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A Research
Presented to the Senior High School Department of
Poblacion, Talibon ,Bohol


In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirement for the Subject
Practical Research 1


Polestico Aiyana Kacey

Amen Helena Claire
Canencia Cherielyn
Escartin Jeuon Carlo
Fuentes Chiles Ashley
Millanes Yakov

January 2024
Chapter 1




Universities are becoming increasingly concerned about the high

rate of stress among senior high school students due to time constraints,

which are negatively impacting their wellbeing and academic

achievement. Students were merely required to study, and there was

never any thought of studying as a burdensome chore. The amount of

schoolwork that the students had to do rapidly to meet the early deadlines

turned out to be overwhelming. Students’ academic lives now include

stress due to poor time management. According to what Quiliano and

Quiliano (2020) have reported, on a universal scale, 14% of youth suicides

were related to academic stress; The National Crime Records Bureau

released information showing that one student commits suicide every hour

(Saha, 2017). Academic stress has been identified as the primary cause

of these alarming findings (Reddy et al., 2018).

Sagredo, Bizama, and Careaga (2020) argue that the employment

of time management as a tool in academic situations could potentially

mitigate the stress levels associated with academic activity. This is

because improved academic efficiency and productivity would lead to a

reduction in academic predicaments. Time management helps people

reduce their level of chronic stress by guiding pupils who are given too

much work to do. It significantly affects every pupil. Students benefit from

increased productivity and autonomy over their paths (Dierdorff, 2020).

Apparently, students who have good time management skills grow

in self-assurance, organization, and study productivity. For Senior High

school students, additional topics, exams, assignments, and

extracurricular activities are hard to manage and they need to learn

effective time management as a coping strategy (Robert, 2023). Learners

who employ efficient time management techniques can better focus and

handle the stress of taking on more responsibilities.

There is a need to evaluate how well time management techniques

work to lower stress, enhance overall well-being, and improve academic

success. Thus, researchers seek to comprehend the relationship between

Senior High school students’ lower stress levels and efficient time

management. Therefore, to lessen academic stress, this study would

investigate the connection between time management, academic

performance, and the adoption of good coping mechanisms like exercise,

social support, and leisure activities.

Literature Background

Academic stress has been rampant among students all over the

world. Students want to put on maximum effort in any and every school

work given. Academic stress is defined as mental suffering mainly caused

by academic pressure and mental frustration related to academic failure

(Lal, 2014).

According to Guevarra and Cimanes (2017), Students can mix up

their personal lives and academic work that while also trying to spend

sufficient time catching up with friends and families. They stated that

students should not be driven by stress due to its negative effects on their

wellness and that this is where constructing a coping strategy comes in

handy to reduce the possibility of being affected by its damaging effects.

Coping is defined as the gathering of ideas and behaviors to

manage stressful events in life (Algorani and Gupta, 2023). The

development of time management skills is important for students to

analyze different academic activities and create an effective schedule to

bring about the completion of each work as well as better planning

strategies (Wilson, Joiner, and Abbasi, 2021) that could lessen the

negative effects brought about by academic stress.

In the study titled Stress and Coping Strategies of Senior High

School Students: Basis for Action Plan by Gomez, Calonia, and Huera
(2021), the pressure of transitioning into the 12 curriculum-caused stress

on students. They concluded that when the students’ stress cannot be

managed properly, it may lead to additional problems that can have a

negative impact such as the feeling of loneliness and anxiety.

Furthermore, being in situations like these may impact the student’s

academic performance in school (Gomez, Calonia, and Huera, 2021).

In another study titled “The Study Efficacy of Time Management

Training on Increase Academic Time Management of Students” by

Nadinloyi, Hajloo, Garamaleki, and Sadeghi (2013), time management can

bring out numerous benefits. Time management can help individuals gain

control over themselves by completing more tasks on time, therefore,

avoiding falling behind which can also be another cause of stress and

anxiety. Practicing good time management can give an individual the

luxury of enjoying their free time reducing the negative effects of stress

(Nadinloyi, Hajloo, Garamaleki, and Sadeghi, 2013).

