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Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Brgy. Enclaro, Binalbagan, Negros Occidental







• Discuss the MODERN methods of detecting deception
• Be familiar with the factors that affect the accuracy rate of the polygraph


Lying in humans is commonplace and relevant to many areas in life. The

successful implementation of a deceit may provide the deceiver with obvious advantages,
and unmasking a lie may provide social and economic advantages for the lie catcher. This is
especially true in criminal investigations where evidence is gathered from information
elicited from suspects. Better understanding of the lying behavior may therefore be useful in
finding out whether a given person is deceptive regarding a specific, usually criminal, event.
Toward this end, efforts are invested in developing individual skills to detect deception from
other people’s verbal and nonverbal behavior.

However, research in social and cognitive psychology has demonstrated the inability
of human lie catchers to detect deceit. The experimental literature reported that observers
rarely surpass 60% accuracy when detecting deceit, where 50% accuracy is expected by

Furthermore, without using any instrumentation, even professional lie catchers such
as judges, police interrogators, intelligence officers, psychiatrists, and polygraph experts are,
on the average, only slightly better than chance at detecting deception.


The following are the different modern methods conducted to detect deception:

 Detection of Deception Through the Voice

Several devices were invented for the detection of emotional stress in the voice. The PSE
(Psychological Stress Evaluator) has received more attention than others. The PSE was said
to detect changes in the infrasonic frequency modulation that vary between 5 Hz and 20 Hz.
These modulationss are controlled by the central nervous system and disappear during
stress. The theoretical basis of the PSE was criticized as invalid, and experimental studies
failed to establish its validity. The popularity of the PSE declined, and today it is rarely used.
However, the interest in the voice as a potential channel for the detection of deception
remains intact. New technologies were developed, and recently a computerized system called
the ‘TrusterPro’ was introduced. At present its validity is unknown.


 Paper and Pencil Integrity Tests

Paper and pencil tests were developed to predict future thefts and other
counterproductive behaviors of employees in the workplace. The tests are used in pre-
employment screening and for other selection purposes. Some are overt integrity tests that
ask applicants about their attitudes towards theft and other dishonest activities and about
their own involvement in such behavior. Other tests disguise their purposes and include
questions about dependability, conscientiousness, social conformity, trouble with authority
and hostility. Integrity tests assume that honest people will be honest in all situations, and
dishonest people are consistent in showing dishonest behavior.

*Integrity tests are controversial.

The controversy revolves around their effectiveness and the consequences of their
use. Opponents claim that there is no such trait as honesty. The US Office of Technology
Assessment (OTA) reviewed the research on integrity tests and concluded that there is no
scientific support for the claim that integrity tests can predict dishonest behavior. The report
asserts that integrity tests are biased against the applicant yielding a high rate of false
positive errors (classifying an honest applicant as dishonest). These people will suffer from
the stigma and be denied employment.
The American Psychological Association (APA) published another report which provided a
generally favorable conclusion regarding the use of paper-and-pencil integrity tests in
personnel selection. It was suggested that properly documented integrity tests can predict a
number of dishonest behaviors, and their validity is comparable to many other tests used in
pre-employment selection.
It seems that at present there is insufficient evidence to reach definite conclusions on the
validity and the applicability of the integrity tests. However, there are indications that this
direction may be promising.

 Narcoanalysis as an investigative tool has been a controversial topic for decades.

The test presumes to place its subject into a ‘hypnotic state’ by injecting anaesthetic
drugs of specific dosages. It is assumed that in this state, the person’s imagination is
neutralised and that she will then divulge information that she believes to be true to her
knowledge. It’s seen as a means of obtaining information in circumstances that require
an urgent response from the person.

• This method of deception detection is practically the same as that of administration

of truth serum. The only difference is the drug used. Psychiatric sodium amytal or
sodium penthotal is administered by the subject.

• When the effects appear, questioning starts.

• It is claimed that the drug causes depression of the inhibitory mechanism of the
brain and the subjects talk freely.



 Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique in which clinicians make suggestions to

individuals who have undergone a procedure designed to relax them and focus their minds.
Although hypnosis has been controversial, most clinicians now agree it can be a powerful,
effective therapeutic technique for a wide range of conditions, including pain, anxiety and
mood disorders. Hypnosis can also help people change their habits, such as quitting

It is the alteration of consciousness and concentration in which the subject manifests a

heightened of suggestibility while awareness is maintained.
Not all persons are susceptible to hypnotic induction. Subjects who are compulsive-
depressive type, strong-willed like lawyers, accountants, physicians and other professionals
are usually non-hypnotizable.


The apparent stimulation effect of alcohol is

really the result of the control mechanism of
the brain. The apparent stimulation effect of
alcohol is really the result of the control
mechanism of the brain, so alcohol, like
truth serum and narcoanalysis drugs
“inhibit the inhibitor”.


• The term “ truth serum” is

a misnomer. The procedure does not
make someone tell the truth and the
thing administered is not serum but
actually a drug.
• In the test, HYOSCINE


hypodermically in repeated doses until

a state of delirium is induced.
When the proper point is reached, the
questioning begins and the subject fells
compulsion to answer the questions



Is the polygraph technique accurate?

