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This file censed a you san indivi! ASHRAE Member, Duplication and distribution to others prohibited. License Date 6/1/2012, Related Commercial Resources CHAPTER 22 HUMIDIFIERS Environmental Conditions Enclosure Characteristics Energy Considerations. Equipment Controls. 2 22 23 2s ns ' the selection and application of humidifiers, the designer con- siders (I) the environmental conditions of the occupancy oF process and (2) the characteristics of the building enclosure Because these may not always be compatible, compromise is some- times necessary, particularly inthe cave of existing building. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS. A particular occupancy or process may dictate a specific relative humidity, a required range of relative humidity, or certain limiting ‘maximum of minimum values, The following classifications ex- plain the effects of relative humidity and provide guidance on the requirements for most applications. Human Comfort The complete effect of relative humidity on all aspects of human ‘comfort has not yet been established, For thermal comfort, higher temperature is generally considered necessary to offset decreased relative humidity (see ASHRAE Standard 55). ‘Low relative humidity inreases evaporation ftom the membranes ‘of the nose and throat, drying the mucous membranes in th respira- tory systom;italso dries the skin and hair. The increased incidence of respiratory complain during winter is offen linked to low relative ‘humidity. Epidemiological studies have found lower rates of respra- tory illness reported among occupants of buildings with midrange relative humidity than among occupants of buildings with low humidity Extremes of humidity are the most detrimental to human com- fort, productivity and health. Figure I shows that the range between Fig. 1 Optimum Humidity Range for ‘Human Comfort and Health Adapted rm Stering et al 1988) he preparation of this chapter is assigned to TC S.1, Equipment riifying 30.and 60% rh (at normal room temperatures) provides the best con- Aiions for human occupancy (Sterling et al 1985). In this range, both the growth of bacteria and biologicl organisms and the speed at which chemical interactions ooeur are minimized. Prevention and Treatment of Disease Relative humidity has a significant effect onthe contro of air- bome infection. At 50% rh, the mortality rate of certain organisms is highest and the influenza virus loses much of is virulence. The ‘mortality rate ofthese organisms decreases both above and below this value. High humidity can suppor the growth of pathogenic or allergenic organisms. As shown in Figure 2, humidity levels around 50% ean be lethal to the Prewmococcus bacterium (Brundrett, 1990), Similar effets can be seen in other microorganisms that cause serious health issues. Consequently, relative humidity in hab- itabe spaces should be maintained between 30 and 60%, Relative humidity also has a major roe in the effets of different bacteria, Figure 3 shows the morality of mice exposed to influenza under varying degrees of relative humidity (Brundrett 1990). Electronic Equipment Electronic data processing equipment requires controlled rela- tive humidity. High relative humidity may cause condensation nthe ‘equipment, whereas low relative humidity may promote static elec- tricity. Als, rapid changes in relative humidity should be avoided because oftheir effect on bar code readers, magnetic tapes, disks, Fig.2 Mortality of Pneumococcus Bacterium “Maximum morality for abome Prewnococel comes when eltive hurt i eld t 53% “dap rom Brandt 1990) 241 Copyright © 2012, ASHRAE This ile icensed o you san individual ASHRAE Member. Duplication and distribution ooters prohibited. License Date: 6/1/2012 Fig.3. Mortality in Mice Exposed to Aerosolized Influenza "Nove that numbers of deaths and lang lesions were minimized when Inuit was held between 40 and 60% ch ‘dap from Brande 1990) and data processing equipment. Generally, computer systems have ‘recommended design and operating range of 35 to $5% th, How- ever, the manufacturer's recommendations should be adhered to for specific equipment operation, Process Control and Materials Storage ‘The relative humidity required by a process is usually specific and related to one or more of several fictors: + Control of moisture content or regain + Rate of chemical or biochemical reations + Rate of crystallization + Product accuracy or uniformity + Corrosion + State electricity ‘Typical conditions of temperature and relative humidity or stor age of certain commodities and manufacturing and processing of others may be found in Chapter 14 of the 2011 ASHRAE Hand- book—HVAC Applications. ‘Low humidity in winter may cause drying and shrinking of fur- nitre, wood floors, and interior trim, Winter humidification should be considered to maintain relative humidity closer to that experi- enced during manufacture or installation, For storing hygroscopic material, mtintaining constant humid ity is often as important as the humidity level itself. The design of the structure should always be considered. Temperature control is Important because of the danger of condensation on products through a transient lowering of temperature Static Electricity Electrostatic charges are generated when materials of high elec- trical resistance move against each other, The accumulation of such charges may havea variety of results: (1) unpleasant sparks caused by friction between two materials (eg, stocking feet and carpet fibers); (2) dtfculty in handling sheets of paper, fibers, and fabric; (3) objestionable dust clinging to oppositely charged objects (e-., negatively charged metal nals or screws securing gypsum board 10 wooden studding in the exterior walls of a building that tract positively charged dust particles); (4) destruction of data stored on ‘magnetic disks and tapes that require specifically controlled environ- ‘ments; and (5) hazardous situations if explosive gases are present, 5 in hospitals, research laboratories, or industrial clean rooms. 2012 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment Fig 4 Effect of Relative Humidity on Static Electricity from Carpets Below 40% rh, perceptible shocks are more likly (Adapted fom Brande 1980) Increasing the relative humidity ofthe environment reduces the accumulation of electrostatic charges, but the optimum level of humidity depends to some extent on the materials involved. Figure 4 illustrates the voltage that ean be accumulated in the human body at different humidity levels. Relative humidity of 45% reduces ot climinates electrostatic effects in many materials, but woo! and some synthetic materials may require a higher relative humidity Hospital operating rooms, where explosive mixtures of anesthet- ‘es are used, constitute a special and eiicel case. relative humidity of at least 50% i usually required, wth special grounding arange- ‘ments and restrictions on the types of clothing wor by occupants ‘Conditions of 72°F and 35% rh are usualy recommended for com fort and set. Ar absorption of sound waves, which results in the loss of sound strength, is worst at 1 to 20% th, and the loss increases as the fe- quency rises (Harris 1963). There is @ marked reduction in sound absorption at 40% rh; above 50%, the effect of air absorption i neg- ligible. Air absorption of sound does not significantly affect speech ‘but may merit consideration in are halls or auditoriums where opti ‘mum acoustic conditions are required for musical performances, Miscellaneous Laboratories and test chambers, in which precise control of rl- ative humidity over a wide range is desired, require special atten- tion, Because of the interelation between temperature and relative hhumidty, precise humidity control requires equally precise temper- ature conitl ENCLOSURE CHARACTERISTICS ‘Vapor Retarders “The maximum relative humidity level to which a building may be humidified in winter depends on the ability ofits walls, roof, and other clements to prevent or tolerate condensation. Condensed This ile icensed o you san individual ASHRAE Member. Duplication and distribution ooters prohibited. License Date: 6/1/2012 Humidifiers moisture o frost on surfaces exposed tothe building interior (visible ‘condensation) can deteriorate the surface Finish, cause mold growth and subsequent indreet moisture damage and nuisance, and reduce Visibility through windows, Ithe walls and roof have not been spe- other moisture losses, bf wate (9 ~ density of ait sea evel, 0073 IR Design Conditions Interior design conditions are dictated by the ovcupancy’or the process, as discussed in the preceding sections on Enclosure Char acteristics and on Environmental Conditions. Outdoor relative humidity can be assumed to be 70 to 80% at temperatures below 32°F of 50% at temperatures above 32°F for winter conditions in ‘mos areas. Additional data on outdoor design data may be obtained