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Desy : Hello, Good Morning, this is Desy from Bank NTT, calling for Mr. Eman. Is he available?

Eman : Good morning this is Eman. Can I help you?

Desy : Mr. Eman I’m a marketing funder in Bank NTT, I want discuss with you about foreign exchange saving account. Could I meet with you to discuss the project?

Eman : Of course, I have Monday or Friday available. What day would be best for you?

Desy : I would like to meet you on Monday.

Eman : Ok. Do you think we should meet in the morning or in the afternoon?

Desy : I think the afternoon would be best

Eman : Very well. I will send you an exact time and a good place via text.

Desy : Thank you very much Mr. Eman

Eman : No problem. Have a good day

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