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firstly, first of all, (at first) In my opinion / In my view

secondly, thirdly, finally As far as I know (mainly speaking…)
eventually / in the end I believe that
all in all / in conclusion / overall I really think that / I really don’t think that
To sum up (mainly speaking, but…)
Last but not least We shouldn’t forget that
We shouldn’t forget about sth
although / however / even though We shouldn’t forget about the fact that
on the one hand / on the other hand We should also remember that
for instance / for example I think we/you should
fortunately / unfortunately / (luckily) Maybe we/you should (also) consider

what’s more / what is more as a result

to make matters worse (based on (the fact that) )
actually, well, basically, so (speaking…!) apart from (the fact that)
since / in fact / (as long as) in that / this case / in most cases
therefore partly because / simply because
in addition (to) other than that
besides (I don’t want to go. Besides, it’s too late.) in general
besides (We’ve a lot to talk about besides sports.) in other words
in brief / in short
concerning / regarding / in connection with at the same time
As for me / As for…(the disadvantages)
believe it or not strangely/funnily enough
according to…(some statistics) interestingly enough
whereas (Tom likes fish, whereas Géza doesn’t.) in the long/short term + in the long/short run
be keen on / be fond of / be into
instead (of) / especially make an exception
despite (the fact that) / in spite of to take steps / measures (to/against)
reach an agreement
It seems to me (that) currently / extraordinary
I am sure that / I am convinced that it is highly unlikely / (to be) likely to
It is true that… so-called / crucial
(If that was true…) to play an important role (in)
Many people think (that) to play a significant role (in)
Some people think that (in terms of – In terms of money, this is a better
that’s (the reason) why workplace. / in terms of importance…)

It’s not a question of choice. + conditionals

Is it really worth it? / It’s worth a try. + advantage / disadvantage
The question arises = pros and cons

anyway / by the way afterwards

To be honest / Honestly Are you saying that…
To tell the truth Another thing is that
Well, look at it this way. Another reason is that
Just think about… so to say / so to speak
I forgot to mention After all, I’d say
‘Are you sure?’ – ‘I’m positive.’ Well, I have to / must say that…
if I know well (mainly speaking) If I were you / If I were in your
I would say (that) shoes/position
To start/begin with (To put it) in a nutshell
Correct me if I’m wrong judging from my own experience
as far as I remember Chances are (that)…
Let’s / We should give it a try There seems to be…
To give (you) an example of what I mean / It is quite possible (that)
of that It looks (to me) as if/though…
Let me give you an example (of…) If I remember well / correctly
make sure Let’s face it…
after a while / after a time / shortly


Exactly / Not exactly. Are you saying that…?

Precisely. / Perhaps I see what you mean, but I still think…
That’s true. / That’s right. I see why you’re saying that, but…
Yes, that’s true, but let’s not/ don’t forget that Sorry to interrupt, but...
Yes, that’s partly true, but don’t forget… I’ll go along with that.
Yes, that’s true. I haven’t thought of that. (Others take the opposite view.)
Not really. / (That’s rubbish!) Let’s leave/put that idea/question to one
Certainly. / Naturally / (Yes,) Obviously side for a moment. / (Putting that to one
I’m (exactly) of the same opinion. side for a moment…)
I’m not (exactly) of the same opinion.
You’re right. / You’re probably right. +
You are absolutely right.
I see your point. / I take your point. Let’s start with
Let me think. / Let me see. So, let’s look at the different options.
You’re missing the point. We could / can also mention / talk about
I have to agree with you. What can we talk about here?
I couldn’t agree more. What is your opinion?
I (quite) agree however/but… What’s your take on this/it?
I absolutely/totally/completely agree What do you say / think (about it)?
I absolutely/totally/completely disagree Do you have any comments on…
I don’t/can’t agree, I’m afraid. Let’s discuss / see the details.
(I’m afraid I don’t agree with you.) Let’s agree on that. / Let’s try and agree.
I guess you could be right So, have we reached a decision?
Additionally, / Besides (all these) That’s decided, then. ☺

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