A study titled Time Management and Academic Stress in Lima

University Students by Lolandes, Zapata, Flores, and Fernández (2020)

stated that academic stress could have been reduced if there were proper

use of time management since it would allow academic efficiency and

productivity. They also stated in their study how students are pressured to

accomplish tasks from different academic programs in a limited time. This

generates stress because students lack an of understanding time

management techniques.
This study aims to understand the effects of time management as a coping mechanism
on Senior High School Students under academic stress

Republic Act No. 11036

Section 24- raise awareness
concerning mental health in
educational institutions and providing
Selye’s Theory proper support and treatment
Hypothesized how stress is the (Mental Health Act 2018)
vague response of the body to any
demand. DepED Order No. 9 s. 2005
(Tan and Yip, 2018) Utilizing the time allotments for
Pickle Jar Theory subjects in every school day to meet
explains how every activity in life required number of school days
can be balanced out. (Instituting measures to
(Wright, 2022) increase engaged time-on-
task and ensuring compliance
Coping Theory describes therewith)
the cognitive and behavioral efforts
a person employs in order to
manage stress. Republic Act No. 10533
(Garcia, 2010) Section 2- empowers individuals to
be through different factors including
the competence to engage in work
and being productive.
(Enhanced Basic Education
Act of 2013)

The Effects of Time Management as a Coping Mechanism on Senior High

School Students under Academic Stress



Proposed Action Plan

Figure 1. Theoretical Enrichment Program

There have been theories revolving around time management,

stress, and different coping mechanisms. Up until this day, Selye's 1936

paper in "Nature" has received a great deal of citations and has had a

significant impact on the entire subject of "stress." (Nageishi, 2015).

Rather than using the term employed in physics to describe the interaction

between things, Selye’s theory was the first to focus on stress as a

biological function. According to his theory, stress is linked to inflammatory

illnesses and other bodily conditions since it is probably the body’s way of

protecting itself from excessive demands or stimuli (Khiron Clinics, 2020).

The theory profoundly influenced the scientific study of stress.

Stress is a state that may be produced by different causes such as the

change of environment, and, possibly even pending school work. To meet

the goals set by an individual, they must find techniques and strategies to

cope with stress. The process is called coping with the stress, and it is

achieved through a compensatory process with physiologic and

psychological elements. (Current Nursing, 2023)

Stress happens frequently. Even though you are unable to

eliminate every stressor in your life, you can manage stress and keep your

health. This is significant because, according to (Higuera, 2018), stress

can result in mental exhaustion, irritability, and insomnia. Numerous

detrimental outcomes, such as low academic performance, anxiety,

despair, and ill health, have been connected to academic stress. (Travis,

2020). As it guarantees you have more time to rest and take care of other
things that can cause mental, emotional, or physical suffering, time

management skills can help lower your risk of burnout. You’re less worried

and stressed out when you have lots of time to complete your work

(McLean, 2023).

The Pickle Jar Theory (Wright, 2002) is a time management

solution that is both practical and straightforward. The Pickle Jar theory is

essentially predicated on the notion that time is finite, just like a pickle jar.

The volume or space of what is contained in the jar that is our life is finite.

Everyone spends time on important, less important, and trivial things

every day.

It aids in helping to prioritize the daily activities and schedule to

have more time rather than not enough hours in the day (Ansari, 2019).

According to the Pickle Jar Theory, everything has a function. The pickle

jar itself serves as a metaphor for our everyday lives, our activities, and

how we organize our time and responsibilities. All of the incoming calls,

emails, social media posts, and other disruptive elements are represented

by the sand. The jobs that take up our days and face us daily are

symbolized by the pebbles. The significant duties in our everyday life are

symbolized by the rocks (Mulder, 2017). This concept offers a framework

for determining what is important and what is not. This notion is significant

because it will simplify and lessen the daily stress associated with time

management (Miranda et al., 2020).

Lazarus and Folkman came up with a theory titled the Coping

Theory. They defined coping as the effort to manage stress. The Coping

Theory can be categorized into two: problem-focused coping – which

focuses on managing the sources of stress– and emotion-focused coping

– which delves into the regulation of stressful emotions (Surachman and

Almeida, 2018). Time Management can fall under both categories. Time

Management is a problem-focused coping mechanism in terms of dealing

with various problems within a limited time allotment and its goal is to

motivate students to address a problem by completing tasks using time

management skills and productivity. In a way, time management can also

be an emotion-focused coping mechanism because it reduces anxiety and

stress possibly caused by unmet school activity deadlines and


This study is rooted in the Republic Act No. 11036 also known as

the Mental Health Act of 2018. It states:

“raise awareness concerning mental health in

educational institutions and providing proper
support and treatment”

Students are constantly being pressured to get high marks in

school. This is to secure a place for themselves in higher education or

their desired professional courses. Higher marks mean higher market

value. Securing a place in higher education is seen as a competition by

both the students and the parents. To excel and keep up with others,

students are obligated to take additional classes and extracurricular

activities which can put additional stress on students, furthermore affecting

their mental health. (Subramani and Kadhiravan, 2017)

Keeping one’s mental health stable is crucial for all stages of an

individual’s life. It can be challenging for students to face their stress

alone. Educators need to help students and provide guidance as they face

academic stress (Elliott, 2020). The Mental Health Act of 2018 provides

support for the students as well as the academic staff’s mental well-being.

