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Experiments in Fluids (2005) 39: 977–994

DOI 10.1007/s00348-005-0026-4


J. B. Blaisot Æ J. Yon

Droplet size and morphology characterization for dense sprays by image

processing: application to the Diesel spray

Received: 14 June 2004 / Revised: 3 March 2005 / Accepted: 7 July 2005 / Published online: 19 October 2005
 Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Up to now, measurement of drop size remains organizations such as International Programs Center
difficult in dense sprays such as those encountered in (IPC), to be responsible for more than 20% of the
Diesel applications. Commonly used diagnostics are greenhouse gas emissions. In order to reduce the
often limited due to multi-scattering effects, high drop pollutant gas emissions of cars, car manufacturers
velocity and concentration and also nonspherical have to develop new engines that are compliant with
shapes. The advantage of image-based techniques on the more and more restrictive pollution regulation laws.
others is its ability to describe the shape of liquid par- Injection systems able to produce very fine sprays
ticles that are not fully atomized or relaxed. In the represent one development axis that has been followed
present study, a model is developed to correct the main over the last two decades to reduce pollutant emis-
drawbacks of imaging. It permits to define criteria for sions, particularly concerning Diesel injection. The
the correction of the apparent size of an unfocused drop very fine sprays are obtained by increasing the injec-
and to determine a measurement volume independent of tion pressures in common rail systems, decreasing the
the drop size. This considerably reduces the over-esti- nozzle hole diameters and reducing the injection-
mation of large drops in the drop size distribution. Drop duration time. However, because of the high optical
shapes are also characterized by four morphological density of the Diesel sprays, it is not possible to
parameters. The image-based granulometer is satisfac- identify either large liquid blobs that are not totally
torily compared to a PDPA and a diffraction-based atomized or dense spray regions composed of very fine
granulometer for measurements on an ultrasonic spray. droplets. The optical density makes the diagnostics of
Then, the new granulometer is applied to a diesel spray. the Diesel spray very difficult. The most commonly
One of the results of the analysis is that even if mean used diagnostics for Diesel spray analysis are diffrac-
drop size distributions are stable 30 mm downstream tion-based granulometer and Phase Doppler Particle
from the nozzle outlet, the shape of the drops is still Analyzer (PDPA). Hardalupas (1992) and Guerrassi
evolving towards the spherical shape. The atomization and Champoussin (1995) used a PDPA measurement
process is thus not totally established at this position in and observed, in an atmospheric environment, a de-
opposition to what can be deduced from the drop size crease of the droplet Sauter mean diameter (SMD)
distribution alone. with the increase of the radial distance from the axis
of injection. A completely different result was obtained
by Gülder and Smallwood (1999) who used a dif-
fraction granulometer to analyze the Diesel spray and
observed a radial increase of the SMD. This contra-
1 Introduction diction clearly shows that the results must be carefully
interpreted. Diffraction measurement and PDPA are
The pollutant emissions caused by combustion engines suspected to be unsuited to dense sprays, due to the
represent an important problem for the environment. multi-scattering effect. Another important limitation of
Transport activity is considered by international these techniques concerns the droplet sphericity
hypothesis on which they rely. We can notice that
other drop size measurement techniques are under
J. B. Blaisot (&) Æ J. Yon development such as holography (Buraga et al. 2000),
UMR CNRS 6614—CORIA, Laboratoire de Thermodynamique,
Université et INSA de Rouen, 76801 Saint Etienne du Rouvray, planar laser scattering (Domann and Hardalupas
France 2000), out of focus laser scattering imaging (Calabria
E-mail: and Massoli 2001) and speckle light scattering

(Ineichen 2003). Nevertheless these diagnostics are not an imaging model based on the estimation of the
yet ready to analyze dense industrial sprays such as point spread function (PSF) to carry out such
Diesel sprays. correction for the measurement of the diameter of
Image-based granulometry is another emerging well-located liquid drops. However, when applied to
technique available to analyze the sprays, as can be spatially dispersed sprays, this model suffer from the
seen in the recent review of Lee and Kim (2003). The same limitation indicated above: the population of big
principal interest of this technique resides in its ability drops is overestimated. We propose in the present
to quantitatively analyze the liquid element morphol- paper an improvement of the PSF model in order to
ogy. This is a good indicator of the level of droplet evaluate the droplet focusing. The optical PSF width
atomization. Up to now, the main limitation of these is usually considered as the resolution limit for the
diagnostics is the out-of-focus phenomenon (Koh recording device (film or camera). This is not the case
et al. 2001). Indeed, on an image, an unfocused in the present application where the PSF is spatially
droplet seems to be larger than a focused one of the resolved by the CCD camera (more than 10 pixels
same size. Therefore, accounting for unfocused drop- over the PSF width). Thus the PSF width is evaluated
lets implies an overestimation of the biggest diameters through the analysis of the gray-level profile at the
in the droplet size distributions. There are different outline of the drop image. As the PSF width is related
ways to avoid this phenomenon. One of these consists to the droplet location relative to the focusing plane,
in defining a focus criteria in order to reject all the selection of droplet image characterized by a PSF
unfocused droplets. This has been proposed by dif- width below a chosen maximum value is used to
ferent authors such as Fantini et al. (1990), Lecuona delimit the measurement volume along the depth from
et al. (2000), Koh et al. (2001), Lee and Kim (2003) focus direction.
and Kim and Kim (1994). This method has two The first part of this paper consists in the presen-
drawbacks. Firstly, the droplet rejection rate is high, tation of the improved model of the droplet image
so numerous pictures of the sprays have to be ana- formation. The different steps of the image processing
lyzed in order to construct smooth droplet size dis- for the extraction of the image parameters necessary
tributions. The second limitation is linked to the fact to the measurement of the droplet diameter, the
that small droplets are more concerned by the out-of- focusing and the morphological characterization of the
focus phenomenon than bigger ones, resulting in an droplets is presented. Next, the calibration process of
overestimation of the biggest droplets. To overcome the model with our optical setup is presented. Drop
this point, Hay et al. (1998) used a gradient criterion size measurements on a calibrated ultrasonic spray
to define a depth of field independent of the drop are compared to PDPA and diffraction-based granu-
diameters. Nevertheless, this criterion was based on an lometers. The paper ends with the application of this
empirical relationship. new size and morphology analyzer to a Diesel spray.
The blurring effect on unfocused droplet images has It is found that the shape analysis is relevant for
to be taken into account in order to correct the the characterization of the atomization process
measurement of the droplet diameter. Blaisot and through the information it adds to the drop size
Ledoux (1998) and Malot and Blaisot (2000) proposed distribution.

