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Saikiran et al. 2023. Int. J.

Vehicle Structures & Systems, 15(2), 222-226

Int ernat i onal Journal of
ISSN: 0975-3060 (Print), 0975-3540 (Online)
doi: 10.4273/ijvss.15.2.15. Vehicle Structures & Systems
Available online at https://yanthrika.com/eja
© 2023. Carbon Magics Ltd.

Experimental Investigation on Thermal Behaviour of Silicon Carbide (SiC)

based Polymer Composites under Hygrothermal Conditions
Chinnari Saikirana,b, Srihari Pallia,c, Ramakrishna Bondalaa,d, Rakesh Chandmal Sharmag,
Dowluru Sreeramulua,e and Raghuveer Dontikurtia,f
aDept. of Mech. Engg., Aditya Institute of Tech. and Management, Tekkali, Andhra Pradesh, India
bEmail: saikiran.mechanical320@gmail.com
cEmail: srihari.palli@gmail.com
dEmail: brkbtech@gmail.com
eEmail: dowlurusreeram@gmail.com
fEmail: raghuveer.dontikurti@gmail.com
gDept. of Mech. Engg., Graphic Era (Deemed to be University), Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India

Corresponding Author, Email: rcsharmaiitr@gmail.com

The thermal management of electronic devices is a critical component of their performance. Due to the emergence and
evolution of new technologies, the wide use of electronic devices is increased in the past decade in the field of marine,
automobile and other stationary applications. The need for effective thermal management in these applications has
become more critical. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the various challenges that face the
development of new composite materials, as epoxy-based composites are the latest trend of materials widely used in
many areas. But their thermal conductivity behaves poorly in moisture and thermal conditions. This work attempts to
study the behaviour of silicon carbide and E glass fiber reinforced polymer matrix composite under hygrothermal and
compressive loads. Specimens are also tested for moisture absorption to calculate the hygro strains of a specimen. E-
glass fiber is fixed to 15% and varied 10%, 20% and 30% of SiC in the fabrication of hybrid polymer composite using
the hand-layup technique. These specimens undergo tensile, flexural, hardness and thermal conductivity tests, revealing
the tensile strength, thermal, flexural strength, hardness and thermal conductivity of proposed specimens. The
behaviour of the specimens is compared for all conditions with moisture at room temperature, 80 C and 150C.

Polymer composites; SiC; Hygrothermal; Thermal conductivity; Tensile testing; Flexural strength

C. Saikiran, S. Palli, R. Bondala, R.C. Sharma, D. Sreeramulu and R. Dontikurti. 2023. Experimental Investigation on
Thermal Behaviour of Silicon Carbide (SiC) based Polymer Composites under Hygrothermal Conditions, Int. J. Vehicle
Structures & Systems, 15(2), 222-226. doi:10.4273/ijvss.15.2.15.

1. Introduction Researchers are currently developing single-use

thermal conductive polymers that meet different
A combination of several materials with significantly electronic device demands. Due to the rapid emergence
different chemical or physical properties can produce and evolution of the electronic industry, the need for new
better properties than their components. The constituents technologies has become more prevalent. Due to the
of the composite retain their identities and do not merge high level of integration, the heat generated by the
or dissolve into each other [1]. One of the most widely device can quickly become dissipated to allow it to
used materials is composites due to their flexibility and function efficiently [5]. Due to their chemical resistance,
ability to be used in different situations. They are also mechanical properties and thermal stability, epoxy resins
very strong and have low density, making them ideal for are widely used in various aerospace, automotive and
various applications [2]. One of the most widely used electronic industries. However, the low thermal
types of thermosetting resins is epoxy resins. These are conductivity of certain types of epoxy resins can prevent
also known for their high mechanical and dimensional their applications. Due to their low thermal conductivity,
properties and low cost and shrinkage rate. They are they must be used in electronic packaging. This issue is
commonly used as the matrix of various composites and becoming more prevalent as the demands for faster and
coatings. Due to the increasing number of applications denser circuits increase [6-8]. Conductive ceramic
requiring high thermal conductivities, new composites materials can be incorporated into certain polymers to
with better mechanical and thermal properties have improve their thermal conductivity. This process can
become more prevalent [3]. Various types of high- help prevent overheating in the device. A composite
performance carbon fiber and thermal conductive fillers made with a single particle size and a different type of
can be utilized to increase epoxy's mechanical and filler with different sizes exhibited higher thermal
thermal conductivity [4]. conductivity [9].

