General Standards 019841 MBP

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Health Services and Mental Health Administration
D Health Facilities Planning and Construction Service
Office of Architecture and Engineering
Silver Spring, Md. 20910



2 SITE 1

2-1 Location 1

2-2 Roads and parking 1


3-i General 1

3-2 Special considerations 1

4-1 General 2
4-2 Special considerations 2

5-1 General 3
5-2 Classification 3
5-3 Applicant's responsibility , 3


6-1 First slage program and schematics 3
6-2 Second stage - preliminaries ...... r 4
6-3 Third stage - contract documents 4
6-4 Additions and alterations 7
6-5 Record drawings and manuals 7


7-1 General 7
7-2 List of referenced codes and standards 7
7-3 Availability of codes and standards listed 8

8-1 Special considerations 9
8-2 Nursing unit 9
8-3 Newborn nursery unit . 10
8-4 Pediatric unit 10
8-5 Psychiatric unit 11
8-6 Surgical suite 11
8-7 Obstetrical suite 12
8-8 Outpatient suite 12
8-9 Radiology suite , 13
8-10 Laboratory suite 13
8-11 Pharmacy or drug room .
8-12 Dietary department 13
8-13 Administration department 13
8-14 Medical records unit 14
8-15 Central medical and surgical supply department 14
8-16 Laundry 14
8-17 Central stores 14
8-18 Employees' facilities 14
8-19 Engineering service and equipment areas , 14


8-20 Details and finishes 15

8-21 Elevators 17
8-22 Construction including fire -resistive; requirements 17
8-23 Mechanical requirements 18
8-24 Electrical requirements 22


9-1 Special considerations 26
9-2 Nursing unit 26
9-3 Patients' dining and recreation areas 27
9-4 Physical therapy unit 27
9-5 Occupational therapy unit 27
9-6 Personal care room 28
9-7 Dietary department 28
9-8 Administration department . , 28
9-9 Laundry 28
9-10 Central storage room(s) 29
9-11 Locker rooms 29
9-12 Engineering service and equipment areas 29
9-13 Atldilional elements for chronic disease hospitals 29
9-14 Details and finishes 29
9-15 Elevators 31
9-16 Construction including fire-res istive requirements 32
9-17 Mechanical requirements 33
9-18 Electrical requirements 36














1 . Sound transmission limitations for partitions and floors

in general hospitals 16

2 . Pressure relationships and ventilation of certain

hospital areas 20

3. Sound transmission limitations for partitions and floors

in long-term care facilities 31

4. Pressure relationships and ventilation ol certain

nursing home areas 34


The standards set forth herein have been es- essary modifications for special or unusual re-
tablished by the Surgeon General of the U.S. Public quirements .

Health Service in accordance with the requirements

of Title VI of the Public Health Service Act. These General standards of construction and equip-
standards constitute minimum requirements for ment are only minimum Public Health Service re-
construction and equipment and shall apply to all quirements, However, various guide materials
projects for which Federal assistance is requested and recommendations on planning various depart-
under the act. They are considered necessary to ments in a hospital are also available from the
ensure properly planned and well constructed med- Public Health Service. Because of local condi-
ical facilities which can be efficiently maintained tions States may have additional requirements
, ,

and operated to furnish adequate services. some of which may exceed those detailed herein.
Neither these general standards nor the guide ma-
In the case of hospitals not specifically dis- terials of the Public Health Service are intended
cussed herein such as tuberculosis hospitals, the in any way to restrict design initiative or con-
standards for general hospital s will apply with nec- struction techniques .


2-1 LOCATION commercial or industrial developments, or oEher

types of facilities that produce noise or air pol-
A, The site ofany medical facility shall be acces- lution.
sible to the center of community activities.

B. Facilities shall be located in relation to the A . Roads and walks shall be provided within the
center of population, close to where competent lot lines to the main entrance, ambulance en-
medical and surgical consultation Is readily avail- trance, community activities, and services , in-
able, and where employees can be recruited and cluding loading and unloading space for delivery
retained. trucks .

B. Off-street parking shall be provided unless

C. The site shall be away from nuisances detri- public transportation or public parking facilities
mental to the proposed project's program, such as are available.



The applicant shall provide for a survey of the The survey drawing shall show:
site. The purpose of this survey is to obtain all
information necessary for the development of the A, The courses and distances of property lines
site and for making the mechanical and electrical of all parcels which comprise the hospital site .

service connections to the building. If any exist-

ing structures or improvements on the site are to B. Dimensions
and location of any buildings ,
be removed by the owners or others the buildings
, structures, rights of way, or en-
or improvements must be so designated on the sur- croachments on the site, and the presence ofany
vey drawing. The survey and the recorded legal undeveloped mineral rights to which the site is
description shall be in agreement. subject,

C . Details of party walls, or walls and foundations holes, upon, over, or under the site, or adjacent
within the limits of the survey.
to the site, if
adjacent to the lot lines .

D. The position, dimensions, and elevations of J. The probability of freshets overrunning the site
all cellars, excavations, wells, back-filled areas, shall be investigated.
and similar and the elevation of
existing openings,
any water therein. K. Official datum upon which elevations are based
and a bench mark established on or adjacent to the
E . All trees which may be affecied by the building site.

operations ,

L. Elevation on a grid system of not more than

F . Detailed information r e 1 a t i v e to established 20'0" intervals to indicate changes of slope over
curb and buildinglines and street, alley, sidewalk, that portion of the site to be developed.
and curb grades at or adjacent to the site and the
materials of which they are constructed . M. Elevations of contours and bottoms of exca-
vations .

G . Floor elevations shall be indicated for all exist


ing buildings which are to be modernized or to which N. Contemplated date and description of any pro-
additions will be constructed . posed improvements to approaches or utilities
adjacent to the site.
H. All utility services including pipe sizes, pres-
sures, and electrical characteristics . O, Certification on the survey drawing by the
city engineer or other qualified official that the
I. The location and invert elevations of all piping, officially established street lines, grades of curbs ,

mains, sewers, poles, wires, hydrants, and man- sidewalks, and sewers arc correctly given.


4-1 GENERAL B. The amountand elevation of ground water en-

countered In each pit or boring and its probable
An investigation shall be made to determine variation with the seasons and effect on the sub-
the subsurface soil and water conditions The in- . soil shall bedetermined. High and low water lev-
vestigation shall Include a sufficient number of test els of nearby bodies of water affectingthe ground
pits or test borings to determine in the judgment water level shall also IK determined.
of the architect and the structural engineer the true
subsurface conditions Results of the investigation
, C. Appropriate laboratory tests shall be per-
shall be submitted in the form of a soil investigation formed to determine the safe -bearing value and
report or foundation engineering report. The in- compressibility characteristics of the various
vestigation shall be made in close cooperation with strata encountered in each pit or boring.
the architectand structural engineer and shall con-
tain detailed recommendations for foundation de- D Maximum depth of frost penetrationbelow sur-

sign and gradmgs. face of the ground shall be recorded .

E. Tests shallbc madeto determine whether the

4-^2 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS soil contains alkali in sufficient quantities to affect
concrete foundations .

The following is a general outline of the sug-

F. Corrosivity tests shall be madeto determine
gested scope of soil investigation:
whether the soil will adversely attack underground
A The borings or testpits shall extend into stable
metallic conduits .

soils well below the bottom of any proposed foun-

G. If the site is underlaid with
dations A field log of mines, or If old
. the borings shall be made workings are located in the vicinity, the elevation
and the thickness, consistency, and character of and location of the top of workings shall be de-
each layer recorded .
termined .
Section 6-1



A. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant

Provide allcquipmentneccssary for the oper-
to select and purchase all necessary equipment
ation of the facility as planned Consumable items,

for the complete functioning of all services in-

disposable items, and items of current operating
cluded in the project in accordance with these stan-
expense such as fuel, food, and drugs are consid-
dards .
ered supplies and shall not be included in the equip-
ment list required in sec. 5-3C. B. Fixed equipment not included in the construc-
tion contract shall be selected and shown on the
preliminary stage of the plans (second stage) to
ensure its coordination with the architectural,
mechanical, and electrical phases of the work.
Equipment items shall be classified in two
main groups:
C. As soon as possible after the award of the
construction contract, the applicant shall submit
A Fixed equipment is defined as equipment which
to theSurgeon General for approval through the

ispermanently affixed to the building or which must State agency, in triplicate, a complete list with
be connected to a service distribution system de- an itemized estimate of cost of all proposed fixed
signed and installed during construction for the equipment not included in the construction con-
specific use of the equipment. It includes items tract and all movable equipment.
such as extractors, walk-in refrigerators, inter-
communication systems, and built-in casework.
D. Applicants who do not include all fixed equip-
ment in the construction contract and let separate
contracts for furnishing and installing certain
B. Movable equipment is defined as all items of items of fixed equipment must include in such sep-
equipment which are not considered to be fixed arate contracts all provisions for contract se-
equipment. It includes items such as operating curity, insurance, and compliance with labor stan-
tables, obstetrical tables, anesthesia apparatus, dards as provided under sec. 6-3B, except that
wheeled equipment, portable paging systems, labor standards need not be included for contracts
chinaware, and surgical instruments. under $2000.


Plans, specifications, and estimates shall be as single- and two-bed rooms); distribution of ser-
submitted in three stages as follows: vices (such as medicine and surgery).

3. Give an outline of construction materials.

4. Submit preliminary cost estimates.
A. Program
B. Schematic Plans
1 . List in outline form the rooms or spaces to be
included in each department, explaining the func- 1,
Single line drawings of each floor shall show
tions or services to be provided in each, Indicating the relationship of the various departments or ser-
the approximate size, the number of personnel, vices to each other and the room arrangement in
and the kind of equipment or furniture it will con- each department. The name of eacli room shall
tain. Note any special or unusual services or be noted. The proposed roads and walks, service
equipment to be included in the facility. and entrance courts, parking and orientation may
be shown on either a small plot plan or thefirst-
2. For inpatient facilities, submit a schedule , floor plan.A simple vertical space diagram shall
showingtotal number of beds; type of rooms (such be submitted at this stage .

331-D67 O-69-2
Section S-l

2 If the project is an addition, or is otherwise

b. Simple riser diagram for multistory build-
related to existing buildings on the site, the plans ing construction, showing arrangement of
shall show the facilities and general arrangement feeders, subfeeders, bus work, load cen-
of those buildings ,
ters, and branch circuit panels.

C. Description of Site
B. Out! ine Sp ecif ications
1. The site shall be described by means of the

survey drawing- and soil investigation report, or 1. General description of the construction, in-

by means of an. outline description containing the cluding interior finishes, types and locations of
following general characteristics of the site: acoustical material, and special floor covering.

a. Easements.
2. Description of the air-conditioning, heating,
b. Availability ofeleciricity, water, and sewer and ventilation systems and their controls; duct
lines .
and piping systems; and dietary, laundry, steri-
c. Main roadway approaches.
lizing, and other special equipment.
d. Direction of prevailing breezes .

e. Orientation.
3. General description of electrical service in-
2. A map shall be submitted indicating location cluding voltage, number of feeders, and whether
of the hospital inils geographic area with particu- feeders are overhead or underground,
lar reference to requirements given under sec. 2.
C Description of the Site. The survey drawing

D. Certification A certification from the State

. and the soil investigation report shall be submitted
Health Department (or other authorized State at this time if ttiese items were not included with

agency) that the proposed water supply is potable. the first stage submittal.

6-2 SECOND STAGE PRELIMINARIES D. Revised Cost Estimates

A, Hans .
Preliminary sketch plans shall include

1 . Architectural A. Working Drawings .

Working drawings shall
be complete and adequate for bid, contract, and

Plans of basement, floors, and roof showing construction purposes . Drawings shall be pre-
space assignment, sizes, and outline offixed pared for each of the following branches of the
and movable equipment work: architectural, structural, mechanical, and

electrical. They shall include the following:

b. All elevations and typical sections.
c. Plot plan showing roads, parking, and side-
1 . Architectural drawings
d. Areas and bed capacities by floors . a .
Approach plan showing all new topography,
newly establishedlevels and grades, exist-
2 Mechanical
ing structures on the site (if any), new build-

ings and structures, roadways, walks, and

a. Single line layouts of all duct and piping the extent of the areas to be seeded. All
systems structures and improvements which are to
b. Riser diagramsfor multistory construction. be removed under the construction contract
c. Scalelayout of boilers and major associated shall be shown. A print of the site survey
equipment antl central heating, cooling, and drawing shall be included with the working
ventilating units. drawings for the inf ormation of bidders only .

However, the survey drawing need not be

3. Electrical made a part of the contract documents.
Plan of each basement, floor, and roof.
a. Plans showing space assignment, sizes and Elevations of each facade .

outline of fixed equipment such as trans- Sections through building.

formers, main switch and switchboards, and Required scale and full-size details.
generator sets. Schedule of doors and finishes.
Section 6-3

g. Equipment. Location of all fixed equipment. (2) Heating and steam mams and branches
Layout of typical and special rooms indicating with pipe sizes .

all fixed equipment: and major items of mov- (3) Diagram of heating and steam risers with
able equipment. Equipment not included in pipe sizes .

the contract shall be so indicated. (4) Sizes, types, <ind heating surfaces of boil-
h. Conveying systems Details of construction,
ers, furnaces, with stokers and oil burn-
size and type of equipment, length and route ers, if any.
of travel, machine and control spaces nec- (5) Pumps, tanks, boiler breeching, andpip-
essary, and u til it y requirements, for the ing and boiler room accessories.
following; (6) Air-conditioning systems with required
equipment, water and refrigerant piping,
(1) Conveyors --gravity, and power driven, and ducts .
(2) Cranes. (7) Supply and exhaust ventilating systems
(3) Dumbwaiters --electric, hand, hydraulic. with steam connections and piping.
(4) Elevators freight, passenger, patient. (8) Air quantities for all room supply and ex-
(5) Hoists--electric, hand, hydraulic, pneu- haust ventilating- duct openings.
matic .

(6) Loading dock devices .

(7) Material handling systems. b. Plumbing, drainage, and standpipe systems.

(8) Pneumatic tube systems ,

Stairs, moving. (1) Sizeandelevationof: streetsewer, bouse

sewer, house drains, street water main,
2, Structural drawings and water service into the building.
(2) Locationandsize of soil, waste, and vent
a. Plans for foundations, floors, roofs, and all stacks with connections to house drains,
intermediate levels with sizes sections, and ,
clean-outs, fixtures, and equipment.
the relative location of the various structural (3) Size and location of hot, cold, and circu-
members . lating mains, branches, and risers from
b. Schedule of beams, girders, and columns. the service entrance, and tanks.

c. Dimensions betwe en floor levels, column (4) Riser diagram, of all plumbing stacks with
centers, and offsets. vents, water risers and fixture connec-

d. Dimensions of special openings and pipe tions .

sleeves . (5) Gas, oxygen, and special connections.

e. Details of all special connections, assem- (6) Standpipe and sprinkler systems.
(7) All fixtures and equipment that require
blies, and expansion joints,
f . For special structures, a stress sheet show- water and drain connections.
4. Electrical drawings
(1) Outline of the structure .

(2) All load assumptions . a. Electric service entrance with switches and
(3) Stresses and bending moments separately feedergJofiie public service feeders , char-
for each kind of loading. acteristics of the light and power current,
(4) Maximum stress and/or bending moment transformers and their connections if lo-
for which each member is designed, when cated in the building,
not readily apparent from (3). b. Location of main switchboard, power pan-
(5) Horizontal and vertical reactions at col - els, light panels,and equipment. Diagram
umn bases . of feeders and conduits with schedule of
feeder breakers or switches.
3 . Mechanical drawings c. Light outlets, receptacles, switches, power
outlets, and circuits.
a. Heating, steam piping, and air-conditioning d. Telephone layout showing service entrance,
systems .
telephone switchboard, strip boxes, tele-
phone outlets and branch conduits

(1) Radiators and steam heated equipment e. Nurses' call systems with outlets for beds,
such aa sterilizers, warmers, and steam duty stations, door signal lights, annunci-
tables . ators, and wiring diagrams.
Section 6-3

I . Fire alarm system with stations, signal de- Contractor's Protective Liability Insurance
vices, control board, and wiring diagrams.
g. Emergency electrical system with outlets,
$300, 000 -
Bodily Injury Liability $500, 000
transfer switch, sources of supply, feeders, -
Property Damage 100, 000 300, 000
and circuits .

li . All other electrically operated systems and

equipment . Owner's Protective Liability Insurance

B. Specifications Specifications shall supple-
. Bodily Injury Liability $300, 000 $500, 000
ment the drawings to fully describe types, sizes, Property Damage 100,000 300,000
capacities, workmanship, finishes, and other char-
acteristics of all materials and equipment and shall
include: d. Fire insurance. The contractor (or owner)
shall insure the building or buildings or other
1. Cover or title sheet. work included in the contract against lessor
damage by fire, and against loss or damage
2. Index. covered by the standard extended coverage
insurance endorsement, the amount of which
3. Instruction to bidders .
shall at all times be at least equal to the a-
mount paid on the account of work and ma-
4. Bid form .
terials plus the value of work or of materials
furnished or delivered but not yet paid for
5. Form of agreement . by the owner. The policy shall provide for
the inclusion of thename of all other con-
6. Performance and payment bond forms . tractors, subcontractors, and others em-
ployed on the premises as insureds, and
7. Labor Standards Provisions for Construction shall stipulate that the insurance com-
Grant Programs , panies shall have no right of subrogation a-
gainst any contractors subcontractors, or

8. Sections describing materials and workman- other parties employed on the premises, for
ship in detail for each class of work. any work of any nature whatsoever .

e .
Specifying of materials and equipment The .

