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Atmospheric Research 299 (2024) 107177

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Aerosol impacts on summer precipitation forecast over the North China

Plain by using Thompson aerosol-aware scheme in WRF: Statistical analysis
and significant threat score improvements in polluted condition during
June to August 2018
Chunwei Guo a, Dan Chen a, *, 1, Min Chen a, *, Shuting Zhang a, Jianping Guo b, Zhanshan Ma c
Institute of Urban Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100089, China
State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China
Earth System Modeling and Prediction Centre, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China


Keywords: The North China Plain (NCP) is one of the most polluted areas in China, and the impacts of such high-levels of
Aerosol-aware scheme aerosols on clouds and precipitation remain an interesting issue with great uncertainties. From the perspective of
Statistical analysis regional numerical weather prediction, how to consider the role of aerosols is still a controversial issue
TS scores
considering the balance between the complexities/uncertainties of the model (aerosol-radiation-cloud in­
Polluted-precipitation cases
teractions) and computational costs. To evaluate the reliability of the Thompson aerosol-aware schemes and
promote operational applications in the Weather Research and Forecasting model (WRF), summer precipitation
forecast with three experiments that considered no aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions (Thomp), aerosol-cloud
interactions only (ThompAI) and full aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions (ThompAD) from June to August 2018
were carried out. Detailed statistics of the 3-h and 24-h cumulative precipitation skills were calculated for two
groups, which included the entire summer season and selected polluted-precipitation events (26 days) only, were
analyzed. The results showed that the overall Threat Scores (TS) for the 26 polluted-precipitation events were
lower than those of the other group (the whole summer season)for either Thomp, ThompAI or ThompAD, which
revealed that the forecasting abilities for polluted-precipitation cases in the model were obviously lower than
those for the nonpolluted precipitation cases, indicating deficiencies in parameterizing the special conditions on
polluted days. Nevertheless, for both groups, after using the aerosol-aware Thompson schemes (either ThompAI
or ThompAD), the TS scores for most magnitudes (0.1, 1, 5, 10, and 25 mm) were significantly increased
compared to the original Thomp experiment, with the exception being for precipitation amounts >50 mm.
Meanwhile the BIAS of each magnitude also increased for both ThompAI and ThompAD due to the spatial in­
crease in areas with precipitation compared to the original Thomp experiment. The TS improvements were more
significant in the ThompAD experiment than in the ThompAI experiment. Compared with the original Thomp
experiment, the ThompAD improvement ratios for the 24-h cumulative precipitation TSs were 3.01%, 4.91%,
2.05%, 13.58%, 7.80% for 0.1 mm, 1 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm, 25 mm precipitation magnitudes respectively; and the
improvements were significantly higher when the statistics window was changed from 24-h to 3-h, with 3-h
cumulative precipitation TS improvements reaching 10.23%, 5.09%, 11.50%, 17.4%, 14.30%, respectively,
indicating the impacts that considering aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in changing the precipitation pat­
terns (fall zone and amounts) in the model were more effective for 3-h windows compared to 24-h windows. Case
studies of selected light-rain, medium-scale rain and heavy rain events further revealed the positive impacts of
the Thompson aerosol-aware schemes, and the precipitated areas were much closer to the observations. The
reason why ThompAD did not show obvious advantages for large-scale precipitation (50 mm magnitude) may be
due to the complex relationship involving aerosol-cold cloud interactions in the model and the randomness
caused by inadequate an individual number of cases. The statistics for positive precipitation forecast skill

* Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses:, (D. Chen), (M. Chen).
Current address: Institute of Energy, Peking University, Beijing 100091, China.
Received 26 September 2023; Received in revised form 21 November 2023; Accepted 9 December 2023
Available online 12 December 2023
0169-8095/© 2023 Published by Elsevier B.V.
C. Guo et al. Atmospheric Research 299 (2024) 107177

improvements for the NCP region provide confidence in the application of the Thompson aerosol-aware scheme
in the WRF model in the future.

