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Open RAN -
An Introduction

Spirent Ebook Series 1


Why Open RAN?3
Open RAN Overview 4
Benefits of Open RAN  5
The Flexibility of Open RAN6
The Challenge of Making Open RAN Work7
Addressing Open RAN Testing Challenges9
Testing and Assurance for Open RAN10
Open RAN Testing Strategies 11
Additional Considerations in Testing12
Other Testing Use Cases13
Open RAN–The Path Forward15

Spirent Ebook Series 2


Why Open RAN?

ORAN vs. OpenRAN vs. vRAN OpenRAN: OpenRAN is a standard led by
Describing what Open RAN is No discussion of the Open RAN (ORAN) the Telcom Infra Project (TIP). It aims to
“accelerate innovation and commercialization
(which we’ll do shortly) is important, technology movement is complete
in RAN domain with multi-vendor
without the context of virtual RAN (vRAN).
but probably more important is Both ORAN and vRAN are technological interoperable products and solutions that are
describing why Open RAN was approaches. Instead of the traditional RAN, easy to integrate in the operator’s network
and are verified for different deployment
created. We’ll start there because it which is supplied by a single vendor using
proprietary hardware and software, both scenarios.” It is committed to creating an
is easier to understand what Open Open RAN for 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G.
ORAN and vRAN are technology approaches
RAN is if we first know why it is that differ from the traditional RAN,
(Note: “ORAN” is also an acronym for TIP
being built. which is supplied by a single vendor using
groups. To avoid confusion, in this eBook,
proprietary hardware.
The bulk of the costs (CapEx and OpEx) for “ORAN” will only be used in reference to the
Open RAN is focused on opening proprietary Open RAN movement.)
operators lie within RAN, and 5G requires a
massive increase in the number of cell sites and protocols and interfaces between the various
In practice, there can be an overlap between
radio types, which drives RAN costs even higher. disaggregated RAN subcomponents to drive
Open RAN and vRAN. The reality is that this is
In recent years, the number of RAN vendors has multivendor radio, hardware, and software
not exclusively an “either/or” approach, but one
deployments. vRAN is similar in that it is
declined, reducing competition in the market. where “the whole can be greater than the sum
focused on decoupling RAN software features
of the parts,” with some experts suggesting they
Open RAN (ORAN) attempts to solve this from custom-built hardware platforms to
are destined to inevitably combine.
problem. By disaggregating and splitting enable proprietary software to run on generic
the RAN, supporting standardized open and hardware compute platforms.
interoperable interfaces, and allowing key ORAN vRAN
functions to run as virtualized software functions Specific aspects of
on vendor-neutral hardware, an environment Open RAN include: NRT

evolves where networks can be deployed with a O-RAN: O-RAN is a standards organization
more modular design. This offers the option of (the O-RAN Alliance) focused on publishing
specifications for a new Open RAN for 4G
not being dependent upon a single vendor and,
and 5G. O-RAN is also focused on facilitating
in turn, provides multiple benefits.
the testing of new ORAN devices.

Spirent Ebook Series 3



Open RAN Overview: A high-level description of Open RAN would include the following...
These are the endpoints connecting to the network. It RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) is a hosting platform for The mobile core network enables end-users
could be smartphones, but it is increasingly including micro-service-based software applications. Servicing both access to services (phone calls, internet access,
next-generation endpoints, such as IoT devices (ATMs, real-time and non-real-time (RT and non-RT) platforms, RIC etc.). It also handles operational tasks such as
factory equipment, smart meters, etc.). These devices subscriber location, profile and authentication
provides a disaggregation of RAN orchestration, automation,
communicate with the network via radio frequencies (RFs) of services. Finally, it provides switching
management, and optimization through open interfaces.
connected to RUs (radio units), which are geographically functions for voice and data sessions.
dispersed to be near the user.




RU (Radio Unit).  DU (Distributed Unit).  CU (Centralized Unit). 