Fig. 1 Definition of optical

axes in object and image planes

minimum grey level are considered in the image analysis

2 Image modeling procedure as explained below.
In practice, the parameter s is introduced to adapt the
In the case of an imaging system using a noncoherent model to the experiment. Indeed, the theoretical contrast
light source, the illumination distribution in the image of the images is calibrated to the experimental ones
plane i(x, y) can be described by the convolution product through the determination of this parameter. The value
of the irradiance distribution in the object plane o(x¢, y¢) of s depends on the aperture of the optical setup and on
and the PSF of the imaging system s(x, y) (Goodman the object diameter too, but the way s is related to the
1968): object size greatly depends on the effective aperture. The
iðx; yÞ ¼ oðx0 ; y 0 Þ  sðx; yÞ: ð1Þ small numerical aperture of the optical setup used in this
work leads to small values of s. As a consequence, this
The coordinates (x¢, y¢) and (x, y) are associated to the parameter has been considered not to depend on the
object plane and the image plane, respectively (see object size in the remainder without noticeable loss in
Fig. 1). The axis z, perpendicular to the planes (x¢, y¢) accuracy.
and (x, y), is the optical axis of the imaging setup. The
PSF can be defined as the diffraction image of an
infinitesimally small source point. This image would be 2.2 Point spread function (PSF)
merely a point under geometric optics. In order to
compute the convolution product in the image plane, we For a diffraction-limited optical system of circular
replace the object function o(x¢,y¢) by its geometric im- aperture under monochromatic illumination, the PSF is
age og(x,y), deduced from the object function simply by given by
a homothetic transformation of ratio equal to the lateral
magnification c of the imaging set-up. J1 ðak rÞ
sdl ðr; kÞ ¼ ;
ðak rÞ2
where ak is a scale parameter depending on the wave-
2.1 Object modeling length k. When considering noncoherent polychromatic
light, the PSF can be modeled by a Gaussian shape
The imaging set-up is in a backlight configuration and (Pentland 1987) as the result of the contribution of
the objects under consideration are droplets of liquid numerous functions sdl(r;k) for the various wavelengths:
illuminated by a white, noncoherent light source. Only  
opaque or slightly transmitting objects are considered. 2r2
sðrÞ ¼ s0 exp  2 ; ð3Þ
The amount of transmitted light is characterized by the v
contrast coefficient s. The irradiance distribution in the
object plane, the object function, can thus ffi be expressed
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi where v is the PSF half-width and s0 is a normalization
in cylindrical coordinates ðr ¼ x2 þ y 2 Þ by: constant. The PSF changes with the position of the
  droplet in the object space. Indeed, the PSF width
r strongly changes with the location of the object along the
og ðx; yÞ ¼ og ðrÞ ¼ 1  ð1  sÞP ; ð2Þ
2ai optical axis: the more unfocused the object, the larger the
PSF and the more blurred the image. Nevertheless, it is
where ai=c ao is the radius of the geometric image, ao supposed that v does not depend on the image plane
being the object radius and Pð~rÞ is the rectangle func- coordinates (x, y), i.e., there is no spatial variation of the
tion: optical aberrations of the imaging device in the plane (x,
 y). Finally, it will be supposed in the following that the
1 for j~rj \ 0:5;
Pð~rÞ ¼ PSF half-width v is only a function of z.
0 otherwise:

As indicated in the introduction, the principle of the

image analysis is based on the resolution of the PSF by 2.3 Image computation
the camera. Such condition is obtained here by a rela-
tively small numerical aperture for the optical setup Introducing Eqs. 2 and 3 in Eq. 1 yields
(NA.0.1). In this case, only the forward scattered light 0 0qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi11
ZZþ1 n2 þ g2
near the axis direction contributes to the image and only @1  ð1  sÞP@ AA
a very small part of the off-axis light gets into the iðx; yÞ ¼
imaging system. Images of liquid droplets or opaque 1

discs are thus very similar in this case except in the center 2n o
2 2
of the droplet image where the refracted component of  exp  2 ðx  nÞ þ ðy  gÞ dndg: ð4Þ
the light near the axis leads to a brighter spot in the
center (Hovenac 1986). This difference is not restrictive Equation 4 is normalized and written in circular
here as only the outline of the image profile and the coordinates:
Z ~a 1s
~ið~rÞ ¼ 1  2ð1  sÞexpð~r2 Þ qexpðq2 ÞI0 ð2~rqÞdq; ð5Þ Cmax ¼ : ð8Þ
a2 Þ ;
~imax ¼ 1; ~imin ¼ ~ið0Þ ¼ 1  ð1  sÞ 1  expð~ ð6Þ For completely opaque objects (s=0), this yields
where ~r is the nondimensional radial coordinate ~r ¼ Cmax=1 and for s=0.2, it gives Cmax=2/3 (see Fig. 3a).
pffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi Eq. 8 is used to determine the experimental value of s by
2r=v ¼ p 2ðx 2 þ y 2 Þ=v; ~a is the nondimensional droplet
ffiffiffi measuring the biggest value for the contrast. As
radius ~a ¼ 2ai =v and I0 is the modified Bessel function
of the first kind. explained before, it is assumed here that s does not de-
A low value for ~ a corresponds to a small object width pend on the droplet diameter. A reference contrast de-
compare to the PSF width. A small focused object or a fined as the contrast for a perfectly opaque object is
larger unfocused object can thus have the same value for obtained writing s=0 in Eq. 7:
~a: Several theoretical image profiles are shown in
Fig. 2a. The width of the image profile obviously in- 1  expð~a2 Þ
creases when the object diameter increases. For low ~a; Cðs ¼ 0Þ ¼ C0 ¼ : ð9Þ
1 þ expð~a2 Þ
the image profile presents a V-shape and when ~a in-
creases it turns to a U-shape. For a given value of ~a; the
height of the profile is controlled by the parameter s: the For an object of contrast coefficient s „ 0, the
lower s, the higher the profile. The minimum level at the contrast can be expressed as a function of s and C0 by
image center ~imin ¼ ~ið0Þ (Eq. 6) decreases with ~a and eliminating expð~a2 Þ between Eqs. 7 and 9:
reaches the limiting value ~imin ¼ s when ~ a is large enough
ð~a ¼ 2:5; s ¼ 0; 0:2 on Fig:2aÞ: On the other hand, for C0 ð1  sÞ
C¼ ; ð10Þ
lower values of ~ a; the minimum level varies between s 1 þ C0 s
and 1. thus the normalized contrast C0 can be expressed as a
function of s and C:
2.4 Image parameters C0 ðC; sÞ ¼ : ð11Þ
ð1  sÞð1 þ CÞ  C
The image parameters used to compare theoretical and The maximum normalized contrast C0,max=1 is ob-
experimental image profiles are now introduced. A tained for C=Cmax in Eq. 11. In the following, the
sketch for the definition of these parameters is presented normalized contrast C0 is used in place of C to express
in Fig. 2b. The image contrast C, defined by Eq. 7, is a relations without any dependence on s.
nondimensional parameter bounded between 0 and 1. A second image parameter is used to describe the grey
~imax  ~imin 1  ~imin ð1  sÞð1  expð~a2 ÞÞ level profile: it is the image half-width ~rl determined at a
C¼ ¼ ¼ : relative level l, (0<l<1). The absolute reference level ~iref
~imax þ ~imin 1 þ ~imin 2  ð1  sÞð1  expð~a2 ÞÞ
corresponding to a given relative level l is defined by
ð7Þ Eq. 12 where h ¼ ~imax  ~imin is the height of the image
The variation of C versus a~ is shown in Fig. 3a for
s=0 and 0.2. The contrast increases monotonously with
~a and reaches the maximum Cmax for ~ a&2:4: As ~imin ~iref ðlÞ ¼ ~imin þ lh: ð12Þ
tends to be s when ~a increases (see Eq. 6), the limiting
The image half-width ~rl is then defined implicitly by:
value for the contrast is:
~ið~rl Þ ¼ ~iref ðlÞ: ð13Þ

