IC 114 Module 4 Week 8

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IC 114 – Globalization and Public Administration


Week # 8: October 04-08, 2021

Submit by October 08, 2021

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STCAST-BPA 4/GoiBuncal/AC2021-22 1st Sem/IC 114 – Globalization and Public Administration
Fdr. Road 4, Tibal-og, Sto. Tomas, 8112
Davao del Norte, Philippines

LEARNING MODULE on IC 114 – Globalization and Public Administration

Module No. & Title Module 4: WORLD IDEAS


Globalization ushered to us an era of rapid connectivity and interdependence

with the rest of the global community. From trade to politics and governance, we all
became connected. It goes without saying that with this trend happening in this
“borderless world”, ideas, knowledge, and religion also flowed freely in this
contemporary world.
In this chapter, we will explore the role of media and religion in the spread of
globalization and vice versa.

Intended Learning Outcome

At the end of this lesson, the learners shall be able to:

a. Analyze how various media drive plays part of the global integration.
b. Know how globalization affects religious beliefs and expressions.

This module will discuss the following Lessons:

a. Global Media Culture

Various Forms of Global Integration
Dynamics between Local and Global Cultural Production
b. Globalization of Religion
Effects of Globalization on Religious Practices and Beliefs
Role of Religion Today
Role of Religion in Promoting World Peace
The rise and Fall of the ISIL or ISIS


Who’s that person?! Identify the following personality and provide a single
word that could best describe him or her. The one word description could be a song,
an event, a thought, or anything that reminds you of him or her.

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Person Name Description Person Name Description

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Have you identified all of them? Let us dig further into your experience.

1.) Where did you heard or learned about them?

2.) How were you able to get your description of them?
3.) Did you use the internet in identifying these people?
4.) Have they influenced you one way or another?


Global Media Cultures

The media have a very important impact on cultural globalization in two

mutually interdependent ways: Firstly, the media provide an extensive transnational
transmission of cultural products and, secondly, they contribute to the formation of
communicative networks and social structures. The rapidly growing supply of media
products from an international media culture presents a challenge to existing local
and national cultures. The sheer volume of the supply, as well as the vast
technological infrastructure and financial capital that pushes this supply forward,
have a considerable impact on local patterns of cultural consumption and
possibilities for sustaining an independent cultural production. Global media cultures
create a continuous cultural exchange, in which crucial aspects such as identity,
nationality, religion, behavioral norms and way of life are continuously questioned
and challenged. These cultural encounters often involve the meeting of cultures with
a different socio-economic base, typically a transnational and commercial cultural
industry on one side and a national, publicly regulated cultural industry on the other

Due to their very structure, global media promote a restructuring of cultural

and social communities. The media such as the press, and later radio and tv have
been very important institutions for the formation of national communities. Global
media support the creation of new communities. The Internet, for example, not only
facilitates communication across the globe, but also supports the formation of new
social communities in which members can interact with each other. And satellite tv
and radio allow immigrants to be in close contact with their homeland's language and
culture while they gradually accommodate to a new cultural environment. The
common point of departure is the assumption that a series of international media
constitutes a global cultural supply in itself and serves as an independent agency for
cultural and social globalization, in which cultural communities are continuously
restructured and redefined. (Source: Website)

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In other words, media cultures take part in the process of globalization,
including how they challenge existing cultures and create new and alternative
symbolic and cultural communities.

Various Forms of Global Integration

Global integration is not a new phenomenon in today's contemporary world.

Trade took place between distant civilizations even in ancient times. This
globalization process in the economic domain has not always proceeded smoothly
has it benefited all whom it was offered, But, despite occasional interruptions, such
as the collapse of the Roman Empire or during the interwar period in this century, the
degree of economics integration among different societies around the world has
generally been rising in the past half century, and ever greater than it has been and
is likely to improve.

There are three (3) factors that have affected the process of economic
globalization. These are:

1. Improvements in transportation and communication technology have

reduced the cost of transporting goods, services and factors of production and
communicating economically useful knowledge and technology

2. Tastes of individuals and, societies have generally but not universally,

favored taking advantage of the opportunities provided by declining costs of
transportation and communication through increasing economic integration.

3. The character and pace of economic integration have been significantly

influenced by public policies, although it is not always in the direction of
increasing economic integration.

Thus, technology, tastes, and public policy each have important influence on the
pattern and pace of economies in its various dimensions.