These RF transceivers are part of The DU is where the real-time baseband processing functions reside. The DU can The CU sits between the DUs and the core
the base station, co-located with be centralized or located near the cell site and works with the lowest layers of the network. The CU handles the higher layers
the antennas that capture inbound protocol stack (RLC, MAC, and physical layer). This is commercial off-the-shelf of the protocol stack, where the less time-
(or transmit outbound) signals from (COTS) hardware, which can also be virtualized or containerized. It consolidates sensitive packet processing functions typically
(or to) end-user equipment. and processes inbound traffic from, or processes, breaks out, and distributes reside (SDAP, RRC, and PDCP). A single CU
traffic to, multiple RUs. handles many DUs.
The RU is where the radio
frequency signals are transmitted, The processing performed by DUs is beyond the scope of this eBook, but it Open DU and CU can be run as virtualized
This is where radio signals from received, amplified, and digitized. is important to note that the segment comprised by the RUs, the DU, and the software functions on vendor-neutral
end-user devices are converted to The RU is located near, or transport between the two is collectively called the fronthaul. Notably, O-RAN hardware. CUs are also virtualized and run on
digital signals for the network or integrated into, the antenna. calls this the lower-layer split (LLS). inexpensive COTS hardware.
vice versa. This transport segment
handles transforming the radio
signal from the user equipment The transport layer, which handles end-to-end communication over the Open RAN network, is split into three communication links:
into a digital packet that can run
across the core network. Open Fronthaul. The RU, DU, and Open Midhaul. Open Backhaul. The transport between
transport between the two, including The DU, CU, and transport between the CU and the mobile core network
the use of the enhanced common the two comprise the open midhaul. comprises the open backhaul.
public radio interface (eCPRI),
comprise the open fronthaul.

Much of the above is virtualized, runs on COTS hardware, and uses open interfaces in an Open RAN environment, including RIC and CORE.

Spirent Ebook Series 4


Benefits of Open RAN will independently innovate and provide richer

solutions at a much faster pace, thereby reducing
Delivers lower costs for vendors the time to market for new offerings.
and operators.
More vendors = more competition. And Facilitates new monetization
increased competition drives prices lower. In opportunities.
addition, virtualizing the various components Open RAN will help stimulate a vibrant vendor
of RAN allows operators to utilize COTS ecosystem, quickly delivering new services
hardware, which further lowers costs. to customers, reducing the risk of “vendor
lock-in” and introducing “best-of-breed”
Provides the ability to serve smaller, network solutions and thereby facilitating new
tightly defined 5G networks. monetization opportunities.
By lowering RAN costs, providers can service
more cost-sensitive 5G network use cases, The benefits of Open RAN are clear and
such as rural markets or private commercial compelling, with the promise of lower
5G networks (e.g., at a factory site). A big costs, diverse supply chains, and gear
driver for cloud service providers (CPs) is interoperability. However, building a new
traditional macrocellular network coverage. ORAN from the ground up and ensuring
it performs as planned is a massive
Spurs innovation and accelerates undertaking—especially when coupled with
time to market. a move to 5G, which is already pushing
technical boundaries. With this background,
Increased competition naturally speeds up
we will examine precisely what ORAN is.
innovation. Virtualizing RAN systems means
innovation can be implemented in software,
which is quicker to deliver than hardware KEY TAKEAWAY
changes. As traditional RAN continues to
The benefits of Open RAN are clear and
innovate, it promotes greater ORAN participation,
compelling, yet building a new ORAN from
thus spurring innovation further. Within this the ground up, and ensuring it performs as
dynamic environment, more and newer players planned, is a massive undertaking.

Spirent Ebook Series 5



The Flexibility of Open RAN: Disaggregating RAN affords tremendous flexibility to network architects.

