7 راه

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遊び asobi play ‫بازی‬

辺 hen ‫منطقه‬

週刊誌 shuukanshi weekly magazine

近所 basho, place, location
近い chikai near, close
近く chikaku near
近所 kinjo neighborhood
最近 saikin ‫ اخیرا‬recently
近道する chikamichi suru shortcut
近づく chikazuku to get close to
近道 (chikamichi): short way, shortcut
この近くです Kono chikaku desu
そっと近づく sotto chikazuku quitely come close
近々 (chikadjika): soon; nearness; before long
近づく (chikazuku): to approach; to draw near; to get close; to get acquainted with; to get
closer to; to get to know

遠い toOi far
遠慮 enryou restraint ‫خودداری کردن‬
遠足 ensoku ‫گشت‬
では、遠慮はくいただきます enryou naku itadakimasu thank you I'll have some

友達 Tomodachi friend
配達 haitatsu delivery
到達 (toutatsu): reaching; attaining; arrival
速達 (sokutatsu): express; special delivery

送別会 soubetsukai goodbye party
運送 (unsou): transport; freight; shipping

交通 koutsu transportation
普通 futsu general, ordinary
通う kayou to go and forth
通る toOru to go pass
通り ToOri street
通勤 tsuukin commuting to work
通じる tsuujiru to get across
通勤する soukin suru commute
通訳する tsuuyaku suru interpreting
通過 tsuuka passage
通訳する tsuyaku suru interpret
通訳の仕事 tsuyaku no shigoto work as a interpreter
通りかかる toOri kakaru to happen by
通り過ぎる toOri sugiru to pass by
通勤する tsuukin commuting to work
通過する tsuuka suru passing through
通常 (tsuujou): usual; ordinary; normal; regular; general; common

進入 (shinnyuu): entry; approach; penetration
進む susumu ‫پیش رفتن‬
進める (susumeru): to advance, to promote

運動 undou exercise
運転 unten to drive
運ぶ hakobu carry
運びやすい hakobi yasui ‫آسان برای حمل‬
運 un luck
足を運ぶ (ashi o hakobu): to go; to come; to turn out (at a meeting, event, etc.); to show
up; to make your way to

速く hayaku fast
速い hayai fast

遅めな osomena late
遅刻 (chikoku): lateness, late coming
遅い osoi slow
遅れる okureru be late
まとめて遅れる motamete okureru
遅れる chikoku suru being late
遅刻する chikoku suru being late
遅れ (okure): delay; lag; postponement; falling behind

道 Michi, do way
柔道 juudo judo
道路 douro a road
道のり (michinori): distance; journey; itinerary; path (e.g. to one’s goal); way; process;
route; road

割り込む warikomu to cut in
割り込み warikomi cutting in
込む komu congest, crowd
割り込む (warikomu): to cut into (a line, conversation, etc.); to force oneself into (e.g. a
crowd); to wedge oneself into; to squeeze oneself into; to intrude on; to interrupt

お返し okaeshi ‫برگردوندن کادو‬
くり返す kurikaesu to repeat
返事 henji reply
返す kaesu return
返却 kenkyaku return
フライ 返し spatula ‫کفگیر‬
ひっくり返す jikkuri kaesu to flip over
ひっくり返る to be flipped over
ひっくり返す hikkurikaesu turn over
追い返す (oikaesu): to drive away; to turn away; to send away; to repel; to repulse
くり返し kurikaeshi repeat

迎える mikaeru to receive
迎える mukaeru to go meet

追う ou to chase
追いかける oikakeru to chase
追い越す oikosu to pass
追い越す (oikosu): to pass (e.g. car); to overtake; to surpass; to outstrip; to get ahead of;
to outdistance

退屈 (taikutsu): tedium, boredom
引退する intai suru retirement

送る okuru to send
放送 housou broadcast
迷う (mayou): to lose one’s way
迷い mayoi being lost

逃げる nigeru escape
逃避 (touhi): escape; evasion; flight

連れて tsurete take sb somewhere
連れる (tsureru) to take
連絡 renraku contact, connection
連絡を取る。連絡する renraku wo toru, renraku suru contact
連絡が取れる renraku ga toreru
連絡がつく。つける renraku ga tsuku. get a hold on

製造 seizou manufacture
造る tsuku make
創造 (souzou): creation

過ぎる sugiru pass
過去 kako past
のんびり過ごす nonbiri sugosu have a leisurely time

違い (chigai): difference, discrepancy
違う chigau different

選ぶ erabu choose
選別 (senbetsu): selection; classification; sorting; screening; triagel

足りる tariru to be sufficient
足りない tarinai run out of money
足がしびれる ashi ga shibireru one's leg goes to sleep
物足りない (monotarinai): unsatisfied; unsatisfactory; insufficient

建つ tatsu to b built
建てる tateru to build

延期する enki suru postponement

越える koeru to pass
引っ越し hikkoshi ‫اسباب کشی‬
ぜひお越しください zehi okoshikudasai please come

超える koeru to go over

逞しい (takumashii): burly; strong; sturdy; indomitable; indefatigable; strong-willed;
resolute; bold

遡る (sakanoboru): to go upstream; to go back (in time, to origin); to date back to; to trace
back to; to make retroactive

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