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Subject Name: Data Structure Subject code: BCS 301

Q1. What is Time complexity?
Q2. Explain Abstract data types
Q3. Define Linked List.
Q4. Write a program in C to create a linked list of 10 elements and to traverse the list.
Q5. Define the term Array. What are various ways of representing two-dimensional array
in memory?
Q6. What are the advantages of linked list over array?
Q7. Write an algorithm/C code to insert a node at the end of a singly linked list.
Q8. Write an algorithm/C program that reverses the order of all the elements in a singly
linked list.
Q9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of array over linked list?
Q10. Assume that the declaration of multi-dimensional arrays X and Y to be ,X(-
2:2,2:22)and Y(1:8,-5:5,-10:5).
a. Find the length of each dimension and number of element in X and Y.
b. Find the address of element Y(2,2,3), assuming base address of Y=400 and each
element occupies 4 memory locations
Q11. How to represent the polynomial using linked list? Write a algorithms to add two
polynomials using linked list.
Q12. Discuss doubly linked list. Write an algorithms to insert a node after a given node in
singly linked list
Q13. Define Time-Space Trade-off.
Q14. Define a sparse matrix. Suggest a space efficient representation of sparse matrix.

Q15. List the advantages of doubly linked list over singly linked list.

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