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What's on the regulatory agenda

Including news from 27th IMO Assembly

December 2011
 Assembly 27th session ILO
MLC, 2006
- Amendments recently adopted or soon
coming into force Significant changes to
IACS Resolutions
 Revised STCW Convention DNV
 Other important Codes and Rules update
Guidelines EU
 MARPOL On the agenda
- Annex I, amendments recently adopted
- Annex III and VI Sources of information on
- Green House Gases and COP 17 rule changes
 BWM From DNV and IMO

 Ship Recycling Convention Summing up

 What‟s expected from IMO
- IMO strategic plan 2012-2017
What's on the regulatory agenda
December 2011

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What's on the regulatory agenda

December 2011

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Committees and Sub-committees of IMO

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Some significant resolutions adopted by 27th IMO Assembly
 Resolution A.1044(27) on Piracy and armed  Resolution A.1053(27) on Survey Guidelines
robbery against ships in waters off the coast under the Harmonized System of Survey
of Somalia and Certification (HSSC), 2011
 Resolution A.1047(27) on Principles of  Resolution A.1054(27) on Code for the
minimum safe manning Implementation of Mandatory IMO
Instruments, 2011
 Resolution A.1048(27) on Code of Safe
Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck  Resolution A.1056(27) on Guidelines on fair
Cargoes, 2011 (2011 TDC Code) treatment of seafarers
 Resolution A.1049(27) on International Code
on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections
during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil
Tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP Code)
 Resolution A.1050(27) on Revised
recommendations for entering enclosed
spaces aboard ships
 Resolution A.1052(27) on Procedures for
port State control, 2011

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Piracy and armed robbery against ships, Res. A.1044(27)
 The resolution condemns all acts of piracy and armed
robbery against ships, and expresses sympathy for all
 It strongly urges Governments to ensure that ships comply
with the preventive, evasive and defensive measures
detailed in the industry developed best management practice
 It also urges Governments to decide whether ships should
be authorized to carry privately contracted armed security
personnel and, if so, under what conditions
 Port and coastal States are also strongly urged to make their
national policies related to such personnel and their
equipment known to the industry

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Principles of minimum safe manning, Res. A.1047(27)
The resolution supports the amendments to SOLAS
regulation V/14 that were approved by MSC 88 and
are scheduled to be adopted by MSC 90 in May 2012
This resolution revokes resolutions A.890(21) and

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Code of Safe Practice for Ships Carrying Timber Deck
Cargoes, 2011 (2011 TDC Code), Res. A.1048(27)
 The 2011 TDC Code updates and replaces the
Code with the same name from 1991
 This resolution revokes resolution A.715(17).

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International Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of
Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP Code), Res. A.1049(27)

 The 2011 ESP Code is intended to be made

mandatory under the SOLAS Convention by
MSC 90 in May 2012
 The 2011 ESP Code supports the amendments to
SOLAS regulation XI-1/2, which in its amended form
no longer will refer to Res. A.744(18) as amended
 The alignment between the ESP Code and IACS
UR Z10s will be simplified since this annual process
will be a recurring event at future IMO meetings

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Entering enclosed spaces aboard ships, Res. A.1050(27)
 The Recommendations for entering
enclosed spaces aboard ships replaces
the previously adopted recommendation
from 1997
 It refers to common and recognized
standards such as those recommended
by IACS in their Confined Space Safe
Practice (IACS Recommendation No.72)
 This resolution revokes resolution

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Procedures for port State control, 2011, Res. A.1052(27)
Procedures for port State control, 2011 updates the
Procedures, as amended, to take account of recent
amendments to IMO instruments and revokes
resolutions A.787(19) and A.882(21)

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Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of Survey
and Certification (HSSC), 2011, Res. A.1053(27)
 The Survey Guidelines under the Harmonized System of
Survey and Certification (HSSC), 2011 updates the Survey
Guidelines, as amended, to take account of recent
amendments to IMO instruments and revokes resolutions
A.997(25), A.1020(26) and MEPC.180(59)
 A copy of the updated survey guidelines can be obtained from
the IMODOCS website

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Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II-1 Construction - Subdivision and stability,
machinery and electrical installations
Chapter II-2 Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction
Chapter III Life-saving appliances and arrangements
Chapter IV Radiocommunications
Chapter V Safety of navigation
Chapter VI Carriage of Cargoes
Chapter VII Carriage of dangerous goods

SOLAS Chapter VIII Nuclear ships

Chapter IX Management for the Safe Operation of Ships
Chapter X Safety measures for high-speed craft
Chapter XI-1Special measures to enhance maritime safety
Chapter XI-2Special measures to enhance maritime security
Chapter XII Additional safety measures for bulk carriers

December 2011
Goal Based Ship construction standards, GBS
MSC 87 adopted a new Reg. II-1/3-10 applicable to new Bulk Carriers
above 150 m (excluding ore carriers and combination carriers) and
Oil Tankers above 150 m applicable for ships with building contract dated
on or after 1 July 2016, keel laying 1 July 2017 or delivery after 1 July
2020 (Res. MSC.290(87))
MSC 87 also adopted:
 International Goal-based Ship Construction
Standards for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers
(res. MSC.287(87))
 Guidelines for the verification of conformity with
GBS (Self-assessment and Audit)
(res. MSC.296(87))
 MSC/Circ.1343 Guidelines for the information to
be included in a Ship Construction File (SCF).
The SCF is to be provided upon delivery and
kept throughout the ship‟s service life
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GBS Rule Verification - IACS CSR
Classification Societies are required to submit their Rules to IMO for
verification of conformity to GBS in accordance with res. MSC.296(87)
by the end of 2013

 IACS is in the midst of completing a set of

harmonized Common Structural Rules which
will cover common wave loads, fatigue, finite
element analysis and buckling for both oil
tankers and bulk carriers
 The harmonized CSR will consist of three parts,
a common part for "general hull requirements"
and two separate parts for "ship type specific
requirements" applicable to oil tankers and bulk
carriers, respectively

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Harmonized CSR – Timeline

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Corrosion protection of Cargo tanks of crude oil tankers
A new Regulation II-1/3-11 on Corrosion protection of cargo oil tanks of
crude oil tankers was added requiring all cargo oil tanks of crude oil
tankers of 5000 tonnes deadweight and above to be coated during the
construction in accordance with the Performance standard for protective
coatings for cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers, adopted by resolution
MSC.288(87), or be protected by alternative means of corrosion protection
or utilization of corrosion resistance material in accordance with the
Performance standard for alternative means of corrosion protection for
cargo oil tanks of crude oil tankers, adopted by resolution MSC.289(87).

