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With the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), Intelligence in

psychiatry is transforming into a data-driven
and precise field. Diagnosing mental health
disorders solely based on subjective meas- Precision
ures will soon be a thing of the past. Preci-
sion psychiatry promises more precise
diagnostics and individualized therapy for Psychiatry
individual patients across all stages of a
disorder as opposed to one-size-fits-all treat-
ments. Developing a precision approach in
psychiatry centers on precise classification,
precise treatment planning and precise
prevention. This is where clinicians and big
data meet to revolutionize the management
of a wide variety of simple and complex
psychiatric disorders. Electronic health
records, data collection through smartphones
and wearable tracking devices as well as
radiological and genotypic databases allow
very precise clinical and neurobiological
descriptions of a wide range of patients
leading to precision diagnosis and individual-


ized therapies. For this huge amount of information to lead to a paradigm shift,
we need AI-based models to develop data-driven algorithms that can learn
patterns from data and give estimated predictive outcomes for unknown data,
which would be diagnostic, prognostic and treatment prediction in precision

Applications of AI in Precision Psychiatry

AI-assisted diagnosis utilizes machine learning algorithms to analyze large data-

sets of patients' symptoms, medical histories, and test results to identify
patterns. These patterns help in the accurate diagnosis of mental health disor-
ders, providing clinicians with a more objective basis for decisions. Neurobio- DR. KIRAN
logical markers which can be used for AI models to predict diagnosis and prog-
nosis are an imperative application. AFTAB
The current standard used globally for psychiatric disorders, the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), is often based on clinician obser-
vation, patient symptoms, and patients reporting, therefore having a vast
degree of variability.

The primary objective of the National Institute of Mental Health's (NIMH)

Research Domain Criteria (RDoC) initiative is to tackle the diverse nature of
mental illness by establishing a framework that focuses on the biological

aspects rather than differentiate between demonstrated that

relying solely on symp- individuals with both structural magnet-
tom-based categoriza- depression and those ic resonance imaging
tion. This initiative without, using the data (sMRI) and functional
seeks to provide a gathered. This research magnetic resonance
comprehensive under- indicates that this imaging (fMRI) are
standing of these approach is a precise, highly reliable
mental illnesses in cost-effective, and techniques for diagnos-
terms of varying easily accessible ing schizophrenia.
degrees of dysfunction technique that could These imaging meth-
in psychological or aid individuals with ods offer valuable MSc Neuroscience,
neurobiological depression. Additional- insights to medical King's College (UK);
systems, harnessing ly, the study suggests professionals regarding Senior Instructor
the power of multi-dis- that it might be possi- the structural and (Research), Head
ciplinary research ble to identify signs of functional differences in
approaches like genet- depression several the brains of individu- Artificial Intelligence
ics, neuroscience, and months prior to clinical als with SZ compared Division, Department
behavioral science. In diagnosis by analyzing to those without the of Surgery Aga Khan
one study, anxiety, and data from social media condition. The role of University
depression, the most platforms. neuroimaging is also
common presentations being utilized to devel-
in psychiatric clinics, Schizophrenia (SZ) op machine learning
were studied using currently lacks specific algorithms for identify-
data collected from biomarkers, recent ing bipolar disorder.
social media platforms research supports the Besides diagnostic
like Twitter. A super- role of neuroimaging in applications, AI and ML
vised machine learning this area. A review of models can also devel-
classifier was created to existing literature op personalized treat-

An important implementation of preventive precision psychiatry is
in suicide prevention. AI-based models analyze social media data,
text messages and identify signs of emotional distress and suicid-
al thoughts and identify individuals in need of support or other
interventions before a crisis can occur. Speech analysis shows
promise as a non-invasive and non-intrusive tool for monitoring
and predicting both depression and suicidal risk. In one clinical
trial, toneless and hollow speech was found to be indicative of
near-suicidal patients..


