The Human Kingdoms

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Centre of beauty and knightly virtues, its

I NTRODUCTION inhabitants insist that in all the world there
truly is no place like Salvaygne. Once upon
Here follows a brief description of the many
a time, the Old Kingdom ruled all the human
lands in which our story takes place.
kingdoms until one day they rose in rebellion.
Even though its size is now vastly diminished,
the kingdom is still a prominent centre for the
This file is obviously not exhaustive. If you have
magical arts, and its Paladin orders are widely
any further questions or ideas, please let me know renowned. Salvaygne was the first land settled
so we can change it whatever way we want. This by the elves when they landed on these shores
document is merely here to give you some quick a thousand years ago. Even so, as elves were
background and inspiration to flesh out your never particularly numerous, even in the Old
character, and their place in the world Kingdom they are vastly outnumbered by the
human populace. Nevertheless, most of these
will have at least a few drops of elven blood in
them, and half-elves make up a sizable part of
C AMPAIGN S ETTING the population. While the wonders of the old
empire are still in evidence, Salvaygne is clearly
T HE L ANDS OF M EN a kingdom in decline, and most recently has
shut all of its borders, shielding the lands of
The starting point for our story centres around
from all outsiders.
the human kingdoms on the eve of war. Many
wonders exists beyond its border, and intrepid
adventurers can choose to venture far beyond C OURGRAVE
these realms. But our story, like all stories, Land of Kings, home of the Heartflame
needs to start somewhere. And this story starts
First among the breakaway human kingdoms,
with a chance meeting of a group of strangers,
since the Rebellion Courgrave has risen to
somewhere in a tavern on the edge of a forest,
rival the splendour of the Old Kingdom. It has
on the edge of a kingdom verging precariously
also become the dominant center of religion,
on the edge of war.
which revolves around the worship of an eternal
Heartflame. From its capital city of King’s
Rest, it’s High Priest shepherds his flock and
T HE D EMESNE keeps watch over the physical manifestation
Squabling lordlings and gathering storms of the Heartflame itself. Outside of Salvaygne,
Courgrave is home to most of the Paladins, and
This is where our story begins. The Demesne
alongside them stand the imposing Warforged.
is not one kingdom, but a collection of disparate
Iron-wrought constructs of metal, animated
minor lands who rose together in rebellion to
with the radiant powers of the Heartflame, these
break away from the dominion of Salvaygne
holy machines strike fear into the heart of any
some two-hundred years ago. Its home to
unbelievers they come across.
charming little villages, rolling hills and even
the famed wizard city of Costagne. Usually, the
individual lords are left to rule their lands as A RAMAR
they see fit, meeting in the Lord’s Conclave The mountainous bulwark
only very rarely. But word is that one of those
The mountainous kingdom of Aramar is often
times is fast approaching, as the spectre of war
called the last bulwark of men. Its mountain
now hangs over these once quiet lands.
ranges straddle the border with the dread lands
of Zamoyaar, and the famed Gryphon Riders
S ALVAYGNE of Aramar patrol this border ceaselessly. It’s a
The crowning glory of the Old Kingdom land of rugged beauty, with many things that
have long left the civilised world still present Hunter’s Guild. With the mountain passage to
here. Giants are said to still roam the slopes, the Orcish Wastes to its west, the inhabitants
and many a great adventurer is forged here. of Corvayn know better than to let their guard
W ENDMAR Apart from Osmar, Merodan is by far the
poorest of the human kingdoms. It was only
The Pearl of the East
through the intervention of Courgrave it ever
Situated on the western shores of the great gained its independence, and its proximity
Inner Sea, Wendmar is a place of trade and to the Salvagnian border means that its
naval voyage. Exceptional among the other population is more Elvish than most. The
kingdoms, after the Rebellion Wendmar chose rogue Paladins that also plague Stromdahl
to do away with its lords and kings, in favour of have their largest bases of support here, and
popular democracy. Its lands are also home its lord must sleep with one eye open in fear of
to the largest populations of Dwarves and their machinations.
Gnomes, whose craftmanship and engineering Of the kingdom of Osmar, that wretched
acumen has made Wendmar a renowned centre bandit hive, it is best to say little.
of science.
S TROMDAHL The Ancient Lands of the North
Land of a thousand streams Being the earliest of the human kingdoms to
The kingdom of Stromdahl is as rich in farms have freed themselves of the the Old Kingdom,
as it is in rivers, making it the breadbasket Illuskania shares only little in common with
for the region. Ruled by a well-liked lord, its the other human kingdoms. Worship of the
citizens enjoy a relatively quiet life, and prefer Heartflame is scarce here, the local populace
to keep it that way. That does not mean the instead worshipping a dizzying variety of
land is without danger, though. Bandits raid smaller gods. It’s harsh winters make for a
are common on its eastern border, and pockets cold people and a fierce warrior culture, but its
of gnolls and even the stray troll can be found cities are home to many wonders of the magical
hiding in caves and hidden groves. To the south arts and sciences too, and its many temples
bands of rogue paladin long for the days of the keep the legacy of the early human culture alive
Old Kingdom, and seek to return Stromdahl and well.
to the writ of Salvaygne once more. The Dread
Swamp that separates its northern border from Z AMOYAAR
Aramar is a constant source of consternation A mysterious threat beyond the Eastern border
for the locals, as savage swamp raiders and
creatures far more sinister make constant To outsiders, very little is known of the
incursions. vast lands of Zamoyaar. Once the earliest
home of Heartflame worship, tragedy snuffed
out its flame long ago. Now strange people
T HE L ESSER K INGDOMS with stranger gods inhabit its deep forests
Vintergaard, Corvayn, Merodan and Osmar and endless tundras. bordering Aramar
The remaining kingdoms, though far less and Illuskania to its east. The relationship
illustrous, do deserve proper mention. between Zamoyaar and its neighbors alternates
The city state of Vintergaard, though close to between indifference and outright hostility,
the lands of the The Demesne, nevertheless and it appears that this time the pendulum
is decidedly more Illuskan in nature. It’s is swinging its way to the latter once more, as
renowned for its famed Paladin Order, whose whispers speak of an imminent invasion keep
members are known to be amongst the bravest many of its neighboring lords awake at night.
and noblest in the world.
The sleepy kingdom of Corvayn sits on the
border of a great dark wood. Depending mostly
on its thriving logging industry, the kingdom
is perhaps best known for its famed Monster


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