Fig. 2 Theoretical image i

profile: a profiles for different a 1 b imax
values of the nondimensional
object radius ~a and of the 0,8
contrast coefficient s. filled
a ¼ 1:12; s ¼ 0:0; filled
square: ~ iref
rl h
a ¼ 1:5; s ¼ 0:0; open
triangle: ~ 0,6
a ¼ 1:5; s ¼ 0:2; Filled
triangle: ~


diamond: ~ a ¼ 2:5; s ¼ 0:0; open 0,4

diamond: ~ a ¼ 2:5; s ¼ 0:2; imin
b definition of the relative levels 0,2

0 0
-4 -2 0~ 2 4 0 r

Fig. 3 Image parameters versus

nondimensional object radius ~ a:
a 1 b 5
a Contrast C. filledsquare: s=0;
filled triangle: s=0.2. b Half- 0,8 4
width ~rl : filled square: l=0.25;
filled triangle: l=0.61; filled 0,6 3
diamond: l=0.77


0,4 2

0,2 1

0 0
0 1 2~ 3 4 0 1 2~ 3 4
a a

As the reference level is defined relative to the image 2.5 Droplet diameter estimation
profile height, it can be easily shown from Eq. 14 that ~rl
does not depend on s: It is assumed now that s is known (s is calculated for the
biggest unblurred droplet) and that l is fixed to a given
Z þ~
a value. So, for fixed values of s and l, C0 and ~rl are
expðð~rl Þ Þ q expðq2 ÞI0 ð2~rl qÞdq functions of ~a only (Eqs. 9 and 14). In this set of para-
0 metric equations, the parameter ~a can be eliminated,
Z þ~
2 yielding the direct relation between C0 and ~rl : No loss of
¼ ð1  lÞ q expðq Þdq:
0 generality occurs when dividing ~rl by ~a and taking the
inverse of the result. The ratio obtained a/rl represents
The half-width for relative levels l=0.25, 0.61 and the ratio of the object width to the measured image
0.77 are used to characterize the image profile. The width. The variation of a/rl versus C0 is shown in Fig. 4
variation of ~rl for these three levels is shown in for l=0.25, 0.61 and 0.77. The object to image width
Fig. 3b. When ~a is large enough ð~ a > 1:5Þ; the calcu- ratio increases with the contrast except for the curve
lated radius ~rl increases linearly with the object width l=0.25 presenting a maximum around C0=0.76. The
and for ~a ! 0; ~rl tends to be the half-width of the starting and ending points of the curves are (0,0) and
PSF at the relative level 1  l by definition of the (1,1) for (C0,a/rl), whatever the relative level l. Images
image width. Indeed, when ~ a ! 0; the convolution with a very low contrast correspond to unfocused ob-
product (Eq. 1) becomes an identity as o(x, y) can be jects or very small focused objects, i.e., objects of width
considered in this case as a Dirac function. The result much smaller than the PSF width ð~a ’ 0Þ: In such a case
is that the image is very similar to the PSF in such a the, image profile is flat and spreads over a large area,
case. For l=0.61, ~rl remains always slightly larger resulting in a very small value of a/rl so
than ~a: ðC0 ; a=rl Þ ! ð0; 0Þ: The ending point of the curves
(C0,a/rl)=(1,1) is reached for ~a ! 1: The U-shape
image profiles then tend to the square shape of the object
profile. It is noticeable that among the strictly increasing
curves, the curve for l=0.61 is the one that has the
largest dynamics for the values of a/rl. For relative levels
1,5 lower than 0.61, the curve a/rl=f(C0) presents a fishing
rod shape as shown in Fig. 4 for l=0.25. This explains
the fact that the classical mid level (l=0.5) was not used
here to measure the image width. For practical appli-
1 cations, the relation a/rl=f(C0) is fitted by a polynomial
of an order up to 4:

¼ pl ðC0 Þ ¼ a0 þ a1 C0 þ a2 C02 þ a3 C03 þ a4 C04 : ð15Þ
The polynomial coefficients ak, {k=0.4} are functions
of l. The size of the object is estimated from the mea-
surement of the parameters rl,meas and Cmeas and
0 through Eqs. 11 and 15:
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
C0 aest ¼ rl;meas  pl ðC0 ðCmeas ; sÞÞ; ð16Þ

Fig. 4 Variation of a/rl versus normalized contrast C0 for different

whereas classical approaches consider focused objects
relative levels of thresholding l. filled square: l =0.25; filled triangle: only, corresponding to Cmeas . Cmax, Eq. 16 is used to
l=0.61; it filled diamond: l=0.77 express the radius of unfocused objects, corrected from

the out-of-focus effect. The depth of field of the droplet l=0.77 and l=0.25 does not varies strongly with a~ and
sizing setup is thus increased. The limiting parameter is seems to reach a limit value for ~a > 1:5: Let us define the
given by the minimum contrast Cmin. The minimum nondimensional half-width difference D~r by Eq. 19:
contrast measurable with a given optical setup depends on
the threshold used to detect the droplet images. One D~r ¼ ~r0:77  ~r0:25 : ð19Þ
should note that images are constituted of black elements It can be observed in Fig. 5 that D~r linearly increases
over a white background so that negative transition are with the contrast C0.
considered and that the threshold level must be lower than The minimum value is 0.676 for C0=0, and the
the white background level. This threshold level must be maximum is 1.021 for C0=0.988. As for the estimation
chosen sufficiently low to prevent detection of false image of the droplet diameter, the relation between D~r and C0
(i.e., noise) but also sufficiently high in order to detect the is fitted by a polynomial of order 3:
maximum number of unfocused and small droplet images.
The tradeoff leads to Cmin . 0.1 in our case. D~r ¼ pr ðC0 Þ ¼ b0 þ b1 C0 þ b2 C02 þ b3 C03 : ð20Þ
The minimum diameter measurable with this tech-
nique is defined by fixing a minimum number of pixel Knowing the coefficient s, the PSF half-width can be
per droplet. We fixed this number to NPixmin=10 pixels estimated from the measured parameters Drmeas and
for the lowest relative level l=0.25 which represents the Cmeas and Eqs. 11 and 20:
smallest droplet image area to be considered. The min-
vest ¼ Drmeas =pr ðC0 ðCmeas ; sÞÞ: ð21Þ
imum diameter is thus deduced from Eq. 16:
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi An estimation of v is now available for each mea-
4NPixmin surable droplet, v being associated to the droplet loca-
dmin ¼ p0:25 ðC0 ðCmin ; sÞÞ : ð17Þ
pR2 tion along the optical axis. v is an increasing function of
The minimum contrast measurable induces also a the distance of the drop from the focus plane, so a cri-
maximum value for v for a given object size a. terion independent of the droplet diameter can thus be
According to Fig. 3a, Cmin . 0.1 is obtained for defined to take into account only the droplets located in
~amin ’ 0:5: It comes from the definition of ~
a: a given volume:

vmax ¼ vðCmin ¼ 0:1Þ ’ 2:8a: ð18Þ vest\vmax : ð22Þ

This is illustrated in the Sect. 4.
As the PSF width v increases with the distance z from
the focus plane, this implies that the biggest droplets are
measurable over a larger domain of space than the 3 Image analysis
smallest ones. Therefore, if all the measurable droplets
are counted in the drop size distribution, the population The analysis is a 3-stage process. The first stage corre-
of the smallest droplets will be underestimated. To sponds to a global image pre-processing called normal-
overcome this problem, a correction of the droplet ization. The second stage consists in detecting and
counting based on the estimation of the droplet focusing separating the different droplets on the pictures. The last
is proposed hereafter. stage consists in applying the imaging model to each
detected droplet in order to extract the droplet charac-
teristics. All the computations needed for the processing
2.6 Droplet focusing estimation

