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SERIES INITIATIVE/2013/1/B KHUSHI SERIES MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE 2012 & 2013 State Reorganisation Commission, setup in 1853, was headed by~ {a} Sardar Vallabnbhai Patel |b) Pata Staramayya (Facial (SK Dar Arang the ftoving tears in chonobogtal orc (starting wit We eres!) of het becoming pat of inca er 15 Aust, 1947 0a, Damen and De Siam Pondicherry Dadra and Nagar Havel (a) 12-34 (141-32 [0) 24-43 (0494-2 7 The order regering disqutfcation of @ Member of Pariament on grounds of convicion by @ Competent Court can be issued by the:- _ AAI Presiding Oficer ofthe House/Counc! {b) President (0) Election Commission of india (@) Presicent in consultation with the Election Commission of india Which of the following States is not having High Court witin its geographical boundary? () Meghalaya (b) Tripura Ae Meni (d} Mizoram (1) Delhi becomes @ Union Teritory in the yeer 1986, (2) The High Court of Delhi was set up in the year 1996, (2) Delhi hecomes the National Capital Teritory Delhi by vitue of the Constiion (69) ‘Amendment Act, 1281 Which ofthe above is/are cortect? (2) Ao) 2.3 (6) 183 (6) Ng of te above Who of the folowing isfare eigbie for free legal id? - {e) A member of SCs/STs (b)"Women in distess {6} @ beggar as defined under Article 23 of the Consitution (4) Allof the above 7. Am overseas cizen of Inia sil not be entited to wich ofthe fundamental nats confered on a citizen of inca? (6) Fundemenial Rights under Art. 14 (b) Fundemental Rights under Art 15 {c) Fundamental Rights under At. 16 = {6 Fundamental Rights under Art. 9 8. Article 380 of consttion deat with the provisions relating to- {) Provisions as to interim President (0) Provisions as fo Judges of High Courts (6) Provisions as to C8AG of india (@) Provisions as to Public Service Commissions 9. Match the folowing Constitution Amendment Bills with their proposed provsions:- ‘Constitution Provisions | Amendment Bills Ke ‘Amendment of | 4(0) of Arce 16 5. ie Z insertion of Aicle 371d for providing special provisions for Hyderabad- | Kamataka Region | [7c Tier 3 Raliicalon of Land Boundary Ageeement - 1974 with Bangladesh D120" 4. Provisions relating to appomment of judges of Supreme Court and High Courts (2) A1B-20-304 (b) AMB30-20-1 (9 3 (0) 28-1403 10. The Constitution (1208) Amendment Bil, 2013 will be assed by ___before tis presented to President fr his assent (Seal Nao Srl Mejcy 0) Spel Mot (lowe ratesn ten tan oer ote ae Legislatures (d) None of the above. B2C-AD) MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE- A KHUSHI SERIES INITIATIVE/2013/1/5 Page 1 "1 Which ofthe following isfre corrent? 14® Finance Commission nes been consttuied in pursuance of clause (1) of arcle 280 of the Constitution and the provisions of the Finance Commission {Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1951 12, 13. 4 18. 2 Shi K.C, Neogy was the Charman of the 1 Finance Commission 3. The recommendations of the 140 Finance Commission shall be effective covering the period of five years commencing on the 1st day of Api, 2014, 4. Dr. M. Govinds Rao, Director, National Institute for Pubic Finance and Policy, New Delhi Is 2 part time member of the 14" Finance Commission, (2) 1.2.34 () 1.2.3) 182 (4) 1 only The Atortey General ot Indias appointed by the President fora period of years. (2) 2 (b}3 (c}5 (0) No time limit is prescribed Which of the following islare Fundamental Duties? (1) 10 bjure violence (2) nave compassion for Bving creatures (3) 0 protect the natural enviroment (2) 3 only (b) 182 onl () 283 (a) All Consider the towing Statements 1. Law Day is observed on 26" November, 1248, 2 The Preamble is the basic stucture of the Constitution, 43. The Preamble to the constitution has net been amended sofa. 4, The Preamble may be invoked to determine the ambit ofthe Fundamental Rights only. Which ofthe above islare comect? (a) 1.23.4 (b) 23,4 fe) 4,3) 1.2 ‘Which ofthe folowing ifare tne functions ofthe President of india? (71) fo make rules for more convenient transaction of the business ofthe Government of India, 6 7. 18, 48. KHUSH] SERIES MOCK TEST PAPER #OR SO/PS LDCE 2012 & 2013 (2) to promulgate ordinance during the recess of Parliament (2) to disqualify any member of the legislative assembly of National Capital Teritory of Delhi on the grounds of defection, fe) Fonly(b} 182 (e) 283 (4) AL An Ordinance promulgated under Artie 123 shall cease fo operate al the expiration of from the reassembly of Pariament, unless lsapproved by the Houses or withdrawn by the President, {a} + month (b) 6 weeks (c) 2 months (d) 14 days (1) President is elected by an electoral colege ‘consisting of only the elected members of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Stale Loyislaive Assemblies, (2) While the Value of Votes of an elected Member of Pariament in the Presidential Election 's same across the State, the value of votes of elected members of the State Legislative Assembles citfers from Siate to State (2) Its not feasible o use the Voler Verifiable Poper Audit Tal (WRT) sysiom inthe Presiental lecion Which ofthe above isare corect? (2) 4.2.3 (b) 283 (c} 1&3 (d) 4 only When can the President call a Joint Session of both Lok Sabia and Rajya Sabtia under Arfcle 108 of te Constitution? 