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Dynamics Between Local and Global Cultural Production

Paulo Emanuel Novais Guimarães pointed out that the advent of the category
'world music led to both an unprecedented level of (re)discovery of local music
scenes and to an assemblance of an intricate global musical platform in the
contemporary age of globalization. The processes in which local cultures express
and engage themselves with broader global networks and the other way around can
be claimed to be indispensable sources of knowledge in the analytical approach of
socio-political concerns, these being of small or large-scale societies. Extremely
frequent in debates on globalization is after all the dichotomic struggle between the
concrete and human 'local' against the abstract and dehumanizing 'global' (Wilson &
Dissanayake, 1996: 22).

In order to apprehend how this relationship has indeed been marked at times
by oppression and domination, the critical theories of authors such as Edward Said,
Homi K. Bhabha and Immanuel Wallerstein will be applied to cases of local and
global music industry operations. This lesson aims nonetheless, above all, to provide
a concise yet consistent introduction to how this relation goes beyond the criticisms
of cultural imperialism and Americanization, to how multifarious this relation can be.
Key issues represented by the binary concepts of authenticity and homogeneity and
of production, distribution and marketing of cultural products, will be referred to.
Without trying to uphold a modern centric view that admits the rise of globalization as
a recent phenomenon, the commercial dynamics between the global and the local in
world music approached, will be mostly from the 1950's onwards.

Globalization of Religion

One may ask: what is the relation of religion to globalization? First, there is
the way in which globalization flattens out cultural differences, erodes local customs
and beliefs, and spreads a secular, capitalist way of life that us at odds with religions
of all sorts. At the same time, there is the way in which religion serves as the source
of globalization's greatest resistance and as a haven for those standing in opposition
to its ubiquitous yet often subtle power.

In both of these views, the relationship between religion and globalization is

antagonistic-one of struggle and conflict.

While opposition is an important aspect of the relationship between religion

and globalization, to see them only as foes misses some of the complexities of their
interaction, not only in the past but in the postmodern world as well.

Religion and globalization can also be seen as partners in historical change.

In times past, religion, in various manifestations, has been a carrier of globalizing
tendencies in the world. The history of Christianity, of course, can be understood in

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part as an early effort to create a global network of believers. Its extraordinary growth
and influence as a world religion was a result of a link between its own global
ambitions and the expansion of various political and economic regimes. It succeeded
as a globalizing force long before there was a phenomenon called "globalization."
Elements of this historical pattern can be found in Buddhism, Islam, and other faiths
as well.

Religion is hardly epi-phenomenal to the processes of globalization in our own

day. It continues to be a player in intricate and even contradictory ways. To be sure,
it was once thought that secularization was the inevitable outcome of the processes
we call "modernity." Clearly this has not been the case. Religious faith persists in a
complex interaction with the structures and processes of the modern world and that
complexity has only intensified under the conditions of contemporary globalization.

Globalization Affects Religious Practices and Beliefs

Evolving trade routes led to the colonization of Asia, Africa, Central and South
America. Religion became an integral part of colonization and later on globalization.
Religion has been a major feature in some historical conflicts and the most recent
wave of modern terrorism.

The Impact of Globalization

 flattens cultural differences

 erodes local customs and beliefs
 spreads secular, capitalist way of life

What is Religion Nowadays?

 it's no longer a set of beliefs that people arrive by reflection

 it's a symbolic system which carries our identity and marks out social
ethic and other boundaries
 it marks crucial moments in the life cycle with rituals it provides
powerful mechanisms for psychological and social tension

Role of Religion Today

Looking around the world today, it is clear that

religion plays a role in many of the major conflicts going
on at various levels. Furthermore, religion plays an
important role in people's lives worldwide, and has
become one of the major ways people connect with each
other across the globe. However, the role of religion in

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contemporary societies is still not sufficiently understood in academic research and
in the work of policy-makers, NGO's and journalists.

Role of Religion in Promoting World Peace

Ven K. Dhammananda of Malaysia wrote an essay of the title above. The

essay is produced here:

Religion has a definite role to play in the people's search for world peace. The
moral principles and values contained in the teachings of great religious teachers are
essential factors for the reduction of and ultimate eradication of greed, hatred, and
delusion-which form the root cause of various conflicts and wars, both within and
without. Within oneself, these three evil or unwholesome roots bring about great
unrest in the mind, resulting in physical outbursts of violence culminating in global

The fact that war begins in the minds of people is well recognized by certain
peace-loving people. The preamble to UNESCO's constitution says: "Since wars
begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must
be constructed." That is, if one wishes to have peace of mind, one must also
construct defences of peace in one's own mind.

The world cannot have peace until nations and people begin to reduce their
selfish desires for more and more material possessions, give up their racial
arrogance, and eliminate their madness for worldly power. Material wealth alone
cannot bring peace and happiness to the minds of people. The key to real and
lasting peace lies in "mental disarmaments"--disarming the mind from all kinds of
"poisonous" defilements such as greed, hatred, jealousy, egotism, etc.

