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The teaching method consists of the principles and method of instruction. For the
teaching to be effective, this instructional material should be carefully selected. These sensory
methods appeal through sensory perception to enhance understanding of learner. And also this
method must keep the teachers and learners in association with constant mutual interaction.

A discussion is a conversation with a focal point, such as a specific topic,

question, concept, or a problem, in which there is a sincere desire to arrive at a decision. That
is, it is the working together in search for the solution of a problem of common concept rather
than just talking about topic.

‘’Discussion is a joint effort by a group of people to arrive at an understanding of some problem
about which they have some previous knowledge or idea.’’
‘’Three or more people who have agreed topic to discuss and share their view in all aspects and present
their view in form of to bigger gathering ‘’

INTERACTION: Group members must be able to communicate freely and openly with all other s of
group. Group will develop norms about discussion and group members will develop roles.
GOAL: A group must have common purpose or goal and they must work together to achieve that goal.

1. There should be a clearly defined objective which is understood by all the participants.
2. There should be a leader to guide and co- ordinate the proceedings
3. The main points in the discussion should be recorded by a recorder elected by the group.
4. Everyone should feel free to participate
5. All points of view should be fairly considered.
6. Discussion should keep to the point
7. The members of the group should come to conclusion with a basic knowledge of topic that
Competent leader is essential to good group discussion. He is the key person in whom depend the
success and failure of the discussion. Effective leader regulate, focus, guide and classify the discussion.
The recorder makes a record of the features of the discussion and help the members to
correlate with previous one .The recorder at the end will read to the group and obtain consent of the
The observer job is to use this record in analyzing the behavior of the group and in making suggestions
as to ways in which the group can act differently and thereby improve it effectively.
They consist of 15 to25 members

Values of Discussion
1. Development of skill in reflective thinking
2. Development of special attitude and personality sills
3. Acquisition of knowledge
4. Development of skill in discussion.
5. Co operation in highest sense is developed, respect to other persons opinion, and concern for
effective group discussion.

1. Discussion involves group and participation by each member
2. It is oral.
3. It involves interaction.
4. It is purposeful.
5. Discussion proceeds systematically from the problem towards increased understanding.
6. Leadership becomes a vital contribution.
7. Opportunity to other members to get acquainted with discussion method.
8. Work on specific problem rather than broad general problem area.

Discussion for producing desired results follows a directed procedure which can be divided into 3 stages:
1. Preparation
The instructor or leader should first introduce the topic and the problem to be discussed. The problem
should be needful.
2. Discussion
Discussion should do in disciplined, relaxed, coperative manner. Adequate knowledge and information
has to be presented and viewpoints should be exchanged freely. It must be ensured that everybody
takes art in discussion. Queries may be made comments made for clarifying the concepts and sorting out
solutions to the problem faced.
3. Evaluation
Discussion aims at achieving certain specific results. It is to be evaluated whether these results have
secured through discussion,whether the knowledge has been increased ,prejudice has been removed.

1. Identification of the group member to lead the group of participants to discuss about a specific
topic and one member will record all the discussion in a sequential order.
2. Identification of the problem to be discussed.
3. Defining problem
4. Suggest alternatives and weighing of alternatives
5. Deciding solution of the problem in innovative way.
6. Ending the section with general agreement or accurate information


 Prepare for discussion
 Come to discussion with question in mind
 Speak freely
 Listen carefully to others
 Do not monopolize the discussion, because the interaction is important
 Do not let the discussion get away from the topic
 Give credit to others by acknowledging their contributions
 There must be sharing of ideas, knowledge, and experience.

This include: multiple round table, symposium, panel discussion and role play
This include individual conferences, informal group conference, seminar ,and role play.
CLOSED DISCUSSION: These are private or non public. Most committee meeting are held as closed
group discussions .The talk is addressed to members held for the purpose of enlighten or decision
1. Workshop
A group of people with common interest will be gathered on specific days, the common
theme will be discussed, and the sub themes will be carried out in different sessions.
2. Staff meeting
The head of the institution formulate agenda and call for discussion. In that all point in
agenda is discussed, views are shared and recorded.
3. Round table
Here participants with common problem talk together around a table.
4. Study group
Members meet together to study some subject of specific interest. Students of class room
use this type of discussion.

CLASS DISCUSSION: Class discussion provides an opportunity to develop confidence in speaking. In a

discussion high degree of participation is required. But all students do not need to talk to participate.
They may participative by listening attentively.


W hen class is large; it is desirable to discus several aspect of a topic by dividing into groups. The
teacher may act as chairman, introducing the topic, helping the students to organize themselves into
groups as required, receiving the report at the end, leading general discussion, clarifying points and

PANNEL DISCUSSION: In a panel discussion a small group of 4 to 8 persons qualified to talk on group
conversation in front of large audience. A panel consists of few members who come prepared to
exchange ideas and views on on a particular subject under the leadership of a chairman. They prepare
sunject in advanced, The chair man opens he discussion by introducing the member, presenting the
topic and inviting the first person to speak. It is the chairman who should continue as a leader and at the
end draw points and sum up the discussion.

TEACHER STUDENT CONFERENCE: It is the personal exchange of ideas and information to help the
student. It may be used to plan more effective approach to the acquisition of subject content, or to seek
information related to problems of personal nature, which influence the students personal success.
1. This method can be used for any group.
2. Enables the student to learn together, make suggestions, provide facts, share responsibility, and
comprehend the topic.
3. It clarifies the issues and sharpens curiosity to know further.
4. It helps the students to discover what is not known already.
5. It is an intellectual team work for working out the details and seeking solution to the problem.
6. It helps the teacher to identify the potentially and talent of students for promotion.

1. This method is time taking.
2. It requires active participation of all which is not so easy.
3. The teacher or leader should be more alert, careful, and skillful in making decisions, logical and
4. Students coming from various back ground and having various level of interest cannot
contribute to the discussion adequately.
5. This method can be followed as the entire course cannot be covered through this method only.

It is said that ‘’ two heads are better than one’’.When a number of heads combine to solve a problem,
the result is fruitful .so, in discussion a’ competitive cooperation takes place to find solution to a
common problem. In this a issue there is difference of opinion, is taken, ideas are expressed, engaged,
and factual basis is traced out.

1. KP Neeraja, Text book of communication and education technology for nurses, 1st edition,
Jaypee publication, New Delhi, 2011,. Page 261 to264.
2. BT. Basvanthappa, Nursing education, 2nd edition, Jaypee publication, New Delhi, 2009, page
487 to 490.
3. Neelan yadav, A hand book of Educational technology, Anmol publication, 3rd Edition, 2008,
page 219 to 222.



Submitted to, submitted by,

Miss Anuradha Rosmin molly Thomas
Asst. Professor I msc nursing
Parumala parumala

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