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To: Dr. Esayas Ref.

No: CSCEC/AAiT/4229/20230522
Project Director, CBE HQ, AAiT Date: May 22, 2023
AAiT Home Office, Addis Ababa
CBE New Head Quarter Design and Build Project

Subject: Reply to the list of tower and basement handover acceptance questions

To: AAiT

We have received your company's No. Ait-ed-292-15-23cbe on April 10, 2023, No. Ait-ed-293-15-
23cbe on April 15, 2023, No. Ait-ed-312-15-23cbe on May 4, 2023,In the letters numbered Ait-ED-313-
15-23cbe dated May 4, 2023 and AAiT-ED-292-15-23CBE dated May 15, 2023, your company put
forward valuable suggestions on the acceptance of the tower and basement before the handover, our
company is now replying to your questions. For repairable items, our company plans to start rectification
as soon as possible after obtaining TOC, and carry out rectification within the one-year maintenance
responsibility period. We hope to communicate and negotiate with your company and CBE regarding the
problem items marked by our company.


China State Construction Engineering Corporation
CC: Ms. Mr.Tarekegn Mekonnen-New HQ Building Maintenance and Property Management
Dr. Abraham Assefa, A/Project Director and Resident Engineer, CBE HQ, AAiT
Encl: 1、Final 3rd Round Inspection V5(Replies to questions at level 25-48)
2、Revised Snag list below 23F V3(Replies to questions at level G-23)
3、3rd Round Inspection Snag List for Refuge Floors (11th, 24th and 37th )(Replies to questions
at level 11,24,37)
4、B1 - B4 Rooms Snag list Final Version(Replies to questions at level B1-B4)

Editor: Check by: Sign of Issuing: Sign of Receiving:

Date:2023-05-22 Date:2023-05-22 Date:2023-05-22

China State Construction. ENGRG.CORP.LTD Mob: +251911605110

Address: CBE New Headquarter Project Site, Crossing of Ras Desta Damtew St and Yohanis St,
Tel: +251911605110, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Post Box:200233 Email:
To: Dr. Esayas Ref. No: CSCEC/AAiT/4229/20230522
Project Director, CBE HQ, AAiT Date: May 22, 2023
AAiT Home Office, Addis Ababa
CBE New Head Quarter Design and Build Project

Subject: Reply to the list of tower and basement handover acceptance questions

To: AAiT

我司收到贵司于 2023 年 4 月 10 日编号为 AAiT-ED-292-15-23CBE,2023 年 4 月 15 日编号为

AAiT-ED-293-15-23CBE,2023 年 5 月 4 日编号为 AAiT-ED-312-15-23CBE,2023 年 5 月 4 日编号
为 AAiT-ED-313-15-23CBE 和 2023 年 5 月 15 日编号为 AAiT-ED-292-15-23CBE 的信件,贵司针
中可维修项目,我司计划将于获取 TOC 后第一时间开始进行整改,并在一年维修责任期内进行
整改。针对其中我司标注问题项我司希望能与贵司和 CBE 方进行沟通协商。



China State Construction Engineering Corporation
抄送:Abraham Assefa 博士-授权项目总监与驻场工程师,CBE 总部项目,AAiT
Tarekegn Mekonnen 先生-新总部大楼维护与物业管理
附件:1、Final 3rd Round Inspection V5(Replies to questions at level 25-48)
2、Revised Snag list below 23F V3(Replies to questions at level G-23)
3、3rd Round Inspection Snag List for Refuge Floors (11th, 24th and 37th )(Replies to questions
at level 11,24,37)
4、B1 - B4 Rooms Snag list Final Version(Replies to questions at level B1-B4)

China State Construction. ENGRG.CORP.LTD Mob: +251911605110

Address: CBE New Headquarter Project Site, Crossing of Ras Desta Damtew St and Yohanis St,
Tel: +251911605110, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Post Box:200233 Email:

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