1, Where a Bll passed by one House is rejected by the other House, 2. Where the amendments) proposed to a BA in ‘one. House is reject by other House, 3. Where more than 6 months have been passed ‘from the date of receipt of 2 Bill by the Other House without the Bil being passed by it (2) 2 only (b) 183 only (c) 1.2.3 (¢) None of the above. Which of the following are expenditure charged ‘upon the Consolidated Fund of nia? (1) Pension in respect of the Judges of High Court —— MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS L.DCE- A KHUSHI SERIES INITIATIVE/2013/1/B Page 2 2, 2. 2, KHUSHI SERIES MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE 2012 & 2013 (2) Debt Charges for which Government of India 's fable (2) Grants in eu of export duty on jute and jule products to the States of Assam, Bihar, Oulsha and West Bengal (@) 1.2,3 (b} 182 (b) 2 only (d) None of the above. Paragient has power to legislate on a subject given in the List Il with the consent of two or ‘more Siates. Which of the ‘oliowing legsiatons hasfhave been legislated by the Partiement on this ground? 1. The Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Ory Latiines (Prohibition) Act 1993, 2. The National Capital Region Planning Board Act, $985, 3, The Manual Scavengers Act, 2013 (2) 1 ony (b) £82 (0) 12,3 (6) None ofthe above. (1) The President sal cause to lay before both the Houses of Poriament the Supplementary Demands or Grants (2) The President shall cause to oresent io Lok Sabha the Demands for Excess Grant, Which ofthe above is/are comect? (2) 1 only &) 2 only (c) Both 182 (4) Neither 1 nor 2 (1) A Member of Paiament (Lok Sabha} may tender his resignation tothe Speaker. (2) The Speaker shall not accept a resignaton tendered by the Member of Lok Sabha if it is not ‘voluntary o genuine Which of the above is/are correct? (6) 1 onyy (b) 2 only (c) Got 182 (d) Neither 1 or PresideniGovemor has power 10 nominate ‘members fo the Raya Sotha/State Legisatve aun fom persons having special knowiedge oc pratoal experience in certain mates. Which ‘of the following is not common among the fieits? (a) Art_(b) Co-operative Movement (c) Science {¢) Social Serve. a, 2. m 28, 34 Which of the following are rights given by law ot recognized by law? (1) Fundamental Rights, (2) Constitutional Rights not having the status of Fundamental Rights, (6) Statutory Rights (4) Rights lowing ftom Suborcnate Legistations (6) Righis based on case law (6) Customary and Contractual Rights (a) 1.26 (b) (o) 1 &3 only (4) All of he above. Who of the following approves the Five Year Plans in india? (a) Parliament —(b} Cabinet (c) Planning ‘Commission 4) National Development Counc ‘The targel of 8.2% grows rate forthe 12" Five Year Pian was revised to_ (a) 8% (0) 7.8% (c) 7.7% (4) 7.9% ‘The status of Ooputy Chairman of the Planning Commission is equivalent t:- (2) Union Minister of State (b) Cabinet Minister of the Union (c) Chiet Minister of 2 State (a Lieutenant Governor of Defi. India winessed the first Pan Holiday in:- (2) 1962-64 (b) 1966-69 (c) 1979-80 (¢) 1990-92 The estimated resources avalablty for the 12 Pian is at Rs. crore in cusrent prices for the Centre and Staes taken together. (a) 80,560,123 (b) 75,75,123 (c} 80,70, 345 (0) None ofthe above High-Yielding Wheat was frst intoduced to India during the __ Five Year Plan. (2) 20 (b) 34) 4 (India wes going trough Pan oliday during na yea. Which of the following isa State Sector Sct (6) Nationa! Social Assistance Programme (©) Accelerated irigation Benefit Scheme ————s << Page 3 MOCK TEST PAPER FOR S0/PS I.DCE- A KHUSHI SERIES INITIATIVE/2013/1/B KHUSHI SERIES MOCK TEST PAPER FOR $G/PS LDCE 2012 & (c) Mid Day Mea! Scheme (d} Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan 32 Which of the folowing is a 100% Centraty ‘Sponsored Scheme? (a) Rashliya Kishi Vikas Yojana () Integrated Chis Development Soneme (€) Natonal Urban Health Mission (a) Reshivya Swashihya Bima Yojarls 33, (1) The Command Area Development Programme was launched during the §* Five ‘Year Pian as a Centraly Sponsored Scheme. (2) it was renamed as Command Area Development and Waler Management Programme (CAD&WD) we. 14,2004, (5) Since 2008-09, itis being imolemented as a ‘State Sector Scheme. ‘Which of the folowing islare correct? (2) 1,2,3(0}1 only (c) 283 only (4) 3 only 34, Iniegrated Child Develepment