This requirement applies for ships with

building contract dated on or after
1 January 2013, keel laying 1 July 2013 or
delivery after 1 January 2016

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2010 FTP Code

The 2010 FTP Code, along with relevant

SOLAS amendments to make it mandatory,
was adopted at MSC 88, with an expected
entry into force date of 1 July 2012
The 2010 FTP Code provides the
international requirements for laboratory
testing, type-approval and fire test
procedures for products referenced under
SOLAS chapter II-2
It comprehensively revises and updates the
current Code, adopted by the MSC in 1996

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Amendments to the FSS Code

MSC 88 in December 2010

adopted a revised Chapter 9 of the
International Code for Fire Safety
Systems (FSS Code) related to
fixed fire detection and fire alarm
The amendments comes into force
1 July 2012

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Lifeboat release and retrieval systems – On-load release mechanism
MSC 89 (May 2011) adopted:
 New requirements of the amended LSA Code are applicable from 1 July 2014 for lifeboat on-
load release mechanism on all ships. Shall be met no later than the first scheduled dry-docking
after 1 July 2014, but not later than 1 July 2019. (SOLAS Reg, III/1.5)
 Amendments to LSA Code on design criteria of lifeboat release gear mechanism that will enter
into force 1 January 2013. Criteria of hook stability, locking devices and hydrostatic interlock
(if provided) will also apply to existing ships.
 Guidelines for evaluation and replacement of lifeboat release and retrieval systems. Evaluation
of existing systems shall be completed not later than 1 July 2013.
 Amendments to the Recommendation on prototype testing of life-saving appliances regarding
release mechanisms.
 A MSC/Circular on early implementation encouraging to evaluate existing lifeboat release
and retrieval systems at the earliest opportunity. For new ships constructed after 20 May 2011,
but before 1 July 2014, approval processes for new on-load release and retrieval systems
should be initiated.
Immediately actions to be taken:
 All existing lifeboat release and retrieval systems shall be evaluated before 1 July 2013.
Failing so, the release and retrieval system shall be considered as non-compliant. Owners are
encouraged to asap contact the maker of the systems to initiate the evaluation according to
the guidelines. Please note that the Administration, or DNV, will not take part of this evaluation.
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December 2011

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Annual testing of AIS

MSC 88 adopted amendments to

SOLAS regulation V/18 to require
annual testing of automatic
identification systems (AIS)

In force from 1 July 2012

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Pilot transfer arrangements

MSC 88 adopted amendments to

SOLAS regulation V/23 on pilot
transfer arrangements, to update and
to improve safety aspects for pilot

In force from 1 July 2012

Supported by Res. A.1045(27)

Recommendation on pilot transfer
adopted November 2011

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Safety of Navigation – BNWAS etc.
 Bridge navigational watch alarm system
(BNWAS) to be carried for all cargo
ships of 150 gross tonnage and
upwards and passenger ships
irrespective of size
(SOLAS Reg. V/19)
- Implementation schedule in the period 1
January 2011 to 1 July 2014 depending
on ship types and sizes

 Equipment on existing ships may be

accepted by the Administration

 An e-navigation strategy is under

development and is intended to be
implemented from 2012

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International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code
 MSC 89 adopted amendments to the International
Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code by
Resolution MSC.318(89)
 The amendments contain several editorial
changes, and include additional information or
instructions for a number of cargoes
 The amendments may be applied on a voluntary
basis from 1 January 2012, but comes into force
1 January 2013

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Chapter I General Provisions
Chapter II Master and Deck
Chapter III Engine Department
Chapter IV Radiocommunication and
Radio Personnel
Chapter V Special Training
Requirements for
Personnel on Certain
Types of Ships

STCW Chapter VI Emergency, Occupational

Safety, Security, Medical
Care and Survival
Chapter VII Alternative Certification
December 2011 Chapter VIII Watchkeeping
Revised STCW Convention and Code (June 2010) - 1
 The Convention‟s application has been extended; it will now
In force from
include not only personnel on watch but also personnel with
tasks involved with safety, security or protection of the 1 January 2012
 New mandatory training requirements have been introduced for:
- Bridge resource management;
- Engine resource management;
- Requirements of leadership ability also on a non-commissioned officer
level; and
- Communication;
 New mandatory training and certification requirements for able
seafarers and electro-technical officers and electro-technical
ratings and updated requirements for personnel serving on
liquefied gas tankers

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Revised STCW Convention and Code (June 2010) - 2
 New requirements relating to training on board
(including modern training methodologies)
- modern technology such as electronic charts and information systems,
- marine environment awareness
- leadership and teamwork
- electro-technical issues

 Changed requirements for hours of work and rest, for the prevention of drug
and alcohol abuse and medical fitness standards for seafarers;
Amendments to Part B of STCW Code (Non-Mandatory)
 New training guidelines have been developed on:
- Navigation in Polar areas
- Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV) (Anchor handling)
- Dynamic Positioning (DP)
- Damage control

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Armed Security Personnel

2008 IS Code
Unified Interpretations

2009 MODU Code

Polar Code

International Convention for Safe

Other important Containers (CSC), 1972
Codes and Guidelines

December 2011
Use of Armed Security Personnel – at MSC 89 (May 2011)
IMO does not endorse the use of privately contracted armed security personnel – No regulation
MSC 89 recognized the continued and increased threat to commercial shipping by Somalia-
based pirates and that this has led to the use of armed guards offering maritime security services
for vessels transiting the high risk areas
Considering the difficulties to identify reliable and professional services, the complex legal
requirements governing the legitimate transport, carriage and use of firearms etc. MSC adopted:
 Resolution MSC.324(89) Implementation of Best Management Practice Guidance1
 Guidelines for shipowners on the use of armed security personnel (PCASP)2
 Recommendations for flag States on the use of PCASP3
In addition to considering if the flag State has imposed any laws and regulations on the use of
private security companies, the Guidelines recommend that the shipowner carry out a risk
Guidelines on port State and coastal State issues concerning embarkation and disembarkation
of armed security personnel will be dealt with by MSC 90 (May 2012)
1 MSC.1/Circ.1337 Best Management Practices to Deter Piracy off the Coast of Somalia and in the Arabian Sea Area (BMP3) developed by the industry
2 MSC.1/Circ.1405 Interim Guidance to shipowners, ship operators and shipmasters on the use of privately contracted armed security personnel (PCASP) on board ships in
the High Risk Area
3 MSC.1/Circ.1406 Interim recommendations for flag States regarding the use of privately contracted armed security personnel on board ships in the High Risk Area