An estimation of the droplet focusing can be obtained

through the determination of the PSF half-width v as it 1
is directly related to the position of the droplet in the
object space along the optical axis (z). The grey level 0,8
gradient on the outline of the image is strongly related to

the PSF width, due to the convolution product. In fact, 0,6

when the object width is a lot bigger than the PSF width
ð~a  1Þ; the width of the image outline is directly linked 0,4
to the PSF width. In these particular conditions,
ð~a  1Þ; the gradient criteria can be used to discriminate 0,2
focused and unfocused droplets. For smaller or more-
blurred droplets, gradient criteria are not effectual any- 0
more. So, instead of calculating the grey level gradient at 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
the outline of the image, the imaging model is used to C0
link the difference between image widths at two different
levels l1 and l2 and the PSF half-width. It can be seen on Fig. 5 Variation of D~r ¼ 2ðr0:77  r0:25 Þ=v versus normalized
Fig. 3b that the difference between half-widths ~rl for contrast C0

Fig. 6 Normalization effect: Example of an ultrasonic spray image If there is no clear region in the image, a global
before a and after b normalization technique based on the grey level histogram of the image
is used. Histograms of back-lighted spray pictures gen-
of the images have been done on a standard personal erally present one or two principal modes. The mode
computer using C programming language. corresponding to the higher grey level is relative to the
background pixels. The most-populated grey level Lpeak
3.1 Illumination normalization in the background is expected to be statistically robust.
Thus, b is given by the ratio Lpeak(PB)/Lpeak(P).
In the imaging model, a uniform background image is
considered. In real applications, the light distribution in 3.2 The droplet detection
the background of a backlight configuration setup is
rarely uniform. The reason is that the light source, or To characterize the droplets, each droplet is individu-
more rarely the CCD camera response, are not spatially ally localized on the pictures and is surrounded by a
homogeneous. As black over white images are consid- mask. This is usually done by a classic threshold ap-
ered and as the response of the CCD camera to the input plied to the picture at a given level Lth. The threshold
light is linear, a normalized image, expressed by Eq. 23, level Lth determines the minimum contrast Cmin of the
can be computed droplet detected by this method. This is a correct ap-
proach if all the droplet images to be analyzed have a
P ði; jÞ  PO ði; jÞ
Pn ði; jÞ ¼ bPnorm ; ð23Þ higher contrast than Cmin. In fact, the smaller the
PB ði; jÞ  PO ði; jÞ droplet or the more distant from the focus plane the
where 0<b<1, P(i, j) is the grey level of pixel (i,j), droplet is, the more blurred the image of the droplet as
PB(i, j) is the grey level of the background image predicted by the model. The smallest or most unfo-
(obtained without any object in the view field) and PO(i, cused droplets have a low contrast and can be lost by
j) corresponds to the noise level of the grabbing setup the classic thresholding technique. To increase the
and is obtained with the camera objective closed (the sensitivity of the detection, a second thresholding
obscurity image). Pnorm is the mean background level of technique based on wavelet transform has been devel-
the normalized image. The effect of the normalization is oped. This second technique allows the detection of
illustrated on Fig. 6. The objects are more easily iden- grey level local variations that indicates the presence of
tified from the background after normalization. a droplet image.
The coefficient b is used to correct the fluctuation of The wavelet transform can be seen as a spectral
the global intensity level in the background when the analysis, like the Fourier’s transform, but spatially
light source is not temporally stable. A reference level is localized. The wavelet transform of a function is the
needed for the fluctuation to be corrected. This level is result of the linear convolution of this function with a
determined in two different ways depending on the im- particular function called a wavelet (Eq. 24).
age to be normalized. If there is a ’clear’ region in the
pictures where droplets never appear, the mean grey WW;f ðt; qÞ ¼ f ðXÞWt;q ðXÞdX: ð24Þ
level Lclear of this region is compared to the mean grey
level LB determined on the background image for the The function f to be analyzed represents here the
same region and the correction coefficient is given by normalized grey level picture: f(X)=Pn(i, j) (X=(i, j) is
b=LB/Lclear. the pixel position).

Fig. 7 Thresholding techniques: a Wavelet image of the normalized luted by a Gaussian filter. The second derivative of the
image in Fig. 6b. b Wavelet-based two-level image. c classically filtered grey level function corresponds to the part of
thresholded image
the picture where grey level concavity or convexity are
found. This is the case for the grey level distribution
The wavelet Yt,q is given by: on the outline of the droplet image. The smaller the
1 Xt width of the grey level variation zone (blurred zone),
Wt;q ðXÞ ¼ pffiffiffi W ; q > 0: ð25Þ the higher the absolute value of concavity or convex-
q q
ity. In other words, the second derivative is all the
The function Y is called the mother wavelet function more important since the droplet is well-focused. In
and is an oscillating function of zero mean and localized order to detect the droplet interface, the parameter q is
in space. This function is dilated and shifted in space as chosen to be of the order of the width of the blurred
indicated by Eq. 25: the vector t is the shifting parameter droplet interface on the pictures. So, as q is fixed, each
and q is the dilatation parameter. The larger q, the lower pixel t = (i, j) of the grey level picture is associated to
the spatial frequency analyzed by the wavelet. The a wavelet coefficient WY,f(t,q), giving a wavelet image
choice of the mother wavelet depends on the informa- as illustrated in Fig. 7a. Negative values of WY,f (t,q)
tion to be brought out. correspond to pixels in a convex grey level zone, typ-
To analyze droplet images, the Mexican hat has been ically the external side of the droplet interface. Positive
chosen: values correspond to the concave zone (i.e., internal
2p   2 side) and nil values to uniform zones of the picture,
WðrÞ ¼ pffiffiffi 1  r2 er =2 : ð26Þ typically the normalized background. A threshold on
the wavelet image is used to localize the droplet
This function corresponds to the second derivative interface on the picture when the interface is particu-
of a Gaussian function. Thus, the convolution of the larly blurred. The detection of small out-of-focus drops
grey level image with the wavelet function corresponds is achieved through the use of only one value for the
to the second derivative of the image, firstly convo- scale parameter q. In the other case, when a large

depth of field is chosen, several wavelet transforms can Pmax  Pmin

be performed with different values of q and then Cmeas ¼ : ð28Þ
Pmax þ Pmin
combined in order to detect a larger range of drop
focusing. The two-level image obtained is then A nonhomogeneous background level can be induced by
combined to the one obtained with the classical largely unfocused droplets in front of or behind the
threshold. measurable droplets. These unfocused droplets diminish
Examples of wavelet-based and classically threshol- the local illumination of the droplet nearer from the
ded images are shown in Fig. 7b, 7c respectively. The focus plane but this is considered by the computation of
classical threshold technique detects the larger droplets the local contrast Cmeas. The pixel-contour of the two-
correctly but misses some of the smaller ones. The level image (Fig. 8d) is not smooth due to the discreti-
detection of unfocused droplets is improved by the zation of the picture, so a sub-pixel edge detection
wavelet-based thresholding and the contribution of this algorithm is used to obtain the contour of the droplet.
technique is essentially positive as it only adds droplets To do so, the grey level gradient is computed for each
that would not be detected by the classical technique. pixel of the contour by two Sobel operators giving the
The image resulting from the union of the two thres- first order derivation of the grey level following the
holding techniques is scanned by a recursive labeling horizontal and vertical directions. The gradient vector is
algorithm in order to localize individually each identified used to reach the real value of the threshold level in a
droplet. A morphological dilatation is then applied to sub pixel coordinate system. This is illustrated in
each object (set of connected pixels, i.e., of same label Fig. 9b.
level) to define a surrounding mask for the calculation of
local quantities.
3.4 Droplet size parameters and volume reconstruction

