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VCOP - Conjunctions

“but” or “or” - which is the best conjunction?

Tonight I will watch TV read a book.

I’m not a very fast runner I managed to win the race.
Should I wear the red jumper the blue jumper?
I like the red jumper the blue one suits 􀀅you better.
I wanted to play at the park mum took me shopping.
I wanted to play at the park go swimming.
Would you like an apple a banana?
I wanted an apple there were only bananas.
Goldilocks tried the porridge it was too hot.
I want to watch a fun􀀅film an action film.
I have to choose the chocolate lemon cake.
I like playing games I also like to read.
He tried to run a bath there was no hot water.
He needed a bath he would smell bad.
I like cats I don’t like dogs.
We couldn’t decide whether to get a cat a dog.


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