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Stowage of marine evacuation systems
 MSC 89 approved MSC.1/Circ.1397 on SOLAS regulation III/15.1
concerning the stowage of marine evacuation systems
 This regulation requires that the ship's side shall not have any
openings between the embarkation station of the marine
evacuation station and the sea level in the lightest seagoing
 This means no openings, be they permanent openings, recessed
promenades or temporary openings such as shell doors, windows
or ports, should be allowed in this particular area
 On passenger ships, windows and side scuttles of the non-opening
type should be allowed in this area if complying with SOLAS
regulation II-2/
 On cargo ships, the windows and side scuttles in the area in way
of a marine evacuation system, if installed, should only be of the
non-opening type

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Guidelines for ships operating in polar waters
 The Guidelines address additional
provisions beyond existing
requirements of the SOLAS and
MARPOL Conventions, to take into
account the climatic conditions of
Arctic and Antarctic
 The Guidelines are recommendatory,
however work has started in IMO -
intended to work on a mandatory
Code – with a target date of 2012,
likely to come into force around 2014-
 The Guidelines was adopted by res.

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IMO Member State Audit Scheme
 The 26th Assembly adopted a plan, through res
A.1018(26), to make the IMO Member State Audit
Scheme an institutionalized, mandatory scheme
 Amendments should be adopted in 2013, for entry into
force in January 2015
 A resolution on the Framework and Procedures for the
Scheme will also be adopted by the IMO Assembly in
 The Code for the Implementation of Mandatory IMO
Instruments, will serve as the audit standard for the
Audit Scheme

2009 2013 2015

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Annex I: Prevention of pollution by oil
Annex II: Control of pollution by
noxious liquid substances
Annex III: Prevention of pollution by
harmful substances in
packaged form
Annex IV: Prevention of pollution by
sewage from ships

MARPOL Annex V: Prevention of pollution by

garbage from ships
Annex VI: Prevention of Air Pollution
from Ships

December 2011
Revised MARPOL Annex III adopted at MEPC 61
The revised MARPOL Annex III
Regulations for the prevention
of pollution by harmful
substances carried by sea in
packaged form was adopted by
MEPC 61 and is expected to
enter into force on 1 January
The changes coincide with the
next update of the mandatory
International Maritime
Dangerous Goods (IMDG)
Code, specifying that goods
should be shipped in
accordance with relevant

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Air emissions
SOx, NOx

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MARPOL Annex VI Air pollution –
New approved sulphur limits
 MEPC 58 in October 2008 adopted the following
new sulphur limits for marine oil fuels applicable
from 1 July 2010:
Globally 4.50% prior to 1 January 2012
3.50% from 1 January 2012
0.50% from 1 January 2020*
In SECAs 1.00% from 1 July 2010
0.10% from 1 January 2015

 Sulphur scrubbing will still be an acceptable method

for compliance and there will be no HFO ban

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MARPOL Annex VI – SOx and NOx limits

SOx, all ships


2010: SOx < 1,0% - ECA

2015: SOx < 0,1% - ECA
2020: SOx < 0,5% - global, may slip to „25

NOx, newbuilds only


2011: NOx Tier 2 (14.4 g/kWh) - global

2016: NOx Tier 3 (3.4 g/kWh) - ECA

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Existing Sulphur Emission Control Areas (SECA)

 Baltic Sea SECA was the first to

enter into force as a SECA in 2006
 Followed by the North Sea in 2007
 1st July 2010 – max. sulphur 1%
 1st January 2015 - max. sulphur 0.1%
 No IMO NOx regulation yet, but
expected before 2016. National
regulations established

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ECA; Huge implications for shipping to North America
IMO Emission Control Areas (ECA)
place strict limitations on SOx and
NOx emissions
 From August 2012 and within 200NM
of NA, 1.0% max sulphur content
- Equivalent measures accepted

 From 1 January 2015, and within

200NM of NA, sulphur control options
- 0.10% max sulphur fuels
- Exhaust gas cleaning
- Fuel switching / LNG

 EPA estimates 6000 – 8000 ships in

international trade affected
 Don‟t forget NOx Tier 3 for
newbuildings after 1 January 2016

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Future ECAs?

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Regional Regulation and Legislation

Marpol May 19th May 19th Nov 11th July 1st Jan 1st Jan 1st Global S
Annex VI Marpol Marpol Marpol ECA limit Global ECA limit limit down
ratified Annex VI Annex VI Annex VI down to limit down down to to 0.50%
global S SECA1, S SECA2, S 1.00% S to 3.50% 0.10% S (subject to
limit 4.5% limit 1.5% limit 1.5% review)*

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2025

Aug 11th Aug 11th July 1st CARB Jan 1st Jan 1st CARB
SECA 1, SECA 2, Phase 1, MGO Directive Phase 2, Max
directive directive (max 1.5%) or S limit of 0.1% distillate
into force into force MDO (max 0.1% at use only within
1.5% S 1.5% S 0.5%) use only berth 24NM
within 24NM

It has been suggested that there should be a review in 2018 to assess fuel availability. Depending on the outcome of the review, the 0.50% sulphur
global standard may be delayed to 2025 instead of 2020.

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Projected world bunker demand

Source: Marine and Energy Consulting Ltd and EMC – Energy Market Consultants (UK) Ltd 2009
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MARPOL Annex VI Air pollution –
New NOx emission limits from MEPC 58
Ship Constructed Application of Emission Compliance at engine’s delivery
(≥ 1 January) Requirements Limits except as below

1990 1st IAPP Renewal Survey

to Engine size ≥ 12 months after IMO advised
2000 > 5000 kW and by Party of availability
≥ 90 liters Tier I
Retroactive (physical and cost)
to existing engines of “upgrade kit” *
2000 ≤ x <2011
> 130 kW ----
2011 ≤ x <2016
Ships ≥ 24m L or total Tier II
Operation outside of ECA
≥ 2016 propulsion power ≥
750kW Tier III Operation within ECA

Total Weight of NO2 Emission (g/kWh) Relative

NO2 Reduction
RPM < 130 130 ≤ n < 2000 ≥ 2000 from Tier I

Tier I 17.0 45.0*n(-0.2) 9.8 Current

Tier II 14.4 44.0*n(-0.23) 7.7 15.5% - 21.8%
Tier III 3.4 9*n(-0.2) 2.0 80%
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Air emissions

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Kyoto Protocol
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked
to the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change
The major feature of the Kyoto Protocol is that it sets
binding targets for 37 industrialized countries and the
European community for reducing greenhouse gas
(GHG) emissions
These amount to an average of five per cent against
1990 levels over the five-year period 2008-2012
The major distinction between the Protocol and the
Convention is that while the Convention encouraged Airlines and
industrialized countries to stabilize GHG emissions, the Shipping not
Protocol commits them to do so covered

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Kyoto Protocol - Annex I - States
China and India
have never been
Annex I states.