9. Special conditions. following paragraph shall appear at the be-

ginning of each Division or Section of the
10. General conditions that contain the following Specifications:
requirements :

"Notwithstanding any reference in the

a. Access to the work. Representatives of the
specifications toany article, device, prod-
Surgeon General and State agency will have uct, material, fixture, form or type of con-
access at all reasonable times to workwhere-
struction by name, make, or catalog num-
everit preparation or progress, and the
is in
ber, such references shall be interpreted
contractor shall provide proper facilities for
as establishing a standard of quality and
such access and inspection.
shall not be construed as limiting compe-
b. Contract security. The successful bidder
tition; and the contractor, in such cases,
must deliver owner executed Perform-
to the
ance and Payment Bonds each in an amount
may at his option use any article, device,

product, material, fixture, form or type

equal to 100% of the accepted bid. Separate of construction which in the
bonds are preferred; however, a single bond judgment of the
architect expressed in writing is equal to
providingthe above coverage will be accept- that specified."
c. Bodily injury and property damage liability
insurance. The contractor must carry lia- Cl Estimates . Show In convenient form and de-
bilityinsurance for bodily injury and prop- tail the
probable total cost of the work to be per-
erty damage in amounts not less than listed formed under the contract and fixed
equipment con-
below: templated by plans and specifications .
Section 7-2


A. Upon completion of the contract, the contrac-
Plans and specifications for projects involving tors shall deliver to the owner a complete set of
additions or alterations shall indicate the construc- legible drawings showing all construction, equip-
tion phasing necessary to minimize disruptions of ment, mechanical and electrical systems, and
existing hospital operations. Safety requirements connections as installed or built .

for projects involving work in existing buildings B. The contractor shall deliver to the owner a
shall be the same as those required for new con- complete set of equipment installation and main-
struction. tenance manuals.


7-1 GENERAL American Society for Testing and Materials

(ASTM) Standard No. E 119, Methods of Fire
Nothing stated herein shall relieve the sponsor Tests of Building Construction and Materials
from compliance with building codes, ordinances, (sees. 8-22D and 9-16D) $1.00
and regulations winch are enforced by city, county,
or State jurisdictions. Where such codes, ordi- Federal Housing Administration (FI-IA) Publi-
nances, and regulations are not in effect, it shall cation No, 750, Impact Noise Control in Multi-
be the responsibility of the sponsor to consult one family Dwellings (sees 8-20A15, table 1 and

of the national building codes generally used in the 9-14A19, table 3) 50 cents
area for all components of the building type which
are not specifically covered by the minimum stan- International Standards Organization (ISO) Rec -
dards set forth herein provided the requirements ommendations No. 140-1960, Field and Lab-
of the code arc not inconsistent witli the minimum
oratory jylea3uremen_ts_ of Airborne and Impact
standards herein. Sound Transmission (sees. 8-20A15, table 1
and 9-14A19, table 3) $2.40

7-2 LIST OF REFERENCED CODES National Bureau of Standards (NBS) Handbook

73, Protection Against Radiation from Sealed

The following codes and standards have been

Gamma Sources (sees. 8-20Allband 9-14A
15b) 30 cents
utilized in whole or in part as references in the
sections of this publication in parenthesis:
National Bureau of Standards (NBS) Handbook
76, Medical X-ray Pr o t e c 1 1 o n up to Three
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Million Volts (sees. 8-20Alla and 9-14A15a)
Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Hand-
25 cents
book of Fundamentals (sees 8-23C1, 8-24J4c,

9-17C1, and 9-18H4c) $15.00

National Electrical Manufacturers Association
American Society for Testing and Materials (NEMA) BulletinNo. XR4-10, Minimum Power
(ASTM) Standard No. E 84-61, Method of Test Supply Requirements (sec. 8-24G2) No charge
for Surface Burning Characterisjjcs of Building
Materials (sees. 8-22E and 9-16E) $1.00 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Standard No. 70, Nat t io naj^ Electrical Code
American Society for Testing and Materials (sec. 8-24G2) $1.00
(ASTM) Standard No. E 90-66T, Recommended
Practice for Laboratory Measurement of Air- National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
borne Sound Transmission Loss of Building Standard No. 56, Code for the Use^of^Flanv;
Floors and Walls (Tentative) (sees. 8-20A15, mable Anesthetics (sees. 8-20B2, 8-23D2s,
table 1 and 9-14A19, table 3> $1.00 8-24F1 and Gl, and 9-14B2) 75 cents
Section ?-2

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and
Standard No. 82, Standard for Incinerators Air-Conditioning Engineers
(sees. 8-23B and 9-17B) 50 cents United Engineer Center
345 East 47th Street
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) New York, New York 10017
Standard No, 10, Standards! for the Installation
of Portable Fire Extinguishers (sees. 8-20A14 American Society for Testing and Materials
and 9-14A18) 60 cents 1916 Race Street
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
Standard No. 101, Life Safety_C_ode (sees. International Standards Organization
8-20A1 and9-14Al) $1.50 (USA Headquarters, United States of America
Standards Institute)
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 10 East 40th Street
Standaid No. 565, Standard for Nonflammable New York, New York 10016
Medical Gas Systems (sees. 8-23E6 and 9-
17E6) 50 cents National Electrical Manufacturers Association
155 East 44th Street
Public Health Service (PHS) Publication, Labor New York, New York 10017
Standards Provisions for Construction Grant
Programs (sec. 6-3B7) (Available only; at no National Fire Protection Association
charge from the Division of Hospital and Med- 60 Batterymarch Street
ical Facilities, Willste Building, Silver Spring, Boston, Massachusetts 02110
Maryland 20910)
Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.
Public Health Service (PHS) Publication No. 934, 207 East Ohio Street
Food S e r v i ce_Sanitation .Manual, (sees 8-12
Chicago, Illinois 60611
and 9-7) 55 cents
America Standards
United States of Institute
Public Health Service (PHS) Publication No 1038,
(Formerly American Standards
Report of Public Health Service Technical Com- Association, Inc.)
mittee on Plumbing Standards (sees. 8-23Eand
10 East 40th Street
9-17E) 45 cents New York, New York 10016

Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. (UL) Publi- Except as noted in the list, copies of Govern-
cation No. 181, Air_Ducts (sees. 8-23D2J and ment publications can be purchased from the
9-17D2h) No charge Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government
Printing Off ice, Washington, D.C. 20402.
United States of America Standards Institute
(USASI) Standard No. A117. 1-1961, American
Standard Specifications for Making Buildings
and Facilities Accessible to, and Usable by,
the F li y s i c a 1 I y Handicapped (sees 8-1B and

9- IB) $2.00



Copies of non-Government publications can be

obtained from the various agencies at the addresses
listed in the next column.
Section 8-2


NOTE: General hospitals shall either contain the elements described herein or the narrative program
accompanying the application shall indicate the manner in which the needed services are to be available
to the hospital. When services are to be shared or purchased, appropriate modifications or deletions
in space requirements would be anticipated. When pediatric, psychiatric, and obstetrical services are
not included in the hospital, the narrative program should indicate where such services are available
in the community. Each element provided in the hospital must meet the construction requirements out-
lined herein.

8-1 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS 7. Locker or closet for each patient.

A. Hospitals with a capacity of 50 beds or less 8. Cubicle curtains, or equivalent built-in de-

present special problems. The sizes of the vari- vices, for privacy for each patient in multibed
ous departments will depend upon the requirements rooms .

of the hospital . Some functions allotted separate

9 No patient room shall be located more than

spaces or rooms in these general standards may

12Q'0" from the nurses' station, the clean work-
be combined provided that the resulting plan will
room, and the soiled workroom,
not compromise the best standards of safety and of
medical and nursing practices In other respects . ,

B. Service Areas in Each Nursing Unit. The size

the general standards set forth in this publication,
of each service area will depend on the number
including the area requirements, shall apply.
and types of beds within the unit and include:

B. Facilities shall be available to the public , staff,

1. Nurses' station, For nurses' charting, doc-
and patients who may be physically handicapped.
tors' charting, communications, and storage for
Minimum requirements except as noted in these
supplies and nurses' personal effects.
standards shall be those set forth in USASI Pub. No.
A117. 1-1961. 2. Nurses' toilet room. Convenient to nurses'

8-2 NURSING UNIT 3. Nurses 'office. Near nurses' station, (Office

may serve more than one nursing unit . )
A Patient Rooms
. Each patient. room shall meet
the following requirements ;
4. Clean workroom. For storage and assembly
of supplies for nursing procedures; shall contain
1. Maximum room capacity: 4 patients. work counter and sink.

2 . Minimum room areas exclusive of toilet rooms ,

5. Soiled workroom. Shall contain clinical sink,
closets, lockers, wardrobes, or vestibules: 100 work counter, waste receptacle, and soiled linen
square feet in one-bed rooms and 80 square feet receptacles .

per bed in multibed rooms .

6. Medicine room. Adjacent Lo nurses' station;

3 Multibed rooms shall be designed to permit no
. with sink, refrigerator, locked storage, and fa-
more than two beds side by side parallel to the cilities for preparation and dispensing of medi-
window wall . cation. (May be a designated area within clean
workroom if a self-contained cabinet is provided .

4. Window: sill shall not be higher than 3*0" a-

7. Cleanlinen storage. Enclosed storage space .
bove the floor and shall be above grade.
(May be a designated area within the clean work-
Nurses' calling stations, room .
5. (see sec. 8-24H)
8. Nourishment station. Storage and sink for
6. Lavatory. In single and two-bed rooms, the
serving between-meal nourishments. (May serve
lavatory may be located in a private toilet room. more than one nursing unit ) .
Seation 8-2

9 Equipment storage room

. For storage of IV .
2 .
Emergency nurses' call .

stands, mhalators, air mattresses, walkers, and

3 .
Oxygen .

similar bulky equipment.

4. Facilities for viewing the babies.
10. Patient baths . One shower stall or one bath-
tub for each 15 beds not individually served.
B. Full-Term Nursery. Each room shall con-
tain not more than 12 bassinets with a minimum
11 . Stretcher and wheelchair parking area or al-
area of 24 square feet per bassinet. An exami-
nation and workroom shall be provided. (One ex-
12. Janitor's closet. Storage of housekeeping aminationand workroom may serve up to 24 bas-
supplies and equipment; floor receptor or service sinets.)
C. Premature Nursery. A premature nursery is
C. Patient Toilet Rooms_. A room shall be
toilet required only for hospitals with 25 or more ma-
directly accessible from each patient room with- ternity beds. Each nursery shall contain no more
out going through the general corridor. One toilet than 6 bassinets with a minimum area of 30 square
room may serve 2 patient rooms but not more than feet per bassinet. The premature nursery shall
4 beds. (The lavatory may be omitted from the have its own workroom including lavatory. (A
toilet room if one is provided in each patient room ) , work area within the premature nursery may be
used but this area shall be in addition to the re-
D. Isolation Room
Isolation room (s) forthepar-
quired bassinet area.)

ticular use of those prone to infections as well as

those suffering from infections shall be provided D. Formula Room. This room is intended for
on the basis of one for each 30 beds or major frac- the sole purpose of preparing the infant formula
tion thereof, if the hospital does not have a sepa- and shall have no direct access to the nursery or
rate contagious disease unit. Each isolation room workroom. It may be located elsewhere in the
shall have ;
The following shall be provided unless
hospital .

commercially-prepared formula is used:

1 .
Only one patient per room .

1 . Work counter with built-in sinkwith gooseneck-

2 .
Lavatory within patient room or toilet room .

type spout and knee or foot control .

3. View-window for nursing observation.

2. Lavatory.
4. Separate toilet room with bath or shower .

3. Hotplate.
5. An anteroom with adequate main- facilities to
4 .
Refrigerator .

tainaseptic conditions, including lavatory or sink.

(One anteroom may serve several isolation rooms .) 5. Sterilizer (autoclave),

E . Disturbed Patient Room

absence of a . In the 6. Bottle washer.
psychiatric unit, each hospital shall have a room
which shall be designed in a manner to permit use If commerciallypreparedformulaisto be used or
as an ordinary patient room and which will also other modifications are proposed in formula prep -
containfacilitiesto care for patients needing close aration and processing, the formula room shall
supervision including facilities to prevent the pa- include such space and equipment as are neces-
tient's escape, suicide, or hiding. To minimize saryto accommodate formula processing, handl-
patient injury, the design of the room shall ex- ing, and storage requirements .

clude sharp projections An individual toilet room


E. Janitor's^ Closet. This closet shall contain

with lavatory shall be provided The toilet room ,

floor receptor or service sink and space for sup-

door shall be lockable only from the outside.
plies and cleaning equipment .


^ '
General, Each nursery shall provide :

M provided as a separate nursing unit, it shall

1. Lavatory. contain:

Seat-ion 8-6

A. Patient Rooms. Pediatric patient rooms shall 6. Storage for recreation and occupational therapy
conform to the same requirements as those for a equipment .

patient room shown in sec. 8-2 A. In addition, an

allowance of 40 square feet per bassinet must be 7 .
Storage for patients' belongings .

provided in nurseries.

B p These areas shall conform to

Service Areas.
the requirements in sec. 8-2B, and shall include:
A General. The suite shall be located to prevent
through traffic. (See sees. 8-20and 8-24 forspe-
1 . Treatment room .
Lavatory .

cial requirements.)

2. education, and playroom.

Dining, Multiuse
B. Operating Rooms One operating room shall

area for 50 percent of the patients .

be provided for each 50 beds or major fraction

thereof, except that for hospitals of over 200-bed
3. Toilet room. with minimum
For each sex,
capacity, the number of operating rooms shall be
ratio of 1 water closet for each 8 beds excluding
based on the expected surgical workload.

4. Storage. For clothes, toys, and equipment .

C .
Cystoscopy Room. This room is required in

a facility of over 150 beds, A convenient toilet

room with lavatory must be provided. A scrub
S-5 PSYCHIATRIC UNIT sink or large lavatory must be provided within or
adjoining the cystoscopy room (May be located .

If included as a separate nursing unit, it should in an area other than the surgical suite .)
be deslgnedas other nursingunits except that care
must be taken to provide for patients needing close D . Recovery Facilities . A separate room with
supervision to prevent the patient's escape, sui- charting space, medication storage and prepara-
cide, or hiding. The unit shall contain: tion space, and clinical sink is required. (May
be omitted hi hospitals with less than a minimum
A. Patient Room . Each patient room shall meet average of 10 surgical procedures per day.)
the following requirements:
E Service Areas in Bach Surgical Suite. The

1 . Minimum room
areas; 100 square feet inone- size ofeachservice area will depend onthe surgi-
bed rooms and 80 square feet per bed in rnultibed cal workload and shall include:
rooms .

1 .
Surgical supervisor station .

2. Private toilet room.

2. Sterilizing facilities. Near operating room
3. Window: Sill height shall not be higher than with hi-speed autoclave .

3'0" above the floor and shall be above grade,

3 . Facilities for storage and preparation of medi-
B Service Areas These areas shall conform to
the requirements in sec. 8-2B, and shall include:
4. Scrubup facilities. Adjacent to operating
1. Doctors' office, rooms .

2 . Examination and treatment room .

5. Soiled workroom. Shall contain counter, clin-
ical sink, waste receptacle, and soiled linen re--
3 . Conference room .
ceptacles .

4. Dining room; minimum of 15 square feet per 6 Storage for sterile and unsterile supplies
. .

person seated. (May be in clean workroom.)

5. Dayroom; minimum of 40 square feet per pa- 7 . Anesthesia workroom . For cleaning and stor-
tient. age of equipment .


334-367 O-Gfl 3
Section 8-8

8. Storage room for anesthetic agents. 4. Scrubup facilities , Adjacent to delivery room .

9. Nitrous oxide and oxygen facilities, (Provide 5. Soiled workroom. Shall contain counter, clin-
ical sink, waste receptacle, and soiled linen re-
storage room if these services are not piped in.)
10. Clean workroom, For storage and assembly
of supplies; shall contain counter and sink. 6 . Storage for sterile and un sterile supplies .

(May be in clean workroom ) .

11 .
Equipment storage room . For surgical and
7 . Anesthesia workroom . For cleaning and stor-
monitoring equipment.
age of equipment.
12. Janitor's closet. Floor receptor or service
sink and storage for housekeeping supplies and 8. Storage room for anesthetic agents.

9. Nitrous oxide and oxygen facilities. (Provide
13. lockers, and toilet storage room if these services arc not piped in.)
Clothing change areas,
rooms. For doctors, nurses, orderlies, and other
10. Clean workroom. For storage and assembly
personnel .

of supplies; shall contain counter and sink,

14. Holding area (for patients) in facilities with
two or more operating rooms . 11 Equipment storage room.
. For surgical and
monitoring equipment .

15. Stretcher alcove.

12. Janitor's closet. Floor receptor or service
sink and storage for housekeeping supplies and
8-7 OBSTETRICAL SUITE equipment.

A. General. The suite shall be located to pre- 13. Clothing change areas, lockers, and toilet
vent through traffic and shall be completely sepa- rooms. For doctors, nurses, orderlies, and oth-
rated from the surgical suite. (See sees. 8-20 er personnel.
and 8-24, for special requirements.)
14. Stretcher alcove.
B. Delivery Room. The number required shall
be based on the estimated annual birth late.
C Labor Room. The number required shall be

based on the estimated annual birth rate. A pa- These facilities shall be located to prevent
room shall be provided adjomingeach
tients 'toilet outpatients from traversing inpatient areas and
labor room or conveniently accessible. shall include:

D .
Recovery Room . Sliall contain a minimum of A Well -Marked and Sheltered Entry with nearby

two beds; medication storage and

clinical sink; and emergency parking and convenient access for am-
preparation. (May be omitted in hospitals with an bulances .
annual birth rate of less than 800.)
RecegtionArea with telephone, drinkingfoun-
E. Service Areas in Each Obstetrical Suite . The tain, and toilet rooms .

size of each service area will depend on the ob-

stetrical workload and the suite shall include ; C. Admissions and Patients' Records Area.