from Chapier 14 of the 2009 ASHRAF Handbook—Fundamentals Absolute humidity values ean be obtained either from Chapter | of | the 2009 ASHRAF Handbook Fundamentals or froman ASHRAE. psychrometric char, For systems handling fixed outside air quantities, load calcula. tions are based on outdoor design conditions. Equation (1) should be used for natural infiltration, and Equation (2) for mechanical ventilation, For economizers that achieve a fixed mixed air temperature by varying outside at, special considerations are needed to determine the maximums humidiffeation load. This load occurs at an outdoor air ‘emperature other than the lowest design temperature because itis unetion ofthe amount of outdoor air introduced and the existing ‘moisture content ofthe ait. Equation (3) shouldbe solved for various ‘outdoor air temperature to determine the maximum humidification Joad. tis also important to analyze the energy use of the humidifier (especially for electric humidifiers) when calculating the econo- ‘mizer setting in order to ensure thatthe energy saved by “free cool- ing” is greater than the energy consumed by the humidifier. 2012 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment Inresidential load calculations, the actual outdoor design condi- tions of the locale are usually taken as 20°F and 70% rh, while indoor conditions are taken as 70°F and 35% rh, These values yield an absolute humidity difference (1, ~ 1) of 0.0040 Ib pe pound of dy air for use in Equation (I). However, the relative humidity may 12d to be less than 35% to avoid condensation at low outdoor tem peratures (see Table 1). ‘Ventilation Rate Ventilation of the humidified space may be due to either natural infiltration alone or natural infiltration in combination with inten- tional mechanical ventilation, Natural infiltration varies according to the indoor-outdoor temperature difference, wind velocity, and tightness of construction, as discussed in Chapter 16 ofthe 2009 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals. The rate of mechanical veati= Jaton may be determined from building design specifications or esti- ‘mated from fan performance data (see ASHRAE Standard 62.1), In Toad calculations, water vapor removed ftom the air during sure. When steam is supplied ffom a source ata constant supply pressure, humidification responds quickly to system demand. A con- trol valve may be modulating or wo-postion in response to a humid ity sensor‘controllr. Steam ean be introduced into the airstream ‘through one of the following devices: + Single or multiple steam-jacketed manifolds (Figure $B), ‘depending on the size of the duet or plenum, The stam jacket is designed to reevaporate any condensate droplets before they are discharged from the manifold. + Nonjacketed manifold or panel-type distribution systems (Figure 8C), with or without injection nozzles for distributing Steam across the face ofthe ductor plenum, Units mast be installed where the air can absorb the discharged ‘vapor before it comes into contact with components in the airstream, such as cols, dampers, or turing vanes. Otherwise, condensation couccnon sume . WETTED-ORUM HUMIDIFIER nals vom azar st 209), . ATOMIZING HUMIDIFIER (Bat a za tl 20) F APPLNCE PORTABLE HUMIDIFIER (haat tom uae ett 200), 22.7 «an occur in the duct. Absorption distance varies aevording tothe design of the humidifier distribution device and the air conditions within the duct. For proper psychrometric calculations, refer 10 Chapter | of the 2009 ASHRAE Handbook—Fundamentals. Because these humidifiers inject steam from a central boiler source directly into the space or distribution duct, boiler treatment chemicals dis- charged into the air system may compromise indoor air quality, (Chemicals should be checked for safety, and care shouldbe taken to avoid contamination from the water or steam supplies. ‘Self-Contained Steam Humidifiers. These units convert ordi nary city tap water to steam by electrical or gas energy using either cleetrodes, resistance heater elements, infrared lamps, or gas com bution, Steam is generated at atmosprie pressure and discharged into the duct system trough dispersion manifolds ifthe humidifier is a freestanding unit the steam is discharged directly ito the ar space ‘ormixed in the airstream. Some unis allow use of softened or demin= eralized wate, which greatly extends the time between cleanings. 