1. Introduction concentrations and cloud/precipitation systems by using different

modeling/schemes, conclusions of aerosol invigorating and suppressing
Cloud microphysical processes are one of the most important non- precipitation were both drawn, even at different stages of a single pre­
adiabatic heating physical processes in mesoscale numerical models cipitation event or different types/scales of precipitation. For example,
(Chen et al., 2004) for determining precipitation. Studies have shown in Guo et al. (2013), a summer convective precipitation case in Beijing
that accurate expressions of cloud microphysical processes would be an was simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting model
enormous challenge, even more difficult than improving model grid coupled with Chemistry model (WRF-Chem), and the results showed
resolutions (Roh and Satoh, 2014; Fan et al., 2016). Aerosol-cloud- that the increase in urban aerosol concentrations increased the regional
interactions are a very important aspect of cloud microphysics pro­ average precipitation, which had an enhancing effect on heavy precip­
cesses which also cause precipitation redistributions at both the global itation but inhibited weak precipitation. Feng et al. (2023) reported that
climate and regional meteorology scales. Although there has been much dust particles can increase extreme precipitation by promoting the for­
research on the response-chain of aerosol-cloud-precipitation, contro­ mation of ice clouds and enhancing convections in North China. Fan
versial conclusions based on purely observational data have been drawn et al. (2014) studied the effects of CCN and IN on precipitation using a
that aerosols can suppress and invigorate precipitation under different binning microphysics scheme in WRF mode. The results show that when
circumstances (Rosenfeld, 1999; Shepherd and Burian, 2003; Koren the IN concentration is high, the increased CCN concentration increases
et al., 2005; Lin et al., 2006; Yuan et al., 2008; Bell et al., 2009; Altaratz precipitation, while when the IN concentration is low, the increased
et al., 2014; Storer et al., 2014; Jiang et al., 2018; Khatri et al., 2022). CCN concentration decreases precipitation, and because the IN con­
Various conceptual models have been developed to describe the com­ centration affects the efficiency of the ice-phase process. To obtain
plexities of the interaction paths between aerosols and cloud micro­ confidence to promote operational applications in numerical weather
physics. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Report (IPCC, forecast, two essential conditions are required: (1) a balance of the
2013) clearly states that cloud physical processes and their feedback system complexities and computational costs; (2) statistical analysis and
mechanisms are the largest contributors to uncertainty in numerical overall forecast improvement.
model forecasting (Houghton et al., 2001; Yin et al., 2014), while As North China Plain (NCP) is one of the most polluted areas in China
aerosol-cloud interactions through cloud condensation nuclei (CCN)/ice and also in the world, the operational applications considering aerosol
nuclei (IN) size and number concentrations are one of the most uncer­ impacts on clouds and precipitation in numerical weather forecast are
tain factors in climate modeling. much more urgent than in other relatively cleaner regions, given the
Cloud microphysical schemes considering aerosol effects were evidence of significant precipitation changes caused by aerosols from
developed with significant simplifications and first applied in climate adequate scientific case studies. In an effort to address this issue, we
modeling only. Initially, a simple empirical relationship between the conducted a four-year joint project called “Aerosol-cloud-precipitation
number of cloud droplets and the mass or quantity of aerosols was used interaction mechanism and regional modeling application in North
with the disadvantage that the size/composition of cloud droplets and China Plain”. To obtain reliability, WRF considering aerosol impacts in
relevant physical processes (such as updrafts) were not considered cloud microphysics was used, and solid improvement in precipitation
(Jones and Slingo, 1996; Menon et al., 2002). Due to the influence of forecast skills in polluted conditions in June–August 2018 were
particle size distributions and chemical compositions in aerosol activa­ demonstrated.
tion, the calculations of the CCN concentration vary greatly. Ghan et al. We summarized our analysis and statistics by using the Thompson
(1993) developed a physics-based parametric scheme that enables the aerosol-aware scheme in WRF, as this scheme incorporates the latest
rapid calculation of CCN concentrations. In recent studies (Shen et al., updates and shows a good balance between computational expenses and
2019), CCN concentrations were obtained from the size distributions of system complexity. A three-month statistics of precipitation forecast
particles, and the relationships between CCN number concentrations skills were obtained to verify its capability over a long period, and the
and optical properties (e.g., backscatter coefficient, Angstrom scattering results were summarized in this paper.
index, and total extinction scattering coefficient) were established. For The paper is organized as follows. The experimental design is pro­
IN, in Meyers et al. (1992), an empirical calculation formula was vided in Section 2: three simulations were conducted: namely one that
established based on a continuous flow diffusion chamber, and this did not consider aerosol information by using the Thompson scheme
empirical relationship is currently widely used by various models. (Thomp), one that considered aerosol-cloud interaction only by using
DeMott et al. (2010) proposed a parametric scheme for calculating IN the aerosol-aware Thompson scheme (ThompAI) and one that consid­
concentrations based on aerosol type, that considers the influence of ered full aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions by using the aerosol-aware
environmental conditions, which is currently the most commonly used Thompson scheme (ThompAD). The statistical results (in terms of the
method. overall Threat Score (TS) for different precipitation thresholds) are
In regional-scale numerical simulations, an increasing number of given in Section 3. To clearly show the improvements, the statistics in
scientific studies aiming to investigate the impacts of aerosols on clouds Section 3 were conducted for two groups, namely, the whole summer
and precipitation have recently been conducted (Cui et al., 2011; Khain days and selected polluted-precipitation days. As controversial conclu­
et al., 2011; Seifert et al., 2012; Guo et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2017; Guo sions were drawn from several different case studies, it is important to
et al., 2019; Yang et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2022); verify the model capabilities and stability under different cases, which
however, operational applications in numerical weather forecast have are given in Section 4. The discussion and summary are given in Section
not yet been widely considered. Two important reasons that hinder the 5.
consideration of aerosol-cloud interactions in operational numerical
weather prediction systems (NWP) are: (1) the balance of uncertainties 2. Experimental design and Thompson schemes
of the aerosol-cloud interaction path and the uncertainties of micro­
physics itself; (2) the balance of the complexity/computational expenses 2.1. Experimental design
and the improvement in precipitation forecast skills. According to case-
by-case scientific studies under different aerosol background In this paper, the WRF model was used. The model domain is shown