Servioes Scheme was launched on the bith anniversary of (a) Mahatma Gandhi (b) JL. Nehru (e} Indica Gandhi (d} None ofthe above, 35. (1) The crigin of the National Social Assistance Programme (NSAP) implemented by the Govecnment of India goes back to Article 41 of te Constitution (2) The NSAP comprises of five components inciuding Annapuma. (3) Under the Indira Gandhi National OW Age Pension Scheme, the amount of assistance is 5.500 per month for those beneficiaries who are 80 years of age and above, {4) The amount of Widow Pension and Disability Pension has been revised from R200 to Rs.300 ‘each per mont, (5) The rate of lump sum grant under Natioral Family Bencft Scheme has been revised to Rs.20,000m., from 18.10.2012 Which of he above isiare correct? (a) tony (1, MOCK TEST PAPER FO! 36, a7. 38, 3, a “a /PS LDCE- A KHUSHI SERIES INITIATIVE /2013/1/B 201 Office of ine Controle of Aid Accounts ane! Auett 's under the Department of (a) Expenciture (6) Financial Services (e) Economic Aff (a} None ofthe above Investor Education and Protection Fund under the Ministry of {) Finance (b} Education (c} Corporate Affairs (6) None ofthe above National Defence Fund is under the Ministry of {2) Excemal Af (b) Defence (¢) Fence (6) None of the above ‘8 non-governmental organisation wants apply for grants-in-aid for setting up of Gauselas in the oycione affected areas of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh. Iwill apply for assistance to - (a) Ministry of Agriculture (0) Mistry of Environment and Forests (c) Animal Weitere Board of india (d) State Governments concerned, The Mines Act, 1962 is acministored by the Minisiy of- {2) Mines (b) Labour & Employment (c) Coal (d) None ofthe above, The Molor Transport Act, 1961 is administered by the Minisiry of (2) Law and Justice (0) Road Transport and Highways (c) Labour and Employment (d) Commerce and industy, ‘The National Commitee on Direct Cash Transfer is chaired by: (2)Prime Minister (0) Finance Minister (} Deputy Caiman, Planning Commission (4) None ofthe above. National Food Security Mission is under the Ministry of: (2) Consumer Afiais, Food and Public Distribution (b) Agicultue (e) Planning Commission (d) None ef the above, ‘The subject egal a6 to poor is under:- (a) Department of Legal Affairs (b) Department of Justice (©) The State Government (4) Supreme Cour of India 45, 46. ar, 48, 49. 50, st. KHUSHI SERIES MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE 2012 & 2013 Recent, there are media reports about the dumping of electonic. goods from China and Japan i india, Which of the following Ceniral Ministries wil look into the matter? (@} Commerce and Industry () Extemal Affairs ¢} Communication and information Technology (0) None of tie above. Foreign Investment Promotion Board is under the Minisiy of (a) Finance () Commerce and industry (c) ‘Overseas indian Afairs (d) None ofthe above, ILis proposed to form a new state of Telengana carving out of Andhra Pradesh, Whict of the following Ministry wil initate action in this regard? (@) Cabinet Secretariat (0) Home Affairs (c) Law and Justice (2) None ofthe above The Indian Scheme of Mines and Applied Geology, Dhanbad is under the Minisby of - {2) Mines (b) HRD (c} Science and Technology {@) None ofthe above. RTI Day is celebrated every year on (2) 25% January (0) 25% gil (o} 25% June (i 25h October Which of the following organizations is not exempted from the purview of the Right to Information Act, 20052 (a) National Security Council Secretariat (6) National Technical Research Organisation (6) Aviaton Research institute (@) National Security Guards. Which of the folowing islere not correct? (1). nia’ share in global exports increased from 0.7 ‘er cent in 2000 to 17 per cent in 2011 (2) India's share in global imports increased from 0.8 pr cent in 2000 to 25 per cent in 2011, (@) Indias ranking in the leading exporters improved fiom 34 2000 ta 19in 2011, (4) India's ranking in the leading importers improved from 26 n 2000 to 12in 2011, fa) 1.23(0)23.4 ) Al (a) None 52, 54, 57, 58. India lowers the export target to Two way extemal sector transactions of India have risen from 306 per cent of GDP in 194-31 fo about 1080 per cent in 2011-12. These include 1. gross current account fow 2 gross capital aocount flow 3-nel current account flow 4 vet capital account ow (2} 182 (b) 38 (c) 183 (0) 284 India's Balance of Payment was under stress during 2011-12 due to weening of (1) Trede Deiict (2) Current Account Deficit {2} 4 only (b) 2 only (c) both 182 only (d) None India’s Capital Account Batarce comprises the net of- 1. Exteel Commercial Borrowings 2. Poti investment 3. Shortie debt 4, Non-esident deposits (21.24 (0) 23.4 (0) 1,23) 1.34 Fiscal Defict-? = Primary Deficit (2) Interest Payment (b) Loans () Alot the above. (c) Subsidies #3 per Raghuram Rajan Committee Report, which of the folowing states are under the category of telatvely developed States"? 