1. Supervisor's station. D. Examination and Treatment jlQom(s). Lava-

2 .
Sterilizing facilities Provide with high-speed

autoclave. Locate near delivery rooms. E. Emergency Room. Clinical sink. (See sees.
8-20 and 8-24 for special requirements . )
3. Facilities for storage and preparation of medi-
cation. F. Storage for Sterile Supplies

Section 3-13

G. Wheel cjiadr and Stretcher Alcove 8-12 DlliTARY DEPARTMENT

H. Janitor 's_CIo5et Floor receptor or service

. Construction, equipment, and Installation
sink and storage for housekeeping supplies and shall comply with or exceed the minimum stan-
equipment . dards set forth in the PHS Pub. No. 934. The de-
partment shall include the following facilities un-
less commercially prepared dietary service,
8-9 RADIOLOGY SUITE meals, and/or disposables are to be used. If a
commercial service will be used, dietary areas
This suite shall contain; and equipment shall be designed to accommodate
the requirements for sanitary storage, processing,
A. Radiographic Room. . (See sees . 8-20 ancl8-24 and handling.
for special requirements,)

A. Food Preparation Center, Provide lavatory

B. Film Processing Room but do not provide mirror .

C. Film Filing Room B. Food Serving Facilities . For patients and

D. Toilet Room .
Adjoining each fluoroscopy
room .

C. Disliwagh.ingJR.gom Provide commercial-type


For ambulatory dishwashing equipment and lavatory.

E. Dressing Area. patients.

D. Potwashing Facilities
Area. For stretcher patients.

E. Refrigerated Storage^. Three -day supply.

G. Waiting Space

H. Office . With film viewing facilities .

-t?1 Pay Storage. Three-day supply,

G. Carl Gleaning Facilities

8-10 LABQRATOHY Surrrc

H. Cart Storage Area

Facilities for the following services shall he

I , Waste Disposal Facilities
provided; chemistry, bacteriology, aerology, pa-
thology, and hemalology. They shall include:
J . Camvashing Facilities

A. Glasswashing and Stertiizing j?acilities

K. Dining Fa c 11 it ies . Provide 15 square feel per
B. Recording and Filing Facilities person seated.

C. Office L. Dietitian's Office

D. Blood Storage Room. (May be located in an M. Jan i tor's pi oset Storage for housekeeping

area other than the laboratory suite.) supplies and equipment; floor receptor or service

E Specimen Collection Room. This room shall


be located near the laboratory and contain a water N Toil ej Room. Conveniently accessible for di -
closet and lavatory. etary staff.

F .
Morgue and Autopsy Facilities . These facili-
ties shallbe provided within the hospital unless 8-13 ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT
otherwise available .
This department shall include:

8-11 PIIAHMAGY on DRUG ROOM A. Business Office

Section 8-13


B. Gas h icr s Station 8-16 LAUNDRY

C. Inf orination Center The laundry shall include:

D. Administrator's Office A. Soiled Linen Room

E. Admitting Office B. Clean Linenjmd Mending

F . Staff Lounge with Doctors' Coat Room C. Linen Cart Storage

G. Mechcal Library D- Lavatories Accessible from soiled, clean,


and processing rooms .

H. Lobby
E. Laundry Processing Room . Commercial-type
I . Public and Staff Toilet Rooms equipment shall be sufficient to take care of 7
days needs within the workweek

J . Director of Nurse's^ Office. (May be omitted

in hospitals of less than 100 beds.) F. Janitor's Closet. Storage for housekeeping
supplies and equipment; floor receptor or service
K. Housekeeper's Office or Sjmce(Location op-
. sink.
tional and may be combined with clean linen room
in hospitals of less than 100 beds.) G. Storage for Laundry Suppliers

(Items E, F, and G need not be provided if laundry

8-14 MFDICAL RECORDS UNIT isprocessed outside the hospital.)

Tins unit shall include:

A. Active Record Storage Area
General storage room(s) shall have a total area
B. Record Review_and Dictating Room of not less than 20 square feet per bed and shall
be concentrated in one area .

C. Work_Area_. For soiling, recording, or mi-

D. Inactive Record Storage Area. (May be omit-
ted if is
These facilities shall include:
microfilming used.)

A. Nurses' Locker Room. This room shall have

lockers, rest space, and separate toilet room.
B. Female Help Locker Room. This room shall
The following areas shall be separated from have rest space, lockers, and separate toilet

each other; room.

A. C. Male Help Locker __Rgom Thisroom shall

Receiving and Cleanup Room . Space for clean- .

have lockers and separate toilet room

ing equipment and disposing or processing of un- .

clean articles shall be provided.


B. Clean Workroom This room shall be divided
into work space, clean storage area, sterilizing
facilities, and storage area for sterile supplies.
The following shall be provided:

C. Unsterile Supply Storage Area. (May be lo-

cated in an area other than this A . Boiler Room

Section 8-20

B. Engineer's Office 6. Thresholds and expansion joint covers, ifused,

shall be flush with the floor.
C. Mechanicaljuid^Electrical Equipment Room(s)
7. The location and arrangement of plumbingfix-

D. MaintenanceJih op (s ) . At least one room shall tures with blade handles intended for handwashing
be provided .
purposes shall provide clearance necessary for
operation without use of hands. (See sec. 8-23

E. Storage Room for Building Maintenance Elb.)

Supplies Paper towel dispensers shall be provided ai

all lavatories and sinks used for handwashing.
F. Storage Room for Housekeeping Equipment.
(Need not be provided if space is available in jan- 9 IE linen and refuse chutes are used, they shall

itor's closet elsewhere.) be designed as follows: (See also sec. 8-23B.)

G. Toilet and Shower Rooms a . Service openings to chutes shall have up -

proved class "B", 1 1/2-hour fire doors.
H. Refuse Room. For trash storage. Shall be
b. Service openings to chutes shall be located
located convenient to service entrance in a room or closet of not less than 1-hour
(See sec.
fire -resistive construction, anelthe en-
trance door to such room or closet shall be
a class "C", 3/4-hour fire door.
I, The incinerator shall be in
IncineraJioj^Sgacje .
c. Minimum diameter of gravity-type chutes
a separate room, or in a designated area within shall be2'0".
the boiler room, or outdoors. (See sec. 8-23B.) d. Chutes shall terminate in or discharge di-
room or linen chute room
rectly into a refuse
J . Yard Equipment Storage Room For yard
separate from the incinerator or laundry.
maintenance equipment and supplies .
Such rooms shall be
of not less than 2-hour
fire-resistive construction and the entrance
door shall be a class "B", i 1/2-hour lire
e. Chutes shall extend at least 4'0" above the
Ail details and finishes shall meet the following roof and shall be covered bya metal skylight
requirements: glazed with thin plain glass .

A. Details 10. Dumbwaiters,

conveyors, and material han-
dling systems shall not open into any corridor or
1. Exit facilities shall comply with the require- exitway but shall open into a room enclosed by not
ments for exit facilities listed in NFPA Standard less than I -hour fire -resistive construction. The
No. 101. Minimum corridor widths shall be 8'0". entrance door to such room shall be a class "C",
Minimum width of doors to all rooms needing ac- 3/4-hour fire door.
cess for beds or stretchers shall be 3 '8".
11 Protection requirements of X-ray and gamma-

2. Such items as drinking fountains, telephone ray installations shall conform to NBS Handbooks,
booths, and vending machines shall be located so as follows:
that they do not project into the required width of
exit corridors, a. X-ray --Handbook 76.
b. Gamma-ray--Handbook 73.
3. All doors to patient-room toilets or patient-
room bathrooms shall be equipped with hardware 12. Celling heights
which will permit access in any emergency.
a. Boiler room. Not less than 2'6" above the
4 All doors opening onto corridors shall bo swing-

main boiler header and connecting piping

type except elevator doors Alcoves and similar

with a minimum height of 9'0".

spaces which generally do not require doors are
excluded from this requirement .
b. Operating rooms, delivery rooms, cysto-
scopic rooms, radiographic rooms, and
5 . No doors shall swing into the corridor except rooms having ceiling-mounted surgical light
closet doors. fixtures . Not less than 9'D" .

Section 8-20

c. Corridors, storage rooms, patients' toilet 8. Ceilings shall be acoustically treated in corri-
rooms, and other minor rooms. Not less dors in patient areas, nurses' stations, labor
than 7'6". rooms, nourishment stations, dining areas, and
d. All other rooms. Not less than S'O", dayrooms.
13. Boiler rooms, food preparation centers, and
laundries shall be insulated and ventilated to pre-
vent any floor surface above from exceeding a tem-
perature of 85F .

14. Approved fire extinguishers shall be provided

m recessed locations throughout the building in
accordance with NFPA Standard No. 10.

15. Noise reduction criteria. Partition, floor,

and ceiling construction, in patient areas shall com-
ply with table 1 ,

B. Finishes

1. For flame spread requirements, see sec,


2. Floors in anesthetizing areas and rooms used

for storage of flammable anesthetic agents shall
a./ Sound transmiss ion class (STC) shall be deter-
comply with NFPA Standard No. 56,
mined bytestsin accordance with methods set
forth in ASTM Standard E 90-66T.
3 . Floors generally shall be easily cleanable and
shall have the wear resistance appropriate for the b/ Impact noise rating (INR) shall be determined
in accordance with criteria set forth hi FHA
location involved. Floors in kitchens and related
Pub. No, 750. Tests shall be conducted in ac-
spaces shall be waterproof and greaseproof. In
allareas where floors are subject to wetting, cordance with ISO Recommendations No. 140-
shall havea nonslip finish. 1960.
c_/ Impact noise limitation applicable only when
corridor, public space, or service area is over
4. Adjacent dissimilar floor materials shall be patients' room.
flush with each other to provide an unbroken sur- d/ Public space includes lobbies, dining rooms,
recreation rooms, treatment rooms, and simi-
lar spaces .

5. Walls generally shall be washable and in the

e/ Service areas include kitchens elevators, ele-
immediate area of plumbing fixtures, the finish
vator machine rooms, laundries,
shall be moistureproof . Wall bases in garages,
dietary maintenance rooms, boiler and mechanical
areas shall be free of spaces that can harbor in-
equipment rooms, and similar spaces of high
sects .
noise or vibration or both. Mechanical
ment located on the same floor or above pa-
6 Wall bases in any areas used for
surgical and tients' rooms, offices, nurses'
obstetrical procedures shall be stations, and
integral with either similar occupied spaces shall be
the wall or the floor surface material and effectively
shall be isolatedfrom suchspaces with respect to noise
without voids that can harbor harmful
bacteria . and vibration.

7. All ceilings shall be washable or

NOTE: The requirements set forth in this table
easily clean- assume installation methods which will not
able except that ceilings shall bewashable in appre-
oper- ciably reduce the efficiency of the assembly as
ating suites, delivery suites, dietary areas, and tested. Location of electrical
nurseries. This requirement does not
grilles, ductwork, and other mechanical
apply to Items,
boiler rooms, mechanical and and blockingand sealing of
building equipment partitions at floors and
rooms, shops, and similar spaces ceilings shall not compromise the sound isolation
required .

Section 8-SS


A, Elevators^Where^Required . All hospitals
where either patients' beds or a critical facility, A. Foundations shallreston natural solid ground
such as operating, delivery, diagnostic, recrea- if a satisfactory soil Is available at reasonable

tion, patient dining, or therapy rooms are Located depths. Proper soil-bear ing values shallbe estab-
on other than the first floor, shall have electric or lished in accordance with recognized standards.
If solid ground is not encountered at practical
electrohydraulic elevators as follows:
depths, the structure shall be supported ondriven
1 . Number of elevators
piles or drilled piers designed to support the in-
At least tended load without detrimental settlement, except
a. hospital -type elevator shall be in-
that one-story buildings may rest ona fill designed
stalled where 1 to 59 patient beds are located
on any floor other than the first . (For pur- by a soils engineer When engineered fill isused,

of these site preparation and all grading shall be done under

poses requirements, the first floor
is that floor first reached from the main front
the direct Ml -time supervision of the soils engi-

entrance ) .
neer. The soils engineer shall issue a final re-
b. At least 2 hospital -type elevators shall be port on the grading operation and a certification
installed where 60 to 200 patient beds are of compliance with the job specifications Special .

located on floors other than the first, or review and approval by the Public Health Service
where inpatient facilities are located on a will be required for foundations supported on en-

floor other than that containing the patient gineered fill. All footings shall extend to a depth
beds. not less than one foot below the estimated maxi-
c. At least 3 hospital -type elevators shall be mum frost line .

installed where 201 to 350 patient beds are

located on floors other than the first, or B. One-Story Buildings One-story buildings

where inpatient facilities are located on a shall be of not less than 1-hour fire -resistive

floor other than, that containing the patient constructionthroughout, with the following excep-
beds, tions :

d. For hospitals with more than 350 beds, the

number of elevators shall be determined 1. Walls enclosing stairways, elevator shafts,
from a study of the hospital plan and theesti- chutes and other vertical shafts, boiler rooms,

mated vertical transportationrequirementa. and storage rooms of 100 square feet or greater
area shall be of 2- hour fire -resistive construction.
2 Cars and platforms
. Elevator cars and plat-

forms shallbe constructed ofnoncombustible ma- 2. Heavy timber construction may be used in
terial, except that fire -retard ant -treated material gymnasiums, chapels, auditoriums, andadminis-
may be used if all exterior surfaces of the car are tration areas provided that these areas are so lo-
covered with metal. Cars of hospital -type eleva- cated as to befreestandingbuildings or if attached
tors shall have inside dimensions that will accom- to the main building, are suitably fire separated
modate a patient's bed and attendants and shall be at therefrom, do not form a major circulation ele-
least 5'Q" wide by 7'6" deep. The car door shall ment in the facility, and do not serve as a required
have a clear opening of not less than 3'8" . means of egress.

3. Leveling. Elevators shallhave automaticlev-

C. Multistory Buildings
eling of the two-way automatic maintaining type
with accuracy within plus or minus 1/2 Inch.
1 . For all
buildings more than one story in height ,

4. Operation. Elevators (except freight ele- the structural framework and building elements
shall bean appropriately fire -resistive combi-
vators) shall be equipped with two-way special ser-
vice switch to permit cars to bypass all landing nation of materials using steel, concrete, or ma-
button calls and be dispatched directly to anyfloor. sonry. Load -bearing walls may be used only for
exterior walls firewalls, and vertical shafts.
B. Field Inspection ajidjrestSii The contractor
shallbe required to cause inspections and teststo
be made and shall deliver to the owner written cer-
tification that the installation meets the require-
2. Bearing walls and walls enclosing stairways,
elevator shafts, chutes and other vertical shafts,
ments set forth in this section and all pertinent
boiler rooms, and storage rooms of 100 square
safety requirements .

Section 8-22

feet or greater area shall be of 2 -hour fire-resistive C. Sjeamjmd Hot Water Systems
1. Boilers. Boilers shall have the capacity, based
3. Nonload -bear ing corridor partitions shall be of
upon the published Steel Boiler Institute or Institute
1-hour fire -resistive construction.
of Boiler and Radiator Manufacturers' net rating,
4. Columns, girders, trusses, floor construction to supply the normal requirements of all systems

including beams, and roof construction including and equipment. The number and arrangement of
beams shall be of not less than 1 1/2-hour fire- boilers shall be such that when one boiler breaks
resistive construction. down or when routine maintenance requires that
one boiler be temporarily taken out of service, the
5. Beams supporting masonry shall be individually
capacity of the remaining boiler(s) shall be suffi-
protected with not less than 2-hour fire-resistive cient to operate all systems. (In areas in a design
temperature zone higher than +20F based on .

6 Nonload -bearing partitions other than corridor

. the Median of Extremes shown by the ASHRAE

partitions shall be of 1-hour fire-resistive con- Handbook of Fundamentals, boiler capacity for
struction and may utilize fire-retardant-treated space heating, when one boiler is out of service,
wood studs. will not be required.)

D. Fire-resistive ratings shall be determined in 2 . Boiler accessories . Boiler feed pumps ,

accordance with ASTM Standard No. E 119. densate return pumps, fuel oil pumps, and circu-
latingpumps shall be connected and installed to
E . Interior finish ofwalls and ceilings of all exit-
provide standby service when any pump breaks
ways, storage rooms, and areas of unusual fire down.
hazard shall have aflame spread rating of notmore
than 25; all other areas shall have a flame
spread 3 . Valves .
Supply and return mains and risers
rating of not more than 75, except that up to 10 per- of space heating and process steam systems shall
cent of the aggregate wall and
ceiling area may have be valved to isolate the various sections of each
a finish with a rating up to 200. Floor finish ma-
system. Each piece of equipment shall be valved
terials shall have a flame spread
rating of notmore al the supply and return end .

than 75 Flame spread ratings for each specific


product shall be determined by an independent test- 4. Covering. Boilers, smoke breeching, steam

ing laboratory in accordance with ASTM Standard supply piping, high pressure steam return piping,
No. E 84-61. and hotwater space heating supplyand ret urn pip-
ing shall be insulated with insulation having a flame

8-23 MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS spread rating of 25 or less and asmoke-developed

rating of 50 or less .

A. General
D. Air Conditioning, Heating, and
1 Prior to completion of the contract and final
. Ventilating Systems
acceptance of the facility, the architect and/or
engineer shall obtain from the contractor certifi- .
Temperatures and humidities
cation that all mechanical systems have been tested
and that the installation and performance of these a. The systems shall be designed to provide
systems conform to the requirements of the the temperatures and humidities shown be-
and specifications. low.

2 . Upon completion of the contract, the contractor

shall furnish the owner with a bound volume con-
Area Designation Temp. F. RH %
taintngoperatinginstructions, manufacturers' cat-
alog numbers, and description and parts list for
each piece of equipment,
B- Incinerators and Refuse Chutes. Incinerators
shall be gas-, electric-, or oil-fired and shall be
capable of, but need not be limited to, the com-
plete destruction of pathological wastes. Design
and construction of incinerators and refuse chutes
shall be in accordance with Part III of the NFPA
Standard No, 82. Variable range required.