3.3 Droplet analysis and sub-pixel contour extraction The previous section showed the ability of the algorithm
to detect droplets and to isolate them and also to obtain
Each droplet has to be isolated from the surrounding the droplet edge description in sub-pixel coordinates.
droplets in order to be individually analyzed. An illus- Added to the image contrast Cmeas, three other image
tration of this process is shown in Fig. 8. The picture in parameters are used to characterize the droplet. The
Fig. 8a corresponds to the box drawn on the picture in generalized radius of the droplet image is based on the
Fig. 6b. Figure 8b represents in black, the mask of the area A0.61 inside sub-pixel contour at relative level
droplet studied, in bright grey its dilated surface and in l=0.61. The definition of this radius is based on the area
dark grey, the dilated surface of the other droplet masks. of a circular shape:
A picture corresponding to the droplet studied with its rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
environment but without its neighboring droplets is ex- rmeas ¼ : ð29Þ
tracted from the original image (Fig. 8c). A two-level p
image (Fig. 8d) is then computed by thresholding the When droplets are spherical, Eqs. 16 and 29 lead to the
local image at level Pref. The threshold level Pref is correct estimation of the droplet radius. On the other
determined by Eq. 27 hand, for nonspherical droplets, Eq. 29 introduce a bias
Pref ¼ Pmin þ lðPmax  Pmin Þ; ð27Þ in this estimation. To compensate for this, a volume-
based radius rv is defined following the 3D shape esti-
where the minimum grey level Pmin, and the most-pop- mation of the droplet proposed by (Daves et al. 1993).
ulated grey level Pmax which corresponds to the back- The volume of the drop is calculated by considering
ground grey level are obtained from the local grey level slices of the 2D shape of the image, cut perpendicularly
histogram (Fig. 9a). The relative level l was defined to the principal axis of inertia (see Fig. 10a). For each
above in Eq. 12. The local contrast Cmeas of the droplet slice, the elementary volume is defined by the volume of
is also computed from the grey levels Pmax and Pmin by a disc of diameter equal to the width of the slice and of
analogy with Eq. 7: thickness equal to the height of the slice. The droplet

Fig. 8 Droplet cutoff from the

background. The image is
analyzed locally a to determine
the mask b surrounding the
droplet and to isolate the droplet
c. The surrounding droplets do
not interfere with the local two-
level image d

Fig. 9 Local grey level

histogram a and sub-pixel
contour b of the droplet image a 100 b
in Fig. 8c
Pmin Pmax

pixel count


0 50 100 150 200 250
grey level

volume is obtained by summation of the elementary of the image in the plane and rmax and rmin are the
volumes. maximum and the minimum distances from this point to
For a prolate spheroid shape having its principal axis the contour. This parameter measures the uniformity of
in the image plane, the volume-based radius leads to the the mass distribution around the center of gravity G and
good estimation of the droplet volume, whereas the it increases from 0 to ¥ as the image shape becomes less
surface-based radius introduce an error which increases and less uniform.
indefinitely as the ellipticity of the image decreases from The sphericity parameter Sp (Eq. 32) quantifies the
1 to 0. The ellipticity is defined in the next section. For likeness between the droplet shape and the spherical
an oblate spheroid shape, the error introduced on the shape. The area of the droplet image SI is compared to
estimated volume by the volume-based radius is also the circular surface SC of same area centered on G (see
lower than the one obtained from the surface-based ra- Fig. 11b). For a spherical droplet, we have Sp=0.
Finally, to estimate the droplet focusing, it is nec- ðrmax  rmin Þ
gðuniformityÞ ¼ ; 0 < g < 1; ð31Þ
essary to compute the radius difference Drmeas based on rmeas
the areas A0.77 and A0.25 obtained from the sub-pixel
contours at the relative levels 0.77 and 0.25, respec- areaðSI [ SC  SI \ SC Þ
Sp ðsphericityÞ ¼ ;0 < Sp < 2; ð32Þ
tively (Fig. 10b): areaðSI Þ
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
A0:77 A0:25 Lmin
Drmeas ¼  : ð30Þ eðellipticityÞ ¼ ; 0 < e < 1; ð33Þ
p p Lmax
perimeterðSC Þ
uðirregularityÞ ¼ ; 0 < u < 1: ð34Þ
perimeterðSI Þ
3.5 Morphological parameters
The ellipticity parameter e measures the stretching of
Four nondimensional morphological parameters are the droplet (Eq. 33). It corresponds to the ratio of the
defined to qualify the droplet shapes. These parameters width to the length of the rectangle that most closely
also define a morphological space in which different encompasses the droplet image (see Fig. 11c). The last
shape families can be identified. parameter / called irregularity (Eq. 34) is representative
The definition of the uniformity parameter g (Eq. 31) of the folds of the shape interface and is based on the
is illustrated in Fig. 11a where G is the center of gravity perimeter of the image.

Fig. 10 Droplet size

parameters: a volume
reconstruction and b sub-pixel
contours used to determine the
reference areas (:l=0.25,:
l=0.61;: l=0.77)

Fig. 11 Morphological parameter definition: a uniformity, b sphe- estimation of the PSF width must also be experimentally
ricity and c ellipticity. The black point corresponds to the gravity validated. Finally, the influence of the image shape on
center of the shapes
the corrections included in the model must be evaluated.
The same optical imaging setup was used for all the
For a circular shape, the four parameters verify: experiments presented in this paper. A noncoherent light
source (Nanolite - HSPS) of very short duration (.10 ns)
g ¼ 0; Sp ¼ 0; e ¼ 1; u ¼ 1: ð35Þ
is used in a backlight configuration to illuminate the
For some classes of shape family, a relationship between spray. A Sony XC-8500 CCD camera (763·581 pixels) is
these different morphological parameters exists. For used with a long working distance microscope (Iscooptic)
example, the elliptic shape family is governed by the of NA.0.1. The results presented in this section
relations expressed by Eqs. 36, 37 and 38: was obtained with a magnification giving a resolution
R=1,260 pixels/mm. The field of view is thus
1e 606·463 lm2 and the minimum PSF half-width at the
ge ¼ pffiffi ; ð36Þ
e focus plane is vmin=4 lm. The Table 1 summarizes the
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! resolution, field of view and corresponding minimum PSF
4 e 1 half-width for the different configurations used in this
Sp;e ¼ arcsin  arcsin ; ð37Þ paper.
p 1þe 1þe

