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Student Workbook

The Career
In this student workbook
you'll apply what you've learnt
about the Career Clusters to
your future pathways
This workbook can help you extend your ideas
and thoughts about the Career Clusters, so that
you can apply what you've learnt to your own
life and career plans.

Follow along with the lessons and complete the

activities - each activity has been carefully
designed to get you thinking about what may
be possible.

We want you to be the one in charge of your

future, because when you know who you are
and where you want to go it gets easier to take

Unit 1 - What are the
Career Clusters
There are six Career clusters, and they help us think differently about how people

The research shows us that when we think about work, most of us think about the
same key jobs as everyone else – I’m talking about jobs like ‘lawyer’, ‘teacher’,
firefighter’, ‘doctor’ – the visible jobs.

In fact, around half of all teenagers Half of all teenagers

aspire to just 1% of all jobs – that’s right,
50% of teenagers want to work in just
10 key jobs.

But the majority of adults don’t actually

work in these jobs at all – they work as
managers, salespeople, technicians, and
operators, and this is where the Career
Clusters come in.

Instead of using industries to group jobs

aspire to just 1% of all jobs
together, the Clusters are groups of jobs
that share a set of core technical and
transferable skills, key tasks, work
settings, and common outcomes, and
you’ll find people from each Cluster in
every industry.

What does this mean for you?

You'll grow, change, shift, and adapt throughout your career, and as you progress
you can use the skills and knowledge you gain in one job in your next job. But you'll
probably find that you stay within the same Cluster to some extent.

In fact, if you work out which Clusters are right for you, then you can use that
knowledge to look for jobs that suit your strengths in any industry you choose.

Let's take a quick look at the six Career Clusters:

Makers Informers Guardians

Makers 'make things Informers advise, teach, and Guardians protect our mental
happen' - they grow crops, guide so we can manage and physical wellbeing. They
build homes, repair our legal, financial, and provide medical care, fitness
vehicles, and keep the social responsibilities, and training, safety awareness,
power on. participate in society. and keep us looking great.

Coordinators Linkers Innovators

Coordinators plan, prepare, Linkers help us find, Innovators design, engineer,
and administer our events, choose, secure, and use and manufacture things we use
systems and economy. They things. They can help us in all areas of our lives, from
play a vital role in making sure with products and physical the clothes we wear, to the
everything runs smoothly. items, or with the services food we eat, the homes we live
and support we need. in and the roads we drive on.

Unit 1 Activity

Jobs + Clusters
To start thinking differently about work, match the jobs with the Cluster you
think they belong in. Remember though, some jobs could fit in more than one





Financial Planner ✔ ✔

Pilot ✔ ✔

Health and Safety Officer ✔ ✔

Curator ✔ ✔

Travel Agent ✔

Power Plant Manager ✔

Florist ✔ ✔

IT Support Officer ✔ ✔

Engineer ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Pharmacist ✔ ✔ ✔

How did you go?

This is a tricky activity, and it's ok if you couldn't make a decision about some
jobs. We each bring our own ways of working to each job, which means many
jobs will need you to work across multiple Clusters.

Unit 2 - You'll find every
Cluster in every workplace
Every single workplace needs people from all six Career Clusters to be able to
function. This doesn't mean that you need to hire one person from each of the six
Clusters - it's just that every workplace needs the same sort of tasks to operate,
regardless of it's structure; and that they need to be taken care of by someone.

Let's look at how a cafe works as an example:

To run a coffee shop, you need someone to make the coffee (Maker) and serve the
coffee (Linker), but sometimes these are the same person.

You're also going to need an Accountant (Informer) to manage money, payroll, and
financial transactions, and a Cafe Manager (Coordinator) to coordinate the staff, keep
track of stock, and run the place.

A Food Technologist (Innovator) has developed the 24 types of nut milk you can
choose from *chuckle*, and as food safety is always important, a local Food Safety
Officer (Guardian) will pop by to ensure everything is up to standard.

Want more examples?

Check out these workplaces below. Keep in mind that most jobs allow you the
flexibility to complete your tasks in the way that works best for you, so you could
bring two (or more) Clusters together in many roles.

Primary School Airport Hotel

Informer - Teacher Informer - Legal Officer Informer - Accountant

Coordinator - Reception Staff Coordinator - Flight Scheduler Coordinator - Hotel Manager
Innovator - Textbook Designer Innovator - Aeronautical Engineer Innovator - Architect
Guardian - School Nurse Guardian - Biosecurity Officer Guardian - Lifeguard
Linker - Enrolments Officer Linker - Flight Attendant Linker - Concierge
Maker - IT Department Maker - Air Traffic Controller Maker - Housekeeping

Building Site Museum Marketing Agency

Informer - Surveyor Informer - Curator Informer - Strategic Director

Coordinator - Project Manager Coordinator - Collection Manager Coordinator - Scrum Master
Innovator - 3D Building Printer Innovator - Experience Designer Innovator - Graphic Designer
Guardian - Site Safety Supervisor Guardian - OH&S Officer Guardian - Diversity & Inclusion Director
Linker - Tool Sales Rep Linker - Tour Guide Linker - Social Media Manager
Maker - Crane Operator Maker - Display Builder Maker - Signwriter

Unit 2 Activity

Clusters you know

Pick a workplace you feel comfortable with and know a bit about, and
brainstorm some of the tasks that fall under the area of each of the six Career
Clusters. Remember - this is about tasks, not jobs.

