Inventory of Heritage Building in Kampung Bandar Senapelan

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International Conference on Environment and Technology (IC-Tech) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
97 (2017) 012021 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/97/1/012021

Inventory of Heritage Building in Kampung Bandar Senapelan

Pekanbaru City, RIAU

Rika Cheris1) and Repi2)

1. Universitas Lancang Kuning, Pekanbaru, 28265, Indonesia
Telp:+6275152324, Fax: :+6275152324
2.Universitas Lancang Kuning, Pekanbaru, 28265, Indonesia
Telp:+6275152324, Fax: :+6275152324

Abstract: Heritage building is a building that has a character value of local history and culture in a village
and city. This heritage building is usually located in city center and into the early development of a city.
In Pekanbaru, there is a group of heritage buildings with some characters. The area named Bandar
Senapelan on the edge of the Siak river which has been developed before the colonization of the
Netherlands.This research was conducted with field observations and interviews with local residents and
then conducted measurements on the building. The data collected are compiled into a table to make it
easier to conduct an inventory of the identification of the structure and construction of the building as well
as the types of responses. Some of the heritage buildings in the area of Bandar Senapelan were influenced
by some ethnic groups such as Minangkabau, Malay and Chinese. Those buildings have distinctive
character although they do not use too many elements of architectural art, but their existence is quite
able to prove past glory in the city of Pekanbaru. In this research, a core zone area was created, then the
buildings’ remains were calculated. After that, the calculations and sincronization were done with a map
of virtue as many as 52 heritage buildings made of wood and stone. The buildings have different tipology,
as a single home (individual), the home of the fisherman, merchant's house, warehouse, shop and home
stores.The output from this research will generate a mapping of the heritage buildings and it is expected
that it can provide useful information for the development of the city stakeholders to determine the
direction of future development of Bandar Senapelan
Keywords: Heritage building, inventory and typology

Bandar Senapelan is an area in Central of Pekanbaru City that is attached directly to the Siak River. At the region there`
was the Centre of trade and transport links between central Sumatra and the lands on the opposite side of the Mallaca
Straits . The existence of cultural heritage buildings are still found in the area. The Government of the Republic of Indonesia
firmly has mentioned in the law on cultural heritage No. 11 of 2010, that more than 50 years old buildings are objects of
cultural heritage and must be preserved. However, to reach the stage of preservation, it needs to go through the process of
inventory and documentation as well as in the assessment of these buildings. Inventory of historic old buildings aims to give
public awareness especially local authorities about how important it is maintaining and keeping the visual quality of the
city.The new development is one of the factors of economic development and improvement of a city. However, new
development should not sacrifice the cultural heritage values in one place.

The research method is to do a field survey to each heritage building. Data taken in field such as existing photos, history,
ownership, construction structures, architectural details and typology. After collecting all the data through interviews and
the depiction of the measurement, then the process of designation or classification action on the heritage building
preservation was done. For that data were summarized in a table in order to facilitate the understanding of the condition
rather than the object of research.

Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution
of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI.
Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1
International Conference on Environment and Technology (IC-Tech) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
97 (2017) 012021 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/97/1/012021