At COP 17 in
Durban in
December 2011,
Canada said they
would not be
parties to a new
intended to be
agreed by 2015
and in force from
Perhaps Australia
and New Zealand
also leave…

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Shipping CO2 emissions – why the world cares
 Shipping burns approximately 335 million tons
of fuel per year… while transporting 85% of
the worlds goods
 The associated emission of CO2 is around
1 billion tonnes of CO2 per year

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Political bodies shape global efforts to reduce shipping GHG
 UNFCCC. Arena for international climate
negotiations. Considers shipping key
source of climate change mitigation and
adaptation funding

 IMO. Working to reach industry wide,

global agreements reducing the
amount of CO2 emissions from
international shipping.

 EU. Proposes to cut shipping CO2 by 40%

by 2050 when compared with 2005 levels.
Working on regional regulations.

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Regulatory options for shipping
Technical / operational measures

Market Based Measures (MBM)

 cap and trade system
 levy system
 other approaches (several on the table)

Speed limits seeing renewed interest

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Regulations aside, what can shipping actually do?
 More efficient operations, e.g. weather routing,
control of energy consumers onboard, speed optimising
and trim
 The introduction of more efficient technology – both
for ships in operation and for newbuildings
 Fuel shift from residual fuel oils, marine gasoil and
diesel oil to use of natural gas; possibly other green
 Improved infrastructure, including port turn-around
times, port capacity / -logistics and size of ships
 Improved cooperation between players including
owners/charterers, contractual issues, port integration
It’s not just technology, it’s also about people
and their organisations
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EU state of play
 The EC has indicated that it is receptive to policy options being proposed by
the maritime industry itself, however, the window of opportunity is closing.
 Technical measure alone will not be satisfactory, some form of MBM must
be included in any IMO policy

 2011: Commission preparations
- Roadmap for possible proposal in Commission work programme
- Stakeholder consultations
- Impact Assessment (tender issued)
- Policy selection
- Participation in IMO processes
 2012: Possible Commission proposal
 2013/2014: Co-decision – European Parliament and Council
 2015/2016: Early implementation / preparation
 2017: Earliest feasible date for full application
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The details

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New requirements to energy efficiency from 2013
 The EEDI requirements will apply to new ships above 400 GT:
- for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 January 2013; or
- in the absence of a building contract, the keel of which is laid or which
is at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 July 2013; or
- the delivery of which is on or after 1 July 2015
 Attained EEDI to be calculated for all ship types defined in regulation,
compliance with required EEDI mandatory for a subset
 A SEEMP will have to be present onboard all vessels at the first IAPP
certificate renewal or intermediate survey after 1 January 2013, when an
International Energy Efficiency Certificate will be issued.

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Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan – SEEMP

“Guidance for the Development

of a Ship Energy Efficiency
Management Plan”

 Applies to all ships over 400 GT covered by MARPOL Annex VI

 Management Plan targeted at Ship Owners
 Contains a list of measures to make the ship in question more energy
 Basic compliance is uncomplicated, opens up for further advisory services

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The EEDI - what is it?
 Clear parallel to the mileage standard in the automotive industry, but
taking the “benefit to society” (i.e. transport capacity) into account;
Environmen tal cost
Attained design CO2 index 
Benefit for society
 In more specific terms….
Attained design CO2 index 
Capacity Vref

 The index is defined as:

grams CO2 / capacity * nautical mile

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The Formula - Explained

Main Engine Aux. Engine Waste heat and shaft motors Efficient design options

 M  nME   M nPTI neff

  neff
  f j   PME(i )  CFME(i )  SFCME(i )   PAE  CFAE  SFCAE *     f j   PPTI (i )  f eff (i )  PAEeff (i )   CFAE  SFCAE    f eff (i )  Peff (i )  CFME(i )  SFCME(i )
    j 1   i 1
 j 1  i 1   i 1 i 1  
Capacity Vref  f w

Ice strengthening factor

Transport work capacity Weather factor

 The basic principle is retained but complexity increased

 Minor adjustments can be expected but no major changes
 Calculation methods for diesel-electric and hybrid
propulsion systems to be further explored, expected
finalized in 2014
 No guidelines on weather factor fw at present
 Guidelines on CO2 abatement technologies (Peff) to be
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Reference line with data points

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Ship types covered by EEDI requirements

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EEDI – timeline for implementation and entry into force
 July 2011 – Adoption at MEPC 62
 March 2012 - MEPC 63
- Guidelines for minimum propulsion power

 October 2012 - MEPC 64

- Guidelines on voluntary structural enhancement

 January 2013 – Entry into force, Phase 0

 July 2013 - MEPC 65
- Guidelines for CO2 abatement technologies
- Review of requirements for small ships and large
tankers and bulker

 March 2014 - MEPC 66

- Roro, passenger, diesel-electric and hybrid propulsion

 January 2015 – Phase 1 and review point

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What does the (GHG) future hold?
 UNFCCC process will at least in
the short term remain less
significant than both the IMO and
EU processes
 EEDI/SEEMP amendments
entering into force 2013, Despite
“developing” Flags deferral clause,
EEDI expected to become
important commercially
 IMO MBM debate will remain
problematic in 2012, stay on the
agenda, but not be resolved
without a UNFCCC agreement first
 Market-based measures will likely
be established in the EU by
2015 / 2016
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CO2 reduction –
What does it all add up to?

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2030 – maximum world fleet abatement potential
2 Average marginal CO2 reduction cost per option - World shipping fleet in 2030
Average marginal CO2 reduction cost per option - World shipping fleet in 2030 (existing and newbuilds)
Voyage execution
Steam plant operational improvements Solar panel (not shown)
Speed reduction (port efficiency) Wind generator (not shown)
Engine monitoring
Reduce auxiliary power
Propulsion efficiency devices
Cost per ton CO2 averted ($/ton)

Frequency converters
Propeller condition
Contra-rotating propellers
Weather routing
Air cavity/lubrication
Hull condition

Gas fuelled
Electronic engine control
Light system
Fuel cells as aux engine
Speed reduction (fleet increase)
Fixed sails/wings
Waste heat recovery
Exhaust gas boilers on aux
Cold ironing
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Note; abatement potential for individual ship
types and size segments vary widely CO2 reduction (million tons per year) Baseline: 1,530 million tons per year

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What is the maximum reduction achievable?