Section 8-2S

b. For other occupied areas, a minimum

all shall have a minimum efficiency of 90 per-
temperature of 75F. shall be provided at cent.
winter design conditions. Central systems using 100 percent out-
door air and serving other than sensitive
2. Ventilation system details. All air-supply and areas, except as noted in Section 8-23D2n,
shall be provided with filters rated at 80 per-
air-exhaust systems shall be mechanically op-
cent efficiency.
erated. All fans serving exhaust systems shall be
The above filter efficiencies shall be war-
located at the discharge end of the system. The
ranted by the manufacturer and shall be
ventilation rates shown on table 2 shall be con-
sidered as minimum acceptable rates and shall not based on the National Bureau of Standards
be construed as precluding the use of higher ven- Dust Spot Test Method with Atmospheric
tilation rates if they are required to meet design
conditions .
The exhausts from all laboratory hoods
in which infectious or radioactive materials
are processed shall be equipped with filters
a. Outdoor ventilation air intakes, other than
having a 99 percent efficiency based on the
for individual room units, shall be located DOP (dioctyl-phthalate) test method.
as far away as practicable but not less than
Filter frames shall be durable and care -
2 5 feet from the exhausts from any ventilating
fullydimensioned, and shall provide an air-
system or combustion equipment. The bot- fit with the enclosing ductwork. All
tom of outdoor intakes serving central air
joints between filter segments and the en-
systems shall be located as high as possible
closing ductwork shall be gasketed or sealed
but not less than 8 feet above the ground level
to provide a positive seal against air leakage.
or, if installed through the roof, 3 feet above
roof level .
g. A manometer slia 11 be installed across each
filter bedserving central air systems.
b . The ventilation systems shall be designed and
h. Ducts shall be constructed oi iron, steel,
balanced to provide the general pressure re-
aluminum, or other approved metal or ma-
lationship to adjacent areas shown in table 2 .

terials such as clay or asbestos cement.

c. All air supplied to sensitive areas such as
i . Ducts which penetrate construction intended
operating and delivery rooms and nurseries
for X-ray or other ray protection shall not
s hall be delivered at or near the ceiling of the
area served, and all air exhausted from the impair the effectiveness of the protection.
area shall be removed near floor level. At ] . Duct linings shall meet the Erosion Test
least two exhaust outlets shall be used in all Method described in UL Pub No 1 81 Duct
. . .

linings, coverings, vapor barriers, and the

operating and delivery rooms. Exhaust out-
adhesives used for applyingthem shall have
lets shall be located not less than 3 inches
above the floor a flame spread classification of not more

than 25 and a smoke -developed rating not

d. Room supply air inlets, re circulation, and
exhaust air outlets installed in nonsensitive more than 50.

areas shall be located not less than 3 inches k . Acoustical lining materials shall not be usucl
in the interior of duct systems servingsen-
above the floor,
sitive areas such as operating and delivery
G, Corridors shall not be used to supply air to
or exhaust air from any room, except that rooms, nurseries, and isolation rooms.
exhaust air from corridors may be used to 1 , Ducts which pass through fire walls shall be
ventilate bathrooms, toilet rooms, or jani- provided with approved automatic fire doors
tor's closets opening directly on corridors, onbothsidesof the wall exceptthat 3/8-incli
f . Filters The ventilation systems serving
steel plates may be used in lieu of fire doors

sensitive areas such as operating rooms, for: openings not exceeding 1'6" in diameter ,

delivery rooms, nurseries, isolationrooms, Anapproved fire damper shall be provided on

and laboratory sterile rooms, and recircu- each opening through each fire partition ancl
lated central air systems servingother hos- on each openingthroughthewalls of a verti-
cal shaft. Ducts which pass through a re-
pital areas shall be equipped with a minimum

of 2 filter beds Filter bed#l shall be located

. quired smoke barrier shall be provided with
upstream of the conditioning equipment and dampers which are actuated by products of
shall have a minimum efficiency of 30 per- combustion other than heat. Ac cess for
cent. Filter bed #2 shall be located down- maintenance shall be provided at all damp-
stream ers.
of the conditioning equipment and


331-067 O-694
Section 8-23

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Section 8-23

m. Cold -air duels shall be insulated wherever with the requirements of Appendix C, Hospital
necessary to maintain the efficiency of the Plumbing, inPHSPub. No. 1038.
system or to minimize condensation prob-
lems .

n. Laboratories shall be provided with outdoor

1 .
Plumbing fixtures
air at a rate of 2 air changes per hour. If
a. The material used for plumbing fixture s
this ventilation rate does not provide the air
shall be of nonabsorptive acid-resistant ma

required to ventilate fume hoods and safety terial .

cabinets, additional air shall be provided.

b. Lavatories and sinks required in patient
A filter with 90 percent efficiency shall be care areas shall have the water supply spout
installed in the air supply system at its en-
mounted so that its discharge point is a mini-
trance to the media transfer room.
mum distance of 5 inches above the rim of
0. Laboratory hoods for general use shall have the fixture All fixtures used by medical and

a minimum average face velocity of 75 feet

nursing staff, and all lavatories uscdbypa-
per minute. Hoods in which infectious or tients and food handlers shall be trimmed
highly radioactive materials are processed with valves which can be operated without
shall have a face velocity of 100 feet per min-
the use of hands Where blade handles are

ute and each shall have an independent ex-

used for this purpose they shall not exceed
haust system with the fan installed at the dis-
4 1/2 inches in length, except thathandles
charge point of the system. Hoods used for on scrub sinks and clinical sinks shall be
processing infectious materials shall be not less than 6 inches long.
equipped with a means for disinfection, c. Clinical sinks shall have an integral trap in
p. Duct systems serving hoods shall be con- which the upper portion of a visible trap seal
structed of corrosion-resistant material.
provides a water surface .

Duct systems serving hoods in which highly

radioactive materials and strong oxidizing
2. Water supply systems
agents are used shall be constructed of stain-
less steel for a minimum distance of lO'O"
from the hood and shall be equipped with a. Systems shall be designed to supply water
washdown facilities .
to the fixtures andequipment on the upper
The air from dining areas may be used to
minimum pressure of 15 pounds
floors at a
q .

ventilate the food preparation areas only af- per square inch during maximum demand
ter it has passed through a filter with 80 per- periods .
b. Each water service main, branch main,
cent efficiency.
riser and branch to a group of fixtures shall
r. Exhaust hoods in food preparation centers
minimum exhaust rate of 100 be valved Stop valves shall be provided at
shall have a
cubic feet per minute per square fool of hood
each fixture .

face area. All hoods over cooking ranges c. Hot, cold, and chilled water piping, and
waste piping on which condensation may oc-
shall be equipped with fire extinguishing sys-
cur shall be insulated. Insulation of cold
tems and heat-actuated fan controls. Clean-
and chilled water lines shall include an ex-
out openings shall be provided every 20'0"
terior vapor barrier.
in horizontal exhaust duct systems serving
d. Backflow preventers shall be installed on
hoods .

hose bibbs and on all fixtures to which hoses

s. The
ventilation system for anesthesia stor-
or tubing can be attached such as laboratory
age rooms shall conform to the requirements
and janitors' sinks, bedpan flushing attach-
of NFPA Standard No. 56.
1 Boilerrooms shall be provided with sufficienL
ments, and autopsy tables.
e. Flush valves installed on plumbingfixtures
outdoor air to maintain combustion rates of
shall be of a quiet operating type, equipped
equipment and reasonable temperatures in
with silencers.
the rooms and in adjoining areas .

u. Seesec. 8-20A13 for additional boiler room,

f .
Bedpan flushing devices shall be provided in
each patient toilet room and in the soiled
food preparation center, and laundry venti-
lation requirements .

g, Hotwater distribution systems shall be ar-

E. Plumbing and Other Piping Systems. All ranged to provide hot water at each fixture
at all times .

plumbing systems shall be installed in accordance

Section 8-83

3. Hot water heaters and tanks


a. The hot water heating equipment shall have A. General

sufficient capacity to supply water at the
1. All material including equipment, conductors,
temperatuie and amounts indicated below:
controls, and signaling devices shall be installed
to provide a complete" electricalsystem with the
necessary characteristics and capacity to supply
Clinical Dietary Laundry shown in the specif ications
the electrical facilities
or indicated on the plans All materials shall be

listed as complying with applicable standards of

Gal /hr /bed 61/2 4 4 1/2
Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., or other sim-
Temp. F. 125 180 180
ilarly established standards .

b. Storage tank(s) shall be provided and shall

2 The contractor shall be responsible for testing

be fabricated of noncorrosive metal or lined and systems and shall

all electrical installations

with noncorrosive material. show that the equipment is correctly installed and
operates as planned or specified A written record .

of tests of conductive floors, ground contact indi-

4. Drainage systems cators, and radiation protection shall be supplied
to the owner .

a. Drain lines from sinks in which acid wastes

may be poured shall be fabricated from an B. Spe cial Feeders and Chrcuits Fixed and mo- .

acid-resistant material. bile X-ray units shall be connected by means of

b. Piping over operating and delivery rooms, independent feeders or circuits .

nurseries, food preparation centers, food

serving facilities, food storage areas, and C. Switchboard and Power Panels . Circuit break-
other critical areas shall be kept to a mini- ers.orfusiblc switches that provide disconnecting
mum and shall not be exposed. Special pre- means and overcurrent protection for conductors
cautions shall be taken to protect these areas connected to switchboards and distribution panel -
from possible leakage of necessary overhead boards shall be enclosed or guarded to provide a
piping systems. dead-front type of assembly. The main switch-
c. Floor drains shall not be installed in opera- board shall be located in a separate enclosure ac-
ting and delivery rooms. cessible only to authorized persons. The switch-
cl .
Building sewers shall discharge into a com- board shall be convenient for use, readily accessi-
munity sewerage system. Where such a sys- ble for maintenance clear of traffic lanes and in
, ,

tem is not available , a facility providing sew- a dry ventilated space devoid of corrosive fumes
age treatment which conforms to applicable or gases Overload protective devices shall be

local and State regulations is required. suitable for operating properly in the ambient tem-
perature conditions .

5. Fire extinguishing systems. Automatic fire

D. Distribution Fanelboards Lighting and appli-
extinguishing systems shall be installed in areas .

such as, central soiled linen holding rooms, main- ance panel boards shall be provided for the circuits
tenance shops, trash rooms, bulk storage rooms on each floor. This requirement does not apply
and adjacent corridors, attics accessible for stor- to emergency system circuits .

age and laundry and trash chutes Storage rooms

, .

of less than 100 square-foot area and spaces used

for storage of nonhazardous materials are excluded
1. All spaces occupied bypeople,
from this requirement. Sprinkler heads shall be machinery, and
Installed at the top and at alternate floor levels of equipment within buildings, and the approaches
trash and laundry chutes. thereto, and parking lots shall have electric light-
6 Nonflammable medical gas systems. Non-

flammable medical gas system installations shall 2. Patients' bedrooms shall have general lighting
be in accordance with the requirements of NFPA and night lighting. A reading light shall be pro-
Standard No. 565. vided for each patient . At least one luminaire for

Section 8-S4

night lighting shall be switched at the entrance to G. Equipment Installation in Special Areas
each patient room. Patients' reading lights and
other fixed lights not switched at the door shall 1 . Installation in h a z a r d o u s areas . In areas
have switch controls convenient for use atthclum- where flammable anesthetic agents are used, such
maire. All switches for control of lighting in pa- as operating, delivery, emergency, and anesthe-
tient areas shall be of the quiet operating type. sia induction rooms, and rooms for storage of
flammable gases, all electrical equipment and de-
vices including receptacles, wiring, and conduc-
3. Operating and delivery rooms shall have gen- tive flooring installations shall comply with NFPA
eral lighting for the room in additionto local light-
Standard No 56 . .

ing provided by special lighting units at the surgi-

cal and obstetrical tables. Each special lighting
2. X-ray and gamma-ray installations. X-ray
unit for local lighting at tables shall be connected
stationary installations and mobile equipment
to an independent circuit.
shall conform to Article 660 of NFPA Standard No.
70. The capacities ofconductors supplying X-ray
F .
Receptacles (convenience outlets) units, control, grounding, and the overcurrent
protective devices, shall conform to NEMA Bulle-
Each operating, de- tin XR4- 10.
1. Anesthetizing locations.
livery, and emergency room shall have at least
3. X-rayfilm illuminator. Viewing panels shall
three receptacles of the interchangeable type as
be installed in each operating room and in the X-
defined in NFPA Standard No, 56. In locations
where mobile X-ray used, an additional recep-
is ray viewing room .

tacle, distinctively marked for X-ray use, shall

be fed by an independent ungrounded circuit .

H. Nurses' Calling System. For patients' use

at each bed, nurses' calling stations shall he pro-
2 . Bedroom Each patient bedroom shall have du-
vided that will register a call from the patient at
plex receptacles as follows: one on each side of the nurses' station and actuate a visual signal at
the head of each bed (for parallel adjacent beds, the patient room door, in the clean workroom,
only one receptacle is required betweenthc beds); soiled workroom, and nourishment station of the
receptacles forluminaires and motorized beds, if
nursing unit. In multicorridor nursing units, ad-
used; and one receptacle on another wall .
ditional visible signals shall be installed at corri-
dor intersections. In rooms containing two or
more calling stations, indicating lights shall be
3. Corridors, Single polarized receptacles provided at each calling station. Nurses' calling
marked for use of X-ray only shall be located m systems which provide two-way voice communi-
corridors of patient areas so that mobile equip- cation shall be equipped with an indicating light at
ment may be used in any location within a patient each calling station which lights and remains
room. If the same mobile X-ray unit is used in
lighted as long as the voice circuit is operating.
operating rooms and in nursing areas, all recep- An emergency calling station shall be provided
tacles for X-ray use shall be of a configuration '
convenient for patients use at each patient toilet ,

that one plug will fit the receptacles in all locations

or shower room. An emergency nurses'

Single receptacles for equipment such as floor
calling station shall be provided for nurses' use
cleaning machines shall be installed approximately in each operating, delivery, recovery, emer-
SO'O" apart in all corridors and shall be polarized
gency, and intensive nursing care room; and in
to prevent use interchange with X-ray receptacles .
nurseries, supervised wards for mental patients ,
Duplex receptacles for general use shall be in- and rooms for children.
stalled approximately 50*0" apart in all corridors
and within 25'0" of ends of corridors .

I, Fire Alarms. A manually -operated, electri-

4. Pediatric units Receptacles in patient rooms
. cally-supervised fire alarm system shall be in-
shall be of the safety type. Receptacles in corri- stalled in each hospital that has a total floor area

dors shall be of safety type or shall be controlled of more than 5,000 square feet. In multistory
by switches located at a nurses' station or other buildings orm multibuilding facilities, the signal
shall be coded or otherwise arranged to indicate
supervised location.

Section 8-24

the location of the station operated., Presignal sys- medication preparation area, and labor
tems will not be permitted. rooms .

(4) Generator set location, switch-gear lo-

J. Emergency Electric Service cation, and boiler room.
(5) Elevator (if required for emergency).
1 General To provide electricity during an in-
. ,

terruption of the normal electric supply that could b. Equipment. Essential to life safety andfor
affect the medical care, treatment, or safety of protection of important equipment or vital
the occupants, an emergency source of electricity materials :

shall be provided and connected to certain circuits

for lighting and power. (1) Nurses' calling system.
(2) Alarm system includingfire alarm actu-
2. Sources . The source of this emergency elec- ated at manual stations water flow alarm

tric service shall be as follows: devices of sprinkler system if electri-

cally operated, fire detecting and smoke
a An emergency generating set, when the nor-
detecting systems, paging or speaker

mal service is supplied by one or more cen- intended for issuing instruc-
systems if
tral station tiansmission lines .
tions during emergency conditions, and
b . An emergency generating set or a central alarms required for nonflammable medi-
station transmission line, when the normal calgas systems, if installed.
electric supply is generated on the premises .
(3) Fire pump, if installed.
(4) Receptacles for incubators for infants .

3.Emergency generating The required set. for central suction system

(5) Pump .

emergency generating set, including the prime (6) Sewerage or sump lift pump, if installed.
mover and generator, shall be located on the
(7) Receptacles for blood bank refrigerator.
premises and shall be reserved exclusively for
(8) Receptacles in operating, recovery, in-
supplying the emergency electrical system. Ex- tensive care, and delivery rooms except
ception: A system of prime movers which are those for X-ray. At least one duplexre-
ordinarily usedto operate other equipment and al-
ceptacle in each nursery.
ternately used to operate the emergency gener-
(9) Duplex receptacles in patient corridors,
ator (s) will be permitted provided that the number
(10) One elevator, where elevators are used
and arrangement of the prime movers is such that
to transport patients to operating and
when one of them is out of service (due to break-
livery rooms or from these rooms to
down or for routine maintenance), the remaining
nursing areas on another floor .

prime mover (s) can operate the required emer-

(11) Equipment such as burners and pumps
gency generator (s) and provided tliat the connection
time requirements described in sec, necessary for operation of one or more
8-24J5 are boilers and their necessary auxiliaries
met The emergency generator set shall be of suf-

and controls, required for heating and

ficient kilowatt capacity to
supply all lighting and sterilization.
power load demands of the emergency system. The
power factor rating of the generator shall be not
(12) Ventilation of opera ting and delivery
rooms .
less than 80 percent.
(13) Equipment necessary for maintaining

telephone service .