Saikiran et al. 2023. Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 15(2), 222-226

This difference is because the former's thermal method. The SiC particles used are in the average size of
conductivity is higher than the latter. In addition, the 44µm and randomly distributed in the composite. These
former's thermal conductivity is higher when made with works investigate combined hygro and thermal effects to
different shapes and sizes of filler. Silicon carbide (SiC) study the changes in the composite due to the hygro
can be classified as thermally conductive since pure SiC thermal ageing effect. According to the UNEEN ISO 62,
monocrystals exhibit a thermal conductivity of 490 W/m 2008, water absorption tests were conducted to study the
K at room temperature. The results of the experimental properties of bio epoxy composites reinforced with flax
and mathematical models are found to be close to each fibre [21]. The samples were immersed in water for
other regarding low-fiber content. It was noticed that the some time until saturation was achieved. All the samples
increase in fiber content could lead to an increase in are divided into three sets for three different conditions.
thermal conductivity [10]. Polymers can enhance their Each set of samples is kept at different temperatures of
thermal conductivity by adding fillers such as copper hot water. Temperatures of water considered in this work
mesh, carbon fiber-reinforced polymer, graphene and are 28, 80 and 150C for 7 days, i.e., 168 hours of
CNT [11-15]. These components can be used in various immersion.
applications due to their hygrothermal effect, which is
caused by the combination of moisture and elevated
temperature. Most automobile components, such as the
under-hood, are exposed to high temperatures. This can
reach up to 130C due to the engine's temperature and
weather conditions. In addition, moisture can be caused
by the weather [16].
The mechanical properties of various thermoplastic
composites are highly dependent on their temperature.
The effects of moisture on these properties depend on
the matrix composition, interface and fiber type [17]. For
instance, when the temperature increases, these
Fig. 1: E-glass fiber epoxy composite samples
composites' elastic and tensile strength can decrease. The
increasing temperature can cause the fracture stress to Table 1: Properties of neat epoxy and Eglass + epoxy composite
increase due to the molecular chain motion of the Tensile Strength Flexural
polymers. This effect is more pronounced in Material properties
(MPa) Strength(MPa)
unreinforced materials [18]. The tensile properties of Neat Epoxy 68.7 52
these materials are more matrix-based. Polymers are E-Glass 15% + epoxy 182.5 95.8
known to absorb moisture. The amount of water they can
Table 2: List of compositions considered for investigation
take in depends on their composition. For instance,
polyamide groups are sensitive to moisture due to their Composition Sample name
polar structure. The water uptake rate increases with 85% Epoxy + 15% E-glass fiber ESC0
temperature, while the maximum is constant [19-20]. 75% Epoxy + 15% E-glass fiber + 10% SiC ESC1
The increase in temperature can stimulate segmental 65% Epoxy + 15% E-glass fiber + 20% SiC ESC2
mobility resulting in a higher rate of water absorption. In 55% Epoxy + 15% E-glass fiber + 30% SiC ESC3
polymer composites, the resin usually absorbs moisture.
But, the interface between the matrix and fiber can The weight gain percentage was calculated at
change the absorption rate. This paper presents various intervals and plotted against the water immersion
theoretical and experimental data on the thermal time. The average value was then reported. The
conductivity of a silicon carbide filler glass fiber epoxy difference between the sample's weight in dry and wet
resin hybrid. conditions was obtained after the immersion. Equation 1
gives the moisture % present in the specimens.
𝑊𝑡1 −𝑊𝑖
2. Materials and methods 𝑊𝑡 = × 100 (1)
Resin LY556 is used in this work. The thermal
After the samples are exposed to hygrothermal
conductivity of this material is 0.2 W/mk. And which is
conditions, mechanical properties are evaluated. Samples
very low. The observations in past research e-glass fiber
are undergone tensile testing, flexural or bending test
of 15% show improved properties in enhancing tensile
and hardness. All the specimens are machined to the
and flexural strength. So, a constant 15% of e-glass fiber
ASTM standards D638, where the overall length of the
is considered in all the samples. For the initial study of e-
specimens is 165mm and gauge length maintained is
glass fibre in epoxy, samples are fabricated for
about 115mm at a thickness of 3.2mm [22]. All the
conducting the flexural and tensile test. The samples are
specimens are tested for tensile strength and can estimate
shown in Fig. 1 and the results are tabulated in Table 1.
the influence of SiC particles with E-glass. A flexural/
To control the hygrothermal effect on the polymer and
bending test is conducted for all the specimens to study
improve the thermal conductivity of the polymer, SiC is
the behaviour of the prepared composites under
used as a filler material with E-glass. The percentage of
hygrothermal conditions and reinforcement contributions
SiC is varied to identify the performance of the
in resisting the adverse environment.
composite. The combinations are listed in Table 2. All
The specimens are machined in a rectangular shape
the samples were fabricated by using the hand layup
as per ASTMD790. The dimensions of the specimens are

