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Personal Relationship

At the end of the session, the learners are expected


9.1 discuss an understanding of

teen-age relationships, including
the acceptable and unacceptable
expressions of attractions.
•How does
affect the
• The way in which two or more
people, groups, countries, etc.,
talk to, behave toward, and deal
with each other.
• The way in which two or more
people or things are connected.
◦ - Merriam-Webster
Personal Relationship
• The type of relationship which is
closely associated with person and
which can only have meaning to this
• Privacy and intimacy are two
characteristics that define personal
• Involves a degree of commitment to
another person or persons.
Personal Relationship
At the end of the session, the learners
are expected to:

9.2 express his/her ways of

showing attraction, love, and
Elements of Personal Relationship
• Attachment – starts from the
intimacy that is nurtured during
the nine months of pregnancy
that be enhanced and developed
further after the birth of the child.
Three Attachment Styles
• Secure Attachment – when all the emotional
needs of infants are met.

• Avoidant Attachment – when the primary

caregiver is cold and detached, and even
unresponsive to a child’s needs.

• Anxious-ambivalent – when the primary

caregiver is not consistent in terms of
presence and in meeting a child’s emotional
Elements of Personal Relationship
• Attraction – the first stage in a
continuum stages that lead to
intimacy and commitment.

• Involves our unconscious assessment

of another person’s genes through
their physical appearance.
Elements of Personal Relationship
Love – a strong feeling of affection and
concern toward another person, as that arising
from kinship or close friendship.
• A strong feeling of affection and concern fro
another person accompanied by sexual
• A feeling of devotion or adoration toward
• A feeling of kindness or concern by God
toward humans;
• Sexual desire or activity: the pleasures of love
Three Stages of Falling in Love
Lust – driven by the sex hormones,
testosterone, and estrogen.
Attraction – is described as the love
struck phase, which involves
neurotransmitters in the brain such as
dopamine, neropinephrine, and serotonin.
This is the stage when a person loses sleep
and appetite over someone, and swoons
while daydreaming of this special person.
• Attachment - when the couple in love
decides to continue with the
relationship, they enter the attachment
stage where long lasting commitments
are exhanged.
Elements of Personal Relationship
• Commitment - continuing process of showing
love and care; fulfilling the promises or
agreements made with each other; and
through bad times and good times, the
commitment stays firm in place.

• An act of deciding to consistently fulfill and

live by agreements made with another person,
entity, or cause, and where the values of
integrity and respect serve as a guide to one’s
behavior and thinking
Variables related to Commitment
• Accumulation of all rewards of the
relationship – support form the partner;
sexual satisfaction in a relationship;
emotional, financial and physical security;
adventure and novelty.
• Temptation of alternative partners –
the fewer options a party in a relationship
gets exposed to, the lesser the possibility of
breaking the relationship.
• Investments made by the couple in the
relationship -

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