Deployment Frequency O-Cloud Synchronization

RAN Sharing
Topologies Support Architectures Profiles

The standards bodies have To support the frequencies

defined “splits” that allow the used by both 4G and 5G,
RU, DU, and CU to be flexibly operators require Open RAN Loss of synchronization is a
There are two standards that challenge with disaggregating
distributed or centralized to support a wide range of
allow operators to share a RAN (especially with multiple
in a variety of ways to frequencies with various Open Cloud (O-Cloud)
RAN – MORAN (Multi-Operator vendors). To maintain critical
meet operators’ business transmission modes, output implementation will be
Random Access Networks) synchronization performance in
requirements or address power values, and bandwidth based on general-purpose
and MOCN (Multi-Operator networks with greatly varying
local constraints such as requirements. processors (GPPs) and
Core Networks). Both are deployment scenarios, Open
transport costs and distance hardware accelerators
required for Open RAN. With RAN provides a set of defined
to edge clouds for rural sites. supporting an acceleration
MORAN everything in the synchronization configurations
For example, the DU can be abstraction layer (AAL),
RAN except the radio carriers from which to choose that also
co-located with the CU, or all ideally running on
is shared between two or reference associated profiles
the DU can be bundled with containerized network
more operators. With MOCN, and standards from IEEE and
the RU. The DU can also run functions (CNFs) on bare
two or more core networks ITU-T to help inform robust
standalone. This flexibility metal or virtual machines.
share the same RAN, meaning implementations.
allows architects to address
the carriers are shared. The
a wide variety of use cases.
existing core networks could
be kept separate. MOCN
allows operators to pool their
respective spectrum allocations
for greater efficiency.
Spirent Ebook Series 6

The Challenge of Providers were also concerned about the

performance and robustness of Open RAN
Making Open RAN Work in live deployments. They were unequivocal
The promise of Open RAN is clear: lower that Open RAN must have parity with
costs, faster innovation, and new monetization traditional RAN. A common fear they voiced
opportunities. But there are also significant was losing synchronization, as the RAN was
challenges the industry must address while disaggregated, moved to different locations,
building out Open RAN. and comprised of disparate vendors.

In a recent poll, Spirent asked providers what Security Risk.

the biggest challenges for Open RAN were The combination of disaggregation and
in the near term. Responses fell into four main introducing multiple vendors expands the
categories: threat surface. This requires adding security
safeguards throughout the Open RAN. The
Maturity. fear is that this added security overhead will
There are concerns about multi-vendor offset potential cost savings.
interoperability. The standards are not 100%
complete. Worries persist that, in the rush to Included in this assessment is the perception
bring Open RAN to market, some vendors will that many of the new, smaller vendors
forge ahead with their own proprietary flavor appearing in the new Open RAN landscape
of Open RAN, which will involve the need for will not provide bulletproof 24x7 support.
heavy systems integration to make the multi- Consequently, the realization is growing that
vendor products work in harmony. service providers may need to provide that
support on behalf of smaller vendors.

Spirent Ebook Series 7


Installing and operating Open RAN will
be significantly more complex and time-
consuming compared to traditional RAN. And,
just like security, not all the newer, smaller
vendors will be up to the integration task. An
emerging view is that large system integrators
(SIs) or even service providers may need to
intervene as the overall integrator. The fear
is that expense from such a model may offset
Open RAN cost savings.

Operational readiness. ORAN Adoption— A case in point: The VoIP explosion.

This represents another barrier to entry for SPs, as Keeping an Eye on the Prize Comparable disruptive changes provide
they must own the operational and automation/ Some business leaders think Open RAN a useful perspective. Similar underlying
DevOps aspects of Open RAN. This is a new could be a game changer. They will forces driving ORAN resulted in the VoIP
high-requirement capability, with numerous assess its evolution, intent on avoiding shift, which in less than 10 years flipped
complexities and requirements for knowledge, business risk, and let the early adopters the traditional telephone switching
technical capabilities, and qualified expertise for prove its value before they adopt. market. As the market exploded and
them to gain in a compressed period. The likelihood of Open RAN’s success, players like Microsoft Skype and Google
however, is not in question. The issue bounded ahead, an accompanying
of adoption timing, however, can be a consolidation resulted in a significant
KEY TAKEAWAY reduction in critical mass players. The
defining factor in an organization’s long-
Open RAN has the potential to deliver game- term success in the marketplace. VoIP shift favored companies that drove
changing value across the telecom ecosystem, or joined the movement early. It is best to
but rapid uptake will hinge on addressing assume Open RAN’s benefits are real and
concerns about maturity, costs, security risks to identify the best strategies to adopt
and operational readiness. Early adoption has effectively sooner rather than risk being
delivered key advantages to organizations in too far behind the wave.
previous technology trends.

