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Advertising Anatomy of an Advertisement

- Any paid form of communication from an identified Core Elements

sponsor or source that draws attention to ideas,
goods, services, or the sponsor itself.  Visual – is the picture, image, or situation
- It is a persuasive attempt to change or reinforce a portrayed in the advertisement. The visual also
customer’s prior attitude and predictable behavior, considers the emotion, style, or look-and-feel to
specifically to purchase or to consume more of a be conveyed – without words.
particular brand of product or service.  Headline – is generally what the viewer reads
first – i.e. the words in the largest typeface. The
Characteristics of Advertising headline serves as a hook for the appeal and the
projects “the offer (value)”; it should grab
- It is an ART (creative process – writing, designing,
attention, pique interest, and cause the viewer to
and producing the message) and a SCIENCE
keep reading or paying attention. It might be the
(strategic thinking, planning and research on how
voice-over of a narrator delivering the primary
best to effectively communicate to consumers).
message (video ads) or it might be visual (print)
- It is anchored on an “appeal” – a promise of
 Subhead (optional) – is a smaller headline that
benefit that targets the right motive that will spur
continues the idea introduced in the headline or
consumers to action.
provides more information. It usually appears
- It is a collaborative and creative execution of
blow the headline and in a smaller typeface.
artistic production teams and marketing teams.
 Body Copy (optional) – provides supporting
- The creative specialist or team must first dela with
information. Generally, it appears in a standard,
the problem of drafting a concept. Then the
readable font.
marketing specialist must develop a creative
strategy, determine appropriate appeals, and select  Call To Action (CTA) – an active “verb” that
a styled of execution. The ad must then be cast into may be part of the body copy, headline of
a print, television, radio, or other format. At this appear elsewhere in a larger typeface or color
stage, copywriters generally collaborate with artistic treatment to draw attention to itself.
or production teams to create the actual  Brand Elements – these include the name of
advertisements. the advertiser or brand being advertised, the
logo, a tagline, hashtag, web site link, or other
The Concept of Advertising Appeal standard “branded” elements that convey brand
identity. These elements are an important way of
- Is anything that motivates a person to action. From
establishing continuity with other marketing
an advertising perspective, human beings are called
“bundles of wants” – a strange mix of hop,
ambitions, needs, interests, goals, etc. – referred to Ad Design
as “Motives”
- An advertising appeal is nothing but a promise of a - It’s the intersection of marketing and design,
benefit the advertised product will provide to the referring to the visual artwork created specifically for
buyer. advertisements.
- It is the approach used in the advertisement to - Its sole purpose is to sell products and services.
attract the attention or interest of consumers and/or It banks on how well designers and marketers
influence their feelings toward the product, service, understand their consumers and collaborate on
idea of cause. designs that best communicate the message to
- It can be broken down into two categories0 consumers and has the power to bring them into
informational/rational appeals (hard sell) and conversion.
emotional appeals (soft sell) 10 Design Principles

- It’s the intersection of marketing and design,

referring to the visual artwork created specifically for
- Its sole purpose is to sell products and services.
- It banks on how well designers and marketers
understand their consumers and collaborate on
designs that best communicates the message to
consumers, and has the power to bring consumers
to conversion.
1. Composition & focal points 8. Type/Text Styling
- Create an area of focus. This can be done through - The size, typeface family, choice of italic or roman,
use of a dominant element (image, graphic effect, normal, condensed or extended, weight, color,
text) that is stronger than other parts of the page, leading, kerning, letter-spacing have a hug impact
and by placing it in an area we are naturally inclined on readability and perception of hierarchical
to look. information. It can contribute to marketing
messaging success.
2. Eye Path
- Determine the direction you want their sight to go 9. Grids & Alignment
after getting the attention of the viewer. For cultures - This helps give structure to a marketing vehicle.
that read left to right, and classic eye path for them Aligning elements when possible contributes to a
runes upper left to lower right. Its also about where sense of order, and allows the eye to move
your customer’s eye goes first, then where it goes unencumbered through a layout
after that. And you can control that with design, -
3. Balance 10. Contrast
- Create visual harmony and order. An unbalanced - Juxtaposition, duality, opposites, visual irony.
layout creates tension. There are many factors that Contrast can be achieved through type styling, use
contribute to balance – size, position, spacing of of texture and complementary colors. This allows for
elements, color compatibility or dissonance, shapes, engagement with the dualities in real life that all
etc. there are no unbreakable rules people relate to. It breaks away from monotony and
4. Color directs viewers towards engaging energy.
- Is also used for impact, attention, and accent.
Attention can be drawn to bright colors that stimulate
a response. A call to action, for example, should
probably not be hidden or subdued by muted colors
that recede into the background. The challenge is for
these accents to interact harmoniously with your
brand identity.

5. Movement
- Line, form, shape, type choice, type size,
compositional elements, and placement all give a
piece movement.

6. White Space
- This offers relief to the viewer from the barrage of
constant information. Utilizing white space well can
extend eye engagement between viewer and an ad.
7. Familiar/repeated patterns or structure
- We are hardwired to recognize and respond
positively to symmetry, repeating patterns and
structures that intuitively feel sound. The eye will be
drawn to orderly arrangements of similar bits of
information (like links, or photo thumbnails) and will
be comfortable with, and accustomed to accessing
that information.

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