Religion not only inspires and guides people but also provides them with the
necessary tools to reduce greed with the practice of charity; to overcome hate and
aversion with loving-kindness; and to remove ignorance with the development of
wisdom and insight in order to understand the true nature of beings and "see things
as they really are."

The negative aspects of religion lie in the madness of some so-called

religionists who try to convert and win followers by hook or by crook, rather than
adhering to proper instruction and guidance. The purposeful misinterpretation of
scriptural texts for various ulterior motives has led to religious persecutions,
inquisitions, and "holy wars." These terribly awful experiences have really marred the
very name "religion."

In the context of today's spiritual need, religionists should work together in

earnestness and not in jealous competition with one another. They must work in
harmony and cooperate in the true spirit of service-for the welfare and happiness of

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the many. It is only then that they can effectively influence the opinions of the
masses and truly educate the people with some higher values of life, which are very
necessary for peaceful co-existence and integrated human development.

Differences in religious beliefs and practices should not hinder the progress of
various religionists working for a common cause, for world peace. Let all religions
teach people to be good and proclaim the brotherhood of humankind. Let religions
teach people to be kind, to be tolerant, to be understanding.

Enough suffering and destruction have been caused by human "cleverness."

It is time that we pause and reflect upon the true values of religion and seek proper
spiritual guidance to develop our "goodness," to for peace and harmony instead of
war and disunity.

For the cause of humanity and of peace, let us hope that all our religious
leaders will stretch out their hands in friendship to one another and to all people
irrespective of race or creed-with a genuine feeling of love and brotherhood--to work
for a peaceful world and to work for humanity.

The Rise and Fall of the ISIL or ISIS

Pushed out from many of its strongholds in Syria and besieged on all sides in
the Iraqi city of Mosul, the Islamic State of Iraq and Levants Group (ISIL also known
as ISIS) is losing its territorial base in the very region that once incubated its growth.
In May 2018, the US Defense Intelligence Agency estimated that ISIL has lost 65
percent of its land in Iraq and 45 percent in Syria since 2014.

With the group's

presence in the region greatly
diminished, questions arise
over who will fill the vacuum
left by its retreat. IN 2017,
Marawi City was besieged by
extremist terrorists - the ISIS.

ISIL's rapid expansion

has irrevocably changed the
political dynamics governing
the region - but in order to
know how, one must first
understand the conditions that contributed to the group's rise.

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FAITH, unfortunately for

politicians, is much more personal
than their promise of change.
President Rodrigo Duterte, in a
speech last Sept. 6 in Naga City,
said there is no need to celebrate
the arrival of Christianity 500
years ago on our shores, hurling
yet again another tirade on the
Catholic Church. Two days later,
close to 9,000 Marian devotees
trooped to the “Walk with Mary
2019” in Cebu City. No direct
connection there, but it shows just how even this popular leader’s word hardly makes
a dent on the Filipino’s robust faith.

The Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) has been

preparing for the Jubilee Year in 2021 to mark the 500th anniversary of the arrival of
Christianity on Philippine shores.

For over three years now, Duterte had been using the executive platform to
attack the old monolith, trying to chip away at its strength by attacking religious
leaders critical of him. This time, he emphasizes Christianity as a remnant of the
country’s painful period of colonization.

“You know, they came to this country as imperialists. We are not Spanish and
they subjugated us for 300 years. That’s painful for me... And yet I was asked
for a commemoration for the 500 years since they arrived here,” the President

- This article was published in the Editorial page of SunStar Cebu on Sept. 09, 2019.
Illustration by Josua Cabrera.
- https://www.sunstar.com.ph/article/1822357/Cebu/Opinion/Editorial-Celebrate-by-all-

Provide a critique on this editorial, explain whether you agree or not and why.
Your output will be graded base on the following parameters. Content (50%),
Organization of thoughts and logical reasoning (30%) and Grammar (20%). Use
another piece of paper.

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NAME: ______________________________ YR. & Section:

I- Definition- Define the following terms based on the lesson discussed in
this learning module. (5pts. Each)

1.) Global Media Culture –

2.) Local Cultural Production –

3.) Global Cultural Production-

4.) Global Economic Integration-

I- ESSAY : Answer and Expound these questions. (10 points each) Your
answer will be graded based on its content (50%) Grammar (30%) and
organization of thoughts (20%).

1.) What is the role of Media in Globalization?

2.) Was it religion who ushered advancement of Globalization or was it

Globalization that aid in the spread of Religion? Explain your answer.

3.) What is the Role of Religion in the Marawi Siege?

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