Known measures
Business as usual scenario

CO2 emission targets

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Ballast water

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Introduction of invasive species through the discharge of ballast water
is one of the greatest threats to the world oceans
Ballast Water Convention already in place,
entry into force imminent
Effective for majority of deep sea fleet from
2016, all ships by 2020
Local regulations already in force in many

Long-term compliance options:

 Ballast water treatment systems Mechanical/Physical

 New ballast-free ship designs

Active Substance
Existing ships mostly limited to treatment systems

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Status Ratification
Entry into force 12
months after signing by:
30 states, representing
35% of world merchant shipping

Albania Kenya Nigeria

Status 31 December 2011: Antigua & Barbuda Kiribati Norway

Barbados Liberia Palau

32 states, representing 26.46% of Brazil


Republic of Korea

St Kitts & Nevis

world merchant shipping tonnage Cook Islands Maldives Sierra Leone

Croatia Marshall Islands South Africa

Lebanon is the 32nd state Dec. 2011 Egypt Mexico Spain

France Mongolia Sweden

Ratification by Panama expected 2012 Iran Montenegro



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IMO BWM Convention Implementation Schedule

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BWM - The Convention framework
 Applicability
- All ships of in international trade are to be fitted with:
- International Ballast Water Management (IBWM) Certificate;
- Approved Ballast Water Management Manual; and
- Ballast Water Record Book

 General requirements
- Existing vessels - ballast water exchange (BWE) (D1)
- New vessels – discharge quality requirements, ballast water treatment (BWT) (D2)
- Application is a function of keel laying date, ballast capacity over or under 1500/5000 m3 and
year (2012, 2014 and 2016)

 Phase-out of BWE
- BWE will be phased out as an acceptable method for complying with the convention during a
period of time from 2012 to 2016
- Gradually phase-in of BWTreatment requirements
- Exemption by risk considerations
- based on the assessment of risk represented by a specific ballast voyage

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Ballast water – looming bottlenecks?

Estimated number of vessels required to install ballast water treatment system

according to MEPC 61


Vessels constructed
16000 from 2009 to 2011
How to equip ~80000 (greater than 5,000
14000 vessels in less than a cubic metres)
Existing Vessels
decade? (less than 1,500 or
12000 greater than 5,000 cubic metres)

10000 Existing Vessels

(between 1,500 and
5,000 cubic metres)
Newly constructed
6000 vessels (greater than
5,000 cubic metres)

4000 Newly constructed

Vessels (less than
2000 5,000 cubic metres)

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

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BWM Approval Status – After MEPC 62
Type Approval
Basic Approval
 GloEn-PatrolTM*
 PureBallast*  PureBallast
 OptiMarin*  SEDNA Peraclean
 Hitachi Ballast Water Management System* Sum 10  OceanSaver Ballast Water Management System
Final Approval  Electro-Clean System
 PureBallast  CleanBallast!
 SEDNA Peraclean
 Optimarin
 OceanSaver Ballast Water Management System
 Electro-Cleen System  NK-03 Blue Ballast System
 RWO Ballast Water Management System (CleanBallast)  Electro-Clean System
 NK-O3 BlueBallast System (Ozone)
 Special Pipe
 Hitachi Ballast Water Purification System (ClearBallast)
 Greenship Sedinox Ballast Water Management System  GloEn-Patrol
 GloEn-Patrol Ballast Water Management System  Resource Ballast Technology
 Resource Ballast Technologies System
 Clear Ballast
 JFE Ballast Water Management System
 Special Pipe Hybrid combined with Ozone treatment version*  TG Ballastcleaner and TG Environmentalguard system
 "ARA Ballast" *  Greenships's Ballast Water Management System
 BalClor *
 Ecochlor Ballast Water Treatment System
 OceanGuardTM *
 Ecochlor® *  Ballast Water Management System (HHI)
 Severn Trent De Nora BalPure® * Sum 19
 (EcoBallast)
See also BWM.2/Circ.23, /Circ.30
* Added at MEPC 61  AquaTriCombTM Ballast Water Treatment System
• +2 (MEPC 62)  +3 (MEPC 61) +7 (MEPC62) Sum 36

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Global Integrated Shipping Information System (GISIS)
Pollution prevention equipment (PPE) has been operative since 1 February
2008, and shall include data on the following PPE approved by Governments:

1. Oil filtering equipment and oil content meters for bilge

alarms (MSC.60(33))
2. Oil content meters for oily water from cargo tanks
3. Oil/water interface detectors (MEPC.5(XIII))
4. Sewage treatment plants (MEPC.2(VI)
5. Shipboard incinerators (MEPC.59(33), MEPC.76(40)
and MEPC.93(45))
6. 15 ppm bilge separators and 15 ppm bilge alarms
7. Oil content meters for oily water from cargo tanks
8. Sewage treatment plants (MEPC.159(55))
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Ship Recycling

Health, safety and environmental issues

What's on the regulatory agenda Photos: DNV

December 2011
Ship Recycling
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Ship Recycling – Some Basics

The Convention calls for inventory

data, a list of hazardous materials
onboard, for all ships being
delivered to a ship recycling facility

 The Inventory of Hazardous Materials is the responsibility of the ship owner and
includes 3 parts:
Part 1 - Hazardous Materials Contained in the Ship‟s Structure and Equipment
Part 2 - Operationally generated wastes
Part 3 - Stores
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December 2011
Ship Recycling
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Convention on Ship Recycling
Adopted in May 2009 (Hong Kong)
The convention will provide regulations for:
 The design, construction, operation and preparation of
ships so as to facilitate safe and environmentally-sound
 The establishment of an appropriate enforcement
mechanism for ship recycling, incorporating certification
and reporting requirements (for example Inventory of
Hazardous Materials, previously known as Green
 The operation of ship-recycling facilities in a safe and
environmentally-sound manner

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December 2011
Ship Recycling
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Convention on Ship Recycling
The Hong Kong International Convention for the
Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of
Ships, 2009
will enter into force 24 months after the date on

 15 States  (Status 1 January 2012: 0 states)

 representing 40 per cent of world merchant
shipping by gross tonnage 
 the combined maximum annual ship
recycling volume of those States must,
during the preceding 10 years, constitute
not less than 3 per cent of their combined
merchant shipping tonnage ??
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December 2011
Ship Recycling
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IHM - Cradle to Grave
DNV Visual
Material Ship
Statement of Compliance Sampling Recycling
(SoC) for Inventory of
Hazardous Materials Check Plan Plan

