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夜空 (yozora): night sky

深夜 (shin’ya): late at night
夜遅く (yoruosoku): late at night; at a late hour
夜ふかしする yofukashi suru staying up late

高い takai high

交際 kousai association
交際する kousai suru go out
交通のべんがいい koutsu no Ben ga ii
‫دسترسی به وسایل نقلیه راحته‬

文章 (bunshou): essay, article, composition
文 (bun): sentence
文系 (bunkei): humanities, social sciences, and fine arts; liberal arts
文献 (bunken): literature; books (reference); document

卒業式 sotsugyou shiki graduation ceremony
卒業する sotsugyou suru

変な henna strange
変わる kawaru change
変える kaeru change sth
変なにおいがする henna ni oi ga suru it stinks

衣服 ifuku clothes

裏返し uragaeshi turning over
裏 ura, reverse, back
裏返す uragae, turn over
裏返す urakaesu turn over ‫پشت و رو کردن‬

市立 shiritsu manuicipal institution

事務 jimu business
事故にあう jiko ni au to have an accident
事務 jimu office work
事務所 jimusho office
あいまいな返事をする aimaina henji wo suru give a vague answer

安定 (antei): stability, equilibrium
めちゃくちゃ安い mechakucha yasui extremely cheap

一定する itteiru suru fixed, set
定期券 teikiken commuting pass
勘定する kanjou bill
決定 kettei a decision
限定 gentei limitation
定期間 teikiken a commuter pass
予定を立てる yotei wo tateru to make plans
定める (sadameru): to decide; to determine; to establish; to lay down; to prescribe; to
provide; to stipulate; to bring peace (to); to make peaceful
特定 (tokutei): specific; particular; designated; special; specifying; designating; identifying;
勘定を済ませる kanjou wo tsumaseru pay the bill
設定 (settei): establishment; creation; posing (a problem); setting (movie, novel, etc.);
scene; options setting; preference settings; configuration; setup

寝る neru sleep

空き家 (akiya): vacant house, unoccupied house

家族そろって kazoku sorotte go and eat at a restaurant as a family

写生 (shasei): sketching; drawing from nature; portrayal; description

空き (aki): space, room, emptiness
空き缶 akikan empty can
空きびん akibin empty bottle
空っぽ karappo empty

だんだん寒くなりますね dandan samuku narimasu ne it's getting cold

数字 suuji number
ローマ字 ro_maji Roman characters
ローマ字で入力する ro_maji de nyuuryoku suru write in Roman letters

守る memoru protect

宇宙人 (uchuujin): space alien; alien; extraterrestrial being

宅配 takuhai deliver to sb's house
お宅 otaku home respectful form

完成 kansei completion
完ぺきな kanpekina perfect
ついに絵が完成した tsuini e ga kansei shita finally the painting was finished

実力 jutauryoku real ability
実家 jikka one's parents home
現実 genjitsu reality
実際に jissai ni practice
実験 jikken experiment
実話 jitsuwa to tell the truth

警察官 keisatsukan policeman

宛 (ate): addressed to

送客 (soukyaku): sending customers (somebody’s way)

有害 (yuugai): harmful; hazardous
被害 higai damage

美容師 byoushi hair stylist
美容院 byouin hair dresser
美容院 (biyouin): beauty parlor; beauty salon; hairdressing salon
容量 (youryou): capacity; volume

宴会 enkai banquet
宴会を開く eikai wo hiraku

宿題 shukudai homework
宿 yado inn.hotel
下宿 geshuku logings

寄る yoru, to briefly stop by
取り寄せる (toriyoseru): to order; to send away for; to have (something) sent to one
寄り道 (yorimichi): dropping in on the way; stopping off at; making a side trip; going the
long way round; making a detour
寄せる (yoseru): to come near; to let someone approach; to bring near; to bring together;
to collect; to gather; to press; to push; to force

密閉 (mippei): shutting tightly; sealing something airtight

診察してもらう shinsetsu shitemorau go to see a doctor
診察する shinsatsu suru examination
診察室 shinsatsu shitsurei examination room
診察券 shinsatsuken patient registration ticket
診察時間 shinsatsu jikan examination time