C. Guo et al. Atmospheric Research 299 (2024) 107177

in Fig. 1, including most of North China, with a horizontal resolution of using the aerosol-aware Thompson scheme.
3 km, 550 × 424 grid points in the horizontal direction and 59 vertical The Thompson aerosol-aware scheme (Thompson and Eidhammer,
layers (model top at 10 hPa). The simulation period is from 08:00 on 2014) optimizes and improved on the original Thompson scheme
June 1, 2018, to 08:00 on September 1, 2018 (BJT, Beijing time). At (Thompson et al., 2008) by adding the effect of aerosols in a simple and
08:00 BJT every day, the global fine-grid forecasting products of the low-consumption method that allows aerosol information to be read.
European Numerical Weather Prediction Centre (ECMWF) (including The original Thompson et al. (2008) has a total of 5 types of hydrome­
pressure layer data of 0.25◦ , and 4 layers soil temperature and humidity teor particles, namely, cloud water, rainwater, graupel, snow, and ice
data of 0.125◦ ) were used as the initial conditions and lateral boundary crystals. To reduce computational costs, previous versions used one-
conditions for 24-h forecast. The main physical schemes include the parameter forecasting for cloud water, snow and graupel (only pre­
Yonsei University (YSU) boundary layer scheme (Hong et al., 2006), the dicted mass concentrations), but dual-parameter forecasting (mass
Rapid Radiative Transfer Model for General Circulation Models concentrations and number concentrations) for cloud ice and rainwater;
(RRTMG) longwave and shortwave radiation scheme (Iacono et al., the number concentrations of cloud water, snowflakes and graupel was
2008), the National Center for Environmental Prediction, Oregon State deteremined based on mass concentration and size distribution as­
University, Air Force, and Hydrologic Research Lab’s (NOAH) land- sumptions. The Thompson aerosol-aware scheme incorporates the pro­
surface module (Chen and Dudhia, 2001; Ek et al., 2003), and the cess of cloud condensation nuclei and ice nuclei so that the
cloud radiation option selected as 3. concentrations of cloud droplets, snow, and graupel are also predicted.
In addition to aerosol-cloud interactions, it is still interesting to The aerosols in the scheme are distinguished by “water-friendly aerosol”
investigate the overall changes with the additional aerosol-radiation (Nwfa) and “ice-friendly aerosol” (Nifa). Hydrophilic aerosols are a
interactions for these long period statistics, since solid scientific evi­ combination of sulfates, sea salts and organic matter. Ice-friendly
dences show that aerosol-radiation interactions lead to atmosphere aerosols are based on a sand dust aerosol number concentration of
thermodynamic parameter changes that may cause/trigger certain 0.5 μm, as this kind of dust is very active and is ubiquitous in the at­
sensitive conditions reaching rainfall threshold (Fan et al., 2008; Ghan mosphere (DeMott et al., 2003; Richardson et al., 2007; Hoose et al.,
et al., 2012; Huang et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2017). For this reason, to 2010; Murray et al., 2012). The nucleation of dust particles into ice
conduct the overall forecast performance statistics in this study, the crystals as described by DeMott et al. (2010) is used. The scheme cal­
other option in the Thompson scheme that considers the full aerosol- culations are different according to the supersaturation status: when
radiation-cloud interaction is also tested. Three sets of experiments are supersaturation is reached, condensation and then infiltrating freezing
designed: the control case (denoted as Thomp) uses Thompson scheme process is calculated, and when supersaturation is not reached, desu­
without considering aerosol information, and the other two cases blimation process is calculated. The aerosol information used in the
consider aerosol-cloud interactions only (denoted as the ThompAI) and aerosol-aware scheme here is derived from Colarco et al. (2010) Aerosol
full aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions (denoted as the ThompAD) climate field data with a resolution of 0.5◦ × 1.25◦ simulated by the

Fig. 1. Simulation domain and terrain height (Units: meters).

(BJ: Beijing, TJ: Tianjin, HB: Hebei, SX: Shanxi, SAX: Shaanxi, SD: Shandong, NM: Inner Mongolia, GS: Gansu, and NX: Ningxia).

