Exam Blueprints 3

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Ministry of Education

Test Blueprint for National Exit Examination to be held in 2015 E.C

Band: 02

Program: Bachelor of Science Degree in sport science

Compiled By:

1. Tesfaye Dessalegn (PhD.) (Bahirdar University)

2. Selamnew Feleke (Msc.) (Addis Ababa University)

January, 2023
Addis Ababa


1. Introduction
2. Objective of test blue print
3. Specific objectives of the blue print
4. . Expected profile of graduates
5. General objective
6. Specific objectives
7. Conclusion


The Ministry of Education of Ethiopia has announced the implementation of exit exam for all
undergraduate program students (public and private), beginning with the 2022/2023 academic year, in
order to improve the quality of graduates produced by higher learning institutions. The exit exam aimed
at checking whether students have acquired the required knowledge, skills and attitudes or not. To
implement this, it requires determining competency areas for a specific program, which is already
completed. Based on the competency areas prepared, it needs to plan the construction of tests.

Planning of a test is a first and vital step in the construction of an achievement test. An achievement test
demands very systematic and careful planning, as a fact that good planning is a symbol of success. Tests
are the tools that provide scores that measure level of student learning and study program learning
outcomes. In order to achieve the valid and reliable measurement of student learning and program
learning outcomes, the development of valid and reliable test is the mandatory. Test should be able to
measure student performance in all dimensions of knowledge, skill and attitude. The carefully planned
test construction contributes to improve the overall quality of the test in terms of test content validity,
difficulty level, discrimination power and test reliability. Test preparation is not an easy task; it requires
a careful planning and guideline to make the task simple. Test construction needs the preparation of test
blue print. Test blueprint is defined as a complete plan that explains how to develop a test. The term
refers to a map or specification of assessment to ensure that all aspects of the curriculum and educational
domains are covered by the assessment programs over a specified period of time. It helps curriculum
developers/test constructors to match various competencies with the course content and the appropriate
modality of assessment.

Generally, test blueprint will help to ensure tests: 1) Appropriately assess the achievement of
instructional objectives of the course; 2) Appropriately reflect key course goals, objectives and the
material learned or covered during the instruction period; and 3) Include the appropriate item formats
along with the knowledge and skills being assessed.

Keeping this in mind, the team has prepared this test blueprint document in order to help the test
developers or content specialists in their process of valid and reliable test construction. The major points
considered in the process of preparing this test blue print guideline were the core competencies that have
been already identified for the themes of courses, the course contents, course credit hours, and the

learning outcomes with their corresponding levels of achievement by learning domains. In line with
these, the number of test items that should adequately assess the performance of students in all the
content topics will be determined through discussion with the content specialists who construct the
blueprint and test for their corresponding study program.

Therefore, the main purpose of this blueprint is to give direction on how to construct test item for test
developer so that, they can develop a valid and reliable test item for their respective program.

2. Objective of test blueprint

Test blueprint preparation is generally opted to assist the preparation of a test that is representative,
broadly sampled, and consisting of complete knowledge domain expected of the Ethiopian higher
education students on completion of their study program.
3. specific objectives of test blueprint are to:
 Facilitate the construction of a representative and balanced test items for the selected courses
in accordance with the competencies identified.
 Guide test developers or writers to write or set appropriate test items.


Under Graduates of degree program in sport science/physical education will acquire a high level proficiency
in sport science knowledge.
After the successful completion of the Program in sport science/physical education the graduate will be able
 Employ the sport science theoretical and practical knowledge in schools and training centers
 Give technical advice to the community in the field of sport;
 Serve in the Federal Sport Commission, Governmental and Non-Governmental organizations, in
various aspects of sport activities;
 Able to promote skill development who can understand and respect the social and cultural value of
the people;
 Support different sport federations as administrators and technical officers;
 Serves organizers for clubs, athletes and fitness centers; in general fitness industries

 Train different sport teams and clubs;
 Involves fitness instructors in different health oriented fitness centers or gymnasiums
 Contribute their professional knowledge and skill to improve the health statues of the society;
 Implement primary healthcare activities like promotion of health education services, prevention and
control of major hypo kinetic diseases.

 Apply scientific sport training principles to maximize training and teaching

 Demonstrate the basic technique of team sport and individual sport
 Develop physical fitness for different sport nature
 Implement theory of sport coaching and teaching to promote training
 Test and Measure physical performances of trainees
 Manage sport competition in extramural and intramural level
 Implement tactic and strategies based on the nature of sport competition

 Appraisal the contribution of movement to shape posture and sport technique

 Appreciate the benefit of sport and exercise for total wellness Develop interest to participate in
different sport activity
 Raise awareness of sport industry attribute to life and health

The general objectives of the program is to produce graduates with the optimum development of sport science
by equipping students with different techniques &skills of sport activities, knowledge of scientific analysis of
human movement &performance in respect to physical activities professionals at different level of
qualification who can take part in different sport aspects like in coaching, organizing, research, fitness
instructors, etc in a Four years training program.