Spirent Ebook Series 8


Addressing Open RAN FIGURE 3

Open RAN Ecosystem Testing Requirements

Testing Challenges
All players in the Open RAN ecosystem must perform rigorous testing to ensure compliance
For Open RAN to achieve its potential and with standards, interoperability, performance, and scalability. In addition, members of the
address the many stakeholder requirements Open RAN ecosystem have a range of targeted test requirements:
and challenges, a comprehensive and proven
testing and assurance strategy is key. To Service Providers Network Vendors
achieve accelerated Open RAN adoption, SPs must test to ensure every component of Network vendors must ensure their
their Open RAN environment performs components meet 4G/5G and Open
stakeholder confidence is critical. as planned across the lifecycle, from RAN specifications, that these
development to operations, as components interoperate
they will be releasing new with another vendor’s
offerings at the network components, and—once
edge, launching private Service Network installed—they continue to
networks and expanding
Providers Vendors operate as planned.
geographic coverage.

System Integrators Hyperscalers

The job of ensuring Open Cloud vendors are
RAN works, has sufficient positioning themselves
performance and is robust, SIs Hyperscalers to host cloud versions
falls to the system integrator. of Open RAN or vRAN.
To accomplish this, the SI needs a These technologies, however,
full suite of testing capabilities. This have stringent latency and
is not only for the initial installation, but synchronization requirements that
also for assurance, as the Open RAN ecosystem cloud vendors typically have trouble
operates in live deployment, and as a range of factors meeting. Therefore, hyperscalers must validate
continually change. their cloud infrastructure to ensure they meet these
standards. Demonstrating this requires objective,
vendor-neutral testing. In addition, hyperscalers often
act as the system integrator. In such cases, they have
the same need for testing as all SIs.

Spirent Ebook Series 9


Testing and Assurance for Open RAN KEY TAKEAWAY

ORAN must ensure it is robust, interoperable, performant, scalable, To realize success with Open RAN, a comprehensive and mature
provides technical parity with traditional RAN, and is efficient to deploy, automated testing strategy must address performance across RU,
operate, and manage. Supply chains must be secure, as regulatory DU, CU and the Core, while also accounting for security, conformance,
requirements for emergency services are met and new cost overheads interoperability, synchronization, and more.
are counteracted.

Areas of testing focus appear below. This is where automated testing

and assurance play a pivotal role.


Areas of Testing Focus for Open RAN

1. Conformance, Interop 3. Scalability & 4. Integration &
& Synchronization Performance Performance


2. Functional & 5. O-Cloud

Performance Performance Security

Spirent Ebook Series 10



Open RAN Testing Strategies

Nodal Testing Adjacent Testing End-to-End Testing

Testing is not a “one and This testing ensures that a specific Open- Two types of adjacency testing exist. The entire Open RAN environment, from
RAN component meets 4G/5G Open-RAN The first entails testing a specific piece of the core network to the endpoints (e.g.,
done” activity. Testing and performance and scalability standards. In equipment to validate that it works with other smartphones or IoT devices), must be tested
this phase, a nodal network function, such components of the environment with which it to ensure the entire Open RAN system
assurance occur at crucial as an open central unit (O-CU) or radio unit must interface. The second involves a subset meets specifications.
points in the entire life (RU), is wrapped with emulated network of the Open RAN environment (such as the
functions and traffic, representing a range fronthaul or midhaul), which is tested with
cycle—from lab to live— of real-world conditions that might exist other parts of the Open RAN environment (for
and ultimately continue as in the field. The goal is to confirm that example, testing midhaul transport with the
individual components can handle the fronthaul and the backhaul).
long as components are expected traffic and functionality. These
components must also be tested at peak In this phase, operators are not just testing for
deployed. performance and capacity levels to ensure interoperability, but interoperability at scale.
they are robust and do not become a weak They are getting a first look at how critical
link out in the field. components will perform together in the
field. By this stage, issues are already being
identified with individual vendors sorting bug
fixes, interoperability challenges, and any
network bottlenecks that may be discovered.
These hiccups should be expected, as open
standards can be subject to interpretation,
with unique implementations needing to be
fine-tuned in the lab.