C. Guo et al. Atmospheric Research 299 (2024) 107177

2001–2007 Global Model GOCART (Goddard Chemistry Aerosol Radi­ significantly improve compared to the Thomp test, but the BIAS
ation and Transport). increased significantly, indicating that the false alarms of precipitation
occur even more widely in terms of spatial distribution. Table 1 calcu­
2.2. Observed precipitation data and statistical method lates the average TS score for the 3-h cumulative precipitation in the
three months. In general, the TS score of 0.1 mm precipitation after
The observation data used in this study consist of the cumulative using aerosol-aware Thompson scheme can be improved by >8%
precipitation values that were obtained by >700 automatic stations in compared with the Thomp test, and the ThompAD test is higher; for the
North China for 3-h and 24-h periods. At the same time, to quantitatively TS scores of 1 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm, and 25 mm magnitude precipitation,
evaluate the performance of the numerical forecast, the predicted values there are 1%–6% of improvements with different degrees; and for 50
of the grid point features produced by the model are interpolated to the mm precipitation, due to the low frequency of such a large amount of
observation stations by using bilinear interpolation method, and the precipitation, the strong randomness, and the complex mechanism of
statistical analysis and comparisons with the observation values are action of the aerosol-cold cloud process, the ThompAI and ThompAD
carried out. The statistical analysis of precipitation forecast skills tests did not have higher TS scores than the Thomp test, indicating the
include TS (threat score) score, BIAS (bias score) score, POD (probability inclusion of aerosols even had a negative effect on 50 mm precipitation.
of detection), and FAR (false alarm ratio), and the calculation formulas As seen from the 24-h cumulative precipitation scores of the three
for each variable are as follows: tests (Fig. 3 and Table 2), for precipitation amounts below 50 mm, the TS
scores of ThompAI and ThompAD tests were significantly higher than
TS = NA/(NA + NB + NC) (1)
the Thomp test, and the TS scores of ThompAD (aerosol-radiation-cloud
interaction) test were slightly higher than those of ThompAI (aerosol-
BIAS = (NA + NB)/(NA + NC) (2)
cloud interaction only) test, especially that the TS scores of the 10 mm
POD = NA/(NA + NC) (3) and 25 mm magnitude precipitation could increase by approximately
5–10%. After considering aerosol effect, the BIAS for each precipitation
FAR = NB/(NA + NB) (4) level is significantly higher than that of the experiment without
considering the aerosol effect, indicating that the overall precipitated
where NA, NB, and NC indicate the number of stations with accurate area become larger with a wider spatial distribution, and the added
precipitation forecasts (Hit), false alarms, and missing data, respec­ consideration of aerosol-radiation interactions helps to further increase
tively. The TS score indicates the accuracy of the forecast; its value is the precipitation forecast skill in the statistical time window of 24 h.
between 0 and 1, and the higher the score is, the better the forecast. BIAS Similar to the 3-h cumulative precipitation, for precipitation above 50
indicates the forecast relative to the observed precipitation range; bias mm, due to the small number of precipitation cases and sites, the
value >1 indicates overall false alarms for precipitation, and the larger randomness is relatively strong, so the TS score does not have a signif­
the value is, the more serious the precipitation overestimation; bias icant meaningful change. Table 2 shows the more detailed average
value <1 indicates overall missing precipitation, and the smaller the precipitation statistics for the three sets of experiments, of which HIT/
value is, the more serious the precipitation underestimation. POD is used MISSIING/FALSE ALARM indicate the number of sites under three
to characterize the proportion of the forecast precipitation area in the different conditions, namely, HIT-precipitation observed and model
actual precipitation area, and the higher the value is, the better the predicted to also have precipitation; MISSING-precipitation observed,
forecast skill. FAR is the false alarm rate for the mode. but not reported in the forecast; FALSE ALARM -no precipitation
Different levels of precipitation intensity in this study are selected observed, but the model predicted precipitation. Regardless of the pre­
from the general threshold, namely, 0.1 mm, 10 mm, 25 mm, 50 mm, cipitation magnitude, the ThompAI and ThompAD tests have signifi­
and 100 mm, representing the thresholds of light rain, moderate rain, cantly increased the number of HIT sites compared to the Thomp test,
heavy rain, rainstorm and extraordinarily heavy rainstorm, respectively. especially for 0.1 mm precipitation, and the number of HIT can increase
When calculating the TS and BIAS scores, precipitation greater than or by approximately 20 sites; in addition to the precipitation of 10 mm, the
equal to these thresholds are counted in the score of the threshold. HIT number in the ThompAD test is greater than that in the ThompAI
test, which is exactly the reason for the significant increase in the TS
3. Effects of aerosols on precipitation forecast score. Correspondingly, the number of MISSING sites in the ThompAI
and ThompAD tests decreased significantly compared to the Thomp test,
3.1. Statistics for the entire summer season and the number of FALSE ALARM sites increased due to the increase in
the precipitated areas spatially for various magnitudes.
To quantitatively compare the forecast effects of the three tests, the
TS and BIAS scores for the cumulative precipitation in June–August 3.2. Statistics of 26 polluted-precipitation events in the Beijing-Tianjin-
2018 for 3 h and 24 h are calculated here. Fig. 2 shows the TS and BIAS Hebei region
scores for the three tests of the 3 h cumulative precipitation. For pre­
cipitation in the range of 0.1 mm and 1 mm, after using the aerosol- The pollution level in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is relatively
aware Thompson scheme and regardless of whether the aerosol- high compared to those in other regions in China, which means that the
radiation interaction is considered, the precipitation TS scores are background concentrations of aerosols in the region are relatively higher
significantly improved at all times compared with the Thompson than those in other regions. For this region, pollution events frequently
scheme, and the BIAS is also significantly increased (over 1), indicating occur. Thus, it is interesting to analyze the impact of aerosols on pre­
that the precipitation forecast skill increases. At the same time, that cipitation under polluted conditions. After screening the summer pre­
indicates that the prediction effect is better in terms of whether it rains cipitation cases from June to August 2018, 26 typical polluted-
or not in the aerosol-aware Thompson scheme. The Thomp test has a precipitation cases in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region were selected,
certain tendency to miss precipitation forecast at 0.1 mm and 1 mm, and the screening criteria for polluted-precipitation cases were that the
resulting in a BIAS of <1 at some times, and the ThompAI and ThompAD daily-average PM2.5 concentrations were >50 μg m− 3 on that day.
tests can better compensate for the missing precipitation forecast of the Description of the 26 cases can be seen in Appendix A.
Thomp test. For 5 mm, 10 mm, 25 mm precipitation, the ThompAI and The TS scores of 24-h cumulative precipitation for the 26 polluted-
ThompAD tests were mostly improved compared to the TS scores of the precipitation cases in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region by different
Thomp test, and the BIAS also increased significantly. For precipitation magnitudes are shown in Fig. 4. For 26 polluted-precipitation cases, in
in the 50 mm range, the ThompAI and ThompAD tests did not most cases, the TS scores of the ThompAI and ThompAD tests were