Emergency electrical connections. Emergen- One electric sterilizer,

(14) if installed.
cy electric service shall be provided to circuits
as follows:
c. Heating. Where electricity is the only
a .
Lighting source of power normally used for space
heating, the emergency service shall pro-
(1) Exitways and all necessary ways of ap- vide for heating of operating,
delivery, la-
proach thereto including exit signs and bor, recovery, intensive care, nurseries,
exit direction signs, exterior of exits, and patient rooms.
Emergency heating of
exitdoorways, stairways, and corridors. patient rooms will not be required under
Surgical, obstetrical, and either of the following conditions:
(2) emergency (l)the
room operating lights. design temperature is higher than -t-20F.,
(3) Nursery, laboratory, recovery room, based on the Median of Extremes as shown
intensive care areas, nurs ing station, in the current edition of the ASHRAE Hand-

SeaUon 8-34
book of Fundamentals; or (2) the hospital is corridors, recovery rooms, intensive care nurs-
supplied by at least two utility service feed- ing areas, and nurseries All other lighting and

ers, each supplied by separate generating equipment required to be connected to the emer-
sources, or a network distribution system gency system shall either be connected through
fed by two or more generators, with the hos- the above described primary automatic transfer
pital feeders so routed, connected, and pro- switching or shall be subsequently connected
tected that a fault any place between the gen- through other automatic or manual transfer
erators and the hospital will not likely cause switching. Receptacles connected to the emer-
an interruption of more than one of the hos- gency system shall be distinctively marked for
pital service feeders . identification. Storage-battery-powered lights,
provided to augment the emergency lighting or
5 . Details The.
emergency electrical system for continuity of lighting during the interim of
shall be so controlled that after interruption of the transfer switching immediately following an inter -
normal electric power supply, the generator is ruption of the normal service supply, shall not be
brought to full voltage and frequency and connected used as a substitute for the requirement of a gen-
within 10 seconds through one or more primary erator, Wherefuelis normally stored on the site,
automatic transfer switches to all emergency light- the storage capacity shall be sufficient for 24-
ing; all alarms; blood banks; nurses' call; equip- hour operation. Where fuel is normally piped
ment necessaryfor maintaining telephone ser- underground to the site from a utility distribution
vice; pump for central suction system; and re- system, storage facilities on the site will not be
ceptacles in operating and delivery rooms, patient required .

Section 9-1


NOTE: All long-term care facilities shall contain all the elements described herein and shall be built
in accordance with the construction requirements outlined; elements that are available through proper
affiliation with an hospital need not be duplicated in the long-term
care facility.

9-1 Si'ccivL CONSIDERATIONS 4. Window: Sill shall not be higher than 3'0" a-
bove the floor and shall be above grade.
A. Independent long-term care facilities with a
capacity of 50 beds or less present special prob- 5. Nurses' calling station(s). (See sec. 9-18F.)
lems. The sizes of the various departments will
In single and two-bed rooms, the
depend upon die requirements of the facilities. 6. Lavatory.
Some functions allotted separate spaces or rooms lavatory may be located in a private toilet room.
in these general standards may be combined pro-
vided that the resulting plan will not compromise
7.Wardrobe or closet for each patient. Mini-
the best standards of safety and of medical and
mum clear dimensions; I'lO" deep by 1'8" wide
nursing practices and the social needs of patients.
with full length hanging space provide clothes rod
In other respects, the general standards set forth
and shelf.
herein, including the area requirements, shall
8. Cubicle curtains, or equivalent built-in de-
vices, for privacy for each patient in multibed
B, Facilities shall be available to the public, staff, rooms .

and patients who may be physically handicapped.

Minimum requirements except as noted in these 9. No patient room shall be located more than
standards shall be those set forth in USASI Pub. 120'0" from the nurses' station, the clean work-
No, A117. 1-1961. room, and the soiled workroom.

B. Service Areas in Each Nursing Unit The size .

9-2 NURSING UNIT of each service area will depend on the number
and types of beds within the unit and shall include :

The number of beds in a nursing unit shall not

exceed 60 unless additional services are provided.
1. Nurses' station.For nurses' charting, doc-
At least two rooms per nursing unit shall be de-
tors' charting, communications, and storage for
signed for single person occupancy (1 bed) and shall
have private toilet rooms. At least 60 percent of supplies and nurses' personal effects.

the beds shall be located in rooms designed for 1

2. Nurses toilet room. Convenient to nurses'
one or two beds.

A, Patient Rooms . Each patient room shall meet 3. Clean workroom. For storage and assembly
the following requirements of supplies for
nursing procedures; shall contain
work counter and sink.
1 . Maximum room capacity; 4 patients .

4. Soiled workroom . Shall contain clinical sink,

2 . Minimum room area exclusive of closets , toilet work counter, waste receptacles, and soiled linen
rooms, lockers, wardrobes, and vestibules 100 : receptacles.
square feet in one-bed rooms and 80 square feet
per bedin multibed rooms .
5. Medicine room . Adjacent to nurses' station;
with sink, refrigerator, locked storage, and fa-
3. Multibed rooms shall be designed to permit no cilities for preparation and
dispensing of medi-
more than two beds side by side parallel to the win- cation. (May be a designated area within clean
dow wall . workroom if a self-contained cabinet is provided .)

Section 9-5

6 Clean linen storage Enclosed storage space

. . . D SpecialPurpose Room(s) may serve more Uian

(May be a designated area within the clean work- one nursing unit onthe same floor. For consulta-
room .
) tion, examination and treatment., and therapeutic
and nursing procedures Provide lavatoiy, stor- .

7 . Nourishment station .
Storage and sink for age, and space for treatment table.
serving between -meal nourishments. (May serve
more than one nursing unit.) E. Room An autoclave shall be pio-
Ste r il i z ing .

vided which may serve more than one nursing unit.

8. Equipment storage room. For storage of IV (May be a designated area within clean workroom .)
stands, inhalators, air mattresses, walkers, and
similar bulky equipment.
9. Patient baths. One shower stall or one bath- AND RECREATION AREAS
tub for each 15 beds not individually served. There
shall be at least one bathtub in each nursing unit. A, The total areas set aside for these purposes
Grab bars shall be provided at all bathing fixtures . shall be not less than 30 square feet per bed for
Each bathtub or shower enclosure in central bath- the firsi 100 beds and 27 square feet per bed for

ing facilities shall provide space for the private all beds in excess of 100. Additional space shall

use of the bathing fixture, for dressing, and for a be provided for outpatients if
they participate in
wheelchair and attendant Showers in central balh-
. a day care program .

ing facilities shall not be less than 4'0" square,

without curbs, and designed to permit use from a B. Storage shall be provided for recreational
wheelchair Soap dishes in showers and bathrooms
, equipment and supplies.
shall be recessed.

10. Stretcher and wheelchair parking area or al- 9-4 PHYSICAL THERAPY UNIT
(May be omitted in facilities of less than 100 beds.)
11. Janitor's closet. Storage of housekeeping

supplies and equipment , Floor receptor or service The following shall be provided:
A. Office. (May also serve for occupational
G. Patient Toilet Rooms therapy .

1. A toilet room shall be directly accessible from

B. Exercise and Treatment Areas . Provide sink
each patient room and from each central bathing or lavatory and cubicle curtains around treatment
area without going through the general corridor .
areas ,

One toilet room may serve two patient rooms but

not more than 4 beds. (The lavatory may be omit-
ted from the toilet room if one is provided in each C. Hydrotherapy Ar ea . Provide cubicle curtains.

patient room. The minimum dimensions of any

room containing only a water closet shall be 3'0"
D. Storage for Supplies and Equipment

E- Toilet Room. Located for convenient access
2. Water closets must be easilyusable by wheel- byphyslcaltherapypatients. (May alsoserve oc-
chair patients Grab bars shall be provided at all
. cupational therapy patients.)
water closets ,

F. Wailing Space
3. At least one room shall be provided for toilet

training; this shall be accessible from the nursing

corridor and may serve the bathing area, and shall 9-5 OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY UNIT
provide 3'0" clearance at the front and sides of the
(May be omitted in facilities of less than 100 beds
water closet. .

4. Doors to toilet rooms shall have a minimum A . Office Space ,

(May be provided in physical
width of 2'10" to admit a wheelchair. therapy unit . )

Section 9-5

B. Therapy Area . Provide sink or lavatory. M. Dietitian's Office. (May be omitted mfacili-
ties with less than 100 beds if desk space is pro-
vided in kitchen.)
C. Storage for Supplies and Equipment

N. Janitor's Closet. Storage for housekeeping

D- Toilet Room. (Not required if other toilet fa-
cilities aie convenient.) supplies and equipment; floor receptor or service

9-6 PERSONAL CMIE ROOM O- Toilet Room .

Convenientlyaccessiblefor di-
etary staff.
Provide with barber and beauty shop facilities.


This department shall include:
Construction, equipment, and installation shall
comply with or exceed the minimum standards set A. Business^ Office
forth in PHS Pub, No. 934. The department shall
include the following facilities unless
ly prepared dietary service, meals, and/or dis-
B. Lobby and Information^Center
posables are to be used. If a commercial service
will be used or meals will be provided by an
adja- C. Administrator's Office
cent hospital, dietary areas and equipment shall
be designed to accommodate the requirements for
sanitary storage, processing, and handling. D. Admitting and Medical Records Area

A. Food Preparation Center . Provide lavatory but E . Public and Staff Toilet Room
do not provide mirror.

B. Food Serving Facilities F. Director of Nurse's Office. (May be omitted

. For patients and staff.
in facilities of less than 100 beds.)

C. Dishwashing Room Provide commercial

G- Housekeeper's Office or Space (Location
dishwashing equipment and a lavatory. op-

tional andmay be combined with clean linen room

in nursing homes of less than 100 beds
Potwasjiing Facilities

E. Refrigerated Storage . Three -day supply, 9-9 LAUNDRY

The laundry shall include:

F. Day Storage. Three-day supply.
A. Soiled Linen Room
G. Cart Cleaning Facilities

B. Clean Linen and Mending Room

H. Cart Storage Area

C. Linen Cart Storage

I Waste Disposal Facilities

Dt Lavatories Accessible from soiled, clean,

J ' Ca "washing Facilities
and processing rooms .

K - Staff Dining Facilities^ E> Laundry

Processing Room Commercial-type

L equipment shall be sufficient to take care of 7 '

- Patient Dining Facilities .
(See sec. 9-3.)
day s
needs within the workweek.

Seatian 9-14

F. Janitor s

Cl o set
Storage for housekeeping
. I, Refuse Room Foi holding-trash prior to dis-

supplies and equipment; floor receptor or service posal . Shall be located convenient to service en-
sink. trance. (See sec. 9-14A13d.)

G. Storage for Laundry Supplies J Yard Equipment Storage Room. Foi yard

maintenance equipment and supplies.

(Items E, F, and G need not be provided If laundry
is processed outside the facility.)
A. Generaj. The following service areas shall
Provide at least 10 square feet per bed concen- be included in a chronic disease hospital type long-
trated in one area. term care facility when justified by program re-


1. Surgical suite. (Sec sec. 8-6.)

Provide locker rooms with water closets, and

2. Radiology. (See sec. 8-9.)
lavatories for staff and volunteers and rest space
for females .

3. Laboratory, (See sec. 8-10.)

9-12 BNHINBKRINQ SHKVICB 4. Pharmacy or drug room.

5. Central medical and surgical supply. (See
The following shall ]DG provided: sec. 8-15.)

A. Ooiler Room 6. Outpatient services. (Sec sec, 8-8.)

B. Engineers' Office. (May he omitted in nursing 7. Medical director's office.

homes of less than 100 beds ) .

8. Social service officc(s).

C. Mechanical and Electrical Equlp_mejitRQoni{s) 9. Staff lounge and medical library.

D. Maintenance Shop(s ) . At least one room shall

10. Dental facilities.
be provided .

a. Operatory
E. Storage Roomjfor Building Maijrt^njutcja b. Laboratory and darkroom
Supplies .
(May be part of maintenance shop in fa- c. Lavatory
cilities of less than 100 beds.)
11. Chiropodist facilities .

F. Storage Room for Housekeeping Equipment^,

(Need not be provided if space is available in jan- 12 .
Speech and hearing facilities.
itor's closet elsewhere.)
a. Officc<s) for staff
G . Toilet and Shower Rooms .
(May be omitted in b. Space for examination and treatment
nursing homes of less than 100 beds.)


H. Incinerator Space. The incinerator shall be
in a separate room, or hi a designated area with- A high degree of safety for the occupants in
in the boiler room, or outdoors. (See sec.9-17B.) minimizing the incidence of accidents shall be

Section 9-14

13 linen and refuse chutes are used, they shall

provided Hazards suchas sharp corners shall be
. If

avoided. All details and finishes shall meet the be designed as follows. (See also sec. 9-17B.)
following requirements:
a. Service openings -to chutes shall have ap-

A. Details proved class "B", 1 1/2-hour fire doors.

b. Service openings to chutes shall be located
in a room or closet of not less than 1-hour
1. Exit facilities shall comply with the require-
fire-resistive construction, and the en-
ments for exit facilities listed in NFPA Standard
trance door to such room or closet shall be
No. 101. Minimum corridor widths shall be S'O".
a class "C", 3/4-hour fire door.
Minimum width of doors to all rooms needing ac-
c. Minimum diameter of gravity-type chutes
cess for beds or stretchers shall be 3'8" Doors

shall be 2'0".
to patient toiletrooms and other rooms needing
d. Chutes shall terminate in or discharge di-
access for wheelchairs shall have a minimum width
room or linen chute
rectly into a refuse
of 2'10",
room separated from the incinerator or
2. Such items as drinking fountains, telephone laundry. Such rooms shall be of not less
booths, and vending machines shall be located so than 2-hour fire- resistive construction and
that they do not project into the required width of the entrance door shall be a class "B",
exit corridors . 1 1/2 -hour fire door.

e. Chutes shall extend at least 4'0" above the

3. Handrails with ends returned to the walls shall
roof and shall be covered by a metal sky-
be provided on both sides of corridors used by pa-
tients in nursing homes with a clear distance of light glazed with thin plain glass .

1 1/2 inches between handrail and wall.

14. Dumbwaiters, conveyors, and material han-
4. All doors to patient-room toilet rooms and dling systems shall not open into any corridor or
patient-room bathrooms shall be equipped with exitway but shall open into a room enclosed by not
hardware which will permit access in any emer- less than1 -hour fire -resistive construction. The

gency . entrance door to such room shall be a class "C",

All doors opening onto corridors shall be

3/4-hour fire door.
swing-type except elevator doors. Alcoves and
similar spaces which generally do not require
15. Protection requirements of X-ray and
doors are excluded from this requirement. gamma-ray conform to NBS
installations shall
Handbooks, as follows:
6. No doors shall swing into the corridor except
closet doors. a, X-rayHandbook 76,
b. Gamma-ray- -Handbook 73.
7. Thresholdsandexpansion joint covers, if used,
shall be flush wilh the floor. 16. Ceiling heights
8. Grab bars and accessories in patient toilet-,
a. Boiler room. Not less than 2'6" above the
shower-, and bath-rooms shall have sufficient
main boiler header and connecting piping
strength and anchorage to sustain a load of 250
with adequate headroom under piping for
pounds for 5 minutes .

maintenance and access .

9. Lavatories intended for use by patients shall b. Operating rooms, cystoscopic rooms,
be installed to permit wheelchairs to slide under. radiographic rooms, and other rooms hav-
ing ceiling-mounted surgical light fixtures
10. The location and arrangement of lavatories
and therapy rooms having celling- mounted
and sinks with blade handles intended for handwash-
patient lifting devices. Not less than 9'0".
mg purposes shall provide clearance necessary
c. Corridors, storage rooms, patients' toilet
foroperatlon without use of hands (See sec.

rooms, and other minor rooms. Not less

than 7'6".
11. Mirrors shall be arranged for convenient use d. All other rooms. Not less than 8'0".
by patients in wheelchairs as well as by patients
in a standing position. 17. Boiler rooms, food preparation centers, and
laundries shall be insulated and ventilated to pre-
12 . Paper towel dispensers shall be provided at all vent any floor surface above from a
lavatories and sinks used for handwashing. 85F.
temperature of

Section 9-15

18. Approved fire extinguishers shall be provided

inrecessed locations throughout the building in ac- FOR PARTITIONS AND FLOORS IN
cordance with NFPA Standard No. 10. LONG-TERM CARE FACILITIES
19. Noise reduction criteria. Partition, floor,
and ceiling construction lii patient areas shall com-
ply with table 3. Airborne Sound
Transmission Impact Noise
B. Finishes Location Glass (STC) / Rating (INK.) k
Partitions Floors Floors
1. For flame spread re qu ire meats, HOC sec.
2 Floors in anesthetizing areas and rooms used

for storage of flammable anesthetic agents shall

comply with NFPA Standard No . 56 ,
3. Floors generally shall be easily cleaiiable and
shall have the wear resistance appropriate for the
location involved. Floors in kitchens anil related
spaces shall be waterproof and greaseproof. In all
areas where floors are subject to wetting, they
shall have a nonslip finish.