4. Kerala 2. Tamil Nadu 3. Haryana 4. Utarakhana (3) 1.234 (1.2.4 (6) 1.230) 2.34 The National Committee for the Development of Backward Areas set up by the Planning Commission in 1978 identified six different charactenstics of an apa's geography and history thet would be an inpediren fo detlopment Which of he fotowrg is not one of them? ‘Chronically drought prone areas } Chronically food affected areas ) Coastal areas aflected by sally (G) Areas affected by earthquake. fo merchandise trade, for the year 2013-14, against the target fet in May 2011, to mare than double exports to $500 tition by 2013-14 from $246 billon recorded in MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE- A KHUSHI SERIES (NITIATIVE/2013/1/B Page 5 2010-11 KHUSHI SERIES MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCL 2012 & 2013 due to wesk industial gromth, higher cost of ‘credit, rupee deprecialon, Euro zone sovereign debt crisis, recession in developed economies and sluggish geval economic growth 60, 6 62, (2) $325 ballon (b) $ 360 bition {) 8375 bition (6) $ 355 bition ‘The expenditure on which of the folowing is booked under both Revenue and Capita? (2) Subsidies () interest Payments (c) Defence Services (d} Police ‘The amount shown under "Repayment of Debt in the budget document does not include discharge ot 2) All Treasury Bils (b) Cash Management Bis ¢} Ways and Means Advance (¢) All of the above, {1} The Govemor ofthe Reserve Bank of India is appointed by the President. (2) The RBI Governor ordinarily doos nat enjoy ‘any fixed tenure, Which of he above isare contect? {a}. tony (2 only (c) bath 182 (6) Nether * nor 2 The National Development Council {NDC} hes accorded the status of Special Category State (SCS) to eleven (out of twenty-eight Siaies) which have been characlenzed by a number of features necessitating special consideration. These features include: (1) Hily addict teri, (2) Low population density anor sizable share of tiv populston. (3) Strategic locaton long borders with neighbouring counines. (4) Eoonome and inkastructural backwardness (5) Non-viable mature ot tate nance ) 63, ‘MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LD: 12, 5 (0) 1,2,34 (0) 23.4 (4) 135 Which ofthe folloning isfare correct with reference to the Forwards Market Gammission (FMC)? 1. FMC is a statuary regulatory body headquartered al Mumba. 2. it shall consist of not less than two but not exceacing four members appointed by the Central Government one of them being nominated by the Central Government io be the Chiirman 3. The Charman and the olner member of members shall be ether appointed whole-tme or part-time as the directon ofthe Central Government. 64, 65 4. The tenure of the members af the FMC shal not exceed three years trom the date of his aegciniment and he is elgte for reappciniment (6) only &) 284 (c)4,2,3 (4) a (1) Groundwater accounts for neatytwc-thirds (65%) (of India’s srgation and 80% of domestic water needs (2) XIl Five Year Pian proposes to imorove the water se efficiency by 20% inthe irigation sector, (3) As per BIS, the domestic water demand in Inia in ‘LPCD [Iter per capita per day) is 135 Which of the above istare correct? (2) 1 only b) 2 only (c) 4, 2 & 3 (d) None of the above As per the Companies Act, 2013, the President cof the National Company Law Tribunal shall be a person who is or has been = {a)a Judge of a High Court for five years. (b) a Judge of a High Court for tree years, {6} a tudge of the Supreme Court (6) a Chief Justice of any High Court. Which ofthe folowing isare the functions of the Central Warehousing Corporation?” 1. Subscribe to the share \Werehousing Corporation copii of State 2. Acquire and build godowns and warehouses al ‘such places in India or abroad. 3. Warehousing services for agriculture! produce ely. {2} 182 (b] 3 only (c} 289 only (4) A 67. Match the List| with List I ust! cist “RDG, WHO Tiargaret Chan 2.06, WTO | 2 Roberto Azevedo CGFA [ S.ose Graziano da Siva (7D President World Bani 14. Jim Yong Kan 68, ‘A KHUSHI SERIES INITIATIVE/2013/1/B (a) 418-20-30-4 (b) A48-30-20-4 (QA-1B-20-40-5 (6) A-28-1C-4D-3 ‘which ofthe fllowing isiare correct about WTO, ‘ch came into force fromtst January, 1905? India is a member of WTO since 1.1.1995, Page 6 89. 70 n. 7 2. Montenegro, Samoa, Vanuatu and Russian Federation were became members of WTO in 2012 oni. 3. Iran, Iraq, Sudan and Syria are observers Governient at WTO, (2)1.23 (6) 283 only (c} 182 only (a 3 only ‘Which of the following isare corect? 41. The Lower House of Parliament of Germany is called as BUNDESTAG. 2. Geamen Chancelor Angela Merkel won the {hire general electons to the Lower of House of ariament in September, 2013. {2} 1 only (b) 2 only (¢) Both 182 (¢) Nether 4 nor 2 Which of he following isere correct? 