C. Guo et al. Atmospheric Research 299 (2024) 107177

Fig. 2. Averaged TS (Left) and BIAS (Right) of 3-h cumulative precipitation for June to August 2018.

C. Guo et al. Atmospheric Research 299 (2024) 107177

Table 1 significantly higher than that of the Thomp test. However, when the
Averaged TS of 3-h cumulative precipitation at different magnitudes for June to precipitation level was >25 mm, due to the relatively small number of
August 2018 and the improvement ratios compared with Thomp experiment. individual cases and more complicated interactions between aerosols
TS 0.1 mm 1 mm 5 mm 10 mm 25 mm 50 mm and cold clouds or mixed-phase clouds, some cases had a decreased TS
Thomp 0.2219 0.1659 0.1020 0.0704 0.0344 0.019
score compared to the Thomp test, indicating that the interaction path
ThompAI 0.2406 0.1745 0.1031 0.0753 0.0368 0.017 parameterized in these circumstances (precipitation larger than 25 mm)
Promotion(%) 8.45% 5.16% 1.08% 6.89% 6.89% − 12.40% are not helpful to improve the forecast skill in the model.
ThompAD 0.2411 0.1727 0.1028 0.0752 0.036 0.0176 The statistics of Table 3 and Table 4 show that for either 3 h or 24 h of
Promotion(%) 8.65% 4.08% 0.85% 6.73% 5.54% − 9.31%
cumulative precipitation, the overall TS scores of the 26 polluted-
precipitation cases selected in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei are lower than the
results of the entire summer test in simulation domain in June to August

Fig. 3. TS, BIAS, POD and FAR for 24-h cumulative precipitation for June to August 2018.

C. Guo et al. Atmospheric Research 299 (2024) 107177

Table 2
Details of the TS calculation (HIT, MISSING, FARSE ALARM, TS, BIAS) and improvement ratios for the 24-h cumulative precipitation for June to August 2018.
Threshold Test name HIT MISSING FALSE ALARM TS BIAS TS promotion rate

June–August in 2018
0.1 mm Thomp 154.2 83.0 66.6 0.516 1.15
ThompAI 172.7 64.5 91.8 0.531 1.42 2.84%
ThompAD 174.1 64.9 90.4 0.539 1.42 4.41%
1.0 mm Thomp 91.4 81.4 41.3 0.444 0.996
ThompAI 100.8 72.0 51.4 0.458 1.14 3.03%
ThompAD 101.5 72.7 51.6 0.466 1.17 4.81%
5.0 mm Thomp 45.8 61.2 25.6 0.335 1.00
ThompAI 49.8 57.2 32.1 0.332 1.24 0.92%
ThompAD 50.3 57.8 31.4 0.346 1.21 3.24%
10.0 mm Thomp 27.8 46.1 18.6 0.282 0.88
ThompAI 30.6 43.3 23.5 0.300 1.25 4.97%
ThompAD 31.0 43.8 22.9 0.301 1.26 6.89%
25.0 mm Thomp 9.4 22.0 10.5 0.220 1.33
ThompAI 10.7 20.7 12.9 0.227 1.83 2.98%
ThompAD 10.6 21.2 13.0 0.244 1.73 10.89%
50.0 mm Thomp 2.8 8.3 4.3 0.184 1.88
ThompAI 3.1 8.0 5.5 0.197 2.80 7.25%
ThompAD 3.0 8.3 5.6 0.155 2.72 − 15.7%

Fig. 4. Averaged TS scores for the 24-h cumulative precipitation for 26 polluted events by precipitation magnitude.

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Table 3 concentration in the Beijing area was 55 μg m− 3. Precipitated areas with