ue ¼   ð38Þ
3 ð1 þ eÞ 1 4.1 Calibration of the diameter estimation
pffiffi  :
4 e 2
To calibrate the sizing procedure, a reticle on which
The elliptic shape family is then represented in the calibrated discs are engraved was placed in the object
morphological space (g, Sp, e, /) by a curve defined by space. The diameters of the analyzed discs was between
Eqs. 36, 37 and 38. Near elliptical droplets are identified 10 and 100 lm. The reticle was translated along the
through a morphological filter retaining droplets of optical axis by 50 lm steps. For each disc of known size
morphology (g, Sp, e, /) near to (ge, Sp, e, /e). Of and each position of the reticle, the contrast Cmeas, the
course, other morphological filters can be defined for image radius rmeas and the radius difference Drmeas were
other morphological studies. measured. The contrast coefficient s was determined
from the maximum contrast measured on the largest
object and yielded s=0.013. The measured contrast
4 Calibration procedure Cmeas is corrected by use of Eq. 11 to give the normal-
ized contrast C0. The true disc radius a divided by the
The formation of the image on the detector was modeled measured radius rmeas is represented in Fig. 12 as a
in Section 2. This model must be compared to the function of the normalized contrast C0. The image ra-
experiment. To do so, several hypotheses have to be dius is corrected from the variation of the lateral mag-
validated by a calibration procedure. First, the correc- nification with the position of the object along the
tion law (Eq. 16) used to estimate the object diameter optical axis. This variation is induced by the fact that the
must be verified and if necessary, calibrated to take into objective is not telecentric.
account specific aspects of the setup not included in the The scattering of the points for low values of C0 is not
model. The localization of the droplet based on the due to a limitation of the model but to an underesti-

Table 1 Resolution (R), field of view (FV) and PSF half-width in the focus plane vmin of the different optical configurations used in the

Experiments R(pix/mm) FV (lm2) vmin(lm)

Calibration 1,260 606·463 4

Ultrasonic spray 640 1,193·908 5.5
Diesel spray 1,270 560·457 3

mation of the image radius. Effectively, for C0.0.1–0.2 0,06

the grey level profile is flat and the slope at the edge is
10 µm
very low. The measurement of the image radius is thus
0,05 15 µm
very sensitive to the threshold level Pref. In the case of 20 µm
30 µm
low contrast, the determination of Pmin is not so robust 40 µm
and local noise in the profile can induce an underesti- 0,04 60 µm

χest (mm)
100 µm
mation of Pmin, and thus of Pref and rmeas.
The dotted curve in Fig. 12 corresponds to the pre- 0,03
diction of the model given by Eq. 15. It is clear that the
experiment deviates from the model. The radius mea- 0,02 ∆z
sured at relative level 0.61 for a given contrast is, in fact,
larger in the experiment than in the theory. It is sup- 0,01
posed that the difference is due to an experimental PSF
slightly different from the Gaussian. A polynomial 0
regression of order 3 is then computed on the experi- -1 -0,5 0 0,5 1
mental points to obtain a calibrated correction law in z (mm)
place of the one predicted by the model. This regression
is used hereafter to estimate droplet sizes. Fig. 13 Calibration of the PSF width. The depth of field
(Dz . 400 lm) is defined by the choice of the maximum PSF
width (vmax=10 lm)

4.2 Calibration of the focusing estimation

vest ðmmÞ ¼ 0:0041 þ 0:031jzjðmmÞ: ð39Þ
The PSF form and width have not been measured di-
rectly. In fact, for each position of the reticle in the
object space, the PSF half-width is estimated through Discrepancies increase progressively when |z| in-
Eq. 21. A different value for vest is then obtained for creases. Here again, the experiment deviates progres-
each disc and for each position of the disc along the sively from the theory. We can explain this by a
optical axis (z). The results are reported in Fig. 13 for progressive change of the shape of the experimental
the variation of vest versus z. The focal plane is located PSF. Indeed, the real PSF for an unfocused object re-
where vest reaches its minimum value: z is set to 0 for this sults from the convolution of the focused PSF and a
position. The estimated PSF width increases linearly defocalization PSF that can be modeled by geometrical
with z when defocusing increases. This is a typical optics (Stokseth 1969). Nevertheless, as narrow depths
behavior of a microscope objective. A linear regression of field are considered here in order to measure correctly
of the data leads to the following estimation of the PSF the smallest droplets, the deviation observed between the
half-width: results for the different discs is low.
It can be seen from Fig. 13 that fixing vmax is equiv-
alent to choose the limits for the depth of field
Dz=zmaxzmin, which is considered to be independent of
the object size in a first approximation. The discrepancies
1 between the points for the PSF width estimated from the
disc of different diameters induce an uncertainty in the
0,8 determination of the limits of the depth of field. For
vmax=10 lm, it yields a depth of field Dz.380±140 lm.
0,6 10 µm However, we must keep in mind that without any sorting

15 µm
20 µm
of the drop images, the depth of field varies from 0.6 to
30 µm more than 2.3 mm for objects of size between 10 and
0,4 40 µm
60 µm 40 lm. Fixing the depth of field by this way does not
100 µm prevent from the effect of image overlapping considered
0,2 model in Section 4.4.

0 4.3 Effect of the object shape

0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1
C0 The imaging model was developed for circular-shaped
objects but non spherical droplets can be analyzed
Fig. 12 Calibration of the sizing procedure. The coefficients through the morphological analysis of the images. The
of the polynomial in Eq. 15 are (a0,a1,a2,a3,a4)=(0.20441,
2.7503, 4.9341, 4.7441, 1.8137) for the model and
influence of the shape of the object has been tested
(a0,a1,a2,a3,a4)=(0.39654, 1.1025, 0.84537, 0.26805, 0) for the numerically to evaluate the model. Synthetic images of
experiment elliptic discs with 0.1 £ e £ 1 have been filtered by a