寮 (ryou): hostel; dormitory
寮 ryou ‫خوابگاه‬

穴 (ana): hole, deficit, vacancy

一度に ichidoni all at once
限度 gendo limit
度々 (tabitabi): often, again and again
温度計 ondokei thermometer
支度する shitaku suru preparation
速度 sokudo speed

広がる hitogaru to be spread
広げる hirogeru to spread

座席 zasseki seat
口座 kouza account
座席 zaseki a seat
座る suwaru sit
席を座る seki wo suwaru sit on the seat 席を立つ seki wo tatsu leave the seat
即座に (sokuza): immediately; right away; on the spot

店 mise shop
書店 shoten ‫ کتابفروشی‬bookshop
支店 shiten branch
専門店 (senmonten): specialist shop; shop specializing in a few types of product

政府 seifu government
都道府県 todpufuken prefecture

厚い atsui thick
温厚 (onkou): gentle; mild-mannered

反対 hantai opposite
スピード違反 spi_do ihan illegal speeding

欠席する kesseki suru to be absent

床 (yuka) floor
床をふく yuka wo fuku wipe the floor
Dry the dishes with a tea towel

臆病 (okubyou): cowardly; timid; easily frightened

成分 (seibun): ingredient; component; composition
成人式 seijinshiki coming of age ceremony
成り立つ (naritatsu): to consist of; to be made up of; to be composed of; to be concluded
成し遂げる (nashitogeru): to accomplish; to finish; to fulfill
成立 (seiritsu): formation; establishment; materialization; coming into existence; conclusion
(e.g. of a deal); approval; completion; arrangement
達成 (tassei): achievement; attainment; accomplishment; realization

履歴書 rirekisho personal history; curriculum vitae; resume
履歴書を書く rirekisho wo kaku write a CV

疲れる tsukareru get tired

痛い itai pain
腹痛 fukutsuu stomachache
痛みを取る itami wo toru . Remove the pain
痛みが取れる itami ga toreru
胃が痛い I ga itai have a stomachache
腰が痛い koshi ga itai have a backpain
痛み itami pain
腹痛 fukutsuu stomachache
胃痛 itsuusl stomachache
痛みがとれる itami ga toreru to recede pain
痛みをとる itami wo toru to take pain away
足がものすごく痛い ashi ga monosugoku itai My foot extremely hurts
痛みをがまんする itami wo gaman suru endure pain

皮ふ hifu skin
皮 Kawa hide
皮をむく Kawa wo muku (peel)

痩せる yaseru to lose weight

お邪魔しまし ojama shimasu thank you

産業 sangyou industry

飛ぶ tobu fly
飛び込む tobikomu to jump in
プールに飛び込む pu_ru ni tobikomu jump into the swimming pool
飛び散る (tobichiru): to fly around; to scatter

登録 touroku registration
登る noboru climb
登山 tozan mountain climbing
登録 (touroku): registration; accession; register; entry; record
登録する touroku suru registration

腐る kusaru to soil. Go bad

屋 heya room
部屋を散らかす heya ga chirakaru ‫بهم ریختن‬
部屋を散らかる heya ga chirakaru ‫بهم ریخته بودن‬
部屋がすっきりする heya ga sukkiri suru the room looks tidy and neat

尻をたたく shiri wo tataku ‫اسپنک زدن به باسن‬
尻をぶつ shiri wo butsu spank

結局 kekkyoku ultimately
努力したが結局むだだった doryoku shita ga, kekkyoku muda datta. my effort did not
amount to anything

居間 ima living room
リビング、居間 living room ‫حال‬
リビング living room
入居 (nyuukyo): moving into (house)

届ける todokeru deliver
届く todoku arrive mail

展示 (tenji): exhibition; display

専属 (senzoku): exclusive; attached to; specialist
属する (zokusuru): to belong to; to come under; to be affiliated with; to be subject to
所属 (shozoku): belonging to (a group, organization, etc.); affiliation (with); being attached
to; being under the control of

網戸 (amido) screen

戻る modoru return
戻す modosu to return sth
取り戻す (torimodosu): to take back; to regain; to get back; to recover

肩書き katagaki title
肩がこる kata ga koru stiff shoulder
肩こり katakori to get stiff shoulder
肩がこる kataga koru get a stiff shoulder