1. Kaushik Basu is the Chief Economist at the World Bank since September, 2012, 2. Dr. Poonam Kshetrapal Singh hes been elected as the Regional Director WHO-SEARO, ales 44 years, af the 21st meeting of Ministers of Heath of countries of the WHO Soub-East Asia Region and 88th session of the WHO Regional Committge for South-East Asia at New Deli from 10th-13th September, 2013. (6) *-onlytb] 2 ony (c) Both 142 () Neither 1 nor (1) 1g and gM are two antibodies produced against the dengue virus. (2) Female aedes egypli mosquila is the carrier of dengue. Which of the folowing islare correct?” (a) 1 only (b) 2 only (c) Both 182 (d) None of the above. ‘As pet Tendutkar Methodology, the poverty line has been expressed in terms of Monthly Per Capita Consumption Expenditure based on:- (a). Uniform Reference Period (URP), (b} Mixed Reference Period{MRP) (c} Modified Mixed Reference Period (MMRP) (@) Allof the above. 73. Who of the folowing ere the recipients of Raman Magsaysay Award forthe year 20137 m4 15. 16. 11. 78. KHUSHI SERIES MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE 2012 & 2013 1. Eieste Somingo, from the Philippines. 2 Lahpal Seng Raw, from Myanmar. 3. Habie Serab), fom Afghanistan. 4 Shakti Saruha "Power Group’, ftom Nepal (a) 1.230) 234 (e)1 840) 1,234 \Who of ihe folowing isthe winner of Jnanapith Award 2012. {a} Raver Bharachwaja (Tel) (b) Pratoha Ray (Cia) {c) Joy by (2) and) () Nene of the above Arrange te fcllowing languages in chronological der (ttm the eats!) in which they have been deciaed 2s classical languages, 1. Sanskrit 2Tami 4. Telgu 4.Kannada 5. Malayalam (2) 1-2-3-4 (b) 1-5-4-9-2 (¢) 21-9-4-5 (0) 24-554 The Cental Pubic information Officer should make 2 decision within _ days after receiot of the request for information, ifthe third party has been given an oppodunity fo meke an information under sub-section (2} of Secon 11 of the RTI Act, 2005, as, {o pether ono to disclose third party information (2H 30 days (0) 40 days (c) 45 days (i) after folowing the due procedure ‘The Chief Information Commissioner and Information Commissioners ar persons of eminence in publ Ife wi wide knowledge and experience in: 4.Law 2. Management 3. Banking 4. Social Saree (2) 1.244 [b) 2.34 (6) 1.3. (6) Al ofthe above, Urider the RTI Ad, the CPIO isnot obliged to give any citizen information relating to personal information: (1) the disclosure of which has no relationship to any public actly or interest, @) the disclosure of which would cause unwarranted invasion ofthe privacy ofthe individual unless the CP1O or the Public Authority is salisied that the larger public interest justified the cislosure of such information, (a} 1 oniy(b) 2 ony (c) both 182 (d) None of the above. 73, Apart from the ground of proved misbehaviout or incapacity, the President may by order remove ftom cffce the Chief Information Commissioner or the Information Commissioner, ithe MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE- A KHUSHI SERIES INITIATIVE/2013/1/B Page 7 (1) is edudged as incotvent (2) engages curing term of office in any paid ‘employment outside the duties of his ofce (3) has been convicted of an offence which, in the opinion of the competent court, involves moral turpitude, (4) 's. in the opinion of a Medical Board, unit to Continue in office by reason of infiity of mind or body (2) 1 only (b) 182 ony (c) 1.2.3 (4) 1,234 80. (1) The Chief Information Commissioner (CIC) is, not eligible for reappointment, (2) The Chief information Commissioner shall not hold office as CIC after he attains the age of 85 years (@) The combined tenure of an Information Commissioner, Whe is appointed 2s Chet information Commissioner, sha not exceed 6 yours (4) The President or any other person appointed in this Dehaf administers oath or afimation lo the CIC. (6) The salares, allowances and other conditions of service Of the Chief Information Commissioner and the information Commissioners shall no! be vatied to their disacvantage alter their appointment Which ofthe above isare corect? (@) 12.3(0)2,345 (0) 184 (A 81, Which ofthe following islare correct? 1. First Schedule of the RT! Act, 2005 sets out the form for ‘he purpose of oath and affirmation ofthe Chie Informatin CommissionerStale Chief information Commissioner and Information —Commissioners/Slate Information Commissioners. 