Which workplace are you focusing on?


Tasks that Coordinators do: Tasks that Innovators do:

Coordinators in a hospital are essential for planning Innovators in a hospital contribute to the design,
and administering various aspects of the healthcare engineering, and manufacture of various medical
facility. They organize and schedule appointments, devices, equipment, and technologies used in patient
manage patient admissions and discharges, care. They develop innovative solutions to improve
coordinate staffing and resources, and oversee the healthcare delivery, ranging from advanced diagnostic
smooth operation of different departments. tools to specialized surgical instruments. Innovators
Coordinators play a vital role in maintaining an efficient also work on improving hospital infrastructure and
and effective healthcare system, ensuring that patients design, incorporating energy-efficient systems and
receive timely care and that staff can perform their creating patient-friendly environments.
duties optimally.

Tasks that Linkers do: Tasks that Makers do:

Linkers in a hospital help patients and their families In a hospital, makers are responsible for various tasks
find, choose, secure, and use the necessary services related to infrastructure and maintenance. They
and support. They can assist with navigating insurance ensure that the physical environment is conducive to
systems, connecting patients with appropriate patient care by repairing equipment, maintaining
specialists, scheduling diagnostic tests or surgeries, facilities, and addressing any structural issues. They
and arranging transportation or accommodation for may also grow crops or manage gardens if the hospital
patients who require it. Linkers may also facilitate has a self-sustaining initiative or therapeutic programs.
communication between different departments,
ensuring the continuity of care and smooth transitions
for patients.

Tasks that Informers do: Tasks that Guardians do:

Informers in a hospital play a crucial role in advising Guardians in a hospital are primarily responsible for
and guiding patients and their families about their protecting the mental and physical well-being of
legal, financial, and social responsibilities. They help patients and staff. They include healthcare
patients understand their rights and responsibilities professionals like doctors, nurses, and therapists who
regarding insurance coverage, medical bills, and any provide medical care, diagnose and treat illnesses,
legal documents required for their care. Informers also and support patients in their recovery. Additionally,
provide education on disease management, treatment fitness trainers and specialists promote physical well-
options, and community resources. being through exercise programs and rehabilitation
services. Guardians also ensure safety protocols are
followed, raise awareness about health risks, and
provide emotional support.

Unit 3 - Where
do you fit?
We've been talking about the Clusters quite a bit, and you probably
already have a good idea of where you fit within the Clusters.

Most of us belong in more than one Cluster, and we can float

between them throughout our career (which means you're not stuck
in one Cluster forever).

There are also Clusters that are clearly not right for you. In fact, if
you work out which ones these are, you'll know to avoid choosing
careers which you would normally find in these Clusters.

Knowing where you fit can help you find work that suits your skills
and plays to your strengths. So you're more likely to enjoy it.

One thing to be aware of...

Sometimes, people get a bit stuck with

working out where they fit, and when
they already have their heart set on a
career that conflicts with their Cluster, it
can cause issues.

It's ok if you know what you want to do

when you leave school, but sometimes Here's an example:
we fixate on a career because it sounds
good, even though we don't know all Imagine you want to become a doctor,
that much about it. but you're more of an Innovator than a
If your chosen career-path and your
Cluster are in conflict, then it might be a Lots of young people aspire to be
sign you need to do more research. doctors (around 15% of all 15 year olds
actually), but there are lots of other jobs
in healthcare that are as well paid and

If you find out that you're an Innovator,

but you still want to work in medicine,
you could look at careers in biomedical
engineering (for example) instead of
pushing ahead with becoming a doctor.

Unit 3 Activity

Which Cluster?
By this point, it's likely you've got a good idea of which Cluster suits you best.
But just to check, rate how you feel about each one on the scale below:

Are you a Guardian?

doesn't sound like me sounds just like me
Are you an Informer?

doesn't sound like me sounds just like me
Are you a Linker?

doesn't sound like me sounds just like me
Are you a Innovator?

doesn't sound like me sounds just like me
Are you a Maker?

doesn't sound like me sounds just like me
Are you a Coordinator?

doesn't sound like me sounds just like me

How did you go?

If you found this activity pretty easy, then you probably feel quite comfortable
with your Cluster choices - if not, maybe you need to reflect a bit more.

That's it!

Congratulations, you've completed
the Career Cluster Workbook.

You've learnt about the Clusters and

how they can be used to make better
career choices that reflect your
unique skills and strengths.

From here, it's time to explore - so

start looking for roles that align with
your Cluster and interests.

p. + 61 7 4039 3862

Study Work Grow t/a Ponder Education has exercised its best efforts and judgement in compiling the information in this workbook however you
acknowledge that: 1) it is provided for information and general advisory purposes only and does not constitute professional, legal or career advice; 2)
it should not be relied upon or regarded as a comprehensive assessment or evaluation or recommendation of your skills, competencies or
personality or your prospects of success in a particular vocation, field or industry; 3) we recommend you contact any relevant educational institution
or professional or trade organisation before making any decisions about a career or future plans; 4) to the extent permitted by law we make no
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