There have been several reviews of polygraph accuracy. They suggest that polygraphs
are accurate between 80% and 90% of the time. This means polygraphs are far from
foolproof, but better than the average person’s ability to spot lies, which research
suggests they can do around 55% of the time.

Current polygraph research indicates that when a specific single issue polygraph
exam conducted by a qualified and a competent polygraph examiner and is properly
administered, the accuracy rate is between 95% to 98%. This percentage is still
higher than other forms of evidence, including psychiatric opinions, suspect
identification as provided by victims and witnesses, and fingerprint identification.

Generally, the following are the factors affecting polygraph examination accuracy:

Polygraph Examiner Polygraph Subject


Polygraph Room

Polygraph Machine (Analog and


Polygraphers prepare reports about the results of

their exams and submit them to their superiors or clients. Depending on the scope of
questioning, the process can take several hours. A large part of the job involves effective
communication and dealing closely with individuals, many of whom are nervous about the

Generally speaking, examiners do not make recommendations on how to deal with the test
subject but, instead, report their opinion regarding the veracity of the subject or the presence
of deception. At times, they may be called to testify in court proceedings about the conduct or
results of their examinations.

Certified examiners must maintain their skills by participating in annual continuing

education and training programs. They also submit reports about the accuracy of their tests
to build upon the data set and further verify the efficacy of the testing process.

Education, Training & Certification

The polygraph examiner position involves fulfilling education and training requirements as

 Education: Individuals looking to work as polygraph examiners often need to hold

an associate's or bachelor's degree. Degrees in criminal
justice, criminology, psychology, or forensic science are most beneficial.
Interpersonal communication skills and writing skills are required for potential
examiners. Polygraph examiners can attend one of several polygraph academies


throughout the United States, where they receive more than 200 hours of industry-
specific training. They must also conduct 200 verified exams before they can be
certified by the APA.
 Training: Many times, agencies appoint current officers to the position of a
polygraph examiner and arrange for the officer to be trained. In these instances, a
degree may not be required, but relevant work experience, particularly in law
enforcement and investigations, is necessary.

Polygraph Examiner Skills & Competencies

In addition to education and other requirements, candidates that possess the following skills
may be able to perform more successfully in the job:

 Communication skills: A polygraph examiner may need to testify in court, write

reports, and work with other law enforcement individuals.
 Critical thinking: Examiners must use critical thinking and their best judgment to
perform their job well.
 Detail-oriented: Individuals must pay strict attention to detail and nuance when
examining polygraph tests.
 Math and science skills: A solid understand of statistics and natural science helps
polygraph examiners perform their required job duties.

A subject is the one who undergoes the

polygraph examination by means of
S attaching the transducers into his/her
B • Permanent physical illness such as mental
derangement, certain heart condition,
J breathing disorder, and addiction to narcotic
drugs are definite causes that makes a
E person unfit for a polygraph test.
• Temporary illness and conditions such as
C sickness, injury, pain, physical discomfort,
T external physical or mental fatigue, colds,
coughs, fever, allergies, and influences of
sedatives and liquor are causes for deferment
of the test until such time that the subjects
regains his ordinary physical condition.




• It must be private and free from all outside noise and detracting influences.
• Adequately lighted and well ventilated
• Devoid of pictures, paintings, decors or other ornaments.
• Preferably sound-proof
• Without any furniture other than a polygraph desk.
• Subjects chair with arm rest and an examiner’s stool.
• With one-way mirror and remote sound system for monitoring the test proceedings to an
authorized audience.


• The polygraph instrument has undergone a dramatic change in the last decade. For
many years, polygraphs were those instruments that you see in the movies with little
needles scribbling lines on a single strip of scrolling paper. These are called analog
polygraphs. Today, most polygraph tests are administered with digital equipment.
The scrolling paper has been replaced with sophisticated algorithms and computer
• The polygraph instrument usually measures physiological reactions recorded by three
different medical instruments that are combined in one machine. Older polygraph
machines were equipped with long strips of paper that moved slowly beneath pens
that recorded the various physiological responses. Newer equipment uses transducers
to convert the information to digital signals that can be stored on computers and
analyzed using sophisticated mathematical algorithms.

The three components of the polygraph instrument include the cardio-sphygmograph,

the pneumograph, and the galvanograph. Blood pressure and heart rate are measured by the
cardio-sphygmograph component of the polygraph, which consists of a blood pressure cuff
that is wrapped around the subject's arm. During the questioning the cuff remains inflated.
The movement of blood through the subject's veins generates a sound that is transmitted
through the air in the cuff to a bellows that amplifies the sound. The magnitude of the sound
relates to the blood pressure and the frequency of the changes in the sound relates to the
heart rate.

The pneumograph component of the polygraph records the subject's respiratory rate.
One tube is placed around the subject's chest and a second is placed around his or her
abdomen. These tubes are filled with air. When the subject breaths, changes in the air
pressure in the tubes are recorded on the polygraph. The galvanograph section records the
amount of perspiration produced. It consists of electrical sensors called galvanometers that
are attached to the subject's fingertips. The skin of the fingertips contains a high density of
sweat glands, making them a good location to measure perspiration. As the amount of sweat
touching the galvanometers increases, the resistance of the electrical current measured
decreases and these changes are recorded by the polygraph. Most forensic


psychophysiologists (FPs) consider the cardiosphygomgraph and the pneumograph

components more informative than the galvanograph.



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