2. Seoond Schedule ofthe RTI Act, 2006 contain the list, of inleligence and security organizations established by the Ceatral Government onl. 3. Third Schedule of the RTI Act, 2005 prescribed the form in which an appeal to the Appellate AuhoriyiCentral Information Commission can be made (0142.30) 1.2 (c)t only (4) 283 82. Recenly the Attomey General has pointed out that the Poitical Parties can come under the ambit of the Right Information ct, 2005, while MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE- A KHU: KHUSHI SERIES MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE 2012 & 2013 {2) Appescing before the Parliament's Standing Commitee ‘on Personnel, Pubic Grievances, Law and Justice, (b) giving his opinion on a reference made by the Ministry of Law and Justice (6) hing his view before the Supreme Court on 2 Presidantal Reference, (d) None ofthe above. 83.The Cental Goverment shal to the enent of avcitaiity of financial and other resouroes:~ (a) develop and organize educational programmes to ‘advance the understanding of the disadvantaged ‘communities to exercise the rights contemplated under the Right o information Act, 2005 and promote timely effective dissemination of accurale information by puiblic authorities about their activites, (0) encourage pubic authoriies fo participate in the development and organization of programmes referred to in (a) and to undertake such programmes themscives, (6) to train Cental Public Information Officers of public authorities, (4) None ofthe above, 84, Who ofthe folowing is not a Competent Authority ‘under sub-section fe) of section 2 of the Right to ‘rtormation Act, 20087 (2) President (6) Governor (e) Lieutenant Governor (d) Aaiinistrator 8E. As per Section 2{h) of the Right lo information Act, 2005, “Public Authosty* means any authority oF booy or institution of sef-govermment which includes:- (1) Office of the Linguistic Minories. (2) Compettion Commission of india (3) National Advisory Counc (4) Sports bodies receiving annual grant of Rs.10 lakh or above from the Government (2) (b) 23,4 (c) 182 (6) 2only 86. Effective revenue deficit is the difference between revenue deficit and {) Grants for creation of capital assets. (©) Loans for eveation of capital assets. {9) Loans to Pubic Sector Enterprises 1 SERIES INITIATIVE/2013/1/B Page 8 KHUSHI SERIES MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE 2012 & 2013 {d) None of the above. 87. The Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi of indonesia, one of the 2013 Ramon Magsaysay Awardees, is equivalent to __of india, (2) Eleeion Commission (b| Defence Research and Development Organsation (6) Central Vigiance Commission (4) Cental Bureau of investigation, 88, (1) Noble Prize in Economics was first awarded in 9 to the Dutch and Norwegian economists Jan Tinbergen and Ragnar Frisch respectively {2} Noble Prize for Economics for the year 2013 was ‘won jin by Lars Peter Hansen and Robert J. Shiller ‘of USA fr their empirical analysis of asset prices.” \Winich ofthe above statements) is/are correct? (a) only (b) 2 ony (c) both 182 (d) Nether 1 nor 2 88. Consider the folowing statements are covect about Manna Dey who passed away atthe age of 94 due to prolonged ilness on 24.10.2013, (1) Prabodh Chanda Dey is the original name of Manna Dey {2) He debuted in the fim Tamanna in 1942 as a play back singer, and went on tc record more than, 40° songs during 1942-2013 in Hindi, Marath. Bengen ver the course af his career. = (3) He was coveted with the Padmashree (1971), Padmathusan (2005) and Dada Saheb Phalke (2007) Awaits (4) He did stage shows as a child singer in school since 1929, a a tender age of 10. (2) Bony b) 1,24 fe) 23.4 (6) Al 80. Consider the fllowing statements, (1) The date of election of Speaker is fixed by the President. (2) Nominated Members of Lok Sabia cannot be chosen as the Speaker of the House {@) For the election of Speaker of Lok Sabha, a Member of Lok Sabha shall not propose his own name, or second a motion proposing his own name, oF propose or send more than one mation. Which ofthe above isare comrect? 4 93, 94, 95. (2) 1,23 (o) 183 (c) 283 (a 3 only ‘The Speaker of Lok Sabha nominales- (1) The members of the Panel of Chaitman. (2) The members of the Select Committee on Bis of Lok Sabha, (3) The members of the Estimate Commitee of Lok Sabha, (a) + only (0) 182 only (c) 283 oly (d) 1.23, A siting of Lok Sabha is duly constituted when it is presided over by the Speaker or any other member competent to preside over the House under (1) the Constitution (2) the Rules of Procedure ‘and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha, {2} only (b) 2 only (c) both 182 (a) Either 1 or 2 Let us assume that the office of the Chainman and the office of Deputy Chairman in Rajya ‘Sabha is vacant simultaneously. In that case, who wil porform the duties of the offce of the Chairman, Rajya Sabha? {@) Any person 9s may be determined by the ‘ules of procedure of the Counc” (b) Any person as may be determined by the Counei, (6) Any person as may be appointed by the President. (6) Any ofthe above. The Speaker may, in consultation with the , allt any day other than a Friday for the transaction of Private Members business, {a) Minster of Partamentay Aas (b) Leader