8, POWER WETTED ELEMENT HUMIDIFIER 0, BYPASS WETTED-ELEMENT HUMIDIFIER 6. SELF-CONTAINED ELECTRODE STEAM HUMIDIFIER (Costes CAEL) Fig. 7 Residential Humidifiers This ile icensed o you san individual ASHRAE Member. Duplication and distribution ooters prohibited. License Date: 6/1/2012 2.8 2012 ASHI + lectrode humidifiers (Figure 8D) operate by passing an electric current directly into ordinary tap water, thereby creating heat {energy to bol the water and produce steam vapor. The humidifier "usually contains a plastic bottle (Figure SE), either throwaway or cleanable, that is supplied with water through a solenoid valve Periodic and partial drains maintain a desirable solids concenta- tion and the correct eletrical flow, Manufacturers offer humidi- fiers with several different features, so their data should be consulted. + Resistance humidifiers (Figure 8F) use one or more electrical elements that heat water direct to produce steam. The water ean [A STEAM OR HOTWATER HEATED PAN STEAM-GENERATED HUMIDIFIER Adie om azar tal 208) conmmot re ©. NoNACKETED panel , SELF-CONTANED ELECTRODE: IRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment 'be contained in a stainless or coated ste! shell. The clement and shell shouldbe accessible for cleaning ut mineral deposits. High and low water levels should be controlled with either probes or foat devices, and a blowdown drain system should be incorpo- rated, particularly for off-operaton petiods.. Infrared humidifiers (Figure 8G) use one or more quartz lamps to produce infrared energy thats reflected off mirors and into a tank of water. The boiling water produces steam, which is then removed by air flowing aver the surface ofthe tank. The water Sieh ca ee he pean og Cc) speeest [Beyer A) eer Pages| espe meat ween 1, JACKETED STEAM HUMIDIFIER (Couey Astor maton =) omer | DN iN E, SELF-CONTAINED, i HUMIDIFIER SERGSERION CSammedomt aso 8) oe ‘Sere Pea nm TOSEMUADFED Nea {| scour. {Sepenicen ee 6. INFRARED STEAM HUME Fig. 8 Industrial Isothermal 7% (ats tom sat a 8) is H, GAS-FIRED STEAM HUMIDIFIER (cartons Amatong marano el FIER (Steam) Humidifiers This ile icensed o you san individual ASHRAE Member. Duplication and distribution ooters prohibited. License Date: 6/1/2012 Humidifiers + Gascfired humidifiers (Figute 8H) use one or more forced air combustion burners and heat exchangers fo heat water to produce steam, The water is typically contained in a stainless stel tank, and the heat exchangers can be made from stainless steel or al minum. The heat exchanger and tank should be accessible for cleaning out mineral deposits. igh and low water levels should be controlled with ether probes or float devices, and a blowdown train system should be incorporated, particulary for ofopeation| periods, Atomizing Humidifiers, Water treatment should be considered if mineral fallout from hard water isa problem. Optional filters may be required to remove mineral dust fom humidified air (Figure 9A) Depending on the application and the water condition, atomizing humidifiers may require a reverse osmosis (RO) ora deionized (D1) water treatment system to remove the minerals. Is also important, ‘tonote that wetted parts shouldbe abe to resist the corosive effects ‘of DI and RO water. Atomizing humidifiers introduce fine droplets ‘or a fog, directly into the airstream. A mist elimination system is suggested for all atomizing-type humidifiers “There ae four main categories of atomizing humidifiers: + Ultrasonic humidifiers (Figure 9B) use a piezoelectric trans «ducer submerged in demineralized water. The transducer converts ‘high-frequency mechanical electric signal into high-Fequency ‘oscilaton. A momentary vacuum is created during the negative ‘oscillation, eausing the water to cavitate into vapor at low pres- ste, The positive oscillation produces a high-compression wave that drives the water particle from the surface to be quickly absorbed into the airstream. Recause these types typically use demineralized water, no filter medium is required downstream, ‘The ultrasonic humidifier is also manufactured asa freestanding unit (Centrifugal humidifiers (Figure 9C) use hi slings water to itsrim, where itis thrown onto pl produce afine mist. The mists introduced tothe airstream, where itis evaporated, Pressurized-water humidifiers (Figure 9D) use a volumetric pump to generate water at pressures between 300 and 1800 ps This high-pressure water is then transferred to adit, air handler, ‘or ambient space by distribution piping, and discharged through special nozzles. The nozzles use