4. Adjacent dissimilar floor materials shall be

flush with each other Co provide an unbroken sur- a/ Sound transmission class (STC) shall be deter-
face. mined by tests in accordance with methods set
forth in ASTM Standard E 90-6GT.
5. Walls generally shall be washable and in llio
immediate area of plumbing fixtures the finish shall
b/ Impact noise rating (INR) shall be determined
in accordance with criteria set forth in FIIA
be moistureproof Wall bases in dietary areao

Pub. No. 750. Tests shall be conducted in ac-

shall lie free of spaces that can harbor Insects .
cordance with ISO Recommendations No. 140-
6. Ceilings generally shall be washable or easily 1960.
cleanable. This requirement does not apply tu cj Impact noise limitation applicable only when
boiler rooms, mechanical and building equipment corridor, public space or service area is over

rooms, shops, and similar spaces. patients' room.

d/ Public space includes lobbies, dining rooms,
recreation rooms, treatment rooms, and simi-
7. be acoustically treated in corri-
Ceilings shall lar spaces.
dors in patient areas, nurses' stations, nourish- e/ Service areas include kitchens, elevators, ele-
ment stations, and dining and recreation areas. vator machine rooms, laundries, garages,
maintenance rooms, boiler and mechanical
equipment rooms, and similar spaces of high
9-15 BUW/VTORS noise or vibration or both. Mechanical equip-
ment located on the same floor or above pa-
(For Chronic Disease Hospitals, see sec. fi-21 . tients' rooms, offices, nurses' stations, and
The followingrequirements apply to nursing similar occupied spaces shall be affectively
homes ) . isolated from suclispaces withrcspect to noise
and vibration,
A. Elevators, Where Required. All nursing homes
where either patient beds or inpatient facilities
such as diagnostic, recreation, patient dining, or NOTR: The requirements set forth in this table
therapy rooms are located on other llian. the first assume installation methods which will not appre-
floor, shall have electric or eleclrohydraulic ele- ciably reduce the efficiency of the assembly as
vators as follows ;
tested , Location of electrical receptacles,
grilles, ductwork, and other mechanical items,
1 . Number of elevators
and bio eking and sealing of partitions at floors and
a . At least 1 hospital -type elevator shall be in- ceilings shall not compromise the sound isolation
stalled where 1 to 59 patient beds are located required .

Section 9-15

on any floor other than the first. (For pur- depths. Proper soil bearing values shall be es-
first floor
poses of these requirements, the tablished in accordance with recognized standards.
is that floor first reached from the main front If solid ground is not encountered at
entrance .
) depths, the structure shall be supported on driven
b. At least 2 elevators, 1 of which shall be piles or drilled piers designed to support the in-
hospital -type, shall be installed where 60 to tended load without detrimental settlement, except
200 patient beds are located on floors other that one -story buildings may rest on a fill des igned
than the first, or where inpatient facilities by a soils engineer. When engineered fill is used,
are located on a floor other than those con- site preparation and all grading shall be done un-
taming the patient beds .
der the direct full-time supervision of the soils
c. At least 3 elevators, 1 of which shall be engineer. The soils engineer shall issue a final
hospital -type, shall be installed where 201 report on the grading operation and a certification
to 350 patient beds are located on floors oth- of compliance with the job specifications . Special
er than the first, or where inpatient facili- review and approval by the Public Health Service
ties are located on a floor other than those will be required for foundations supported on en-
containing the patient beds . gineered fill. All footings shall extend to a depth
d. For facilities with more than 350 beds, the not less than one foot below the estimated maxi-
number of elevators shall be determined mum frost line.
from a study of the facility plan and the es-
timated vertical transportation require- B. One -Story Buildings. One-story
ments . buildings
shall be of not less than 1-hour fire-resistive con-
struction throughout, with the
2. Cars and platforms Elevator cars and plat-
. following excep-
forms shall be constructed ofnoncombustible ma-
terial, except thatf ire -retardant- treated materi-
1. Walls enclosing stairways, elevator shafts,
almay be used if all exterior surfaces of the car
are covered with metal. Cars of hospital -type ele- chutes and other vertical shafts, boiler rooms,
vators shall have inside dimensions that will ac- and storage rooms of 100 square feet or greater
commodate a patient's bed and attendants and shall area shall be of 2 -hour fire -resistive construc-
be at least 5'0"wide by 7'6" deep; cardoors shall tion.

have a clear opening of not less than 3'8" . Cars

of all other required elevators shall have a mini- 2. Heavy timber construction
mum maybe used in
inside floor dimension of not less than 5'0";
gymnasiums, chapels, auditoriums, and admin-
car doors shall have a clear opening of not less istration areas provided that these areas are so
than 3'0", located as to be freestanding buildings or if at-
tached to the main building, are suitablyfire
3. Leveling. Elevators shall have automatic lev- arated therefrom, do not form a major circula-
eling of thetwo-way automatic maintaining type tion element in the
facility, and do not serve as a
with accuracy within plus or minus 1/2 inch,
required means of egress .

4. Operation. Elevators
(except freight eleva-
G. Multistory Buildings
tors) shall be equipped with a two-way special ser-
vice switch to permit cars to
bypass all landing
button call sand be dispatched
I For all buildings more than one story in height

directlyto any floor. the structural framework and

building elements
shall be an
B. Field Inspection and Tests. The appropriately fire-resistive combina-
tion of materials ma-
shall be required to cause using steel, concrete, or
inspections and tests to
be made and shall deliver to the owner written cer- sonry. Load-bearing walls may be used only for
tification that the installation exterior walls, firewalls, and vertical shafts.
meets the require-
ments set forth in this section.

2. Bearing walls and walls enclosing stairways,

FIRE-RESISTIVE REQUIREMENTS elevator shafts, chutes and other vertical
boiler rooms, and storage rooms of 100
A, Foundations shallrest on natural solid feet or greater area shall be of 2-hour fire-
if a satisfactory soil is available at resistive construction.

Section 9-1?

3 Nonload -bearing corridor partitions shall be of

. G. Steam and Mot Water Systems
1-hour fire-resistive construction.
1. Boilers. Doilers shall have the
capacity, based
4. Columns, girders, trusses, floor construction upoiuhe published Steel Boiler Institute or Institute
including beams, and roof conslruction including of Uoiler and Radiator Manufacturers' net
beams shall be of not less than I 1/2 -hour fire- to supply the normal requirements of all
resistive construction. and equipment. The number and arrangement of
boilers shall be sucluhat when one boiler breaks
5. Beams supporting masonry shall Ix: individually
down or when routine maintenance requires that
protected with not less than 2-hour fire -resistive one boiler be temporarily taken out of service, the
capacity of the remaining boiler(s) shall be 70 per-
6 . Nonload -bearing partitions othc-r than corridor cent of the total required capacity, (hi areas a m
partitions shall be of 1-hour fire -resistive con- dcaijjiilempcrature zone higher than -I-20 F., based
slruction and may utilize fire-retardnnl -treated on the Median of Extremes shown by the ASHUAE
wood studs . Handbook of Fundamentals, boiler
capacity for
space heating, when one boiler is out of service,
D. Fire -resistive ratings shall bo dclcrimncd in
will not bo required.)
accordance with ASTM Standard No. E 19. ]

2. Holler accessories. Boiler feed pumps, con-

E. Interior finish ofwalls and ceilings of all exit- dens ale return pumps, fuel oil pumps, and circu-
ways, storage rooms, and areas of unusual fire lating pumps shall be connected and installed to
hazard shall have a flame spread rating of not more provide standby service when any pump breaks
than 25; all other areas shall have a flame spread down.
rating of not. in ore than 75, except that up to 10 per- 3 Valves . Supply a nil return mains and risers

cent of the aggregate wall and ceiling area may

of space healing and process steam systems shall
have a finish with a rating up to 200. Floor finish
bo valve-d to isolate the various sections of each
materials shall have a flame spread rating of not
system Each piece of equipment shall be valvcd

more than 75. Flame spread ratings lor each spe-

at the supply and return end.
cific product shall be determined by an independent

testinglaboratory in accordance with ASTM Stan- 4. Covering. Boilers, smoke breeching, sLcam
dard No. E 84-61. supply piping, high pressure steam returnpiping,
and hot water space heating supply and returnpip-
ing shall Ix; insulated with insulation having a flame
9-17 MHCHANICAI, REQUIIWMKNTS spread rating of 25 or less and asmoke-developed
rating of 50 or less.
A. General
D. Air Conditioning, Heal Ing^and.^Ven^til^tJn^
1 Prior to completion ol the contract and final
SyjitcmiB.(For Chronic Disease Hospilals, see
acceptance of the facility, the architect and/or sec. 8-23D. The following requirements applyto
engineer shall obtain from the contractor certifi- nursing homes.)
cation that all mechanical systems have been tested
1 . Temperatures . A minimum temperature of
that the installation performance of these
75F. shall be provided for all occupied areas at
systems conform to the requirements of the plans
winter design conditions.
and specifications .

2 . Upon completion of the contract , the contractor 2 . VenUlalion system details . All air-supply and

shall furnish the owner with a bound volume con-

air-exhaust systems shall be mechanically oper-
ated. All fans serving exhaust systems shall be
lainingoperatinginstructions, manufacturers' cat-
located at or near the point of discharge from the
alog numbers, and description and parts list for
each piece of equipment. building. The ventilation rates shown on table 4
shall be considered as minimum acceptable rates
B- Incinerators and Refuse Chutes. Incinerators and shall not be construed as precluding the use
shall be gas-, electric-, or oil-fired and shall be of higher ventilation rates if they are required to
capable of, but need not be limited to, complete meet design conditions.
destruction of pathological wastes. Design and o. Outdoor ventilation air intakes, other than
construction of incinerators and refuse chutes shall for individual room units shall be located

be in accordance with Part III of the NFPA Standard as far away as practicable but not less than
No. 82. t
25 O" from the exhausts from any ventilating

Section 9-1?

Section Q-17

system or combustion equipment. The bot- for openings not exceeding 18 inches in di-
tom outdoor intakes serving central air
of ameter. An approved fire damper shall be
systems shall be located as high as possible provided on each opening through each fire
but not less than 8'0" above the ground level partition and on each opening through the
or, if installed through the roof, 3'0" above walls of a vertical shaft Ducts which pass

roof level .
through a required smoke barrier shall be
b. The ventilation systems shall be designed and provided with dampers which are actuated
balanced to provide the general pressure re- by products of combustion other than beat .

lationship to adjacent areas shown in table 4. Access for maintenance shall be provided
c. Room supply air inlets, recirculation, and at all dampers .

exhaust air outlets shall be located not less j , Cold air ducts shall be insulated wherever
than 3 inches above the floor. necessary to maintain the efficiency of the
di Corridors shall not be used to supply air to system or to minimize condensation prob-
or exhaust air from any room, except that lems .

exhaust air from corridors may be used to k, The air from dining areas may be used to
ventilate rooms such as bathrooms, toilet ventilate the food preparation areas only
rooms, or janitor's closets which open di- after it has passed through a filter with SO

rectly on corridors .
percent efficiency.
e. Filters. Central systems designed for re- 1 . Exhaust hoods in food preparation centers
circulation of air shall be equipped with a shall have a minimum exhaust rate of 10O
minimum of 2 filter beds. Filter bed #1 shall cubicfeetperminute per square foot of hood
be located upstream of the conditioning face area. All hoods over cooking ranges
equipment and shall have a minimum effi- shall be equipped with fire extinguishing
ciency of 30 percent . Filter bed #2 shall be systems and heat-actuated fan control s .
located downstream of the conditioning Cleanout openings shall be provided every
equipment and shall have a minimum effi- 20'0" in horizontal exhaust duct systems
ciency of 90 percent. serving hoods.
Central systems using 100 percent out- m, Boiler rooms shall be provided with suffi-
door air shall be provided with filters rated cient outdoor air to maintain combustion
at 80 percent efficiency. rates of equipment and reasonable tempera-
The above filter efficiencies shall be war- tures in the rooms and in adjoining areas .
ranted by the manufacturer and shall be based n . Sec sec 9- 14A17 for additional boiler
. room ,

on the National Bureau of Standards Dust Spot food preparation center, and laundry venti-
Test Method with Atmospheric Dust, lation requirements
Filter frames shall be durable and care-
E, Plumbing and Other Piping Systems. (For
fully dimensioned, and shall provide an air- Chronlc Disease Hospitals, see sec. 8-23E. The
with the enclosing ductwork. All
following requirements apply to nursing homes )
tight fit

joints between filter segments and the enclos- AIL plumbing systems shall be installed in accord-

ing ductwork shall be gasketecl or sealed to ance with the requirements of Appendix C, Hos-
provide a positive seal against air leakage. pital Plumbing, inPHS Pub. No. 1038,
f . A manometer shall be installed across each
bed serving central air systems
filter .
1 ,
Plumbing fixtures
g. Ducts shall bo constructed of iron, steel,
aluminum, or other approved metal or ma- a. The material used for plumbing fixtures
terials such as clay or asbestos cement. shall be of nonabsorptive acid -resistant ma-
h. Duct linings shall meet the Erosion Test terial .

Method described in UL Duct

Pub. No, 181 , b, Lavatories and sinks required in patient
linings, coverings, vapor barriers, and the
care areas shall have the water supply spout
adhcsivcs used for applying them sliall have mounted so that its discharge point is a min-
a flame spread classification of not more than imum distance of 5 inches above the rim of
25 and a smoke -developed rating not more the fixture. All fixtures used by medical
than 50, and nursing staff, and all lavatories used by
i , Ducts which pass through fire walls shall be patients and food handlers shall be trimmed
provided with approved automatic fire doors with valves which can be operated without
onboth sides of the wall except that 3/8-inch the use of hands. Where blade handles are
steel plates may be used in lieu of fire doors used for this purpose, they shall not exceed

Section 9-2?

41/2 inches in length, except that handles 4. Drainage systems

on clinical sinks shall be not less than 6
inches long. a. Piping over food preparation centers, food
c. Clinical sinks shall have an integral trap in
serving facilities, food storage areas, and
which the upper portion of a visible trap seal other critical areas shall be kept to a mini-
provides a water surface. mum and shall not be exposed. Special pre-
cautions shall be taken to protect these areas
2, Water supply systems from possible leakage of or condensation
from necessary overhead piping systems .

a. shall be designed to supply water

Systems b. Building sewers shall discharge into a com-
to the fixtures and equipment on the upper munity sewerage system. Where such a
floors at a minimum pressure
of 15 pounds
system is not available a facility providing

per square inch during maximum demand sewage treatment which conforms to appli-
periods .
cable local and State regulations is required .

b. Each water service main, branch main, ris-

er and branch to a group of fixtmes shall be 5 . Fire extinguishing systems Automatic fire

valved Stop valves shall be provided at each

. extinguishing systems shall be installed in areas
fixture . suchas: central soiledlinenholdingrooms, main-
tenance shops, trash rooms, bulkstorage rooms,
c. Hot, cold, and chilled waterpipingandwaste
and adjacent corridors attics accessible for stor-
piping on which condensation may occur shall

be insulated. Insulation of cold and chilled age, and laundry and trash chutes. Storage rooms
water lines shall include an exterior vapor of less than a 100 square foot area and spaces used

barrier .
for storage of nonhazardous materials are ex-

d. Backflow preventers (vacuum breakers) cluded from this requirement. Sprinkler heads
shall be installed on hose bibbs and on all shall be installed at the top and at alternate floor

fixtures to which hoses or tubing can be at- levels of trash and laundry chutes.

tached such as janitors' sinks and bedpan

flushing attachments .
6. Nonflammable medical gas systems. Non-
e. Flush valves installed on plumbing fixtures flammable medical gas system installations shall
shall be of a quiet operating type, equipped be in accordance with the requirements of NFPA
with silencers. Standard No . 565 .

f .
Bedpan flushing devices shall be provided in
each patient toilet room and in the soiled
workroom .
g. Hot water distribution systems shall be ar-
ranged to provide hot water at each fixture (For Chronic Disease Hospitals, see Sec. 8-24.
at ail times .
The following requirements apply only to nursing
h .
Plumbing fixtures which require hot water homes.)
and which are intended for patient use shall
be supplied with water which is controlled to A. General
provide a maximum water temperature of
HOF. at the fixture. 1. All material including equipment, conductors ,

controls, and signaling devices shall be installed

3 . Hot water heaters and tanks
to provide a complete electrical system with the
a . The hot water heating equipment shall have necessary characteristics and capacity to supply
the electrical facilities shown in the specifications
sufficient capacity to supply the water at the
or indicated on the plans All materials shall be

temperatures and amounts indicated below:

listed as complying with applicable standards of
Use Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., or other sim-
Clinical Dietary Laundry ilarly established standards.

Gal/hr/bed 61/2 4 41/2

180 2. The contractor shall be responsible for test-
Temp. F. 110 180
ing all electrical installations and systems and
shall show that the equipment is correctly installed
b. Storage tankfs) shall be provided and shall
be fabricated of corrosion -resistant metal. and operated as planned or specified.

Seat-ion 9-18

B. _Switchboard_diid Power Panels Circuit break-

. The nurses' call in toilet-, bath-, or showei-
ers or fusible switches that provide disconnecting rooms shall bo an emergency call. All calls shall
means and overcurrent protection for conductors register at the nurses' station and shall actuate
connected to switchboards and distribution panel- a visible signal in the corridor at the- patients'
boards shall be enclosed or guarded to provide a door, in the clean workroom, soiled workroom,
dead -front type of assembly. The main switch- and nourishment station of the nursing unit. In
board shall be located in a separate enclosure ac- multicorridor nursing units, additional visible
cessible only to authorized persons. The switch- signals shall be installed at corridor intersections.
board shall be convenient for use, readily acces- In rooms containing two or more calhngstations,
sible for maintenance, clear of traffic lanes, and indicating lights shall be provided at each calling
in a dry ventilated space devoid of corrosive fumes station. Nurses'call systems which provide two-
or gases. Overload protective devices shall be way voice communication shall be- equipped with
suitable (or operating properly in the ambient tem- an indicating light at each calling station which
perature conditions .
lights and remains lighted as long as the voice
circuit Is operative.