of ‘ne House (¢) Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha (Q) All ofthe above. Consider the following Statements 41, The fist hour of every siting in Lok Sabha is ‘ordinarily available for the asking and answerng of questions, 2. Fax copy or email copy of noice of @ Question is ‘ot accepied. MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE- A KHUSHI SERIES|INITIATIVE/2013 /1/B Page 9 3. In Lok Sabha, the colour code of an Unstarred ‘Question s White 7 Which of the above isiare correct? fa) 12,3) + only (c) 3 only () 183 only 96. A Supplementary Question shall be held out of order by the Presiding Otficer in the Parliament i, in his pion: (a) itinvoives more than one separate issues. (0) it seeks confimation or denial of an opinion (6) Ainfinges any ofthe rules regarding question. (6) Alf the above, 97. Consider the following Statements, (1) A Bill shall always be accompanied by a ‘Statement of Objects and Reasons, (2) The Statement of Objects and Reasons can be revised by the House. (3) The Minister concemed with the Bill shal! communicate to the Secretary General in wring the order of the President granting sanction for introduction or consideration ofa Bil, ‘Which of the above is/are not correct? * (a) il) 2c) 189) 29 only 88. The recommendation ofthe Presidents necessary for initoducion of a Bil in Pariament, iit relates ofthe Constitution, 1. Ace 3 2 Aticle 117 3. Aticle 274 4 Artie 349 (2} 263 only (b) 1,23 (€) (8)2.34 99. What are different modes in which a Bilis passed in Patliament? 1 Voice Vote 2. Division 3. Distribution of Ayes and ‘Noes Sip 4. Going fo the Lobbios (2) 5 only (b) 182 only (e) 2.34 (6) A 100. Censider the folowing Statements? MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE- A KHUSHI SERIES INITIATIVE/2013/1/B KHUSHI SERIES MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE 2012 & 2013 1. A speech on a resolution in Lok Sati cidinarly not exceed 10 minutes 2. Member or 2 Minister may move @ rescluton it the Lok Sabha relating fo a matter of general public interest, subject othe rules of procedure and conduct of business in Lok Sabha, 3. The mover of a resolution in Lok Sabha, when moving it and the Minister concemed when speaking ‘or the fist ime, may speak for halfan-hour or for such longer time as the House may peri. Which ofthe above svare not core (2) 1.2: (0) t only (c) Sony () 183 only 4101. Which ofthe folowing conditions are tobe satisfied by adiissibilly of a mation in Lok Sabha? 4. It shall not rise a question of privilege, 2 It shall raise substantially one definite issue, 3. It shall not seek discussion on a Paper laid on the Table by a Minster. (3) 1 oniy (bo) 2 only (c) 4,2,3 {4} 1& 2only 192. Which of the folowing Statements are correct wilh regard to "Caling Attention’ in Lok Sabha? 4. Ae meme? give more than two notices caling the altentianot a Miniser to any avait of Hrcent Foie tmpertance. 4 The Minister shall make sebnef staternent forint (2) 1 only (o)2 only () Both 182 (d) Non 103. Which of the following Departmental Related Standing Commitee) islare under the Rejya Sabhe? (a) Industry () Energy (} Labour (d) Al of he above 4104. which ofthe folowing is correct about the Commitee on Public Undertakings? (2) It consists of 30 members to be elected by the respective Houses, (2) The quorum to consiule a meeing of the Committee is one-third ofits members, (6) It examines the reports and accounts of the RITES Limited, (¢) The Chaizman of the Commitee is elected from amongst the members ofthe Commitee. Page 10 KHUSHI SERIES MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE 2012 & 2013 4105. Which of the following hasthave an impact on the fiscal deficit? (2) Cre Supplementary {b) Substantive Supplementary 6) Technical Supplementary (6) Alofthe above 406, (1) Demands for Grants are divided into toe parts (2) While Token Supplementary is sought for Rs 1 lakh, Token Cut envisages to reduce the amount of the Demand o Rs 100 Which ofthe above stare comact? (a) ‘only 0) 2 ony (both 18.2 (4) Nether 1 nor 2 107. As por the Provisional Collection of Taxes Act, 1890, tte Finance Bil intoduced on the day of presenlaion of Budget in Lok Sabha is vald for 2 Dead of __ day for effecting the ax proposals (2) 30 days (b) 45 days (c 60 days (6) 75 days, 108. Consiter the folowing statements 4A Member of. Lok Saba: shall not be arrested within the precincs of the Hause wihoyt obtaining + the permission ofthe is wise eon 3. dp procs, ut or Mt A not Be served on 2 Member of Lok Sabha “win the precin's. of the -House without obtaining the permission ofthe House. Which ofthe following fare coment? (a) 1 only (&) 2 only (c} both 182 (4) None 4109. Consider the folowing Stetements 1. A Member of Partament, convicted in a criminal case by a competent Cout, stand disqualified from the date of conviction 2, No separate order is required to be passed by the Presiding Officer ofthe House/Council or the Election Commission of nda regarcng the disqualication 3. The matter regarding disqualification of a Member of Parliament shall aways be pubshed in the Bullen Parti Wich ofthe above is fare conect? (a)_ 1.23 (b) 182 c) 1 only (4) 183 40. Which ofthe fodoning is/are not corect? _A, A Member of Parliament shail not require to give any reason for his resignation, 2 He is required to give the letter of resignation personaly tothe Speaker/Chairman, 3.:A Member may withdraw his letter of resignation wibin 3 days of the date of is acceptance by the ‘SpeakerChairman, (a) Al (o) 283 (c) 3 only (d) None of the above. 