Gaussian of variable width to simulate the defocusing 1 Ap

effect. The blurred images were analyzed by the sizing Cv ¼ : ð41Þ
Lz pD220 =4 Lx Ly
and defocusing estimation procedures. The results are
reported in Fig. 14. Area-based radii are considered The last term Ap/(Lx Ly)=scov represents the ratio of the
here. The relative error (aesta)/a is plotted versus the total projected surface of the droplet images over the
ellipticity for different nondimensional object sizes surface of the image plane. This ratio can be greater than
ð~a ¼ 1; 1:5; 2; 2:5; 3Þ in Fig. 14a. Obviously, the error the effective surface image concentration when image
begins to be significant for ellipticity lower than 0.5, but overlapping occurs. In the case of the Diesel spray
there is not a clear effect of the nondimensional radius ~a application characterized by a very small droplet size
on this error. distributions (D20 .5 lm), and for scov=0.25 and
The relative error for the estimated PSF width Lz= 2 mm for a~30 lm, Eq. 41 gives a drop concen-
(vestv)/v increases when e decreases (Fig. 14(b)) as it tration of 5000 droplets/mm3. In this estimation, Lz is
does for the size estimation, but the relative error on the the maximum depth for detection of the biggest droplets
PSF width is one order of magnitude greater than the (see Calibration of the focusing estimation).
relative error for the diameter estimation. Nevertheless, High droplet concentrations lead to high values of
the error on the determination of v is not very important scov and result in overlapping effects which are treated by
as it is used only to define the measurement volume. For the following ways:
a droplet not localized near the maximum unfocused
– Partially overlapping images are separated by a spe-
position, given by v . vmax, the estimation of v has no
cific module of the morphological analysis which uses
incidence on the measurement, although it is true that a
the sub-pixel contour and the grey level gradient along
droplet localized near the maximum unfocused position
the contour to dissociate different images (Yon 2003;
could be rejected by an error on the estimation of v due
Yon and Blaisot 2004).
to a pronounced elliptic shape.
– Totally overlapping process is dealt with by a model
for the correction of the size distribution observed
when scov is too high (scov ’ 0.5) (Yon 2003; Yon and
4.4 Limit in droplet concentration
Blaisot 2004). The missed droplet population is esti-
mated considering a random distribution of droplets
The imaging process leads to the projection of the
in space. In the case of applications to Diesel sprays, it
droplet contour on the image plane. This projection
was shown that as soon as images are analyzable, the
converts the 3D distribution of drops in the object space
correction of the apparent drop size distribution be-
to a 2D distribution of droplet images on the image
comes negligible. The correction obtained by this
plane. For the image to be analyzable, the droplet image
model is significant in the case of wide drop size dis-
concentration on the image plane must not be too high.
tributions, the probability for a given drop to be
The projected area Ap can be estimated by the mean-
covered by another one being in this case not negli-
surface diameter D20 of the droplet size distribution.
Indeed, if N is the number of droplets in the measure-
ment volume then:
Z 1
pD2 pD220 4.5 Testing of the drop sizing on a well-controlled
Ap ¼ N fn ðDÞdD ¼ N : ð40Þ
0 4 4 experiment
The number of drops in the measurement volume The validation of the new drop sizing technique was
(Lx Ly Lz) is related to the drop concentration Cv: N=Cv done comparing its performances with two other
Lx Ly Lz. The drop concentration can thus be expressed diagnostics: a diffraction-based granulometer (Spray-

Fig. 14 Validation of the sizing

a and defocusing b estimation
a 0,06 b
procedures for elliptic objects. 0,8
open circle ð~a ¼ 1Þ; filled
triangle ð~
a ¼ 1:5Þ; filled inverted 0,04 0,6
(χest - χ)/χ
(aest - a)/a

triangle ð~
a ¼ 2Þ; filled square
ð~a ¼ 2:5Þ; filled circle ð~
a ¼ 3Þ: 0,03
Relative error on the diameter 0,4
estimation is quite small. The 0,02
error for the estimation of the
PSF width is greater but it has 0,2
little impact on the
measurement accuracy 0 0
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1 0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
ε ε

tech–Malvern) and a PDPA (Dantec). An ultrasonic

atomizer (POLYSPRAY) fed with water was chosen 5 Application to the diesel spray
to produce a well-atomized and diluted spray with
very low drop velocities. The working frequency of the 5.1 Experimental setup
atomizer is 47 KHz and the mass flowing rate is
4.2 mg/s. The measurement point is 15 mm below the The Diesel spray is well known to be hardly measur-
injector nozzle for the three techniques. The optical able as a consequence of high liquid speeds and high
settings of the imaging system are given in Table 1. concentrations encountered in such a flow. Further-
The linear regression for the estimation of the PSF more, the spherical hypothesis is still to be proved in
half-width gives vest (mm)=0.0056+0.014 |z| (mm) in this spray. The capability of the image-based granu-
this configuration. It was verified with the PDPA lometer to analyze sprays in severe conditions is thus
measurements that there was no correlation between tested on a Diesel spray. No comparison with other
the drop size and the drop velocity. Temporal distri- diagnostics will be presented in this section due to the
butions obtained from the PDPA can thus be directly limitation of these diagnostics for this kind of appli-
compared to spatial distribution obtained from dif- cation. A 200 lm diameter single orifice Ganzer
fraction or image analysis. The results are presented in injector is placed vertically and fed by a pneumatic
Fig. 15. In order to compare the droplet size distri- pump to provide fuel pressures Pi=60 MPa. The
butions, the spatial filtering is applied to prevent an nozzle length is 800 lm giving a L/D ratio of 4. This
overestimation of the biggest droplets. The maximum injector is not representative of multi-hole commercial
PSF half-width was fixed to vmax=20 lm leading to a injector but it is used to produce one Diesel jet of
depth of field of 2 mm. In order to compare mea- similar properties. The fuel is injected at ambient
surements to other techniques, the morphological fil- pressure and temperature (P0=100 kPa, T=20C).
tering of the elliptic objects (see Sect. 3, The injection lasts 2 ms and the needle lift position is
Morphological parameters) is also applied to retain measured as a function of time. Experiments have
only near-spherical droplets. The image-based distri- been done with Diesel fuel.
bution obtained with these two filters is noted FSM in There is an hydraulic delay between the command
Fig. 15 and the nonfiltered distribution is also re- time t0 and the start of injection tsi. At low injection
ported (F0). The effect of the filtering on the overes- pressure this delay is not stable. In order to avoid the
timated population of biggest drops is clear, the FSM jitter between t0 and tsi, the start of injection is detected
distribution is shifted towards smaller drop diameters. with a photodiode placed at the nozzle exit. The light
The three distributions obtained from the PDPA, the source is driven at a time ti synchronized with tsi.
diffraction technique and the image-based technique The PSF half-width of the optical configuration used
with spatial and morphological filters (FSM) are very for this application is given by vest(mm)=0.0031 +
similar. The SMD obtained from each technique are 0.022 |z| (mm). The minimum measurable diameter
equal to 30.3, 34.9 and 35.11 lm, respectively with calculated from Eq. 17 is dmin= 2.2 lm. The maximum
diffraction, PDPA and image analysis. PSF half-width vmax for the spatial filter given by Eq. 18
is vmax .3 lm for dmin= 2.2 lm but the maximum value
was fixed to vmax=5 lm in order to enlarge the mea-
surement volume and thus to increase the droplet
counting. This yields to the depth of field Dz .170 lm
FSM and results in a slight underestimation of the smallest
Diffraction droplets (d<5 lm). The size of the measurement volume
is thus 0.56·0.46·0.17= 43·103 mm3. For each mea-
surement point, 700 images of the spray were recorded
to produce smoothed size distributions. The average
0,03 number of droplets counted in each drop distribution

ranges from 10,000 to 80,000 depending on the mea-

surement location and the filters applied.