Averaged TS scores for the 24-h cumulative precipitation for 26 polluted events 0.1–10 mm/24 h in the three tests were slightly smaller than the ob­
by precipitation magnitudes and improvement ratios compared with the Thomp servations, indicating some limitations of the threshold values/criteria
experiment. to determine cloud-to-rain autoconversion in the model. In the Thomp
TS scores 0.1 1 mm 5 mm 10 mm 25 mm 50 mm test, the precipitation range of 0.1–10 mm was smaller than observed,
mm especially in the northern and southern Shanxi and north-central
Thomp 0.4973 0.4010 0.2838 0.2233 0.1779 0.1524 Shandong (Fig. 5b). When using the aerosol-aware Thompson scheme,
ThompAI 0.5098 0.4204 0.2802 0.2372 0.1731 0.1626 the precipitation range for small rain in Shanxi and Shandong increased
Promotion 2.51% 4.84% − 1.29% 6.21% − 2.71% 6.67% significantly (red boxes in Fig. 5), and small precipitation peaks >10 mm
ThompAD 0.5123 0.4207 0.2896 0.2536 0.1918 0.1375
appeared in the Shanxi area, closer to the observations (Fig. 5c, d).
Promotion 3.01% 4.91% 2.05% 13.58% 7.80% − 35.94% Consistent with the statistical TS results for 0.1–1 mm magnitude, for
(%) 24-h cumulative precipitation TS scores, the Thomp, ThompAI and
ThompAD test performances are 0.16, 0.161 and 0.164, respectively for
scale of 0.1 mm and 0.1, 0.138 and 0.1361, respectively, for scale of 1
Table 4 mm, indicating that the precipitation forecasting was improved after
Averaged TS scores for the 3-h cumulative precipitation for 26 polluted events using the cloud microphysical parameterization scheme containing
by precipitation magnitude. aerosol information for this light rain case. Spatially more precipitated
TS scores 0.1 mm 1 mm 5 mm 10 mm 25 mm 50 mm areas are clearly shown after considering aerosol impacts.

Thomp 0.1958 0.1409 0.0899 0.06519 0.0233 0.01385

ThompAI 0.2107 0.1475 0.0918 0.06955 0.0283 0.01071 Small-to-medium-scale precipitation process on June 16, 2018.
Promotion 9.98% 5.26% 5.69% 9.11% 26.96% On June 16, 2018, precipitation occurred in most parts of North China,
(%) and the average precipitation in Beijing was 3.2 mm (Fig. 6a), short-
ThompAD 0.2111 0.1476 0.09613 0.07543 0.0257 0.01191 term strong precipitation and strong winds occurred in many places
Promotion 10.23% 5.09% 11.50% 17.4% 14.30%
during thunderstorms, and the average PM2.5 concentration in Beijing
was 73 μg m− 3 on that day. The precipitation forecasts for the Thomp
test were similar to the observations, but the center of the stronger
2018 (Table 1 and Table 2) for the Thomp, ThompAI and ThompAD precipitation in the Beijing area was shifted northward and weaker, and
tests, which indicates that the forecast ability for polluted-precipitation the precipitation range in northern Ningxia and southern Shaanxi was
cases in the model is obviously lower than for the nonpolluted precipi­ small (Fig. 6b). After using the aerosol-aware Thompson scheme, the
tation cases, which may be associated with the deficiencies in parame­ intensity in the stronger precipitation centers increased, and the area
terizing the special conditions on polluted days. reaching 0.1 mm precipitation in northern Ningxia and southern
Nevertheless, the forecast skill improvement ratios are relatively Shaanxi increased and was closer to the observations (red boxes in
higher for the 26 polluted cases than for the whole summer period from Fig. 6). In this case, improvements were achieved regardless of whether
Thomp to ThompAI and ThompAD. For statistics between 24-h and 3-h aerosol-radiation interactions were considered (Fig. 6c, d). Fig. 7 shows
forecasts, the 3-h statistics in the ThompAI and ThompAD experiments that the TS scores of the ThompAI and ThompAD tests are higher than
show that forecast skill improvement is more significant than that of 24 those of the Thomp test for each magnitude, and the ThompAD test with
h, indicating that the changes in precipitation fall zones and magnitudes full aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions performed better than Thom­
caused by aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions were more significant pAI (aerosol-cloud interaction only) test for 0.1–5 mm scale
within the 3-h window compared to those of 24-h window. The 3-h precipitations.
precipitation TS scores in the ThompAD test increased by 10.23%,
5.09%, 11.50%, 17.40%, and 14.39% for the magnitudes of 0.1 mm, 1 Heavy precipitation process on July 16, 2018. The process on
mm, 5 mm, 10 mm, and 25 mm, respectively, with an average increase July 16, 2018 is chosen. Here, the spatial precipitation distribution and
of 11.7%. Precipitation above 50 mm showed different effects in each TS scores are given as an example of heavy precipitation case. Affected
experiment, possibly due to the complexity of the ice phase process, the by the warm and humid air flow in the south of the periphery of the
small number of cases and also strong randomness. subtropical-high pressure system, from the night of July 15 to 06:00 on
the 18th of July 2018, heavy rain fell over wide areas of North China,
with local heavy rainstorms in certain small regions, and the precipi­
3.3. Analysis of selected light-rain, medium-scale rain and heavy rain tation in those grids reached the scales of heavy rainstorm. From 08:00
cases on July 16 to 08:00 on July 17, the observed rain belt showed a
southwest-northeast trend, the 24-h cumulative precipitation in most
It is difficult to conduct a thorough analysis for each case; thus, areas was >25 mm, and the precipitation center was located in central
statistics were conducted for the entire summer period and for the 26 Beijing (Fig. 8a). Compared with the observations, the locations of
polluted precipitation cases. To further investigate the changes in pre­ strong rainfall belts >25 mm in Beijing in the three tests were shifted
diction skill for different types of precipitation by considering aerosol toward the southwest, and the rainfall amounts were greater than
information in Thompson scheme, the comparative results of several observation. Similarly, the rainfall amounts in central Shanxi were also
typical precipitation cases of light rainfall, small-medium precipitation, greater than observation. In our opinion, this is possibly due to the
and large-scale precipitation selected from 26 polluted precipitation limited capability of the model to accurately reproduce the actual
cases are given. complex rainfall physical processes for the mountain ranges, especially
for cases of heavy rain. This might be relevant to the deficiency of dy­
namic schemes for complex terrain in the model. The Thomp
experiment-simulated heavy precipitation rain band is located north­ Light-rain precipitation process on August 1, 2018. The first ward, and the precipitation intensity is stronger than the observation,
precipitation type chosen is light rainfall, and August 1, 2018 is selected but the amount of small-scale precipitation is smaller than the obser­
here as an example. From the observations, it is known that there was vation (Fig. 8b). Both the ThompAI and ThompAD tests had stronger
light rain in most parts of North China, local showers or thunderstorms precipitation ranges and intensities than the Thomp test, and the amount
in the Beijing area from evening to night (Fig. 5a), and the average PM2.5