Through this law, students can be guided by teachers on how to cope with

academic stress, specifically, to teach or advise them with good time

management skills.

It has been observed that some schools are conducting activities

that are not included in the localized school calendar without permission

from the Division Office. Regarding this, conditions stated in DepEd Order

No. 9, s. 2005 titled “Instituting Measures to Increase Engaged Time-On-

Task and Ensuring Compliance Therewith” are reiterated for strict

compliance (Llgego,.2023).

The amount of Instructional time that students spend actively

participating in learning activities is known as engaged time or time-on-

task. To meet the required number of school days in the school year and

the time allotment for the various subjects in each school day, less time

should be spent on activities that require teachers and students to leave

the classroom, and more time should be spent using the time allotted for
each subject, and fewer teaching duties should be assigned to teachers

(Limbaco, 2014).

The secret to moving forward in life is effectively managing this

resource, which is shared by all, and giving planning enough attention

through effective time management. Even though time shifts were used

effectively and efficiently for the assignments, the demand for time design

has increased due to the ongoing expansion of knowledge, information,

and abilities expected of today’s representatives. Effective time

management makes it possible to work powerfully and productively, which

is the path to success in public engagement (Ahmad, Batool & Choudhry.,


Republic Act No. 10533 or an Act Enhancing The Philippine Basic

Education System by Strengthening Its Curriculum and Increasing The

Number of Years for Basic Education, Appropriating Funds Therefor and

for Other Purposes Known as the Enhanced Basic, also known as the

Education Act of 2013, seeks to improve the curriculum, give instructors

and students additional academic support, and lengthen the basic

education cycle from 10 to 12 years to fortify the Philippine educational

system. This law establishes kindergarten as a prerequisite for enrollment

in schools, extends senior high school by two years, and creates a new

curriculum framework to produce Filipino students who are globally

competitive and well-rounded. To facilitate its execution, it also offers

financing for other resources including teacher training and infrastructure.

As a result, pupils have more time to ascend, pick up useful skills,

and identify their talents. Furthermore, the legislation acknowledges the

variety of languages spoken in the Philippines and promotes the use of

students' native tongues as the foundational language. This facilitates their

initial steps and builds their confidence before they go to higher rungs in

Filipino and English.

In summary, by offering more time, assistance, and an inclusive

learning environment, RA 10533 improves the educational system. In

addition to strengthening their foundation, students gain the

knowledge, abilities, and self-assurance necessary to realize their

greatest potential.
“it is hereby declared the policy of the State that every
graduate of basic education shall be an empowered
individual who has learned, through a program that is
rooted on sound educational principles and geared
towards excellence, the foundations for learning
throughout life, the competence to engage in work and be
productive, the ability to coexist in fruitful harmony with
local and global communities, the capability to engage in
autonomous, creative, and critical thinking, and the
capacity and willingness to transform others and one’s
Integrating the following theories and legal bases aids in conducting

research that sheds light on the effects of time management as a coping

mechanism for students who are experiencing academic stress. This

research also highlights the importance of time management skills among

students to lessen the possible negative effects that are brought about by

educational pressure leading to academic stress.


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to understand the effects of time management as a

coping mechanism on Senior High School Students under academic


The research also addresses the following questions:

1. What are the student’s perceptions of time management?

2. What are the student’s perceptions of academic stress?

3. How is academic stress conceptualized in terms of:

2.1 quizzes;

2.3 examinations;

2.3 school projects; and

2.4 maintaining grades?

4. What are the most effective time management strategies for students?

5. How is time management established in students:

3.1 quizzes;

3.2 examinations;

3.3 school projects; and

3.4 maintaining grades?

6. What are the long-term effects of time management as a coping mechanism

on student’s mental health?

7. How recommendations can be made to teach time management skills to

students in coping with and improving their academic performance?

Significance of the study

This study focuses on the effects of time management as a

coping mechanism for students in senior high school under

academic stress. The results of this study will be beneficial to the


Students. The students will know the importance of time

management as a coping mechanism, as well as inform them about

the effects of time management as a coping mechanism for

academic stress.