2. The theory of cultural heritage buildings

Old buildings establish the identity of the architecture of the later origins of the past i.e. traditional architecture, (Antariksa,
2015). This statement is an affirmation to the existence of traditional architecture. Traditional architecture provides visual
richness for the community of the city and at the same time reflects the local wisdom of traditional society in the past such
as the cleverness and precision of traditional community breakfast buffet on the buildings they build. Every structure and
construction of the building support mutually and are able to survive decades of even hundreds of years. While in the
carvings, color, detail architecture there are meanings of such a high position, rank, as well as advice for the next
generation. Traditional societies have a high sensitivity to the environment around them. When they intend to build a house
or other building, then they always pay attention to power support a stable land as land for housing, land for farming, as
well as a source of clean water.
Modern societies concern for the environment, so Interested to do the maintenance of the architectural cultural heritage
buildings as a comparison to the businessmen in the field of property in order to join in observing the environment when it
will open a new land. Specifically, the objects are essential for building preservation and there are several criteria. Some
general criteria are used to determine the objects preservation, among others:
1. Aesthetic, is assessment of beauty and artistic value of a building in part of the city as it represents a special
achievement in a particular historical style. The consideration of the decisions taken vary so it is quite difficult to
prove a building is more important than the other, this aesthetic benchmarks associated with aesthetics in terms of
form, structure, and space.
2. The plurality, is a group of buildings that represent a special type of class or period of a particular time which
forms the specific character. So the benchmark of the plurality emphasizes on how far the work of the architecture
represents a range or a special kind of specifity.
3. The scarcity of a building that consists of one type of latter examples, or that still exists is rare or even that is the
only one in the world, it does not belong to other areas.
4. The role of history, is a building or group of buildings with an important historic event to preserve as a symbolic
bond between previous and present events.
5. Strengthen the area nearby, namely buildings and parts of the city that will affect urban character with a very
meaningful presence to improve the quality and image of the surrounding environment.
6. Privileges, i.e. buildings which are protected because they have privileges, for example the first, longest, tallest,
oldest, largest, and so on.

After doing classificationthe above, then the data carried out the conservation action types. There are three categories of
types of actions, namely:
a. the first category is based on the age of the building. Through the study of the history of the development of the city
it will be retrieved timeline (time series ) which is important in the formation of the city. Time series with this
approach will make it easier to determine the population of buildings based on time. How prevalent is done through
the choice of the population which has certain specifications in determining the group. This can be done when it has
been known years of development.
b. The second category; based on the flavor of local residents regarding the uniqueness of the form or the motives of
the ornament that is owned by heritage building, the influence of different cultures.
c. the third Category; the buildings after the second world war. Usually not much uniqueness of cultural values. In this
population in the buildings that have no importance against this can be removed from the list check (check list)

After doing the above, then the data collection carried out conservation action type of separation process. There are three
categories of types of actions, namely:
a. the first category; is based on the age of the building. Through the study of the history of the development of the
city will be retrieved timeline (time series) are important in the formation of the city. Time series with this approach
will make it easier to determine the population of buildings based on time. How prevalent is done through the choice
of the population which has certain specifications in determining his group. This can be done when it has been
known years of development.
b. The second categoryis based on the flavor of local residents regarding the uniqueness of the form or the motives of
the ornament found in the heritage building which may show the influence of different cultures.
c. the third Category is the buildings after the second world war. It does not show much uniqueness of cultural values.
In this case,the buildings have no importance, thus can be removed from check list.
After the selection was done the buildings on the list should be assessed through specific interests based on historical
values, interesting architectural characteristics, circumstances and structures as well as the influence of the surrounding area
against the building. Assessment of heritage architecture in this area can be done by analyzing the existing building
typology. Building typology is describing a group of objects on the basis of the similarity of character and basic forms.
Grouping multiple objects is performed based on the nature of the similarities in the form type, model and idioms.

International Conference on Environment and Technology (IC-Tech) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
97 (2017) 012021 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/97/1/012021