switl jet or impaction features (Figures 9E and 9 to produce billions of very small droplets that spontaneously evaporate, humidifying and cooling the ai, +A duet or air handler pressurized-water system typically consists of a pumping station, control sensor, distribution pip ing, a nozzle grid array with control solenoid valves, a mist climinator section, and a limit sensor downstream ofthe mist eliminator, + An ambient pressurized-water system typically consists ofa ‘pumping station, control senso, distribution piping, and amman- fold cieuit (with or without ar blowers) containing spray no7~ ales, ‘Compressed-air nozzle humidifiers (Figure 9A) usea system of air and water control unit, distribution piping and nozzles. The ‘contol sections manage the flow of air and water going to the nozzles, The nozzles ean operat in two ways: + Compressed air and water are combined inside the nozzle and discharged onto a resonator to ereate a fine fog a the nozzle ip (Figure 96), + Compressed aris passed through an annular orifice at the noz~ le ip, and waters passed through a center orifice. The air ere ates a slight vortex atthe tip, where the water breaks up into a Tine fog on contact withthe high-velocity compressed air. Wetted-Media Humidifiers. Rigid-media humidifiers (Figure 1 use a porous core and the process of evaporation. Water is cir- culated over the media while ai i blown through the openings. 2.9 “These humidifiers are adiabatic, cooling the air as it i humid. Rigid-media cores are oflen used forthe dual purpose of winter hhumidification and summer cooling. They depend on airflow for evaporation: the rate of evaporation varies with air temperature, hhumidity, and velocity. ‘The rigid media should be located downstream of any heating oF cooling coils. For close humidity conto, the clement ca be broken ‘down into several (usally two to four) banks having separate water supplies. Solenoids controlling water flow to each bank are acti- vated as humidification i required Rigid-media humidifiers have inherent filtration and serubbing properties because of the water-washing effect in the filter-like channels. Only pure water is evaporated; therefore, contaminants collected from the air and water must be flushed from the system. A continuous bleed or regular pan flushing is recommended to mini- ‘mize accumulation of contaminants in the pan and on the media, Evaporative Cooling. Atomizing and wetted media humidifiers Gischarge water at ambient temperature. The water ebsorbs heat trom the surrounding arto evaporate the fog, mst or spray ata ate ‘of 1075 Btu per pound of water. This evaporative cooling effect (sce ‘Chapter 41) should be considered inthe design ofthe system and if reheat i required to achieve the final ai temperature. The ability of the surrounding air to efficiently absorb the fog, mist, or spray depends on its temperature, velocity, and moisture content CONTROLS. Many humidity-senstive materials are available. Some are organic, such as nylon, human hair, wood, and animal membranes that change Tength with humidity changes. Other sensors change cleetrcal properties (resistane or capacitance) with humidity. Pure ther information on humidity sensors can be found in Chapter 36 of the 2009 ASHIRAE Handbook Fundamentals. ‘Mechanical Controls Mechanical sensors depend on a change in the length or size of| the sensor as a function of relative humidity, The most commonly used sensors are synthetic polymers or human hair. They can be attached to a mechanical linkage to control the mechanical, electi- cal, or pneumatic switching element ofa valve or motor. This design is suitable for most human comfort applications, but it may lack the necessary accuracy for industrial applications. ‘A humidity controller is normally designed to control ata sot point selected by the user. Some controllers have a setback feature that lowers the relative humidity set point as outdoor temperature drops to reduce condensation within the structure Electronic Controllers Electrical sensors change electrical resistance as the humidity changes. They typically consist of two conductive materials sepa ‘ted by ahumidty-sensitive, hygroscopic insulating material (pol vinyl acetate, polyvinyl alcohol, ora solution of certain sls). Small changes are detected as air passes over the sensing surface. Capa- citive sensors use a dielectric material that changes dieletric con- Sant with relative humidity. The dielectric material is sandwiched between