C. Guo et al. Atmospheric Research 299 (2024) 107177

Fig. 5. Spatial distributions of 24-h cumulative precipitation amounts starting from 0800 BJT August 1 to 0800 BJT August 2. (a) Observation, (b) Thomp test, (c)
ThompAI test, and (d) ThompAD test. (Units:mm) (red boxes indicate the differences between the three tests and observation). (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

of small-scale precipitation was increased compared to the Thomp test aerosol-aware cloud microphysical scheme that considers aerosol-
and was much closer to the observations (red boxes in Fig. 8). Fig. 9 radiation-cloud interactions, thus providing suggestions for future
shows the 24-h cumulative precipitation TS scores of the three tests at operational applications. Based on the WRF mesoscale model, the
various magnitudes, and it can be seen that for magnitude below 10 mm, summer precipitation forecast from June to August 2018 was carried
the ThompAI and ThompAD tests have higher TS scores because the out, and three sets of experiments were designed: original Thompson
precipitation range is closer to the observation, while for magnitudes scheme (Thomp), aerosol-aware Thompson with aerosol-cloud in­
above 10 mm, due to the complex relationship between aerosols and the teractions considered (ThompAI) and aerosol-aware Thompson with full
cold clouds associated with cold cloud precipitation, the use of aerosol- aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions (ThompAD). The following con­
aware scheme does not show particular advantages. clusions are reached:

4. Discussion and conclusions (1) According to the statistical results for the entire summer (June­
–August 2018), significant improvements in the overall TS scores
The North China Plain is one of the most polluted areas in China, and are achieved after using the aerosol-aware Thompson schemes for
there are still many uncertainties about the impacts of aerosols on clouds both the 3-h and 24-h statistical time windows. For the 3-h cu­
and precipitation in this area. At present, although many case studies mulative precipitation, the TS score of 0.1 mm precipitation can
show that precipitation forecast can be significantly affected by the high be increased by >8%, and the TS scores of 1 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm,
background aerosol levels in this area, operational numerical forecast and 25 mm precipitation amounts have different degrees of
models in the North China Plain still do not consider the impact of improvement (ranging from 0.85%–6.89%). For 3-h cumulative
aerosols. The purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate how precipitation of 50 mm magnitude, due to the low frequency of
precipitation forecasts would be affected when using the Thompson such large amount of precipitation, the number of individual

C. Guo et al. Atmospheric Research 299 (2024) 107177

Fig. 6. Spatial distributions of 24-h cumulative precipitation amount starting from 0800 BJT June 16 to 0800 BJT June 17. (a) Observation, (b) Thomp test, (c)
ThompAI test, and (d) ThompAD test. (Units: mm) (red boxes indicate the differences between the three tests and observation). (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

Fig. 7. TS scores of 24-h cumulative precipitation for the forecast from 0800 BJT June 16 to 0800 BJT June 17.

C. Guo et al. Atmospheric Research 299 (2024) 107177

Fig. 8. Spatial distributions of 24-h cumulative precipitation amount starting from 0800 BJT July 16 to 0800 BJT July 17. (a) Observation, (b) Thomp test, (c)
ThompAI test, (d) ThompAD test. (Units: mm) (red boxes indicate the differences between the three tests and observation). (For interpretation of the references to
colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