Classification of buildinhg typology is done based on understanding the object, function and symbolic perception.
Typology of traditional Malay houses is the home stage with high poles. (Mahyudin Al Mudra, 2003). The Overview of
Malay architecture Building typology in Bandar Senapelan shows that there have been changes or substitution of some
elements of the building. This is caused by the traditional typology of the building because of the influence of Malay
culture and external cultural influences that developed at that time. Malay architecture building in the Bandar Senapelan is
built based on the function of building, the House, warehouse, trade accounts, and places of worship (Titin, Rika, Repi,
Minangkabau ethnic residential typology is determined by the number of Poles, the floor and the end of the building, while
the other characteristics remain the same (Ibenzani, 1985). Minangkabau architecture also emphasizes the functional aspects
rather than on the symbolic ones. A home is not just a place to live, but also as a place of discussion and traditional
ceremony. Room is spacious enough built to accommodate guests on certain occasions. The bedroom is arranged in a
linear-shaped in order to bring more impression on the house. Minangkabau house has several types and characters that
have been mutually agreed by the experts. The second type is the basis of development of the minangkabau house so it
undergoes transformation from time to time. The house of Chinese there has also undergone many changes and is almost
disappeared in this area. Anyhow, it can be seen in the area surrounding the location of research. The cultural heritage of
ethnic Chinese that is still found is the intangible heritage which is always in use by the Chinese community.
2) The process of determination of cultural heritage buildings
In the case of the research area of Kampung Bandar Senapelan, determination of the building is done by several stages
through the principles below:
1) Making a list of the records against the heritage buildings by doing an inventory buildings that have plurality,
aesthetics, rarity, history, reinforcing the role of the regions, and privileges. Action was taken based on the quality of
the building, maintenance and the contributions on the face of the city. All buildings contain cultural heritage in
kampung Bandar Senapelan marked in the map. Then to the environment, the selection can be made by:
a. Environmental conservation which can be selected based on the grouping of heritage buildings. This means
buildings which are not worth the environmental legacy but included in the heritage building will get special
b. The environment is considered an important contribution to the quality of the face of the city as a whole (including
oldand new buildings), will be considered as environment conservation. There are times when there are regions
that make up a good angle and give the quality of the image of the city as a whole. the vegetation is one of the
things that makes the space on a particular view that gives good quality. This atmosphere should also be

Figure 1. The guidelines limit the area at kelurahan Bandar Senapelan.

2) Classifying the environmental and cultural heritage building by making the outline zoning district. The area which has
already been in the zoning would be a major concern to do an inventory process. By grouping the environment and
buildings in zoning, it will facilitate all actions on the location. Said Zoning is better known in archaeology while in
architecture it is known as deleniazation. Deleniazation and zoning have already been agreed by all preservation
experts to use in grouping zones that must be protected. Zoning is therefore divided into 3 namely core zone, buffer
zone and developed zone. The zoning research stresses only on the core zone, due to limited time. As for the buffer
zone and the developed zone will be continued on subsequent research. The core zone is a group of buildings that have
been classified. In this core zone of protection of heritage building have been preserved in accordance with theories
that have been there. Then to protect the core zone guidelines on building maintenance and environment setup and
development as a reference in the future, should be created. In Figure 01 below. It is clear that using the core zone
limits the street name as well as the edge of the River, that is North of the River with unbounded Siak, South with the
Kampung Bukit, to the East with Mohamadd Yatim street and the West with the Waqf. Decision making of this
limitation is intended to make it easier to control and maintain.

International Conference on Environment and Technology (IC-Tech) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
97 (2017) 012021 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/97/1/012021

Table 1.
Numbered buildings of cultural heritage in Kampung Bandar Senapelan

No Nama bangunan alamat

01 Surau Al-Irhaash Jl.Senapelan no.57 Kampung bukit
02 Rumah Pribadi Jl.Senapelan no.55 Kampung bukit
03 Rumah Pribadi Jl.Senapelan no.53 Kampung bukit
04 Rumah Pribadi Jl.Senapelan no.51 Kampung bukit
05 Rumah Pribadi Jl.Senapelan no.50, Kampung bukit
06 Rumah Pribadi Jl.Senapelan Gg. Perdagangan
07 RumahTuan Kadi Jl.Senapelan Gg. Perdagangan
08 Kios Jl. Kota Baru
09 Gudang Jl. Kota Baru
10 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Kota Baru
11 Gudang Garam Jl. Kota Baru
12 Kios Jl. Kota Baru
13 Gudang Garam Jl. Kota Baru
14 Gudang Jl. Kota Baru
15 Gudang Jl. Kota Baru
16 Gudang Jl. Kota Baru
17 Gudang Jl. Kota Baru
18 Toko Veleg Jl. Kota Baru
19 Kios Jl. Kota Baru
20 Kios Jl. Saleh Abbas
21 Kios Jl. Saleh Abbas
22 Kios Jl. Saleh Abbas
23 Kios Jl. Saleh Abbas
24 Kios Jl. Saleh Abbas
25 Kios Jl. Saleh Abbas
26 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Saleh Abbas
27 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Saleh Abbas
28 Kedai Kopi Kim Teng Jl. Saleh Abbas
29 Gudang Jl. Kampar
30 Toko Ban Mobil Jl. Kampar
31 Gudang Jl. Kampar
32 Toko Ban Mobil Jl. Kampar
33 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Kampar
34 Rumah Singgah Sultan Jl. Pergadangan
35 Rumah Tenun Jl. Pergadangan
36 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
37 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
38 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
39 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
40 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
41 Gudang/Tempat Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
42 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
43 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
44 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
45 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
46 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
47 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
48 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
49 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
50 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
51 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
52 Mesjid Dagang Jl. Pergadangan
53 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan
54 Rumah Tinggal Jl. Pergadangan

