink tap, 1 nos single bow wail hung basin complete with bottel trap and basin tap and piping, 4 nos stainless steel oor trap, 11300mm x 300mm perforated metal countertop fixed to position as per architect drawing, 12mm thick Jcement board panel with steel framing as internal parition frish with acrylic paint externally and Jemulsion paint internally including all necessary file, ronmogery, transportation and fix to postion, alto manufacturer detail and instruction and all as shown Jon drawing No. ISMRIKBS/TDRIO2S/20/MDIKIFPIO1 & 02 |SMRIKBSITOR/O25/20MDIKIELIO (Concrete footing, column stump, ground slab, upper |decking slab, steel staircase, handrailing, floor finishing measured separately) Ls pia Total To Summary RM 0.09}

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