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6C Can you get away with it?

You are a gang of bank robbers. You are planning to steal £1 million from the vault of the bank in Axbury.
Use the map of Axbury and information below to help you plan your robbery and your escape. You are then going to
present your plan to your classmates. You must answer these questions in your presentation:
• When are you going to commit the robbery?
• What part in the robbery is each of you going to play?
• How are you going to enter the bank and gain access to the vault?
• How are you going to deal with the security measures?
• What are you going to put the money in?
• How are you going to exit the bank and get away?

Important information
1 The bank is open from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
There is a security officer with a guard dog in the bank 24/7. The officers and dogs
work an eight-hour shift and change over at 6 a.m., 2 p.m. and 10 p.m.
There is a CCTV camera inside the bank, which tracks between the vault door and the
tellers’ desks. It is monitored 24/7 at the bank’s headquarters and the Axbury police
are phoned in the case of an emergency.
The vault is surrounded by a steel wall and can only be accessed from inside the bank.
To open the vault door, you need the eight-digit combination number. This number
is known only by the bank manager and one of the tellers, who works at the middle
desk. The bank manager goes out for lunch from 1−1.30 p.m. and the middle teller from
1.30−2 p.m. The other tellers have a break from 2−2.30 p.m.
There are alarms under all three teller desks. These can be pressed in an emergency
and connect directly to Axbury police station.
Bus services run west to east and east to west every five minutes. Trains run north
to south every hour on the hour and south to north every hour on the half hour. When
trains pass, the level crossing gates close.

Solutions 2nd edition Intermediate © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS • PHOTOCOPIABLE

6C Can you get away with it?

You are a gang of bank robbers. You are planning to steal £1 million from the vault of the bank in Axbury.
Use the map of Axbury and information below to help you plan your robbery and your escape. You are then going to
present your plan to your classmates. You must answer these questions in your presentation:
• When are you going to commit the robbery?
• What part in the robbery is each of you going to play?
• How are you going to enter the bank and gain access to the vault?
• How are you going to deal with the security measures?
• What are you going to put the money in?
• How are you going to exit the bank and get away?

Important information
1 The bank is open from Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
There is a security officer with a guard dog in the bank 24/7. The officers and dogs
work an eight-hour shift and change over at 6 a.m., 2 p.m. and 10 p.m.
There is a CCTV camera inside the bank, which tracks between the vault door and the
tellers’ desks. It is monitored 24/7 at the bank’s headquarters and the Axbury police
are phoned in the case of an emergency.
The vault is surrounded by a steel wall and can only be accessed from inside the bank.
To open the vault door, you need the eight-digit combination number. This number
is known only by the bank manager and one of the tellers, who works at the middle
desk. The bank manager goes out for lunch from 1−1.30 p.m. and the middle teller from
1.30−2 p.m. The other tellers have a break from 2−2.30 p.m.
There are alarms under all three teller desks. These can be pressed in an emergency
and connect directly to Axbury police station.
Bus services run west to east and east to west every five minutes. Trains run north
to south every hour on the hour and south to north every hour on the half hour. When
trains pass, the level crossing gates close.

Solutions 2nd edition Intermediate © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS • PHOTOCOPIABLE

6C Can you get away with it?

Aims To give students the opportunity to work in a group

to analyse information and plan a robbery. To deliver a short
Time 15 minutes
Materials 1 handout for each group of four students
• Divide the class into groups of four. Give each group a copy
of the handout, and read the task and information.
• Allow students time in their group to plan their bank robbery.
Circulate and monitor, helping out with ideas and answering
any queries as necessary.
• Each group presents their robbery plan to the class. When
each group has finished, encourage the others to point out
potential difficulties with the plan and ask questions.
• When all the presentations have been given, get feedback
from students on which plan they think would be most /
least likely to succeed and the reasons for their choices.

Solutions 2nd edition Intermediate © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS

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