3) Buildings which will bring the history of both the history of the building as well as the history of its surroundings, 2)
flavor of the local population with respect to uniqueness of the shape or the motives of the ornament that is found in
heritage building, the influence of various cultures, 3) buildings after the second world war do not have uniqueness of
cultural values. From the survey results and interviews with residents who still reside in the location of the median –
median research that the building stands before the time of the second world war. So the category assignment on a
building that looks in the table is the category one and category two.

International Conference on Environment and Technology (IC-Tech) 2017 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science1234567890
97 (2017) 012021 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/97/1/012021

4) Determination of the building, this assignment consists of 4 types such as, tipe A is the building with the maintenance
of preservation through action on the exterior and the interior, The exterior maintenance, tipe B is yet on the inside may
be modified in accordance with the functions of the present, tipe C is the maintenance may change the exterior and
interior, while tipe D is the building that can be destroyed as stalls that stick to the walls of buildings of cultural
heritage or glue that is deliberately attached so it may damage the original building and so
5) Determination of the typology of the building, grouping shapes, characters and styles on a group of buildings. In the
area of research in German calculation, in accordance with current function. As mentioned in the introduction that the
typology of the building of the cultural heritage found in kampung bandar senapelan are several buildings namely; a)
residential Building - housing, b) Shop House/kiosk/stall, 3)mosque, 4) Warehouse,
a. Housing = 48 %
b. Shop house/stall = 22,2 %
c. Warehouse = 18,5 %
d. Mosque = 3,7 %

Figure 2. The determination of the core zone, buffer zone, and the preservation of cultural heritage building types

Comparison of the function of buildings found in the kampung bandar senapelan caused by the activities of the trade.
Different function will affect the appearance of the building as a whole. Likewise with the surrounding environment. Until
now, the port activity is quite high especially for the heavy stuff. Several buildings that served as the House turned into a
goods shed weight. This will bring the impact on the existence of the building and if it is not treated well, it will then fall by
itself. The specialty of the building in this area is the average use of materials from wood to start from the floor to the roof,
for the foundation stones and limes were used. This indicates that most of the Malay population live in this region including
to (have a high economic level). The average of the society work as traders, only a small fraction that become fishermen.
The number of elites left the house being left to others, they are fixed.Most of the buildings remain to this day are more
than a hundred years and the damage does not occur only because of bad maintenance but also because of the location of
the fishermen’s homes which are located along the lip of the river which cause damage and moldiness of building
materials. Quite worrying is when these damaged buildings fall away with age. For this reason, special handling is required
so that the diversity of the old buildings in the area is still preserved. .

From the results of the analysis and the discussion above, it is inferred several things. The first, the need to complete the
process of documenting this further to a building that has not yet been identified. Then for keeping this area, the
Government is expected to control and evaluate the rules enforcement of construction or building permit. The necessity to
do the rejuvenation of existing buildings is to provide a clean, comfortable visual experience for all citizens. The research
will be continued to manufacture managed plan for handling the preservation areas which will deepen the process of
determination of the zoning area. It is hoped the input of this article for self development.

5. Reference
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