111, Which ofthe folowing isfare correct with regard to the Patiamentary Commits of Lok Sable? The members of a Committee are elected by the House or appointed by the House or nominated by the Speaker. 2. A member of a Commitee may resign his seal by wiling unde nis hand, addressed to the Chaiman of the Committee 3. The members of a Commitee are not quired to take oath or afirmation belore feking part in the proceedings of the Commitee * (a) 1.23 (b) 183 (c] 283 9) t only BBE Copmittee on Papers laid on the Table of Lok Sabha, while examining th’ papers laid on the Table of the House:by Ministers, shall report to the House a {a} any unreasonable delay in aying the paper _SBhsayng on the Tabe bot the Hind and Engish ‘versions ofthe paper. (€) undue dey in taying the papers (4) all of the above. 113.The new gas pricing formula, based on the recommendation of a Commitiee headed by Or Rengaranjn, Chaiman of the Economic Adtisory Counc io the PM, is effective from April 2014 and wll coninue for years. The new policy is based on- (2) The price of indian liquefied Natur! Gas (LNG) imports (b) The weighted average price at major trading rubs inthe UK, the USA & Japan, 7G Simple Average of the prices of imported LNG and the average intemational price MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE- A KHUSHI SERIES|INITIATIVE/2013 /1/B Page 11 ___KHUSHI SERI fe} The rates crevailed i te 114, hich cf the fouewang statements ae woest 4. Douglas Cart Engetbart, an electcal engineer, who invented the computer mouse was died on 2 July 2013 at California, USA 2. Hs work at SRI (Stanford Research ‘tive! intemtional resulted in 21 patents; the last one wa the computer mouse in 1970. 2. SRE confibuted to ceaton of Arpanet computer network 2 predecessor ofthe ilerel 4. Mouse helps to move a computer ~ screen cursor ay means oer tha errs on a keyboard (12 14. (0) 44 (0) 1.34 0) 1.24. 445. 1. IRNSS 1 India's 1 own Saelite navigation system, 2 IRNSS consists of satailes; gevstatonary orbit and 4 in ‘geosynchronous ori thee in inctinse 3. mainly covers the area around India 4. A geostalionary orbit, a special from: of ssyncirorous ortit, means. the st os bo over a cataln point Fie he ectres i (18se 446, 1) The Union Cabinet in sus restuctued the existing “Cer‘val. She Scheine(CSS) [Additional Centre” Asesinas scheme in the 42" Five Year Plan oat £8 scveme: including 17 fagship programmes, 2 val come into force for he remaining 7ears ofthe ‘athe Five Year Plan, 3) For each nev CSS/ACAVFlagship scheme, the tunes ‘may be shares on 75 25 basis between te Centre and the General Category States and on S00 basis ‘between the Cente and the Spesial Category St 4) 10% ofthe outay ofthe schemes in kept 2s ls 5) A scheme may have slate specific guidelines as recommended by te Inter-Minister:t Committe 2n inci assistance (0 the States would be pro’ sec rough Consolidated Fund ofthe States. Which ofthe above ielere comect? 3} Ab) 3.485 0) 12.92) 2.34 MOCK TEST PAPER FOR SO/PS LDCE- A ER FOR SO/PS LDCE 2032 & 2013 SHI SERIES INITIAT! Benon(es) of ahi requites the epprovs 197, The proposal! to raeke the Cit Court inte Permanen Bench cerned State Government Chiel Justice of he Court ano Supreme Court 2») Concerned Stale Govt. and Central Government «} Concerned State Government, Chief Justice ofthe concemed High Court and Union Govt 6) Chief Justice ofthe concerned High Court Chie! lusice of India and the Central Government. 148. Whois the author of the book" The Future of Indian Agicuture? 2)Dr¥.K Mach 6) Prof M.S. Swamina €)Frol VJ. Kutian—— d) None ofthe above. 419, Whisn ofthe folowing statements islare comet? 4) Pran was the 44% OSP Awart (2042) winner and he received the award on- May 10, 2013 which oficialy marks Indian Cinama's 100% Year. 2 Ke wos neroured with the Padma Bhushan wens in 2001 Mie exrecip ni of Far Fare Lielime 1. Otis Davis (USA) 2 Cart Kaulman (Germany) 2 Malcolm Spence (South Arica) 4. Mantted ender (Germany) (2) 1.250) 23.440) 1,2,4(0) 1,34 £ HAPPY DIWALI BEST WISHES FROM KHUSHI SERIES 2013/1/8 Page 12

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