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How Internships Help you in your Career

Internship could be a pathway toward becoming the professional you want to be. The reason is simple.
It allows you to gain experience by learning and participating in the work. It is also an opportunity to
apply the skills you studied in class in real life. It is estimated that 300,000 people intern each year in the
United States.

Here are six ways internships, whether paid or unpaid, can help your career.

Work experience
In today’s world, it is common for organisations to request for work-related experience when seeking
applications for roles. Unfortunately, only a few graduates are able to possess such experiences. Most
times, such graduates completed an internship at one point or the other. The more internship you’ve
got, the more employable you are. In other words, employers will be able to trust you in a job setting as
you’d be deemed ready for the big world of work.

An internship isn’t a platform to gain work experience alone; it is also an avenue for you to meet people.
For instance, you will work alongside colleagues who may become your most valuable source of
information. Don’t be afraid to relate with your colleagues and clients. Exchange emails. And if you’ve
got some fresh ideas for a project, for instance, don’t hesitate to present them and give them some
visibility. Through that, you can increase your network.

Internships help you determine your strengths and weaknesses. Learn the things you enjoy and get to
know your weaknesses. Then, draw on your strengths to improve on your weaknesses. And the result?
You become more confident in your skills such that you’re ready to flourish in any setting. Of course,
you’ll face some challenging aspects. It is one of the reasons why you may have to expand your comfort

Career clarity
Sometimes, we tend to be confused about our career, especially as it relates to what we want to do. In
other words, we might not know what to pursue. In such a case, working as an intern may help you to
test drive a career. During the internship, you’ll be able to discover your passion and what tend to work
out for you – and pursue it heads on.

Job securing
In most companies, internships are becoming the one of the fastest routes to securing a job. Companies
tend to recruit those who intern with them. If you’re lucky to get a job through this route, than you can
expect a high starting salary. Statistics reveal that 70% of interns are hired at the same company they
interned with.
Ease transition to full-time work
When you were in the university, you tend to be the one controlling your own schedule. You decide the
time to wake up, attend lectures, and get your assignments done. But reverse is the case when
interning. You no longer enjoy your freedom and have to work with a schedule decided by someone
else. Getting used to this adjustment will help ease the process of transiting from graduation to full-time

Intern your way toward having a fulfilled career

Essentially, internship gives you an opportunity to put into practice theoretical knowledge as well as
boost your chances of being employed. After all, you don’t expect a company to employ someone who
has been reading theoretical aspect of a process for years and has never worked in the industry ahead of
someone with little experience working in the industry. The practical experience is the real career

1. What is an internship?

An internship is typically a one-semester work experience highly related to your major or minor under
the supervision of an employer.

2. Do I only do paid internship?

It is not compulsory you do only paid internships. There are more valuable benefits than money. Refer
to the benefits stated in this article.

3. What questions should you ask after internship?

How did the internship match your expectations? What do you think your next step in your career path
is, and how can the company help you get there? Would you recommend the internship to other

4. How do I find an internship?

You can talk to your academic advisor for ideas or use the internet.

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