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14 multiple choice questions about China’s political system-See last page for


1. What is the significance of the large star on the Chinese flag?

A) Represents the National bourgeoisie
B) Symbolizes the Chinese Communist Revolution
C) Stands for the working class
D) Signifies the petite bourgeoisie

2. When did China join the United Nations, replacing Taiwan?

A) 1949
B) 1960
C) 1971
D) 1989

3. Which Chinese leader initiated the policy of "Reformation and Opening up"?
A) Mao Zedong
B) Xi Jinping
C) Deng Xiaoping
D) Hu Jintao

4. What is the purpose of Leading Small Groups (LSGs) in Chinese politics?

A) To reduce bureaucratic control
B) To promote individual freedoms
C) To centralize decision-making on key issues
D) To encourage democratic participation

5. How many provinces does China have in total?

A) 23
B) 25
C) 28
D) 30

6. Who controls and names judges and courts in China's judiciary system?
A) State-Own Enterprises (SOEs)
B) Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
C) National People's Congress (NPC)
D) Public Security Bureau (PSB)

7. What is the purpose of the Five Years Plan in China?

A) To outline economic targets and goals
B) To promote political reforms
C) To establish military alliances
D) To encourage cultural exchanges

8. What role does the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) play in private companies since 2018?
A) CCP members must oversee company operations
B) CCP members are prohibited from joining private companies
C) Private companies must be dissolved if CCP members are employed
D) CCP members are encouraged but not mandated to work in private companies

9. What is the primary task of the grass-roots in China's political system?

A) To enforce government regulations
B) To ensure fair elections
C) To strengthen ideological guidance
D) To oversee international relations

10. Which event marked the beginning of CCP's rule in China?

A) Cultural Revolution
B) Sino-Soviet Split
C) Great Leap Forward
D) Chinese Communist Revolution

11. How are judges and courts in China controlled?

A) By the President
B) By the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
C) By the United Nations
D) By the National People's Congress (NPC)

12. What type of entities are State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in China?

A) Privately owned businesses
B) Joint ventures between China and foreign companies
C) Government-controlled enterprises
D) Non-profit organizations

13. What does the red background of the Chinese flag symbolize?
A) The Communist Party
B) The National bourgeoisie
C) The working class
D) The petite bourgeoisie

14. What is the purpose of the Sinicization program mentioned in the summary?
A) To promote atheism
B) To align religions with socialist values
C) To eradicate traditional beliefs
D) To establish a theocracy


1. B) Symbolizes the Chinese Communist Revolution

2. C) 1971
3. C) Deng Xiaoping
4. C) To centralize decision-making on key issues
5. A) 23
6. C) National People's Congress (NPC)
7. A) To outline economic targets and goals
8. A) CCP members must oversee company operations
9. C) To strengthen ideological guidance
10. D) Chinese Communist Revolution
11. B) By the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
12. C) Government-controlled enterprises
13. C) The working class
14. B) To align religions with socialist values

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