Initial Survey Renewal Survey (5 yr) Additional Survey Final Survey

Part 1 Updated Updated

Parts 1, 2
Part 1 Part 1 DNV
(Yard) and 3
(Owner) (Owner)

SoC Ready for

Material Material Material Recycling
Declaration Declaration Declaration
New Old

Building stage In Operation Rebuilding Dismantling

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December 2011
Ship Recycling 20 January 2012 Slide 76
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What’s expected from IMO 2012-2020 (Target dates 2012)
 Ballast Water Management (BWM) - Treatment vs Exchange (2012) MEPC
 Transfer of invasive aquatic species through bio-fouling of ships (2012) MEPC
 Review of the elements and procedures of the GMDSS (2012) COMSAR
 Maritime SAR procedures, including SAR training matters (2012) COMSAR
 Recovery systems for all types of ships for the rescue of persons at sea (2012) DE
 Protection against noise on board ships (2012) DE
 Guidelines for a visible element to the general emergency alarm on passenger ships
(2012) DE
 New framework of requirements for life-saving appliances (2012) DE
 Thermal performance of immersion suits (2012) DE
 Testing of lifejacket reference test devices RTDs (2012) DE
 Measures to protect the safety of persons rescued at sea (2012) DE

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What’s expected from IMO 2012-2020 (Target dates 2012)
 Stowage of water-reactive materials (2012) DSC
 Detection of radioactive sources or contaminated objects in ports (2012) DSC
 Mandatory requirements for Enclosed space entry and rescue drills (SOLAS) (2012)
 Access procedures at the ship/port interface for public officers and service providers
visiting a vessel (2012) FAL
 Code for Recognized Organizations (RO Code) (2012) FSI
 Revisions of specification for shipboard incinerators (2012) FSI
 Performance standards for VDR and S-VDR (2012) NAV
 Performance standards for inclinometers (2012) NAV
 E-navigation strategy implementation plan (2012) NAV/COMSAR/STW
 Verification of damage stability requirements for tankers and bulk carriers (2012/2013) SLF
 New generation intact stability criteria (2012) SLF
 SOLAS chapter II-1 subdivision and damage stability regulations (2012) SLF
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What’s expected from IMO 2012-2020 (Target dates 2013)
 Mandatory III Code and auditing of flag states (2013) Assembly
 Reduction of noise with adverse impact on marine life (2013) MEPC
 Recycling of ships - Mandatory instrument for global application (safety and
environment) - Guidelines for Ship Recycling and Recycling Facilities to be
finalised (2013) MEPC
 Enhancing efficiency and user-friendliness of the International Safety
Management (ISM) Code (2013) MSC/MEPC
 Guide on oil spill response in ice and snow conditions (2013) MEPC
 Guidelines for oil spill response - offshore in situ burning (2013) MEPC
 Guidance for oil pollution combating equipment (2013) MEPC/DE
 Development of goal-based ship construction standards for all types of ships,
including safety, security and protection of the marine environment (2013)

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What’s expected from IMO 2012-2020 (Target dates 2013)
 IGF Code for Gas-fuelled ship (2013) BLG
 Code for the transport and handling of hazardous and NLS in bulk in offshore support vessels
(2013) BLG
 IGC Code (gas) - Completely revised and updated (2013) BLG
 Measures to prevent fire and explosions on chemical and product tankers under 20000 DW
without inert gas systems (2013) BLG/FP
 Systematic review of chapters 17 and 18 of the IBC Code that may lead to changes in for example
the carriage requirements for certain substances (2013) BLG
 Guidelines for implementing BWM Convention including PSC (2013) BLG /FSI
 Measures to avoid false distress alerts (2013) COMSAR
 Amend SOLAS II-1/11 on testing of WT compartments (2013) DE
 Use of composite materials in shipbuilding (2013) DE
 Amend SOLAS II-1/40.2 on general requirements on electrical installations (2013) DE
 Code for offshore construction support vessels (2013) DE
 Guidelines for use of Fibre Reinforced Plastic (FRP) within ship structures (2013) DE
 Safety objectives etc. for alternative designs and arrangements (SOLAS Ch II-1 and III) (2013) DE

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What’s expected from IMO 2012-2020 (Target dates 2013)
 Consideration for the efficacy of Container Inspection Programme (2013) DSC
 Measures to prevent loss of containers (2013) DSC
 Guidance on Continuous Examination Programmes (2013) DSC
 Guidelines for packing of cargo transport units (2013) DSC
 Ships carrying hydrogen and compressed natural gas vehicles (2013) FP
 Location of openings in superstructures of tankers (2013) FP
 SOLAS: Fire resistance of ventilation ducts (2013) FP
 Means of recharging air bottles for air breathing apparatus (2013) FP
 Means of escape from machinery spaces (2013) FP
 FSS Code amended on communication equipment for fire-fighting teams (2013) FP

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What’s expected from IMO 2012-2020 (Target dates 2013)
 PSC guidelines on seafarers' working hours and the MLC, 2006 (2013) FSI
 Review of procedures for PSC (2013) FSI
 Fair treatment so seafarers in the event of a marine accident (2013) LEG
 Policy and new symbols for AIS aids to navigation (2013) NAV
 Amendment to the General Provisions on Ships' Routeing (2013) NAV
 Expanding the scope of "Review of damage stability regulations for ro-ro passenger ships"
(2013) SLF
 Review of provisions of application of subdivision standards for cargo ships (2013) SLF
 Amendment of the 2008 IS Code - criterion for angle of heel in turns (2013) SLF
 Provisions to ensure the integrity and uniform application of the 1969 TM Convention
(2013) SLF
 Guidelines on safe return to port for passenger ships (2013) SLF
 2008 IS Code on towing and anchor handling operations (2013) SLF

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What’s expected from IMO 2012-2020 (Target dates 2013-18)
 Emissions to air (CO2, NOx, SOx) (2013 – 2018) MEPC
 Follow-up actions to the 2010 Manila amendments to the 1978 STCW Convention (2014)
 Mandatory Polar Code (2014-2015) DE
 Amendment to the MODU Code (2015) DE
 Requirements for construction and installation of onboard lifting appliances (2015) DE
 Review of the Code on Alerts and Indicators, 2009 (2015) DE
 Review of arrangement requirements of foam-type fire-extinguishers (2017) FP