でたらめに答える detarame ni kotaeru give a haphazard answer
はきはきと答える hakihakito kotaeru answer the questions properly and clearly
受け答え (ukekotae): reply; response; answer

笑う warau laugh
笑い warai laugher
にっこり笑う nikkori warau give a happy smile
にこにこ笑う nikoniko warau give a happy smile

第一印象 daiichi inshou first impression

笛 (fue): flute, pipe

対等 (taitou): equality (esp. of status, on equal terms); equivalence

政策 (seisaku): political measures; policy

算数 sansou Math
足し算 tashizan addition
引き算 hikizan ‫منهی‬
かけ算 kakezan multiplication
割り算 warizan division
算数 sansou basic math
清算 (seisan): settlement (financial); squaring accounts; clearing debts; liquidation; ending
(a relationship); breaking up (with); burying (the past); redeeming (one’s faults)

箱 hako box
ゴミ箱 gomibako a trash box
箱がつぶれる hako ga tsubureru a box collapses

新築 (shinchiku): new building; new construction

若々しい (wakawakashii): youthful; young; young-looking

草 kusa grass
雑草 (zassou): weed

荒い (arai): rough; wild; violent; rude; coarse; harsh; fierce; heavy (e.g. breathing);
immoderate; extravagant; reckless
荒れる (areru): to be stormy; to be rough; to be ruined; to fall into ruin; to be in a bad
temper; to lose one’s temper

別荘 (bessou): holiday house; vacation home; villa; prison; jail

細菌 (saikin): bacterium; bacteria; germ

蒸す musu to steam
蒸す musu ‫بخار پز کردن‬

蓄える (takuwaeru): to store; to save up; to stock up on; to lay in stock; to set aside; to
accumulate (e.g. knowledge); to build up (e.g. experience); to develop (e.g. one’s skills)

薄れる (usureru): to fade; to become dim

お茶わん (ochawan) bowl
紅茶 kocha black tea
緑茶 riyokucha green tea
緑茶 (ryokucha): green tea; Japanese tea

うがい薬 ugai kusuri mouthwash
特効薬 (tokkouyaku): specific medicine; wonder drug; silver bullet

入荷 nyuuka receipt of goods
荷物 Nimotsu luggage
荷物をつめる nimotsu pack for a trip
荷物を受け取る nimotsu wo uketoru receive a parcel
荷造り (nizukuri): packing; baling; crating

花が散る Hana ga chiru flowers fall down

葉書 hagaki ‫کارت پستال‬
葉 ha leaf
紅葉 kouyou autumn leaves

芯 (shin): wick; marrow; staple (for stapler); (pencil) lead; stuffing; pith; core; heart; centre;

苦労 kurou hardship
苦い nigai bitter
苦しい kurushi distressful
苦手な nigatena weak point
息が苦しい iki ga kurushi feel suffocated
苦しむ kurushimu be in pain
苦労する kurou suru trouble

英会話 eikaiwa English conversation

様式 (youshiki): style; form; pattern
数式 suushiki a numerical formula

戦後 sengo after the war
戦う tatakau fight
戦争 sensou war

我々 (wareware) we,us

歳 sai age
二十歳 nijuusai 20years old

公立 kouritsu public institution
主人公 (shujinkou): protagonist; main character; hero(ine) (of a story)

参る mairu go.come humble

幼い osanai very young
幼なじみ (osananajimi) childhood friend

絶対 (zettai): absolutely
対象 taishou object
対 (tai): opposite; opposition; versus; vs.; v.
対比 (taihi): contrast; comparison
対立 (tairitsu): suitability; coordination; matching; being appropriate (for)
対処 (taisho): dealing with; coping with
対象 (taishou): target, object
1 対2 ichi tai ni one to two

専攻する senkou suru major
専門 senmon specialty
専門家 senmonka expert
専門書 (senmonsho): technical book; specialized book; treatise

耐える (taeru): to bear; to stand; to endure; to put up with; to support; to withstand; to
resist; to brave

尊敬する (sonkei suru) respect

導入 (dounyuu): introduction; bringing in; leading in; installation
導く (michibiku): to guide; to lead; to show the way; to conduct

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