Spirent Ebook Series 11


Additional Considerations KEY TAKEAWAY

• SLA management: The monetization avenues
for Open RAN (in conjunction with 5G)
in Testing There is no “final” stage of Open RAN testing.
include private networks, enterprises, and
Edge applications. SPs and SIs can monetize
Virtualized Component Testing. Operators will need to adopt a continuous these services if they provide service-level
testing approach to handle the velocity, agreements (SLAs) to their end customers.
If a component is virtualized, testing should
variety and volume of releases and updates Guaranteeing SLAs requires a proactive
be conducted to validate that the virtual
coming from the vendors. approach in which SLAs are monitored 24X7
infrastructures—with or without hardware to catch any degradations quickly and then
acceleration technology and containerized or troubleshoot and isolate the issues so they
virtual functions—perform and scale correctly. Service Assurance Testing. can be addressed in a timely fashion.
After comprehensive lab testing is completed
Synchronization Testing.
successfully, deployment of the full Open RAN
This assesses, identifies, and validates all system takes place, and service assurance
aspects of network timing performance. testing begins. Open RAN assurance testing
involves continuous validation in real-world
Continuous Testing.
conditions in the live network to address the
There is no “final” stage of Open RAN testing. following priorities:
Operators will need to adopt a continuous
testing approach to handle the velocity, • In an open, virtualized, multi-vendor world,
change is continual. Modern development
variety and volume of releases and updates
methodologies have adopted the continuous
coming from the vendors. To this end, state-
integration/continuous deployment, or CI/CD
of-the-art automated continuous testing will model, to account for vendors pushing out
be a cornerstone of any successful Open RAN new software releases at a rapid pace in a
testing strategy to minimize costs, reduce time continuous telecom innovation pipeline. Even
to market, and provide higher-quality releases if the entire Open RAN system passed testing
from vendors. yesterday, such test results mean nothing is
guaranteed to work today.
• The goal of assurance testing is to spot
problems before end users do. This allows
you to troubleshoot, isolate the problem,
and fix it before dissatisfied customers clog
support lines.

Spirent Ebook Series 12


To properly ensure the Open RAN system,

Other Testing Use Cases
traditional service assurance approaches
based purely on passive monitoring and Network Capacity.
telemetry data are not sufficient for this new An Open RAN environment must support
disaggregated multi-vendor environment. considerable overhead, which includes
A continuous proactive approach that can firewalls, gateways, encryption, and more.
be instantiated anywhere, even across an It is an open question whether a given
outside network, is now the key. This approach COTS platform has the power to run these
delivers visibility across the new Open RAN extra loads and still meet performance
disaggregation and provides the ability to requirements. Testing is required to ensure this.
segment and isolate issues across the radio,
transport, and core domains. Supply Chain Security.
The Open RAN consists of a complex supply chain Security
Active testing represents the cornerstone of
of vendors and components. The security of an
a new breed of proactive service assurance. One of the challenging aspects
entire Open RAN environment depends on the
This involves light-weight software-defined of moving from proprietary RAN
ability to trust each component. The SolarWinds
test agents generating synthetic traffic or architecture to Open RAN is the security
breach demonstrated that attacks not only come
emulating network functions that can be risk. By disaggregating the RAN, more
from outside the network, but can also gain access
dynamically instantiated across the network vendors and layers are introduced, all of
through a single internal component. Testing can
on open compute. The agent intelligently tests which increase the attack surface. Many
ensure that each individual component is properly
and continuously monitors various use cases. security experts advise that, in today’s
secured and can identify and resolve issues if a
These include the scale and performance wide-open, cloudified world, the safest
specific component is breached.
of a new Open RAN node, service chain, or posture is to assume the worst, with Zero
proactively monitored performance through Trust, and conduct continuous testing
the continuous active testing of SLAs. This KEY TAKEAWAY for security vulnerabilities, evidence of
incorporates performance metrics for intrusions or attacks forming.
Active testing represents the cornerstone of
continuously revalidating performance during a new breed of proactive service assurance.
network or software changes. This involves light-weight software-defined test
agents generating synthetic traffic or emulating
network functions that can be dynamically
instantiated across the network on open compute.