Saikiran et al. 2023. Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 15(2), 222-226

150×12.7×3.2mm (L, W, T) [23]. Hardness of all the test specimens. But the presence of SiC influences the
samples is investigated to study the effect of lowering of the moisture absorption rate. These can be
hyrgrothermal ageing effect. The testing specimen witnessed in Figs. 3(c) and 3(d). As the SiC percentage
dimensions 50mm × 50mm × 5mm. The diameter of the increases, the sample rate of water or moisture
ball-shaped indenter is 10mm and the load applied is 500 absorption decreases. This positively affects the
kgf. This composite's thermal conductivity is studied composites for the higher life of the components. Fig.
using Lee's disc method Fig. 2 illustrates the 3(d) shows the trend of the SiC 30% in the composite,
arrangements. The specimen is kept in between the which recorded lower values when compared to others.
steam chamber and the lower disc. Where the steam
chamber can also be called the upper disc (B) and the
lower disc named (C), both discs' temperatures T 1 and T2
were observed by two thermometers in a controlled
environment. When both discs are in a steady state, the
sample is removed from the setup and a 10℃
temperature drop was recorded in seconds. Fig. 2 shows
the arrangement of the setup. By using Eqn. (2) the
formula for K and the corresponding values are
Fig. 3(a): Moisture absorption% for ESIC0 samples
calculated for all the samples.
𝑀.𝑆(𝑟+2ℎ) 𝐿𝑥
𝐾= × (2)
2(𝑟+ℎ) 𝜋𝑟 2 (𝑇1 −𝑇2 )
Mass of the brass disc, 'm' gms = 975 grams. Average
thickness of the brass disc = 'h' cm. Average radius of
the brass disc = 'r' cm = radius of the bad conductor,
average thickness of the cardboard = 'L' cm. Specific
heat of brass, 'S' = 0.089 Cal/gm/°C. Steady temperature
of the steam box = T1 ℃. Steady temperature of the brass
disc (lower disc) = T2℃. Co-efficient of thermal Fig. 3(b): Moisture absorption% for ESIC1 samples
conductivity of the bad conductor = 'K'. The thermal
conductivity of materials can be predicted by using
mathematical theoretical models. In these methods, the
rule of mixtures and Maxwell equations are one of them.
The formulae for the two methods are shown in Eqns.
(3) and (4). Rule of mixtures,
1 (1−∅1 −∅2 ) ∅1 ∅2
= + + (3)
𝐾ℎ 𝐾𝑚 𝐾𝑔 𝐾𝑓

∅1 and ∅2 = weight percentages of two reinforcements Fig. 3(c): Moisture absorption% for ESIC2 samples
‘g’-indicates thermal conductivity of glass fiber, ‘f’ in
suffix indicates SiC and ‘m’ represents matrix, ‘h’
indicates composite. Maxwell equation for calculating
the thermal conductivity of composites.
𝐾ℎ 3(𝐾𝑓 −𝐾𝑚 ) 3(𝐾𝑔 −𝐾𝑚 )
= 1+[ ] ∅1 + [ ] ∅2 (4)
𝐾𝑚 (𝐾𝑓 +2𝐾𝑚) (𝐾𝑔 +2𝐾𝑚 )