ment plans along with predicting post-treatment effects using precision Ethical Considerations and
psychiatry and pharmacogenomics. Although this application is still in its Challenges
infancy with regard to psychiatric drugs and more clinical trials are
needed in this domain. A review conducted by Eugene Lin in 2020 As with any application of AI in
described the different deep learning and machine learning models for healthcare, ethical considerations are
predicting antidepressant and lithium treatment outcomes using neuro- of utmost importance. Data privacy
imaging and multi-omics data of patients. In a randomized controlled and patient confidentiality should be
trial, the efficacy of an AI model named "Tess" was assessed in reducing safeguarded through appropriate
self-reported symptoms of anxiety and depression. measures such as anonymization of
patient data and encryption of
It showed a significant reduction in symptoms and reported higher levels communication channels. Further-
of satisfaction and engagement compared to the control group among more, the avoidance of algorithmic
those who had access to Tess. AI can also help in monitoring responses bias is crucial to ensure that AI-based
to various therapies. In another study, Machine Learning techniques diagnostic and treatment decisions
were employed to predict the likelihood of depression remission follow- are fair and do not discriminate
ing a six-month course of problem-solving therapy (PST). against any patient or ethnic group.
Regulatory barriers are one of the
The more sophisticated genetics, neuroimaging and patient-reported significant hurdles, as AI-powered
outcomes enable the identification of new biomarkers which can also be devices and software are needed to
incorporated in AI-based risk stratification models to identify the likeli- comply with healthcare regulations.
hood of developing a mental health disorder. Ethical use of AI must be ensured by
regulation and monitoring of its
It can help clinicians identify the risk factors and high-risk cases, allow- application in psychiatry to ensure
ing for targeted preventative therapies, early interventions, and monitor- patient safety and prevent any misuse.
ing patients’ progress over time. Furthermore, AI-powered solutions also Furthermore, existing data structures
enable remote monitoring of patients. They help psychiatrists track the need to be integrated and standard-
progress of patients, detect early warning signs of relapse, and provide ized to improve data processing and
interventions before a crisis occurs

Applications of AI in Psychiatry (Image taken from Terra et al. 2023) ‘Opportunities, applications, challenges and
ethical implications of artificial intelligence in psychiatry: a narrative review’

sharing. These challenges
are often accompanied by
the high cost of imple-
menting and maintaining
AI tools, which raises
concerns about accessibili-
ty and equity. One major
challenge faced with preci-
sion psychiatry is that
standardized measure-
ments, biochemical or
imaging are still not
routinely used in clinical
practices. This may lead to
inaccuracies as crucial
follow-up and prognosti-
cation data could be
missed, and AI and ML
would be trained on
inaccurate and inconsist-
ent data. Ultimately,
gaining the trust and
acceptance of both health-
care providers and
patients is crucial for
successful adoption.
Emphasizing the impor-
tance of collaboration and
transparency, AI can help
bridge the gap between empathy, understanding, and therapeutic relationship are of vital importance in the
researchers, clinicians, and management of many psychiatric disorders. With this game-changing innovation and
patients to ensure that an abundance of future directions and opportunities, the mental healthcare industry
everyone benefits from is set to transform, and we can't wait to see the impact AI will have.
these people and pock-
et-friendly use of artificial References
intelligence. In a nutshell,
AI is revolutionizing 1 tifi-
mental healthcare by cial-intelligence-help-prevent-mental-illness
enabling early diagnosis, 2 Minerva F, Giubilini A. Is AI the Future of Mental Healthcare? Topoi (Dordr).
personalized treatment 2023 May 31;42(3):1-9.
plans and relapse preven- 3 Terra, M., Baklola, M., Ali, S. et al. Opportunities, applications, challenges and
tion. While ethics, data ethical implications of artificial intelligence in psychiatry: a narrative review.
integration, and regulation Egypt J Neurol Psychiatry Neurosurg 59, 80 (2023).
pose challenges, AI has the 4
potential to transform the 5 Winter NR, Hahn T. Big Data‚ KI und Maschinenlernen Big Data, AI and Machine
delivery of mental health- Learning for Precision Psychiatry: How are they changing the clinical practice?
care as we know it. Fortschr Neurol Psychiatr. 2020 Nov;88(12):786-793. German.
Although Artificial intelli- 6 Passos IC, Ballester P, Rabelo-da-Ponte FD, Kapczinski F. Precision Psychiatry:
gence and machine learn- The Future Is Now. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 2022;67(1):21-25.
ing have revolutionized 7 Chen ZS, Galatzer-Levy IR, Bigio B, Nasca C, Zhang Y. Modern views of machine
many aspects of psychia- learning for precision psychiatry. Patterns. 2022 Nov 11;3(11).
try, it is unlikely to replace 8 Lin E, Lin CH, Lane HY. Precision Psychiatry Applications with Pharmacogenom-
clinicians and psychiatrists ics: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Approaches. Int J Mol Sci. 2020
as human abilities like Feb 1;21(3):969.



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