special conducting materials that allow a fast response 10 changes in relative humidity. Electronic control is common in laboratory or process applica- tions requiring precise humidity contro. It is also sed to vary fan speed of portable humidifiers to regulate humidity in the space ‘more closely and to reduce noise and draft toa minimum. Electronic controls are now widely used for esientialapplica- tions because of los-cost, accurate, and sable sensors that can be used with inexpensive microprocessors. They may incorporate ‘methods of determining outside temperature so that relative humid- ity can be automatically reset to some predetermined algorithm ‘This ile censed to you as an individual ASHRAE Member, Duplication and distribution o oer prohibited. License Date: 6/1/2012 22.10 2012 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment Ragentt a oaenesecpan vera woren caaegarte I vrrascaseeseran lle carseat seuencecoooe Pc coe mapenaseman |) rea en an uy |Nasssse Serica eae jy ©. HIGH-PRESSURE ATOMIZING STATION MOKPRESSURE SW VETNOZE Ff HIHLPRESSURE Wrwcr NOZZLE ‘haope tom azar tal 08) ‘ado om azar al 208) om assn a2) tod G.SQMPRESSED-AR NORE H, RIGIDMEDIA HUMIDIFIER \smsrerg roma) ‘adap taza at 308 Fig.9 Industrial Adiabatic (Atomizing and Evaporative) Humidifiers This ile icensed o you san individual ASHRAE Member. Duplication and distribution ooters prohibited. License Date: 6/1/2012 Humidifiers intended to maximize human comfort and minimize any condensa- tion problems (Pasch eta. 1996). ‘Along with a main humidity controller the system may require other sensing devices: + High-limit sensors may be required to ensure that duct humidity levels remain below the saturation or dew-point level. Sometimes ‘cooler airs required to offset sensible heat gains. In these cases, the air temperature may drop below the dew point. Operating the humidifier under these conditions causes condensation inthe duct ‘or fogging inthe roam. High-limit sensors may be combined with 1 temperature sensor in certain designs. Airflow sensors should be used in place of fan interlock. They sense airflow and disable the humidifier when insufficient airflow is present in the duct, ‘Steam sensors are used to keep the control valve on disect- injection humidifiers elosed when steam is not present at the humidifier. A pneumatic or electric temperature-sensing switch is fited between the separator and the steam trap to sense the temperature of the condensate and steam. When the switch senses steam temperature it allows the contol valve to function normally ‘Humidity Control in VAV Systems Control in varible-ai-volume (VAV) systems is much more ‘demanding than in constant-volume systems. VAV systems, com- ‘mon in large, central station application, control space temperature by varying the volume rather than the temperature of the supply’ ‘Continual airflow variations to follow load changes in the building ‘ean create wide and rapid swings in space humidity, Because ofthe fast-changing nature and cooler supply air temperatures (55°F oF lower) of most VAV systems, special modulating humidity controls should be applied. Best results are obtained by using both space and duct modul ing-type humidity sensors in conjunction with an integrating device, ‘which in um modulates the output ofthe humidifier. Thisallows the ‘duct sensor to respond quickly to a rapid rise in duct humidity ‘caused by reduced airflow to the space as temperature conditions ‘ate satisfied The duct sensor a rimes overrides the space humidistat by reducing the humidifier output to correspond to decreasing volumes. This type of system, commonly refered to as antcipat- ing contro, allows the humidifier to tack the dynamics ofthe sy tem and provide uniform control. Because of the operating dict Malic prcmmies of a VAY oyslom, toro au ar flew proving device is recommended to detect air movement Control Location In centrally humidified structures, the humidity controller is ‘most commonly mounted in & controlled space. Another method is to mount the controller inthe return air duct of an ai-hanaling system to sense average relative humidity. Figure 10 shows gen= ‘eral recommended locations for the humidisat fora centrally a= ‘conditioned room, Tae manufacturer's instructions regarding the se ofthe contral- Jeron counterfiow famaces should be followed because reverse ait- flow when the fan is off ean substantially shift the humidity contol Point in a home. The sensor shouldbe