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General Cargo Ship Safety
 High rate of accidents are associated with general cargo ships
 Documentation confirms that the accident risks are high on general cargo ships
compared to other ship types
 At MSC 87 the IACS FSA on general cargo ships was positively received and it
was reviewed at MSC 89 (May 2011). The final recommendations will be further
considered by relevant Sub-Committees
 Casualty data for non-IACS vessels are also needed - not readily available –
must come from flags
 EU does research with the focuses on:
- Improvement of technologies for prediction of risks
- Safety and survivability of ships to remain afloat in an almost upright position regardless
of damage

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December 2011
IMO - Up for discussion
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IMO strategic plan 2012-2017
a. Freer movement of people, goods, services and information
b. Shipping major facilitator of global trade
c. Shipping standards might be compromised by the forces of liberalization and
competition sweeping through the maritime sector
d. Stave off regional or unilateral tendencies which conflicts with IMO regulatory
framework will be prioritised

Heightened maritime safety concerns

a. Implementation of requirements. Flag, port, coastal States, ship-owners and
classification societies are specifically mentioned

Heightened maritime security concerns

a. Focus on implementation of the ISPS Code without affecting the efficiency of shipping
and port operations
Heightened concerns on piracy and armed robbery against ships (New)
a. Develop and promote implementation of IMO guidance and encourage adherence to
industry developed Best Management Practices

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IMO strategic plan 2012-2017
Heightened environmental consciousness (Changed)
a. Identify activities with adverse impact and develop preventive measures
b. Reduce atmospheric pollution and address climate change
c. Developing effective preparedness and responses to shipping incidents in order to
mitigate their impact on the environment
d. “Cradle to grave” for news ships and recycling of exiting ships
Promoting the efficiency of shipping
a. Promote and develop measures to facilitate shipping balanced against safety, security
and environmental protection
Shifting emphasis onto people
a. Emphasis on the contribution of the human element to safer, more secure and
environmentally friendly shipping
People at sea (Changed)
a. Ensure the adequacy of all systems used in ensuring the safety of life at sea; large
concentrations of people, effective measures to address migrants transported by sea,
stowaways, humanitarian aspects of piracy and armed robbery against ships

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IMO strategic plan 2012-2017
The importance of capacity building in ensuring universal and uniform
application of IMO instruments
There are concerns about the long-term financial sustainability of the ITCP (Integrated
Technical Co-operation Programme) which assists developing countries

Technology as a major driving force for change in the maritime transport

Developments in communications and information technology will provide opportunities to
develop knowledge management so as to increase transparency and accessibility to

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ILO - Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
The Convention:
 provides comprehensive rights and protection at work for the
world's more than 1.2 million seafarers
 consolidates and updates more than 65 international labour
standards related to seafarers adopted over the last 80 years
 sets out seafarers' rights to decent conditions of work on a wide
range of subjects, and aims to be globally applicable, easily
understandable, readily updatable and uniformly enforced; Covers
inter alia
- Minimum Requirements (age, medical certificate etc.)
- Condition of Employment
- Accommodation, Recreational Facilities, Food and Catering
- Health Protection, Medical Care, Welfare and Social Protection
- Compliance and enforcement
 is expected to come into force early in 2012
- Number of members not met (at least 30); 1 January 2012: 19 (+ 2)
(Netherlands last in December 2011). All EU States expected soon
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December 2011

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New Members of IACS
 PRS and CRS have become members of IACS

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Significant changes to IACS Resolutions (Unified Interpretations)
adopted July 2011 – 1 January 2012
Resolution Rev. Title
UI CC6 New Lining approved for use with acids – IBC Code item 15.11.2

UI SC191 Rev.4 Application of amended SOLAS regulation II-1/3-6 and revised

Technical provisions for means of access for inspections I
UI SC 223 Rev.2 For Application of SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-2 Performance Standard for
Protective Coatings (PSPC) for Dedicated Seawater Ballast Tanks in all
Types of Ships and Double-side Skin Spaces of Bulk Carriers
UI SC246 New Steering gear test with the vessel not at the deepest seagoing
UI SC247 New Emergency exit hatches to open deck (SOLAS Reg. II-2/13.1)
UI SC248 New Greatest Launching Height for a Free-Fall Lifeboat (LSA Code 1.1.4)
UI SC250 New Fire-Extinguishing Arrangements in Cargo Spaces
(Res. MSC.268(85), IMSBC Code)
UI SC251 New Controls of emergency bilge suction valve in periodically unattended
machinery spaces (SOLAS regulations II-1/48.3)
UI SC252 New Controls for releasing carbon dioxide and activating the alarm in the
protected space
UI SC249 New Implementation of SOLAS II-1, Regulation 3-5 and MSC.1/Circ.1379

UI LL77 New Application of Load Line Requirements to Conversions of Single-hull

Oil Tankers to Double-hull Oil Tankers or Bulk Carriers

Note that IACS URs are implemented through the

What's on the regulatory agenda
December 2011 DNV Rules
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Significant changes to IACS Resolutions (Recommendations)
adopted March 2010 – 1 January 2012
Resolution Revision Title
Rec 91 (Rev.1 ) Guidelines for Approval / Acceptance of Alternative Means of Access
(SOLAS II-1/3-6 Wire lift platforms)
Rec 111 NEW Passenger Ships – Guidelines for preparation of Hull Structural Surveys
Rec 113 NEW Expert Parties Engaged in Visual and/or Sampling Checks for Preparation of
Inventory of Hazardous Materials
REC 114 NEW Recommendation for the design, construction, operation and survey of emergency
shut down valves and safe cargo sampling connections on liquefied gas carriers
REC 116 NEW Performance Standard for Protective Coatings for Cargo Oil Tanks of
Crude Oil Tankers
Rec. 117 NEW “Exchange of Statutory Documentation upon Transfer of Class”
Rec. 118 NEW Maritime Labour Convention, 2006: Handling of Seafarer Complaints
by Recognized Organizations
Rec. 119 NEW Uniform application of SOLAS Reg. II-1/3-9 in association with MSC.1/Circ.1331
(Guidelines for construction, installation maintenance and inspection/survey of
means of embarkation and disembarkation)
Rec. 95 Corr.2 Recommendation for the Application of SOLAS Regulation V/15 Bridge Design,
Equipment Arrangement and Procedures (BDEAP)
Rec. 36 Rev.2 Recommended procedure for the determination of contents of metals and other
contaminants in stern tube lubricating oil

