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My Weird Friend

In my class there is one weird person. She was my classmate

during elementary school. Now, we are in the same class of 8 th grade.
At first, I made friend with her from the 4 th grade until 5th grade. She
may look innocent but she loves making a mess. Let’s call this person
There was a group project. The group consisted of 4 people, 2
boys and 2 girls. Someone had to do their own slide. Bobby did his own
slide, but Annabelle claimed that slide was her work. We have to clean
the classroom along with other students according to the schedule. She
lied about cleaning the classroom even all she did was nothing. Then,
she lied about being someone’s girlfriend. She told that to some
elementary schoolers. The rumor got spread around until teachers
She didn’t grow up to become more mature but she ended up
being Satan’s spawn. Every day she does something that can make the
whole class mad. She was confronted by a teacher once but she still
does it again. “Sorry for doing that, and I will do it again”.

1. There is a weird person in the writer’s class
2. Annabelle wasn’t the writer’s classmate
3. She looks innocent but likes to make a mess
4. There was a group project consisting of 8 people
5. Someone had to do their own slide
6. We didn’t have to clean the classroom
7. Annabelle was telling the truth about her cleaning the class
8. She lied of being someone’s girlfriend
9. The teachers never knew about the rumor
10. She became more mature

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