significantly higher TS scores than the Thomp test (increased by

0.92–10.89%), and the TS scores of the ThompAD (aerosol-radi­
ation-cloud interactions) tests are slightly higher than that those
of the ThompAI test (aerosol-cloud interactions only). Specif­
ically, the improvement ratios of 24-h cumulative precipitation
TS scores for the 10 mm and 25 mm magnitude can reach 6.89%
and 10.89%, respectively. After including aerosol effects, the 24-
h precipitation BIAS for various magnitudes also significantly
increased, mainly due to the overall spatial increase in precipi­
tated areas.
(2) 26 polluted-precipitation cases in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei re­
gion were selected and separate statistics were conducted.
Fig. 9. TS scores of 24-h cumulative precipitation for the forecast from 0800 Compared to the whole summer (June–August) statistics for both
BJT July 16 to 0800 BJT July 17.
3 h or 24 h of cumulative precipitation, the overall TS scores of
the 26 polluted-precipitation cases selected in Beijing-Tianjin-
cases/samples is relatively low, and the mechanism of the Hebei in three experiments (Thomp, ThompAI, ThompAD) are
aerosol-cold cloud process interactions is more complex, so no all lower than the corresponding average results for the entire
regular/consistent changes are evident. While extending the summer period, which indicates that the forecast ability for the
statistical time window from 3 h to 24 h, for the 24-h cumulative polluted-precipitation cases in the model is obviously lower than
precipitation, the ThompAI and ThompAD tests still have the average level which may be associated with the deficiencies

C. Guo et al. Atmospheric Research 299 (2024) 107177

in parameterizing the special conditions on polluted days. After at the current stage. Therefore, to promote operational application, the
considering aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions based on orig­ effect of aerosols on ice-phase clouds and the response chain of aerosol-
inal Thompson scheme, the TS scores for 24-h cumulative pre­ cloud-precipitation for large-magnitude precipitation need to be further
cipitations at 0.1 mm, 1 mm, 5 mm, 10 mm, 25 mm magnitudes studied in the future.
increased by 3.01%, 4.91%, 2.05%, 13.58%, and 7.80% respec­
tively. Compared to the 24-h cumulative precipitation, the CRediT authorship contribution statement
improvement ratios of 3-h accumulative precipitation TS scores
are even higher, namely, 10.23%, 5.09%, 11.50%, 17.4%, and Chunwei Guo: Formal analysis, Methodology, Visualization,
14.30%, respectively, indicating more positive aerosol impacts Writing – original draft. Dan Chen: Conceptualization, Formal analysis,
on the fall zone and rain amount in the 3-h time window Funding acquisition, Supervision, Writing – review & editing. Min
compared to the 24-h time window. Chen: Funding acquisition, Supervision. Shuting Zhang: Methodology,
(3) Three selected cases representing light rain, small-to-medium Visualization. Jianping Guo: Investigation, Methodology. Zhanshan
scale rain and heavy rain in polluted conditions were selected Ma: Investigation, Methodology.
and the 24-h precipitation spatial distributions and TS scores
were analyzed. Results show that for small-scale precipitation Declaration of Competing Interest
(light rain) and small-to-medium scale precipitation, the in­
creases in the TS score for magnitudes below 10 mm after using The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
the aerosol-aware Thompson scheme are due to the improvement interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
of overall more reasonable spatial distribution of precipitated the work reported in this paper.
areas which cover more widely and are closer to the observation.
For the heavy rainstorm precipitation case, the TS score below 10 Data availability
mm is significantly higher after considering aerosol impacts, but
precipitation above 10 mm does not show obvious advantages Data will be made available on request.
due to the complex relationship involving cold cloud precipita­
tion and the aerosol-mixed phase cloud interactions. Acknowledgments

Overall, for North China, the precipitation prediction skills after This research has been supported by the National Key Research and
considering aerosol impacts using Thompson aerosol-aware schemes are Development Program of China (grant nos. 2017YFC1501406), the
significantly increased. However, the impact on precipitation of larger National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant nos. 42325501)
magnitudes (e.g. 50 mm) is more complex due to the interaction path and the Science and Technology Project of Beijing Meteorological Bu­
between aerosols and ice-phase clouds, so there is no obvious advantage reau (grant no. BMBKJ202004003).

Appendix A. Description of 26 polluted-precipitation events in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region

Case Number Case Time daily-average PM2.5 Concentration Weather State

(μg m− 3)

1 2018.6.11 58 scattered thundershowers,

2 2018.6.12 77 scattered thundershowers
3 2018.6.15 72 drizzle
4 2018.6.16 73 thundershowers, short-time heavy rain and gale
5 2018.6.18 72 thundershowers, short-time gale and small hail in the afternoon and night
6 2018.6.22 55 scattered showers
7 2018.6.23 50 scattered thundershowers
8 2018.6.25 73 showers
9 2018.6.26 110 scattered thunderstorms and strong convection
10 2018.7.4 52 local thunderstorm in the north
11 2018.7.5 61 thundershowers
12 2018.7.9 69 shower or thundershowers
13 2018.7.16 53 heavy rain,local torrential heavy rain
14 2018.7.18 74 medium-scale rain, local heavy rain
15 2018.7.19 62 thundershowers or showers
16 2018.7.20 71 scattered thundershowers or showers in the northeast
17 2018.7.21 61 scattered thundershowers
18 2018.7.29 65 drizzle
19 2018.7.30 64 showers
20 2018.7.31 56 drizzle
21 2018.8.1 52 local showers or thundershowers
22 2018.8.2 74 local weak showers
23 2018.8.7 55 heavy rainstorm and local torrential heavy rainstorm
24 2018.8.26 53 thundershowers in the north
25 2018.8.27 56 scattered showers
26 2018.8.28 53 scattered showers

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