located where it will not be ‘affected by (1) ar that exits the bypass duct ofa bypass humid ‘or (2) draft o local heat or moisture sources Management Systems In many applications, humidifiers can be integrated with the building management system (BMS). These types of systemscan be ‘setup with simple analog interaction withthe humidifier, or by var fous communication protocols. For analog-type systems, the management system can enable! disable the unit, send proportional signals for direct humidity 2211 Gooner apt) Flow arses ntypereconmens sees \ eet SES 7, SD oN lof remus es © sad oom afte 2 Fig. 10 Recommended Humidity Controller Location contro, or redirect humidity sensor signals. These types of systems tse various analog and digital outputs and inputs to command the humidifiers to operate, and at what level, as well as receive alarm ‘Communication protocols ean be used as well to interact with and control humidification equipment, Protocols include BACnet*, LonWorks®, Modbus®, TCP/IP, SNMP, and METASYS®. In some cases, these protocols an flly control the humidifier, replacing the need for any analog wiring, or can monitor the status and operation ofthe unit, ora combination ofboth, Some equipment providers can also supply a user interface system that offers online access to the Statusand operation modes ofthe units. See ASHRAE Standard 135. or more information REFERENCES, AHAM. 2006. Appliance humidifes. Siadand HU: Assciation of Home Appliance Manasctrers, Chicago AHIR. 2004, Performance rating of central system humidifiers or esiden- til aplisations ANSUAHRI Standard 610-2008, Aiz-Condtoning, Heating, and Refigratin Istiut,Asiagon, VA, AMIRI 2004, Performance rating of sl:conained humidifiers for esiden- til applications. ANSUAHRI Stondand 620-2004. Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Retigrstin Istiut,Arington, VA. AHIR, 2005, Commercial end industri humidifiers. ANSUAHRI Standard (640.2005, “AinConditioning, Heating and. Refigeration Insitute, Arlington, VA. ASHRAE. 2010. Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy ANSUASHRAE Standard S5-2010, ASHRAE. 2010. Ventilation for acceptable indoor air quali. ANSI ASHIRAE Standand 621-2010. ASHRAE. 2010. A data communication protocol for building automaton an contol sewers, ANSUASHRAE Standard 1352010, Brown, WG, KR. Solvason, ad A.G. Wilson, 1963, Heat and moisture ‘aw thrugh pening by convection. ASHIRAE Journal 59}. Brundret.G.W. 1990, Criteria for moisture contol. Butterworth & Co, ‘Landon. ars, CM, 1963. Absorption of sound natin the autio-equency range “ournal ofthe Acoustical Society of America 3547) This ile icensed o you san individual ASHRAE Member. Duplication and distribution ooters prohibited. License Date: 6/1/2012 2242 Le, Rand L.W. Nelson, 1977. The variation of inflaton rate with ‘slave humidity in-a fame building. 4SHRAE Transactions 83(): nen, Pasch, RM. M. Comins, and 18. Hobbins. 1996 Field experiences in es- dental hurdifiaton cool with temperature compensated automatic hhumidistats. ASHIRAE Transactions 103(2)628-632, Puckorius, PR PT, Thomas, and RL. Augspurer. 1995, Why evaporative coolers have not caused Legionaies' disease. ASHRAE Journal 37(): was Ruud, C.0.,.W, Davis, and RF. Ung, 1993, Analysis of fumace-mount humidifier for aeebiological and particle emissions—Part Il: Patle sampling and results. ASPIRAE Transaction 9{1): 1387-139, Seeing, EM, A. Arundel, and T.D. Sterling, 1985. Criteria for human exposure to humidity in occupied buildings. 4SHRAE Trnsaetions SIIB) 611-622 Unz, RE, LW. Davis, and C.O, Ruud. 1993. Analysis of fumace-mount ‘humidifiers for microbiological and particle emissions Part Il: 2012 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Systems and Equipment Micrbiological sampling and results. ASHRAE Tunsacions 591: 1396-1404, Wilson, A.G. and WP. Brown. 196. Thermal characteristics of double win- ‘doves, Canadian Buling Digest 8. Division of Building Reseach, National Research Council, Ota, ON. BIBLIOGRAPHY ‘erglund, L.G. 1998, Comfort and humidity, ASHRAE Journal 400 3st Davis, JW, C0. Ra, sé RAE. Une. 1993, Analysis of farsge-mount unidifir for microbiological and pile emisions—Pat Test y+ tem development. ASHRAE Transactions 99(1:13 77-1386, Harriman, LG. Brunet, and Kt. 2008, Humidity contol design ‘defor commectal and instatonal buldigs. ASHRAE. Lazzaria, Land Nal 2008 Air humidification Teclical, healthand “onrgy aspects. 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