C , Distribution Panelboards .
Lighting and appl i

ance panelhoards shall be provided for the circuits G. Firc^ Alarms. A manually-operated, electri-
on each floor. This requirement does not apply to cally-supervised fire alarm system shall be in-
emergency system circuits, stalled in each facility that has a total floor area
of more than 5,000 square feet. In multistory

buildings or In mill ti building facilities, the sig-

D, Lighting. All spaces occupied by people, ma- nal shall be coded or otherwise arranged to indi-
chinery, and equipment within buildings, and the Pre-
cate the location of the station operated.
approaches thereto, and parking lots shall have
electric lighting. Patients' bedrooms shall have signal systems will not be permitted .

general lighting and night lighting. A reading light

shall be provided for each patient. At least one I-I.
Emergency Electric Service
luminaire for night lighting shall be switched at the
entrance to each patient room. Patients' reading 1 , General To provide electricity during an in-

lights and other fixed lights not switched at the terruption of the normal electric supply that could
door shall have switch controls convenient for use affect the nursing care, treatment, or safety of
at the luminaire All switches for control of light-
. the occupants, an emergency source of electricity

ing In patient areas shall be of the quiet op crating shall be provided and connected to certain circuits
type. for lighting and power.

2, Sources. The source of this emergency elec-

E, Receptacles (convenience outlets) tric service shall be as follows:

1, Bedroom. Each patient bedroom shall have du- a An emergency generating set, when the nor-

plex receptacles as follows: one on each side of mal service is supplied by one or more cen-
the head of each bed (for parallel adjacent beds,
tral station transmission lines.
only one receptacle is required between the beds); b. An emergency generating set or a central
receptacles for lumlnaires, television, and motor- station transmission line, when the normal
ized beds, if used; and one receptacle on another
electric supply is generated on the prem-

2. Corridors. Single receptacles for equipment 3, Emergency generating The required set,
such as floor cleaning machines shall be installed emergency generating set, including the prime
approximately 50'0" apart inall corridors Duplex .
mover and generator, shall be located on the
receptacles for general use shall be installed ap- shall be reserved exclusively for
premises and
proximately 50 feet apart in all corridors and with-
in 25'0" of ends of corridors. supplying the emergency electrical system. Ex-
ception: A system of prime movers which are

F, Nurses 'Calling System . A nurses


calling ordinarily used to operate other equipment and

station shall be installed at each patient bed and alternately used to operate the emergency gener-
in each patient toilet-, bath-, and shower-room. ator(s) will be permitted provided that the number

Section 9-28

and controls, required for heating and

and arrangement of the prime movers is such that sterilization.
when one of them is out of service (due to break-
down or for routine maintenance), the remaining
(8) Equipment necessary for maintaining
telephone service.
prime mover(s) can operate the required emer-
gency generator(s) and provided that the connection c. Where electricity is the only
Heating .

tune requirements described in sec. 9-18H5are

source of power normally used for space
met , The emergency generator set shall be of
heating, the emergency service shall pro-
sufficient kilowatt capacity to supply all lighting
vide for heating of patient rooms. Emer-
and power load demands of the emergency system .
gency heating of patient rooms will not be
The power factor rating of the generator shall be
required in areas where :
(1 ) the design
not less than 80 percent.
temperature is higher than +20F based
. ,

on the Median of Extremes as shown in the

4, Emergency electrical connections. Emer- current edition of the ASHRAE Handbook of
gency electric service shall be provided to circuits Fundamentals, or (2) the nursing home is
as follows :
supplied by at least two utility service feed-
ers, each supplied by separate generating
a sources, or a network distribution system
fed by two or more generators, with the

(1) Exitways and all necessary ways of ap- hospital feeders so routed, connected, and
protected that a. fault any place between the
proach thereto including exit signs and
exit direction signs, exterior of exits, generators and the hospital will not likely
exit doorways, stairways, and corridors, cause an interruption of more than one of
rooms the hospital service feeders .
(2) Dining and recreation .

(3) Nursing station and medication prepara-

tion area. 5 . Details , The emergency electrical system
Generator set location, switch-gear lo- shall be so controlled that after interruption of the

cation, and boiler room .

normal electric power supply, the generator is
(5) Elevator (if required for emergency). brought to full voltage and frequency and connected
within 10 seconds through one or more primary
automatic transfer switches to all emergency
b .
Equipment Essential to life safety and for
lighting; allalarms; nurses' call; equipment nec-
protection of important equipment or vital essary for maintaining telephone service; and re-
materials: ceptacles in patient corridors. All other lighting
and equipment required to be connected to the
(1) Nurses' calling system, emergency system shall either be connected
(2) Alarm system including fire alarm actu- through the above described primary automatic
ated at manual stations, water flow alarm transfer switching or shall be subsequently con-
devices of sprinkler systems if electri- nected through other automatic or manual trans-
and smoke
cally operated, fire detecting fer switching. Receptacles connected to the emer-
detecting systems paging or speaker
, gency system shall be distinctively marked for
systems if intended for issuing instruc- identification. Storage -battery-powered lights,
tions during emergency conditions, and provided to augment the emergency lighting or for
alarms required for nonflammable medi- continuity of lighting during the interim of trans-
cal gas systems if installed
, , fer switching immediately following an interrup-
(3) Fire pump, if installed, tion of the normal service supply, shall not be
(4) Sewerageor sump lift pump, if installed. used as a substitute for the requirement of a gen-
(5) All required duplex receptacles in patient erator. Where fuel Is normally stored on the site,
corridors . the storage capacity shall be sufficient for 24-
(6) One elevator, where elevators are used hour operation of required emergency electric
for vertical transportation of patients . services. Where fuel Is normally piped under-
(7) Equipment such as burners and pumps ground to the site from a utility distribution sys-
necessary for operation of one or more tem, storage facilities on the site will not be re-
boilers and their necessary auxiliaries quired.


NOTE; Requirements for details and finishes, elevators, construction (mcludingfire-resistance), me-
chanical systems, and electrical systems shall be the same as those for long-term care facilities
(Sec sees. 9-14, 9-15, 9-16, 9-17, and 9-18.)
Toilet room: With lavatories in bedrooms--
Rooms: 1 water closet for each 6 beds and 1 lavatory for

One nurse per room:.1 J

each 3 water closets. Without lavatories in bed-
100 square feet in single rooms . rooms--! water closet for each6 beds and llava-
150 square feet in double rooms .
tory for each 5 heels .

Lavatory in each room.-'- Linen closet.

Closet or wardrobe for each nurse .
Janitors' closet.
No nurses' rooms shall be located on any floor Telephone facilities

which is below grade . General facilities:

Common floor facilities: Lohby.
Lounge with kitchenette to serve 30 to 60 Office.
nurses. Main lounge (with alcoves^-).
Laundry room with 2 trays and 2 ironing boards Men's toilet (off lohby),
to serve each 60 nurses. ^ If not provided on each Storage room for trunks.
floor, a centrally located laundry room containing Laundry distribution room.
the aame proportion of trays and ironing boards Employees' toilet loom.
shall be provided . Boiler room (if else-
facilities not available
Bath room: One shower or tub for each 6 where). Spare boiler may not be required.
beds. Emergency lighting as per local code .


NOTE: Exceptas noted herein, requirements for details and finishes, elevators, construction (includ-
ing fire-resistance), mechanical systems, and electrical systems shall be the same as those for long-
term care facilities (Sec sees. 9-14, 9-15, 9-16, 9-17, and 9-18,)

(a) Administration. will depend on the program contemplated by the

health department to take care adequately of the
Where hcaltlKlepartmentadmlnistrationperson- particular needs of the population served by the
nel have no offices in health center: health center.

Waiting room .
For populations up to 30,000:
Public toilets .
Two examination rooms for maternal and
Office for public health nurses. child health, V.D. and TB clinics.
Staff toilets. Consultation room .

Assembly space: Waiting room may be used Utilityroom.

for this purpose where health ceiiters serve Dental room.
under 30,000 population. For population over 30, 000, if the following
Where health department administration offices services are provided, they shall include
are provided in health centers add: areas noted as follows:
Health officer's office. Maternal and child health:
Office for sanitary engineers . Demonstration room ,

Health education office

Examining room

Staff room and library: In health center for Toilet.

over 30, 000 population. Tuberculosis and X-ray:
X-ray room with dressing booths .

(b) Clinical . The clinical services, and ex- Dark room .

tent of such services, provided in the health center Consultation and viewing room.

Desirable but not mandatory.


Venereal disease: (d) Service.

Examination room. General storage areas '

Treatment room. Bulk office and janitors' supplies.

Consultation room . Bulk clinical supplies.
Toilet. Educational material .

Dental; Storage closets:

Dental facilities (2 chairs desirable). Office supplies .

Small dental laboratory. Medical supplies .

Pharmacy; Dispensing room, Educational material ,

Janitors' closet: Centrally located.

Laboratory. The volume and type
(c )
of lab-
Heating plant .

oratory tests in the health center will vary with

local conditions and will determine the size of the Width of corridors shall be not less than 5'0".
laboratory. Such factors as density ofpopulaiion, Greaterwidthpreferred. Windows of exami-
area to be served, type of center (municipal, nation and treatment rooms shall be glazed
with obscure glass to insure privacy. 1
county, or rural), its use as a branch of the State
laboratory and availability of other laboratory fa- Emergency quick acting cold water showers
cilities must be considered. are required at convenient points in chemical
laboratories .

One room required for urinalysis, hema-

Only one system of hot water will be required

tology, and dark field examinations for syph- in health centers and the elbow- or knee-
ilisand storage of biologicals furnished by the action lavatory and sink faucet handles will
State Health Department ,
be required only in clinical rooms of health
Where food control, sanitation and communi- centers .

cable disease work is contemplated another Spare boiler may not be required.
room shall be furnished for this purpose.
Emergency lighting as per local code .


NOTE: Except as noted herein, requirements for details and finishes, elevators, construction (includ-
ing fire-resistance), mechanical systems, and electrical systems shall be the same as those for long-
term care facilities. (See sees. 9-14, 9-15, 9-16, 9-17, and 9-18.)

(a) Administration department. Enteric disease and agglutination laboratory .

Tuberculosis laboratory.
Director's office, Diagnostic laboratory.
Secretary's office. Incubator room .

Assistant Director's office. Sterileroom.

Information desk and switchboard . Rabies room.
Clerical office .
Adequate refrigeration.
Office supply room ,
(c) Syphilis aerology department .
Staffmeeting room .

Records and filing room . Laboratory: Section of room separated by par-

titions for centrifuges and preparation of
Mailing and receiving room for incoming spec-
imens, distribution of containers and of bio- specimens.
(d) Chemistry departments
Specimen and emergency treatment room.
(b) Ba cteriol ogy Department
Laboratory: Facilities for water, food, drug,

toxicology, and/or industrial hygiene anal-

Water, food and milk laboratory .
Instrument room: Facilities for darkening.

Desirable but not mandatory.


(e) Research and investigation. is provided and no interior connection exists

to this department. A separate mechanical
Laboratory: Complete laboratory facilities ventilating system must be provided.
within unit. Office .

Laboratory: Cubicles for isolation work.

(f) Biologicals department . Culture media room .

Sterile room .

Adequate refrigeration. Sterilizing room.

Deep freeze unit .
Glasswashing room.
Room temperature storage. Adequate refrigeration.
Deep freeze unit,
(g) Central services .
Storage room controlled temperature
, .

Packaging room.
Culture media and reagent preparation room* Blood and blood products:
Glassware cleaning room .
Laboratory: Space and equipment for pro-
Acid cleaning unit. cessing.
Sterilizing room for culture media and clean Sterile room.
glassware only. Office (maybe shared with biologicals de-
Supply room for storage and issue of sterile partment).
supplies, general supplies, chemicals, and Adequate refrigeration (may be shared with
glassware. Adjacent tosterilizingandglass- biologfcals department).
ware cleaning room .
Storage room (may be shared with biologicals
Bulk storage room ,
Janitor service room, Pathology department: Laboratory,
Maintenance and utilities unit; Provisions for Clinical laboratory department: Laboratory.
metal and woodwork, and glassblowing. Virology department: This department shall
Incinerator (animal). be efficiently isolated from oilier labora-
Animal quarters : tories including a separate mechanical ven-
Animal rooms. tilating system:
Room for cleaning and sterilizing cages . Office .

Preparation room for food and bedding, Laboratory: Cubicles for isolation work,
Operating and animal inoculation room. Sterile room ,

Sterilizing room ,

(h) Facilities^ for personnel . Inoculation and operating room.

Animal quarters:
Men's locker room with washroom and shower. Facilities for storage of food and bedding.
Women's locker room with washroom and Cleaning and sterilizing of cages.
shower . Locker room with washroom and shower.
Rest room .

Lunch room . Details

Staff toilets.
Provide separate air conditioning or ventila-
(i) Additional facilities . Ifthe following ac- tion system for bacteriological and virus labora-
tivitiesare included, minimum requirements will tories with ample supply and exhaust to function
be as follows: properly with closed windows . Emergency show-
ers shall be provided in chemical laboratories.
Consultation and evaluation service to local Each chemical laboratory room shall have a min-
laboratories : imum of two exits. All windows mustbcscreened.
Laboratory . Finishes
Manufacture of biologicals: This department, in-
cluding Blood and Blood Products, shall be ad- Floors:
equatelyisolatedfrom the other laboratories. Resilient, smootliand stain resistant: All lab-
In the case of smallpox and tetanus vaccine oratories other than chemistry laboratories .
preparation separation may be satisfactory Resilient, smooth and acid resistant: Chem-
in the same building if a separate entrance istry laboratories.


Smooth, waterproof, grease-proof, easily Inoculation and operating rooms.

cleaned^ non-slip, resistant to heavy traf- Animal rooms.
fic: Same as above, but finish to reach to ceiling;
Culture media rooms. Sterile rooms.
Glas swashing rooms .
Ceilings Waterproof painted Sterile rooms
: : .

Sterilization rooms. Shelves and cabinets: Shelves and cabinets which

Acid cleaning rooms , are used for the storage of food, dishes and
Animal rooms. cooking utensils shall be so constructed and
mounted that there shall be no openings or spaces
Walls: which cannot be cleaned and which might harbor
Waterproof, painted, glazed or similar finishes vermin or insects Cabinets which are used for

to a point above the splash or spray line. the storage of open food containers and dishes
They shall be without cracks, and in con- shall be dust tight.
junction with floors shall be waterproof and Emergency quick acting cold water showers are
free of cracks and spaces which may harbor required at convenient points in chemical labora-
ants and roaches: tories .

Laboratories. Only one system of hot water will be required in

Incubator rooms .
laboratories .

Sterilizing rooms .
Emergency lighting and call systems will not be
Culture media rooms. required in laboratories, except as provided for
Glasswashing rooms . by local and State codes .

Acid cleaning rooms. Spare boiler may not be required.


NOTE; Except sis noted herein, requirements for details and finishes, elevators, construction (includ-
ing fire-resistance), mechanical systems, and electrical systems shall be the same as those for long-
term care facilities . (See sees. 9-14, 9-15, 9-16, 9-17, and 9-18.)

(a) General .
(1) The extent of the diagnostic, (c) Diagnos tic facilities (In certain types of

treatment, and ancillary facilities will be deter- specialized projects, such as mental health clin-
mined by the services contemplated and the esti- ics, the need for radiological and laboratory facili-
mated patient load. ties will be determined by the services contem-
(2) Where the
facility is to be an integral part plated .
of a hospital, the requirements of adjunct diag-
nostic and treatment facilities and outpatient de- Radiographic room with adjoining dark room.
partment of general hospital, shall apply. Utility and sterilizing facilities .
(3) Where a diagnostic or treatment center is Laboratory.
not to be an Integral part of a hospital, then the
facilities listedbelow must be provided unless (d) Diagnostic and treatment facilities. If
available for convenient use in an associated health medical examination and/or treatment are to be
facility. included the following shall be added:
(4) The planning of diagnostic or treatment
centers should provide for the privacy of the patient examinational treatment space
during interview, examination, and treatment. is required by the services contemplated .

(b) Administration facilities .

(e) Service facilities .

Administrative, business, and receptionist Storage .

space. Janitor's closet.
Medical records space. Employees' locker facilities.
Waiting space . Toilet facilities.
Public telephone. Boiler room .


Incinerator . tionand treatment rooms shall be glazed with

Accessible parking space.* obscure glass to insure privacy,*
Emergency lighting and call systems will not be
11 required in diagnostic or treatment facilities
Width of corridors shall be not less than S'O
exceptas provided Cor by Local and State codes.
Greater width preferred. Windows of examina-
Spare boiler may not be required.


NOTE: The following requirements for details and finishes shall be applicable lo all types of rehabili-
tation facilities.

Details Water closet stalls: Water closet stalls for pa-

tient use shall have handrails on both sides.
Space allowances: Space allowances shall be con- Curtains are recommended in lieu of doors to
sistent with the need in areas used by patients stalls .

using crutches, wheelchairs or wheel stretch- Toilet rooms: Toilet rooms adjacent to patients'
ers. rooms shall permit movement of wheelchairs
Doors: All doors through which patients will pass and shall have handrails on both sides.
shall be at least 3 feet 8 inches wide. Doors at Hardware; Hardware on water closet enclosures
least 3 feet wide will be permitted at individual shall be operable from outside.
toilets adjacent to patienLs bedrooms.