The program has the following specific objectives:

 To provide knowledge, attitudes, skills for students in thereof sports, exercise science, coaching and

managing skills.
 To ensure quality of education in the area of Sports Science.
 Train academically competent professional who can actively participate in the educational, health,
social and cultural sectors of the society.
 Develop student’ skills in using appropriate methods for coaching.
 To enable to coach appropriate fundamental skills serving in different sports academies and training
 Provide trained personnel who can lead and organize intramural & extramural activities in different
 Provide advisory services in thereof sport for government and non-governmental organization,
clubs, fitness centers in particular and fitness industry in general.
 Provide students with opportunities for field experiences in order to obtain practical experience
needed for advancing their education and careers.
 Organize sport programs for the benefit of student’s health &their recreational purposes.
 Create feature job opportunities.
 Develop entrepreneurship skills and knowledge in Sports.

Share of Name of Credi Share General objective Specific objectives outcomes
the Courses t hour of the

No. of items
theme courses


in %

28 History & 3 *To provide *Explain the historical dev’t of physical edu , sport &
concepts of (6)0.2 knowledge, attitude Olympic mov’t X
ph.Edu and skill for students *Distinguish the differences among ph.Ed, sport,
in concepts of games, play & recreation
Intro. To sport 3 (6)0.2 sports, psychology of *Explain the effect of personality and motivation on X
psychology sports, measurement sport performance
and evaluation in *Describe the r/ship b/n stress, anxiety and
sports and Sport performance
Management or *Distinguish the difference type of aggression and its
organization/ impact on sport performance
administration & *Compare and contrast measurement and evaluation
Measu. & 3 (6)0.2 organization in ph.E *Demonstrate the technique of performance X X
Evaluation in measurement & phy. Fitness test X
ph,Ed. *Apply statistical techniques in measurement
*To understand the evaluation
Intro. To sports 3 (6)0.2 types and *Explain management functions in related to sport X X X
management/ characteristics of organizations. and firms
administration disability and *Mange sport facilities.
Social Aspect of sport

& organization organize different *Organize sport events and different tournaments
in ph.E types exercise *Examine the planning & scheduling for financial,
programs human resource and facilities issues associated with
successful athletic and sport
Adapted 3 (6)0.2 *Identify the types of disabilities X X X
phy.edu & sport *Recognize the characteristics disabilities
*Adopt exercise program for different types of
30 Volleyball (7)0.25 *To provide basic *Explain the historical background of team sports. X X X

4 technique, skill, Apply the rules of football, basketball, volleyball and


Football (7)0.25 tactics Hand ball
4 and strategies for *Demonstrate basic techniques, tactics and strategies
team sports. of team sports
Basketball 4 (7)0.25 *Differentiate exercises important for team sports.
m sports

Handball 4 (7)0.25


No. of items


Themes of the Name of Credi Share of the

theme Courses t hour course in % General objective Specific objectives

13 Athletics (I 4 *To provide basic *Recognize the history of athletic in Ethiopia & X X X
&II) (7)0.57 technique, skill, tactics in the world
and strategies for *Demonstrate the fundamental techniques track
individual sport and field.
*Apply fundamental Rules & regulation of
track and field.
Individual sports

Gymnastics 3 (6)0.42 *Recognize the history of gymnastics in

(I &II) Ethiopia & in the world.
*Demonstrate the fundamental techniques of
*Apply the t Demonstrate the fundamental
techniques track and field.
he rules of judging and spotting in gymnastics
17 Health & 3 (6)0.33 *To apply the *Describe the basic knowledge of fitness, X X X
fitness knowledge and skills health and their relationship
Exercise science

of sports medicine and *Evaluate. Safe and effective fitness program.

Sport 3 (6)0.33 Exercise physiology in *Recognize knowledge and basic skill practiced X X X
Medicine their .(heath and in sport medicine
performance sports) *Apply knowledge and skills of sports medicine
*To provide and apply in their future practice
Health and fitness *Recognize common sport injuries and their
programs for management
performance to * Relate sport medicine with special population
athletes and the and Environment
Exercise 3 (6)0.33 society *Describe the mechanisms responsible for the X X
physiology response and adaptation of the major organ
systems of the body to the stress of exercise.
*Differentiate the physiological metabolic X
processes that govern human movement and
apply each of these processes to physical
General 11 Introduction 6 (11)1 *to apply foundational *Describe concepts of sport coaching X X X
methods and structure knowledge and skill of *prepare daily, weekly, monthly & annual
of sports of coaching coaching for team & coaching plan for different sports training
Coachin Ind. Sports *Recognize the philosophy of coaching and
g *able to coach sports coaching skills
in different sport
academies & sport

7. Conclusion

Exit examination can have a vital role in producing knowledgeable, skillful and attitudinally matured
graduates. It contributes to prepare competent graduates as it can serve as a quality check for
effectiveness. It also helps in improving academic programs quality and effectiveness. Furthermore, it
can create the platform for cooperation among academic programs at different universities to work
jointly to improve the programs quality.

In view of this, this document is produced to assist the setting of the exit examinations for all programs,
which is being delivered by Ministry of Education. To meet the graduation profile, competency and
learning outcome, exit exam competency selection and identifying core course was done for 2015 EC
graduating students. Based on that, this prepared test blueprint is enable test developer to construct
standard and fairly distributed items based on the above criteria.


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