Table 2 Measurement locations and name convention for the tes-
ted positions
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Name Pi (MPa) X (mm) Y (mm)
Drop diameter (µm)
60ul 60 30 -3
Fig. 15 Comparison of the image-based drop sizing technique with 60ur 60 30 3
PDPA and diffraction techniques. FO—image-based granulometry 60dl 60 60 -3
without filtering, FSM—image-based granulometry with spatial 60dr 60 60 3
and morphological filtering

tion. The mean value of the four shape parameters are

6 Results computed for all diameter class.
The standard deviation for e and / is also presented
The drop size distributions are measured 30 mm and on this figure (error bars).
60 mm from the nozzle tip, for two symmetrical radial The mean shape of the drops seems nearer from the
positions (see Table 2 and Fig. 16a). Measurement times spherical shape at the center of distribution modes as
are fixed during the quasi stationary period of the indicated by the minimum for Sp and g and the
injection, i.e., ti=1911 ls for X=30 mm and ti=1991 ls maximum for e and /. However, the standard devi-
for X=60 mm. Typical Diesel spray images are shown in tation of the shape parameters are higher at the ex-
Fig. 16b–e. Focused, slightly unfocused and largely trema of the drop size distribution. This could simply
unfocused droplets are visible on these images. results from less robust mean values caused by less-
Volume-based drop size distributions are presented in populated classes. It must be noticed that parameters
Fig. 17. For each measurement position, the direct dis- Sp and g, which must be near from zero for spherical
tribution (F0) is compared to the one obtained with the drops, also has a higher range of values (resp. [0, 2]
application of the spatial filter (FS). The morphological and [0, ¥]) than e and /. The standard deviations for
filter is not applied anymore as the results are not Sp and g (resp. .0.2 and .0.3) are thus higher also
compared with other granulometers in this section. The than for the two other parameters (arround 0.1) and
expected effect of the spatial filter, i.e., the correction of were not represented for clarity of the Fig. 18. The
the overestimation of the population of the big drops, is morphological analysis indicates that when the drop
clearly seen in Fig. 17a for the point 60ul and also in size distribution presents two modes, the shape
Fig. 17c and 17d. parameters seem also to present the same number of
Without spatial filtering, drop size distributions on extrema as shown for 60ur in Fig.18a. The most-
both sides of the jet at a given downstream position are populated diameter classes seem thus to be well-
quite similar. When the spatial filter is applied, a dis- atomized due to the near spherical shape of these
symmetry is observed for X=30 mm (Fig. 17a and 17b). drops.
In fact, the distribution for 60ur is bi-modal with FS, as A temporal analysis of the Diesel jet has also been
a result of a well-localized phenomenon. It was noticed performed during the quasi-stationary part of the
in previous studies on the same injector, that for this injection for the position 60ur and over the entire
particular location, the Diesel spray is characterized by a injection time at the other side of the spray, at the po-
temporal oscillation of the droplet density. It is though sition 60dl. The temporal evolution of the SMD and of
that this could be the consequence of periodical droplet the morphological parameters is presented in Fig. 19.
clusters or lateral jet flapping generated by cavitation, Only a weak variation of the SMD is observed during
appearing in a small defect located on the right side of the injection time. Except for the first and last 360 ls of
the nozzle outlet. The difference between the drop size the injection when the droplet diameters are a little lar-
distribution with and without spatial filtering can thus ger, the mean diameters during the injection is about
be due to the fact that this cavitation-induced phenom- 5 lm for the two positions considered (X=30 and
enon is three-dimensional as mentioned by (Soteriou 60 mm).
2001) and well-localized. At the two distances from the injector, the temporal
The drop size distributions at 60 mm from the similarity observed between the mean diameters is no
nozzle tip (60dl and 60dr) are clearly mono-modal longer seen for the morphological parameters. Indeed, a
distributions centered around 12 lm. The small drop- time dependence of the four morphological parameters
lets (d<8 lm) that are dominating upstream have is observed at the point 60ur associated to X= 30 mm.
nearly disappeared 30 mm below. This could be due to This dependence is clearly seen from the irregularity
the fact that the dense parts of the jet are composed parameter / whose stabilization is observed during the
of bigger droplets than the dilute parts. The reduction quasi-stationary setting up. This temporal dependence is
of the population of the small droplets (d<8 lm) not observed anymore at the second point studied (60dl,
when applying the spatial filter can thus be due to the X=60 mm). The droplet morphology relaxes along the
fact that the focus plane is located in a dense region downstream position towards spherical shape, i.e., g and
surrounded by more dilute parts of the spray. In Sp decreases toward 0 and e and / increases toward 1, so
particular, unfocused drops should be located in a the atomization process is still in progress between
dilute region, i.e., in a region where the small X=30 mm and X=60 mm.
drops are dominating. The spatial filter suitably It can also be noticed that the behavior of the injector
eliminates those small unfocused droplets from the is not that reproducible. This is particularly evident for
distribution. the mean shape parameters at the point 60ur and around
The morphological analysis has been used to char- 2,000 ms which are not of the same order than for the
acterize the mean drop shape as a function of the drop analysis at a fixed time (see Fig. 18). This particular
size. The results for 60ur and 60dr are presented in behavior shows the sensitivity of the drop shape
Fig. 18. The measurement points 60ur and 60dr was analysis.
chosen for the difference observed in the size distribu-

Fig. 16 Location of the

measurement points along the
Diesel plume (a) and example of
Diesel spray images for each
position (b)–(e)

Fig. 17 Droplet size distributions: a 60ul, b 60ur, c 60dl, d 60dr. F0: in Fig. 20 some drop images recorded at the end of the
no filter applied, FS: spatial filtering. Measurement locations are Diesel injection with the corresponding value of the drop
indicated in Table 2 and in Fig. 16
shape parameters. The drop shapes of the too upper
Finally, to illustrate what extra contribution the drop rows correspond to the kind of shape commonly
shape analysis can add to the spray analysis, we reported encountered in the Diesel spray. The four lower ones are

a b

Fig. 18 Droplet size distributions with spatial filter and mean drop specific shapes of the end of injection. These nonspher-
shape parameters for each diameter distribution class. Error bars ical droplets, usually rejected or not correctly charac-
indicate the standard deviation for e and /: a 60ur, b 60dr terized by classical techniques, can however lead to the
production of unburned particles in the combustion
process, due to their big size.
We believe that a wise classification of the shapes
based on the morphological parameters, can help
atomization analysis. Indeed, primary and secondary
breakup regimes can be classified through the shape of
the liquid element being broken or formed (see Liu and
Reitz 1996 for example). Our challenge now is to asso-
ciate quantitative values to the shapes subjectively
associated to each breakup regime.

7 Conclusion

A new approach to spray-sizing by image analysis is

presented. It is based on the modeling of the image
formation. The image model has been used to define
criteria for the correction of the apparent size of an
Fig. 19 Temporal variation of the SMD and of the morphological unfocused drop and for the determination of a mea-
parameters versus injection time for Pi=60 MPa: filled circle
30 mm downstream (60ur) and · 60 mm downstream (60dl) the surement volume independent of the drop size.
nozzle outlet. The continuous line stands for the needle lift curve Image-based drop sizing techniques was also used to
analyze the shape of the drops. Four morphological
parameters have been proposed here to qualify the drop
shapes. Morphological filtering of the spherical or
elliptic droplets is also applied for comparison with
other techniques.
One of the remaining limits of the image-based sizing
technique is the effect of image overlapping. However, it
was found that for a narrow drop size distribution, the
effect could be neglected.
The image-based drop sizing technique was first ap-
plied to an ultrasonic spray. Results are compared to
diffraction-based and PDPA measurements. The three
techniques are in agreement, giving similar the drop size
The new drop sizing technique was also submitted to
more severe conditions, in an application to a Diesel
spray. A very low SMD (.5 lm) is found during the
Fig. 20 Images of drops encountered at the end of the injection quasi stationary period of the injection. The results re-
time veal also the presence of two modes in the drop size

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