Spirent Ebook Series 13


Testing Methodologies for Live Open RAN Networks

Open RAN is a complex, dynamic entity with multiple vendors used for many purposes. Testing Open RAN while it is live is an
extremely complicated endeavor that requires multiple methodologies.

Automated Testing. The service provider world has a Continuous Testing. The Open RAN movement is complex.
heritage of traditional waterfall development practices. With so many vendors continuously iterating their software,
Open RAN will push vendors into a more modern Agile it is inevitable that issues will always arise. Testing can
development methodology. Part of the Agile philosophy address this, but performing a full suite of static lab tests
is the rapid, automated deployment of new versions— (nodal, adjacency, end-to-end) is not possible for an Open
employing a CI/CD methodology. RAN environment deployed in a live network.

A core tenet of CI/CD is to “fail fast.” The idea is that it is Continuous testing in the form of active testing is
better to innovate, fail quickly, fix, and continue, than it employed, where synthetic traffic simulating real-world
is to work diligently in the lab with the waterfall model, traffic is injected into the network. By focusing this
striving for perfection before deploying. synthetic traffic on each domain of the Open RAN, issues
are spotted quickly so they can be resolved rapidly before
Failing fast, however, only works if you discover root
end users are impacted.
causes of failures rapidly as well, so they can be resolved
quickly. Comprehensive test automation is required Field Testing. The ultimate measure of an Open RAN’s
to achieve this, and it is closely aligned with an Agile performance is the end-user experience. Is the user
methodology. With automated testing, comprehensive experiencing satisfactory quality of service (QoS) for
test suites are defined and developed in advance and phone calls, videos, and data streaming? The only way
run before any component is released. Then, the same to reliably measure this is on the user’s actual device in
approach is used to validate the deployment of an Open typical locations where services are actually used.
RAN solution to ensure the testing runs automatically
every time a new component is released.

Spirent Ebook Series 14


Open RAN– As an industry leader in test and assurance,

Spirent is trusted across the end-to-end
The Path Forward telecommunications ecosystem, and our Open
We live in exciting times. Edge computing, RAN solutions and expertise are helping to:
5G, and mobile clouds are all transformative • Continuously validate performance,
technologies that enable bold new business robustness, and parity to traditional RAN
models. Industry 4.0, autonomous vehicles, • Ensure multi-vendor interoperability,
and remote medicine are examples of the collaboration, and open ecosystems
advances these new technologies offer.
• Realize cost efficiencies, innovation
benefits and accelerate time to market
Open RAN presents a foundational framework
to foster this revolution. It allows this
transformation to occur at pace and scale.
Open RAN is not easy to build, and ensuring KEY TAKEAWAY
effective interoperability across technologies
Vendor-neutral testing and assurance are
and domains is no simple undertaking—but
crucial for building industry confidence
the journey is worth it. It will entail years to
that Open RAN is a truly safe, viable and
deploy completely and realize its full value. To
beneficial in the long term.
achieve this, the industry must contend with the
ever-evolving challenges of network maturity,
security, and cost.

Testing comprehensively and continuously—

from lab to live—with a smart strategy driven
by best practices are table stakes to ensure
these challenges have been met effectively
now, in the real world, and in the future.

Vendor-neutral testing and assurance are

crucial for building industry confidence that
Open RAN is a truly safe and viable option.

Spirent Ebook Series 15

About Spirent Communications
Spirent Communications (LSE: SPT) is a global leader with deep expertise and decades of experience in testing, assurance, analytics and security, serving developers, service providers, and
enterprise networks. We help bring clarity to increasingly complex technological and business challenges. Spirent’s customers have made a promise to their customers to deliver superior
performance. Spirent assures that those promises are fulfilled. For more information visit: www.spirent.com

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