Fig. 3(d): Moisture absorption% for ESIC3 samples

Figs. 4(a, b) made attempt in comparing the

moisture absorption rate under room temperature i.e.,
28℃ and abnormal temperatures at 150℃. The
temperature effect on the polymer composites shows an
Fig. 2: Lee's disc setup for measuring thermal conductivity
abnormal increase in the moisture absorption rate. In this
hybrid composite SiC presence lowers the moisture
3. Results and discussions absorption in all conditions. The higher the SiC in the
The specimens under hygrothermal conditions have a composite the lower the absorption rate. The effect of
drastic change in the water absorption rate in the hygrothermal on the composite material properties had a
specimens. The percentage of water absorption in ESIC0 significant impact. The combined effect of hygro and
sample can be observed in Fig. 3(a). The change in the thermal, which led to hygrothermal ageing effect,
temperature of the surroundings increases the water reduced the material's properties. Fig. 5(a) shows the
absorption rate within a short time compared to room specimens' tensile strength at the stated three conditions.
temperature conditions. Fig. 3(b) indicates the trend of The increase in the temperature increases the moisture
water absorption in the composite with SiC 10%, which absorption rate, thereby reducing the materials' tensile
has the same effect as the temperature in all the strength and flexural properties Fig. 5(b).

Saikiran et al. 2023. Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 15(2), 222-226

The 30% SiC composite also performed well compared

to 0% and 10% SiC composites. The flexural strength of
ESIC3 exhibited better with values of 113.6 MPa and
108.6 MPa at moisture exposer conditions of 80C and
150℃ when compared to other composites. Due to the
typical conditions of all the specimens, the impact of
moisture absorption has a moderate effect on hardness
properties. The hardness of the specimens increased by
increasing the SiC percentage shown in Fig. 5(c) as the
temperature increases, have a lower impact on the SiC
Fig. 4(a): % of moisture absorbed in all the specimens at 28℃ percentages of 20 and 30. Both ESIC2 and ESIC3
exhibited better results. The ESIC2 recorded hardness
values of 68BHN and 62BHN and ESIC3 70BHN and
65BHN when exposed to moisture at temperatures 80℃
and 150℃.
There is a drastic change in the thermal conductivity
behaviour of the composites when increasing the SiC
percentage. The SiC helped the polymer composite
enhance the conductivity by almost crossing three times
the neat epoxy. Fig. 6 shows the trend of the thermal
Fig. 4(b): % of moisture absorbed in all the specimens at 150℃ conductivity in the specimens. The samples ESIC2 and
ESIC3 had more significant increase in the property. Fig.
6 also compares the experimental data with
mathematically obtained thermal conductivity data. Fig.
7 shows the error % in predicting the material properties
and Maxwell equations show a lower error rate.

Fig. 5(a): Properties of all specimens exposed to hygrothermal

conditions - tensile strength

Fig. 6: Thermal conductivities from experiment, ROM and

Maxwell equations

Fig. 5(b): Properties of all specimens exposed to hygrothermal

conditions - flexural strength

Fig. 7: % error in the rule of mixtures (ROM) and Maxwell

equations with respect to experimental values

4. Conclusions
Fig. 5(c): Properties of all specimens exposed to hygrothermal
The following conclusions are obtained from the
conditions – hardness investigations on the E-glass and SiC epoxy composite
under different conditions. The moisture absorption in
Adding SiC to this composite made a meaningful the composites is high at higher temperatures, but adding
effect by resisting the effects caused by the hygrothermal SiC in the composite reduced the rate of moisture
conditions. The sample with 20% SiC showed better abortion even in the unfavourable hygrothermal
properties when compared to other composites. ESIC2 conditions. The hygrothermal conditions had a
sample showed improved properties of 191.4 MPa and significant influence on lowering the properties of the
177.1 MPa at the moisture exposer at 80℃ and 150℃. composites. SiC 20% and 30% in the composites

Saikiran et al. 2023. Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 15(2), 222-226

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