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NOV 24-30,2023

Introductory Statement:
The National Book Week celebration was a successful event that aimed to promote the love for reading among students.
Various activities were organized, including book fairs, and storytelling sessions. Students actively participated in book discussions,
book-related contests, and book swaps. The celebration helped foster a reading culture and encouraged students to explore
different genres and authors. Overall, the National Book Week celebration was a valuable and enjoyable experience for everyone
involved. There were various school activities organized to promote the love for reading and literature. Students were encouraged
to explore different genres, discover new books, and engage in meaningful conversations about literature. The celebration aimed to
cultivate a reading culture among students and foster a lifelong appreciation for books.
Program Objectives:
The program objectives of the National Book Week celebration are to promote a love for reading, enhance literacy skills,
encourage lifelong learning, and celebrate the importance of books and their impact on society.
Target Audience:
The target audience of the National Book Week Celebration are the Doña Milagros Osmeña Elementary School learners.

Expected Outputs:
The expected outputs of the National Book Week celebration in schools are increased interest in reading, improved literacy
skills, enhanced creativity and imagination, expanded knowledge and understanding, love for books and learning, increased
awareness and appreciation for reading, promotion of literacy skills, fostering a love for books and learning, and encouraging
students to explore different genres and authors.
Activity/ Brief Description Date No. of Targeted Total No. of Percentage of Remarks
Program Audience Participants Accomplishment
Random book Nov. 24-28-29- 399 399 100%
reading refers to 30, 2023 Accomplished
Random book the activity of Engaging and
reading selecting a book Informative
without any
specific criteria
or purpose and
reading it. It can
be a leisurely
activity or a way
to expand one's
knowledge and
of different
Get Caught Get Caught Nov. 28, 2023 399 13 100% Engaging and
Reading Reading is an Accomplished Informative
activity where
students are
encouraged to
be seen reading
books in various
locations around
the school. It
aims to promote
the importance
of reading and
create a positive
reading culture
within the school
Reading A story Reading a story Nov. 29, 2023 399 13 100% Engaging and
book book involves Accomplished Informative
selecting a
book, immersing
oneself in the
narrative, and
following the
plot and
characters to
knowledge, or
Book Face Book Face Nov. 29, 2023 399 6 100% Engaging and
Insights/ Reflections:

The National Book Week celebration in school was a successful and engaging event. It fostered a love for reading among students
through various activities such as book fairs and storytelling sessions. The celebration also promoted literacy and encouraged students to
explore different genres and authors. Overall, it was a meaningful and enriching experience for everyone involved.

Prepared by:


School English Coordinator


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