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訪れる (otozureru): to visit; to call on; to arrive; to come; to appear

相談 Soudan consultation
冗談 joudan joke, joudan suru vojud nadare
雑談 (zatsudan): chatting; idle talk

課長 kachou chief
第 1 課 dai ikka lesson 1

諸 (sho): various; many; several

論戦 (ronsen): verbal dispute
結論が出る kerron ga deru come to a conclusion
結論の出す kerron wo dasu
結論 ketsuron conclusion
討論 (touron): debate; discussion

請求書 seikyuusho, bill
請求書が届く seikyuusho ga todoku receive a bill

講演会 kouenkai lecture
講義 kougi lecture
講義する kougi suru lecture
補講 hokou supplementary lecture
補講する hokou suru supplementary classes
講義に間に合う kougi ni Mani au be in time for class
講義に遅れる kougi ni okureru be late for the class
講義に遅刻する kougi ni chikoku suru be late for the class
入門講座を受ける nyuumonkouza wo ukeru attend an introductory course
英会話講師 eikaiwa koushi an English teacher

謝る ayamaru to apologize

認識 (ninshiki): recognition; awareness; perception; understanding; knowledge; cognition;
cognizance; cognisance
認める mitomeru admit
非常識 hijoushiki lack of common sense

警察官 keisatsukan police officer

会議 kaigi meeting
議員 giin member of assembly
会議に出る 出席する kaigi ni deru shusseki suru attend a meeting

弁護士 bengoshi lawyer

譲る (yuzuru): to hand over, to surrender

語る kataru to speak
物語 monogatari tale, story

説教 (sekkyou): remonstration; scolding; lecturing
くだらない小説 kudaranai shousetsu a worthless novel

記事 kiji article
記入 kiniyuu entry
記入する ki niyuu suru fill in
記録 kiroku a record
記憶する kioku suru memory
記憶力 kioku ryoku ability to memorize
通帳記入 tsuuchoukinyuu entering in bankbook

調査 (chousa): investigation, examination
調べる shiraberu investigate
強調 kyouchou emphasis
調整する chousei suru adjustment.plan
調理 (chouri): cooking; food preparation
調整 (chousei): adjustment; regulation; coordination; reconciliation; tuning; fixing; tailoring
調節 (chousetsu): regulation; adjustment; control
不調 (fuchou): bad condition; not to work out (i.e. a deal); disagreement; break-off;
disorder; slump; out of form
順調な junchouna favorable

統計 (toukei): statistics
生計 (seikei): livelihood; living

読書する dokusho suru reading
読み込む (yomikomu): to read thoroughly; to read repeatedly; to read (extra meaning) into
読み取る (yomitoru): to read and understand; to take in; to sense from external cues; to
read (someone’s) mind

話しかける hanashkakeru to talk
昔話 (mukashibanashi): old tale; folk tale; legend; reminiscence

言い争い Ii arasoi verbal fight
言い返す iikaesu to talk back
言葉 kotoba word language
言い訳などしないでとにかく勉強しなさい Ii wake nado shinaide tonikaku
benkyou shinasai stop making excuses just study
言葉遣い kotoba zukai word usage
いいかげんなことを言う iikagenna koto wo iu talk nonsense

諦める (akirameru): to give up, to abandon
諦め (akirame): resignation; acceptance; consolation

試す tamesu to test
試験を受ける shiken wo ukeru to take a test
試験の結果はまあまあ だった shiken no kekka wa mama datta the result of the exam
was so so.
試験で問われる shiken de towareru are on the examination
試験が済む shiken ga sumu finish the exams
試験の結果 shiken no kekka the result of an exam
試験に受かる shiken ni ukaru to pass
試験に落ちてがっかりする shiken ni ochite gakkari suru feel disappointed that one
did not pas the exam

誘う sasou to invite
誘い sasoi invitation
コンサートに誘う konsa_to ni sasou

誠にありがとうございます makoto ki thank you so much

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