Teacher and Mentors. The results of this study will help the

teachers and mentors create effective schedules that make it easier

for students to catch up with other academic activities as well as to

come up with possible ways to help lessen the negative effects of

academic stress on the students.

Parents. The results of this study will give knowledge to the

parents about the effects of time management as a coping

mechanism for academic stress and provide helpful advice and

guidance to the students.

Future researchers. The findings of this study will serve as

reference material as a guide for future researchers who wish to

conduct studies related to time management as a coping

mechanism for students under academic stress.

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Wright, J. (2002, June 22). Time Management: The Pickle Jar Theory. A List


Address : Bagacay, Talibon, Bohol
Age : 16
Nationality : Filipino
Date of Birth : September 16, 2007
Place of Birth : Quezon City
Gender : Female
Name of Father : Rechie Boy O. Amen
Name of Mother : Maria Elena M. Auza
Languages : English, Filipino, Cebuano
Civil Status : Single

Secondary Education
Senior High School
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand
Blessed Trinity College – A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
S.Y. 2023-2024

Junior High School

Blessed Trinity College – A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
S.Y. 2022-2023

Elementary Education
Dasmariñas II Central School
Brgy, Burol Main, Dasmariñas, Cavite
S.Y. 2018-2019
Address : San Isidro, Talibon, Bohol
Age : 17
Date of Birth
Address : January 5,Talibon,
: Poblacion, 2007 Bohol
Age of Birth :
: 17Talibon, Bohol
Nationality : Female
: Filipino
Name of Father
Date of Birth : Carlo D.4,
: February Canencia
Place Mother : Maria Lina
: Talibon, BoholG. Canencia
Gender : English, Filipino, Cebuano
: Male
Civil of
Name Status
Father : Single Jr. Gulle Escartin
: Benedicto
Name of Mother : Caryl C. Escartin
Languages : English, Filipino, Cebuano
Secondary Education
Civil Status : Single
Senior High School
EDUCATIONAL Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand
Blessed Trinity
Secondary EducationCollege – A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Senior Talibon, Bohol
High School
S.Y. 2023-2024
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand
Blessed Trinity College – A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Junior High
Poblacion, SchoolBohol
S.Y. 2023-2024 School
San Isidro High
San Isidro, Talibon, Bohol
S.Y. 2022-2023
Junior High School
San Jose National High School
Saan Education
Jose, Talibon, Bohol
S.Y. Isidro Elementary School
San Isidro, Talibon, Bohol
S.Y. 2018-2019
Primary and Elementary Education
Talibon Central Elementary School
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
S.Y. 2018-2019

Address : San Agustin, Talibon, Bohol
Age : 17
Nationality : Filipino
Date of Birth : November 6, 2006
Place of Birth : Talibon, Bohol
Gender : Female
Name of Father : Francisco N. Fuentes
Name of Mother : Marieta A. Fuentes
Languages : English, Filipino, Cebuano
Civil Status : Single

Secondary Education
Senior High School
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand
Blessed Trinity College – A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
S.Y. 2023-2024

Junior High School

President Carlos P.Garcia Memorial High school
San Agustin, Talibon, Bohol
S.Y. 2022-2023

Primary and Elementary Education

San Roque Elementary School
San Roque, Talibon, Bohol
S.Y. 2018-2019

Address : Taytay, Getafe, Bohol
Age : 17
Nationality : Filipino
Date of Birth : February 14, 2006
Place of Birth : Tagbilaran City
Gender : Male
Name of Father : N/A
Name of Mother : Yvonne P. Millanes
Languages : English, Filipino, Cebuano
Civil Status : Single

Secondary Education
Senior High School
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand
Blessed Trinity College – A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
S.Y. 2023-2024

Junior High School

Galbreath International School
Tugas, Getafe, Bohol
S.Y. 2022-2023

Primary and Elementary Education

Galbreath International School
Tugas, Getafe, Bohol
S.Y. 2018-2019

Address : Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
Age : 17
Nationality : Filipino
Date of Birth : November 20, 2006
Place of Birth : Tagbilaran City
Gender : Female
Name of Father : Raulito A. Polestico
Name of Mother : Ma. Antoniette A. Mumar
Languages : English, Filipino, Cebuano
Civil Status : Single

Secondary Education
Senior High School
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand
Blessed Trinity College – A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
S.Y. 2023-2024

Junior High School

Blessed Trinity College – A.R. of Talibon, Bohol, Inc.
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
S.Y. 2022-2023

Primary and Elementary Education

Talibon Central Elementary School
Poblacion, Talibon, Bohol
S.Y. 2018-2019

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