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AGE : / SEX : COLLECTION DATE : 08-Dec-2023 4:52 pm
RECEIVED DATE : 08-Dec-2023 4:52 pm
REPORTED DATE : 08-Dec-2023
: 5:26 pm
ANIMAL Type : Cow
ANIMAL ID : 0 000943
Complete Blood Count .
Test Name Value Unit Biological Ref Range
HAEMOGLOBIN 7.7 Gm% 9 – 14.9
Total WBC Count 5700 / cumm 4000 – 12000
Lymphocyte Count 1858 /cmm 1700 – 5700
Monocyte Count 388 /cmm 0 – 900
Neutrophil Count 3454 / cumm 2300 – 6800
Neutrophil 60.6 % 15 - 45
Lymphocytes 32.6 % 20 – 60
Monocytes 6.8 % 2–7
Haematocrit (HCT) 17.6 % 28 – 46
R.B.C. count 4.6 mil./cmm 5 – 10
MCHC 43.8 gm/dL 30 – 37
MCH 16.7 pg 13 – 19
MCV 38.3 fL 38 – 53
RDW-CV 14.9 % 11.5– 14.5
RDW - SD 31.50 fL 35-56
Platelet Count 1736000 /cmm 120000 - 820000
MPV 16.3 fL 3.8 – 7
PDW 15.1 fL 15 – 17
PCT 2.83 % 0.100 – 0.282
P-LCR (Plt. Large cell ratio) 89.00 % 13-43
RBC Morphology Normocytic Hypochromic
WBC Morphology Neutrophilia
OTHER Anemia suggest for Bacterial infection
------------------------------------------------- End of Report -------------------------------------------------

Page 1 of 1 Pathologist Signature

(Dr. Priyanka Tikore)
M.V.Sc (Vet Pathology) - 9541
Disclaimer: (1) All the test results should be interpreted with clinical data. Please correlate clinically and communicate with us, if you have any queries. The results of these test investigations are dependent on the quality of the sample as well as the assay procedure used.
The clinical analysis and correlation of any/all symptoms should not be interpreted in isolation, in order to arrive at a proper andfinal diagnosis(2) In case of collected specimen(s), which are referred to LK Vet Care from an individual farmer/ LSS/ Veterinary doctor/ any other
referral, it is presumed that the sample demographics are verified and confirmed at the point of generation of the said specimen(s). (3) A tes requested may not be performed if the sample quantity or quality is not satisfactory. In such cases, fresh specimen(s) may be
required.These sample(s) are collected from field (not in a lab). LK Vet Care will not be responsible for any variations in the pathology tests.(4) LK Vet Care is committed to delivering your reports on time. However, in unforeseen circumstances such as non-availability of
kits/instrument breakdown/natural calamities/IT related problems etc.,reports may be delayed. LK Vet Care will ensure that this delay is minimal. (5) Any partial reproduction of this report in any form is not permitted.(6) This report is not to be used for any legal purposes or
any livestock relatedinsurance claims. (7) In case of any doubt or dispute, the report retrieved or printed by LK Vet Care will be treated as final.

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