Lavatories: Tlie front edge of the lavatoryfor pa-

Corridors: Corridors used by patients shall be at tient use shall be set not less than 22 inches
least 8 feet wide. A greater width should be from the wall to which it is attached, 1 They
provided at elevator entrances. shall be supported on brackets to allow wheel -
Handrails: Handrails will be required on both sides chati's to slide under.
of corridors used by patienLs in chronic disease Mirrors; Mirrors shall be arranged for the con-
hospitals and nursinghornes. Handrails are not venience oE patients in wheelchairs as well as
required in corridors of rehabilitation facilities .
patients in a standing position,
Thresholds: Thresholds at doorways shall bo Bathtubs; Bathtubs shall not be elevated in reha-
flush. bilitation facilities. It is recommended that
Telephone alcoves: Telephone alcoves shall be a bathtubs shall not be elevated in chronic dis-
minimum of 4 feet square. Phone shall be lo- ease hospitals and nursing homos Handrails ,

cated on a shelf convenient for patients in wheel- shall be provided at all bathtubs .

chairs. Doors to telephone booths are notrec- Showers; Showers should be approximately 4 feet
ommended .
square and should have handrails and curtains .
Drinking fountains: Drinking fountains shall be lo- Curbs shall be omilted ,

cated in corridors of nursing units and treatment

areas andlobby. Thefountain shall be accessi-
ble to patients in wheelchairs .
Brackets: In rehabilitation facilities brackets
should be provided adjacent to patients
beds for Wainscot: A wainscot of durable material should
braces and crutches . be provided in all rooms used by patients for

1 Desirable but not mandatory.


protection of walls against, damage caused by which are accessible to patients shall be sup-
wheelchairs, stretchers and carts. Such a plied with water which is thermostatically con-
wainscot is desirable but not mandatory in trolled to provide a maximum watertempera-
chronic disease hospitals and nursing; homes, ture of 110F, at the fixture.
A spare hojler may not be required for rehabili- Emergency lighting and call systems will not be
tation facilities Incinerators are recom-
required in separate rehabilitation facilities
mended in rehabilitation facilities. for outpatients only except as provided for by
Plumbing fixtures which require hot water and local and State codes.


NOTE: Exceptas noted herein, requirements for details and finishes, elevators, construction (includ-
ing fire -resistance), mechanical systems, and electrical systems shall be the same as those for long-
term care facilities. (See sees, 9-14, 9-15, 9-16, 9-17, and 9-18.)

(a) Wherever possible rehabilitation facili- (b) In determining the size of facilities for
ties should be located on the ground tloor. The should be con-
inpatient and outpatient services, it
evaluation and treatment facilities should be
sidered that the outpatient load is usually much
grouped to facilitate integration of the program
and located for convenient access by mpatients and larger than the inpatient load.
outpatients .

(Multiple Disability)

NOTE: Exceptas noted herein, requirements for details and finishes, elevators, construction (includ-
ing fire-resistance), mechanical systems,, and electrical systems shall be the same as those for long-
term care facilities (See sees, 9-14, 9-15, 9-16, 9-17, and 9-18.)

The facilities listed in this section which are Medical facilities:

in an existing hospital and which are conveniently Offices, examination rooms and work space
located and available for use need not be provided. for medical personnel such as physicians and
nurses .

(a) Administration . Dental facilities ;2

Office and work space for provision of ap-
Appointment and cashier's space. propriate dental treatment .

Office for volunteer services coordinator. 1 Physical therapy:

Lobby and waiting room. Office and work space for physical therapy
Public telephone booth. staff.
Public toilets . Rehabilitation gymnasium for adults.
Personnel toilets. 1 Rehabilitation gymnasium for children if

children are included in program.*

(b) Evaluation and treatment facilities. Hydrotherapy area ,

Evaluation and treatment facilities shall include Thermotberapy and massage area.
medical facilities and, depending upon the pro- Storage for supplies and equipment.
gram, one or more of the following: psychological, Outdoor exercise area.^-
social or vocational, as listed below, Occupational therapy:
Office and work space for occupational ther-
Conference and library room. apy staff.

Desirable but not mandatory.

If required by program.

Disability) IN A HOSPITAL

Service facil Itics in each

Therapy area: 1
nursing unit for adults:
In large units space should be divided for Nurses siailon.
diver sil led work (separate room for chil- Nurses' lollet.
dren is desirable). Utility room .

Storage space for supplies and equipment. Examination and treatment room.
Facilities for teaching activities of daily living. Floor pantry.
Speech and hearing facilities ;2 Solarium: Provide 25 square feel per bed for
Offices for therapists and space for examination 75 percent of beds on nursing unit.
and treatment, Dining room: Pi ovidc 25 square feet per bed
ArLificial appliance facilities; for 75 percent of 'beds on nursing unit.
Space for fitting and adjustment service. It is recommended that the dining and solarium
Psychological facilities ; area be adjaccntso that they can be combined
Office and workfor psychological testing eval-
into one room for recreational and other group
uation and counseling. activity purposes.
Social service facilities: Toilet facilities:
Office space for private interview and coun- If centralized toilets are provided, a toilet
seling. room for eachsexalaradoof 1 water closet
Vocational facilities: to each 5 beds will be required. One of the
Office and work space for counseling, evalu- water closet enclosures in each toilet room
ation, prevocational programs and placement. should be at least 5 feel by 6 feet to permit
A prevocational area is not required for fa- toilet training.
cilities exclusively serving children under the If toilets provided adjacent to patients' rooms
age of 12 . are not large enough, a separate training
Special education: toilet, at leasts feet by 6 feet, should be
Schoolroom for children if children are in- provided ,

cluded in program . Bedpan facilities,

General facilities: Bathing facilities,
Locker, toilet and shower facilities for patients . 1 bathroom for each sex.
Clean and soiled linen facilities. 1 shower to each 8 beds.
Locker and toilet facilities for female volun- 1 bathtub.
teers .
1 Stretcher and wheelchair parking space.
Locker and toilet facilities for male volunteers.-*- Clean linen storage.
Equipment mid supply storage.
1 Janitor's closet.
(c) Nursing unit for adults .

Telephone alcove (one per floor),


General: It is recommended that this unit be lo- Patients laundry. 1

cated on the ground floor near the treatment
area. Approximately one -fifth of the beds (d) Nursing unit for children . 1

should be in two-bod rooms, the remainder In

four-bed rooms. Each patient's room shall General: It is recommended that this unit be lo-
have a lavatory. Generous wardrobe space for cated on the ground floor near the treatment
each patient should be provided in the patients' area. No patients room should have more than
rooms A toilet room, with lavatory, accessi-
. 4 beds. Provide 2 two -bed rooms in each
ble from adjoining patients' rooms, is recom- nursing unit. Each patients' room shall have
mended. No patients' room shall be located on a lavatory , Generous wardrobe space for each
any floor which is below grade . patient should be provided in the patients room

Size of nursing unit: A toilei room, with lavatory, accessible from

Not more than 50 beds, 35 to 40 beds recom- adjoining patient's room is recommended. No
mended . patients' room shall be located on any floor
Minimum patients' room areas: which Is below grade.
100 square feet per bed in multi-bed patients' Size of nursing unit:
rooms . Not more tlian 30 bods.

1 Desirable but not mandatory.

2 If required by program.

Disability) Iff A HOSPITAL

Minimum room areas: toilet room should be at least 5 feet by 6

100 square feet per bed in two-bed and four- feet to permit toilet training.
bed rooms, 80 square feet per bed recom- If toilets provided adjacent to patients' rooms
mended for crib room if provided . are not large enough a separate training
Service facilities in each nursing unit for chil- toilet, at least 5 feet by 6 feet, should be
dren. provided .

Nurses' station. Bedpan facilities .

Nurses' toilet. Bathing facilities'

Utility room . 1 bathroom for each sex.

Examination and treatment room. 1 shower to each 8 beds .

Floor pantry. 1 bathtub.

Solarium: Provide 25 square feet per bed for Stretcher and wheelchair parking space.
75 percent of beds on nursing unit. Clean linen storage.
Dining room: Provide 25 square feel per bed Equipment and supply storage .

for 75 percent of beds on nursing unit. Janitor's closet.

It is recommended that the
dining and solarium Telephone alcove (one per floor).
area be adjacent so that they can be combined
into one room for recreational and other group
activity purposes .
(e) Service department. In general the same
Toilet facilities: service facilities will be required as those noted
If centralized toilets are provided, a toilet under separate rehabilitation facility (multiple
room for each sex at a ratio of 1 water disability) for mpatients and outpatients, except
closet to each 5 beds will be required. that those service facilities which are available
One of the water closet enclosures in each in the adjoining hospital need not be duplicated .


(Multiple Disability) FOR INPATIENTS AND
NOTE: Except as noted herein, requirements for details and finishes, elevators, construction (includ-
ing fire-resistance), mechanical systems, and electrical systems shall be the same as those for long-
term care facilities. (See sees, 9-14, 9-15, 9-16, 9-17, and 9-18.)

(a) Administration. gram, one or more of the following: psycholog-

ical, social, or vocational, as listed below.
Business office with information counter, tele- Clinical laboratory. 2
phone switchboard and cashier's window. Radiology: Radiographic room with adjoining
Administrator's office. darkroom, toilet and office. 2
Director of nurses' office. Pharmacy: Drug room with minimum facilities
Office for volunteer services coordinator .1 for compounding. 2
Case records room. Conference and library room .

Library for staff and patients. Medical facilities;

Lobby and waiting room .
Offices, examination rooms and work space
Public telephone booth , for medical personnel such as physicians
Public toilets . and nurses*
Personnel toilets . Dental facilities: 2 Office and work space for
provision of appropriate dental treatment.
(b) Evaluation and treatment facilities .
Physical therapy:
Office and work space for physical therapy
Evaluation and treatment facilities shall include staff.
medical facilities and, depending upon the pro- Rehabilitation gymnasium for adults.

Desirable but not mandatory.

If required by program.

Rehabilitation gymnasium for children if Minimum patients' room areas'. 100 square
children are included in program. 1 feet per bed in multi-bed patients' rooms .

Hydrotherapy area- Service facilities m each nursing unit for

Therm other apy and massage area. adults :

Storage for supplies and equipment. Nurses' station.

Outdoor exercise area.^ Nurses' toilet.
Occupational therapy ;
Utility room .

Office and work space for occupational Examination and treatment room .

therapy staff. Floor pantry.

Therapy area. Solarium: Provide 25 square feet per bed for
In large units space should be divided for 75 percent of beds on nursing unit.
diversified work (separate room for Dining room: Provide 25 square feet per bed
children is desirable). for 75 percent of beds on nursing unit.
Storage space for supplies and equipment . It is re commended that the dining and solarium
Facilities for teaching activities of daily living. areabe adjacent so that they can be combined
Speech and hearing facilities: Offices for thera- into one room Cor recreational and other group
pists and space for examination and treat- activity purposes.
ment. 2 Toilet facilities;
Artificial appliance facilities: Space for filling If centralized toilets are provided, a toilet

and adjustment service. room for each sex at a ratio of 1 water

Psychological facilities: Off ice and work space for closet to each 5 beds will be required. One
psychological testing evaluation and counseling. of the water closet enclosures in each toilet
Social service facilities: Office space for private room should be at least 5 feet by 6 feet to
interview and counseling. permit toilet training.
Vocational facilities: If toilets provided adjacent to patients' rooms
Office and work space for counseling, evalua- are not large enough, a separate training
tion, prevocational programs and placement. toilet, at least 5 feet by 6 feel, should be
A prevocational area is not required for fa- provided .

cilities serving children under the age of 12. Bedpan facilities .

Special education; Schoolroom for children if Bathing facilities:

children are included in program. 1 bathroom for each sex.
General facilities: 1 shower to each 8 beds ,

Locker, toilet, and shower facilities for pa- 1 bathtub,

tients . Stretcher and wheelchair parking space.
Clean and soiled linen facilities. Clean linen storage .

Equipment and supply storage .

(c) Nursingjimj for adults. Janitor's closet.
Telephone alcove (one per floor).
General: It is recommended that this unit be Patients* laundry.
located on the ground floor near the treatment
area. Approximately one-fifth of the beds (d) Nursingjmit for children.
should be in two -bed rooms, the remainder in General: It is recommended that this unit be lo-
four-bed . cated on the ground floor near the treatment
Eachpatients room shall have a lavatory. Gen-

area. No patients 'room should have more than

erous wardrobe space for each patient should 4 beds. Provide 2 two-bedrooms In each nurs-
be provided in the patients' rooms. A toilet ing uniL. Each patients' room shall have a lava-
room, with lavatory, accessible from adjoin- tory. Generous wardrobe space for each pa-
ing patients' rooms, is recommended. No tient should be provided in the patients' rooms .
patients' rooms shall be located on any floor A toilet room, with lavatory, accessible from
which is below grade .
adjoining patients' room is recommended No ,

Size of nursing unit; Not more than 50 beds, patients' room shall be located on any floor
35 to 40 beds recommended. which is below grade ,

1 Desirable but not

2 If required by program .


Size of nursing unit: Not more than '30 beds. Garbage disposal facilities.
Minimum patients' room areas: 100
square feet Day storage room.
per bed in 2-becl and 4-bed room. 80 square Personnel dining space. Provide 12 square
feet per bed recommended for crib room if pro- feet per person; may be designed for multi-
vided ,
ple seatings.
Service facilities in each nursing unit for children: Outpatients' dining facilities as required.
Nurses' station. Janitor's closet.
Nurses' toilet. Housekeeping facilities:
Utility room. Laundry; unless commercial or other laundry
Examination and treatment room. facilities are available, each rehabilitation
Floor pantry. facility shall have a laundry of sufficient ca-

Solarium: Provide 25 square feet per bed for pacity to process full 7 days laundry in work
75 percent of beds on nursing unit. week and contain the following areas:
Dining room: Provide 25 square feet per bed Sorting area .

for 75 percent of beds on nursing unit. Processing area.

It is recommended that the dining and solarium Clean linen and sewing room separate from
areas be adjacent so that they can be combined laundry.
into one room for recreational and other group Where no laundry is provided in the hospital,
activity purposes. a soiled linen room and a clean linen and sew-
Toilet facilities: ing room shall be provided .

If centralized toilets are provided, a toilet Housekeeper's office.

room for each sex at a ratio of 1 water Mechanical facilities:
closet to each 5 beds will be required One. Boiler and pump room.
of the water closet enclosures in each toilet Shower and locker facilities. 2
room should be at least 5 feet by 6 feet to Engineers' space.
permit toilet training. Maintenance shops: At least one room shall
If toilets provided adjacent to patients' rooms be provided. In large rehabilitation facili-
are not large enough, a separate training ties, separation of carpentry, painting and

by 6 feet, should be
toilet, at least 5 feet plumbing is recommended,
provided. Employees' facilities:
Bedpan facilities . Female staff and volunteers lockers:
Bathing facilities : Locker room .

1 bathroom for each sex. Rest room .

1 shower to each 8 beds , Toilet and shower room.

1 bathtub. Female help lockers:
Stretcher and wheelchair parking space. Locker room .

Clean linen storage , Rest room .

Equipment and supply storage. Toilet and shower room .

Janitor's closet, Male staff and volunteers lockers :

Telephone alcove (one per floor). Locker room.

Toilet and shower room.
(e) Service department .
Male help lockers:
Locker room.
Central sterilizing and supply room.
Toilet and shower room.
Dietary facilities:
Main kitchen. Storage:
General storage. 20 square feet per bed and
Dietitians' space.
to be concentrated in one area .
Dishwashing room. 1
Storage of out -door equipment .

Adequate refrigeration.

1 Desirable but not mandatory,

2 If required by program.



(Multiple Disability)

NOTE: Except as noted herein, requirements for details and finishes, elevators, construction (includ-
ing fire-resistance), mechanical systems, and electrical systems shall be the same as those for long-
term core facilities . (See sees. 9-14, 9-15, 9-16, 9-17, and 9-18.)

(a) Administration . Facilities for teaching activities of daily

Business office with information counter, tele- Speech and hearing facilities^ Offices for
phone switchboard and cashier's window. therapists and space for examination and
Administrator's office. treatment.
Director of nurses' office. Aitificial appliance facilities: Space for fit-
Office for volunteer services coordinator. ^ ting and adjustment service .
Case records room. Psychological facilities: Office and work space
Library for staff and patients . for psychological testing evaluation and coun-
Lobby and waiting room .
Public telephone booth . Social service facilities: Office space for pri-
Public toilets . vate interview and counseling,
Personnel toilets. 1 Vocational facilities:
Office and work space for counseling, evalu-
(b) Evaluation and treatment facilities . ation, pre vocational programs and place-
ment. A prevocational area is not required
Evaluation and treatment facilities shall include for facilities exclusively serving children
medical and, depending upon the pro-
facilities under the age of 12 .

gram, one or more of the following; psychological, Special Education:

social or vocational, as listed below. Schoolroom for children if children are in-
Conference and library room . cluded in program .

Medical facilities: General facilities;

Offices, examination rooms and work space Locker, toilet and shower facilities for pa-
for medical personnel such as physicians tients .

and nurses . Clean and soiled linen facilities.

Dental facilities;2 Office and work space for
provision of appropriate dental treatment . (c) Service facilities .

Physical therapy:
Office and work space for physical therapy Dietary facilities .2
staff. Housekeepingfacilities: Clean and soiled linen
Rehabilitation gymnasium for adults. storage .

Rehabilitation gymnasium for children if Janitors' closetfs).

children are included in 1
program . Mechanical facilities:

Hydrotherapy area. Boiler room .

Thermotherapy and massage area. Maintenance shop.

Storage for supplies and equipment. Employees' facilities:
Outdoor exercise area.l Female staff and volunteers lockers:
Occupational therapy; Locker room.
Office and work space for occupational Rest room .

therapy staff. Toilet and shower room .

Therapy area: In large units space should Female help lockers:

be divided for diversified work (separate Locker room .
room for children is desirable). Rest room .

Storage space for supplies and equipment. Toilet and shower room .

1 Desirable but not mandatory,

2 If
required by program .


Male staff and volunteers Lockers: Locker room.

Locker room. shower room,
Toilet and
Toilet and shower room. Storage:
Male help lockers' General storage.


NOTE: Except as noted herein, requirements for details and finishes, elevators, construction (incllid?
ing fire -resistance), mechanical systems, and electrical systems shall be the same as those for long-
term care facilities: (See secs 9-14, 9-15, 9-16, 9-17, and 9-18.)

The requirements for a single disability reha- the single disability rehabilitation facility will fol-
bilitation facility will be dependent upon the spe- low the pattern established for the multiple dis-
cific project program, which shall include, how-
ability rehabilitation facility. In other respects
ever, services in the four basic areas- -medical,
the general standards set forth herein shall apply.
psychological, social and vocational. In general


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