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Significant changes to IACS Resolutions (Procedural Requirements)
adopted April 2010 – 1 January 2012
Resolution, Title Change
PR 1B Procedure for Adding, Maintaining or Revised and more limited definition of "Dual Class
(Rev.1) Withdrawing Double or Dual Class Vessels"
PR 1C Procedure for Suspension and Revised and more limited definition of "Dual Class
(Rev.1) Reinstatement or Withdrawal of Class in Vessels"
Case of Surveys, Conditions of Class or
Recommendations going Overdue
PR 20 Procedural Requirement for certain ESP A limitation introduced on dual class vessels, the
(Rev.1) Surveys requirement for two surveyors may be fulfilled by
having one surveyor attend from each Society
PR 21 Procedural Requirement for Statutory "Pure administrative work" and properly qualified,
(Rev.1) Surveys by Exclusive Surveyors exclusive surveyors employed by other
Classification Societies may be used only at the
discretion of the flag Administration
PR 24 Procedural Requirements for ISPS Code Review and amendment based on experience
(Rev.1) Certification gained in the provision of audit and certification
PR 8 Procedure for Responding to Port State
(Rev.1) Control
PR6 Procedure for Activity Monitoring of Adding inter alia criteria for measuring the
(Rev.2) Surveyors, Plan Approval Staff and effectiveness of activity monitoring and assessing
Auditors competence

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What's on the regulatory agenda

December 2011

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DNV Rules for Classification of Ships – July 2011 Update

New rules have been issued Significant amendments to requirements

for: for inter alia:
• Windfarm Maintenance • Stability - To clearly distinguish between
Vessels class and statutory requirements

• Barges for liquid chemicals and • Watertight Integrity

carrying personnel • Material grade for foundations of Winches,
Windlasses etc.
• Bulk Carriers and Ore Carriers
• Fitting of rudder pintle
• Ships in Operation - alignment with IACS
and IMO requirements
• Redundant propulsion
• Control systems
• Fire safety of fishing vessels
• Web height / thickness ratios for stiffeners
• Ships for Navigation in Ice

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December 2011

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DNV Rules for Classification of Ships – January 2012 Update

New rules have been issued Significant amendments to

for: requirements for inter alia:
• Battery Systems, • Introducing rules for Steel Sandwich
introducing the class Panel Construction
notation Battery Power • Redundant Propulsion
• Great Lake Bulk Carriers, introducing a
• Boiler Monitoring, customized survey regime;
introducing class notation
BMON also amendments to:

• Redundant Propulsion, • Pressure Vessels

introducing new • Stability and watertight integrity
notations RP+ and RPS+ • Bow Loading and SPM
• Transportation of low flashpoint liquids
• Loading Computer Systems
• Gas Fuelled Ships

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December 2011

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December 2011
On the EU Agenda
3rd Maritime Safety Package
 Revised and upgraded EU Port State Control
 Common criteria for Accident investigation
 Revised control of EU ROs
 Revised EU Vessel Traffic Management (VTMS)
 Passenger carriers liability
(incorporating Athens Convention in EU law)
 Shipowners’ Liability and Financial Guarantees
 EU Flag state criteria and control

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December 2011

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Regulation (EC) No 391/2009 on common rules and standards for ship
inspection and survey organisations – Article 10

Mutual recognition
 The European Recognised Organisations has established a Technical
Committee to drive implementation of mutual recognition
 The group is currently looking into the MED process to investigate if
elements from this process could be used as basis for developing an new
scheme for mutual recognition
 The group is also identifying potential candidates for mutual recognition
from equipment that today require type approval
 The industry will be involved in testing and implementation of the new
scheme once it is in a form suitable for external review

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December 2011

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Regulation (EC) No 391/2009 on common rules and standards for ship
inspection and survey organisations – Article 11 (QACE)
IACS QSCS changes
 Accredited Certification Bodies (ACB‟s) audits from 2011;
 QSCS freely available to ANY Classification Society;
 Enhanced independence and integrity of the scheme
 Potential formal recognition of the scheme by IMO?
Establishment of Quality Assessment and Certification Entity (QACE)
 Required by EU Regulation
 Prepared by Working Group of European Recognised Organisations
 Community Interest Company (CIC) established under English Law

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EU regulatory scene. What’s next?

 Action plan for the protection of the high seas

 Action plan for maritime R&D
 Enhancing EU “Maritime Clusters” and strengthening career
and employment in the maritime sectors
 EU input on shipping and GHG development, MBM
 EU strategy on ship dismantling. The concept of “marine
spatial planning”, restricted and protected areas?
 Preservation – and restoration of marine bio diversity
 Maritime Transport Strategy 2018 – published January 2009

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December 2011

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EU regulatory scene. New tasks for EMSA
EMSA's current tasks
• assist the Commission on inspections and technical aspects
• be a service provider for Member States (CleanSeaNet, SafeSeaNet)
• maritime surveillance
• work on oil pollution response (16 stand-by oil spill response vessels)
• maintain and operate the International LRIT Data Exchange

New and possible new tasks under consideration

• tasks in the scope of Member (Flag) State audits for ROs
• advising Member States on the training and certification of seafarers
• cooperation in PSC with Paris MoU
• coordination of Coastguards - Maritime Safety Consultation Body
• pollution caused by offshore installations (response, investigation)
• prevention of pollution from offshore accidents (3rd party auditing, EIA)
• 3rd party overseeing offshore licensing?
• assist neighbouring third countries, not only Member States
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December 2011

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The increasing EU Regulatory Role
 Strong political drive to avoid oil pollution in EU waters
 Increased focus on competitiveness of European Industry
 A general belief that IMO works too slowly, hence many new
regulatory initiatives developed and implemented unilaterally
 EMSA will take an increasingly stronger role as the EU
maritime technical arm

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December 2011

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Where to find more?

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December 2011

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News on rule development is available from DNV Exchange

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December 2011

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External publication channel: DNV Exchange

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Example of IMO Watchdog report

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Requirement Explorer TM

Available in DNV Exchange:
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December 2011

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Technical eNewsletter at

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December 2011

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What's on the regulatory agenda

December 2011

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In the future we will get
 More and more detailed
international regulations covering
more areas than today
 Environmental regulations will be
in focus in the near future, and
we will see a shift from local to
global regulations (from
NOx/SOx to CO2)
 Increased focus on liability for all
partners within the maritime
 Corporate Social Responsibility
will play an increasing role in
shaping the maritime industry
What's on the regulatory agenda
December 2011

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Safeguarding life, property
and the environment

What's on the regulatory agenda

December 2011

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