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1. A jail officer responding to a suicidal inmate should:

a. Suggest to the inmate possible solutions to his problems
b. Talk and joke with an inmate to take his mind off the problems
c. Use reverse psychology and order the inmate to go ahead with his plan
d. Try to persuade the inmate but back off if the inmate becomes upset.

2. If the inmate appears to be suicidal at the time of his admission:

a. Refer him to a mental health professional immediately
b. Refuse to admit him
c. Place him immediately in a separate cell
d. Let him join with sympathetic and non-violent inmates

3. A Prisoner who is sentenced to a prison term of three (3) years and one (1) day to death, is known as:
a. Provincial Prisoner
b. Insular Prisoner
c. City Prisoner
d. Municipal Prisoner

4. The following is the classification of detainees, except:

a. Undergoing Investigation
b. Awaiting Trial/Under Trial
c. Political Detainees
d. Awaiting Final Judgement

5. The following enumerates the security classification for inmates, except:

a. High Risk Inmates
b. High Profile Inmates
c. Radical Inmates
d. Ordinary Inmates

6. Each jail is mandated to establish a Classification Board for Inmates. Who among the following serves as the
Chairman of the Classification Board?
a. Jail Warden
b. Deputy Warden
c. Chief, Custodial/Security Office
d. IWD Officer

7. Which among the following is not a member of the Classification Board?

a. Chief, Custodial/Security Office
b. IWD Officer
c. Jail Chaplain
d. Inmate’s Representative

8. Which among the following constitutes authorized disciplinary punishment for the inmates?

a. Reprimand
b. Transfer of confinement from one jail facility to another within the area
c. Temporary or permanent cancellation of recreational privileges
d. All of the above

9. The following constitutes Minor Offenses of inmates, except:

a. Rendering personal service to fellow inmates
b. Littering
c. Making groundless complaints
d. Loitering or being in an unauthorized place

11. The following is the composition of the Disciplinary Board, except:

a. Chief, Custodial/Security Office
b. Jail Warden
c. Jail Chaplain
d. Inmate’s Representative

12. At what instance shall the Warden perform the Board’s function as a Summary Disciplinary Officer?
a. When one of the members is not present to authorize the disciplinary action
b. When the disciplinary action calls for close confinement
c. When the disciplinary board composition is not feasible due to personnel limitations
d. When the disciplinary action constitutes a transfer to another facility

13. Under what circumstances can an inmate be brought outside of the jail facility?
a. To appear as a witness with leave of court in any investigation or formal inquiry by any government
b. To view with leave of court the remains of a deceased relative
c. To undergo medical examination or treatment with leave of court
d. All of the above

14. Under the Revised Policy on the Designation of Jail Aides, which among the following do not qualify to be
utilized as such?
a. Inmates charged with light offenses
b. Inmates charged with Heinous Crimes
c. Inmates whose maximum imposable sentence is 6 years and below
d. Sentenced prisoners due for release

15. Which among the following sets of documentary requirements are needed to ensure the acceptance of
inmates for Remand to Bucor?
a. Mittimus/commitment Order, Information, Court Decision
b. Certificate of Good Conduct, Certificate of Non-Pending Case, Certificate of Non-Appeal/Finality
c. Detainees Manifestation/Certification & fully accomplished Jail booking Sheet
d. All of the Above

16. To avoid incident of escapes, inmates are allowed to be utilized to do menial jobs outside of their cell for a
limited period of time. The restriction to do further work is until what time?
a. Inmates are only allowed to do menial jobs up to noontime
b. All working inmates should stop At 3:00 o’clock in the afternoon
c. Inmates rendering menial jobs outside of their cells can only work up to 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon
d. None of the above

17. At what instance shall the Director, Bureau of Corrections grant the Requests of Wardens/ Wardresses re:
Good Conduct Time Allowance of inmates?
a. Only when requests from the Wardens and Wardresses re: GCTA is coursed through the DIWD for
Indorsement by the Chief, BJMP to the Bucor
b. When a letter-request for GCTA is sent by the Warden or Wardress to the Bucor Director
c. Only when there is a supporting request from the inmate for the issuance of GCTA
d. None of the above

18. In the Delineation of Command/Responsibilities under the SOP on Escorting high-risk/high-profile Inmates,
what shall be the duty of the augmentation personnel from other units?
a. Considered as additional escorts
b. Jointly responsible with the requesting unit in securing the safety of inmates
c. Shall secure the entry/exit points, prisoners' vans and parking area
d. All of the above

19. Which among the following statements is NOT TRUE when it comes to the use of Yellow T-shirts by the
inmates in BJMP Manned Facilities?
a. Inmates may attend court hearings outside of the jail facility by wearing any yellow shirt without
b. That inmates are made to wear yellow shirt inside the facility to easily distinguish them from visitors
c. Personnel and visitors are prohibited from wearing Yellow T-Shirts while inside the jail facility
d. Inmates should wear yellow t-shirt with markings even when inside the facility

20. At what instance may a jail officer effect an arrest?

a. When, in his presence, the person to be arrested has committed, is actually committing, or is
attempting to commit an offense
b. When an offense in fact has just been committed
c. When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a penal establishment or place
where he is serving final judgment or is temporarily confined while his case is pending, or has escaped
while being transferred from one confinement to another.
d. All of the Above

21. In escorting High-risk/High Profile Inmates, who shall act as Close-in Security for the inmates?
a. The augmentation team
b. The escorts from the jail where the inmate is confined
c. Friendly forces in the area
d. The Chief, Escort

22. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE when it comes to escorting High Risk/High-Profile Inmates
to and from the court?
a. At least one (1) vehicle must be used in escorting HR/HP inmates
b. Inmates must be handcuffed at the back as an added precaution
c. There must be no more than eight (8) inmates per prisoner van
d. Once inside the prisoner's van, the inmate's faces must be concealed from public view
23. Kind of bullets are considered lethal munitions as they can cause damage and injury and should only be
used in incidents requiring deadly force mentioned in the BJMP SOP on the Use of Force and Weapons:
a. Teflon-coated bullets
b. Rubber bullets & Rubber coated bullets
c. Incendiary Bullets
d. Armour Piercing Bullets

24. The kind of Force that would create a substantial risk of causing death or serious bodily harm such as the
threatened use of a firearm, speaks of:
a. Violent Altercation
b. Inertia
c. Deadly Force
d. Non-Deadly Force

25. To address the jail disturbance, Warden Ompong resorted to the use of negotiation and persuasion in
engaging with the discontented inmates who were proponents of noise barrage. Warden decided to use this
method because the mere presence of duty custodial officers were not enough to contain the situation. What is
the method employed by the Warden?
a. Verbal tussle
b. Verbal containment
c. Art of persuasion
d. Power of the Mind

26. Jail Officer Zoe reported for duty at Binan Municipal Jail. As he was about to enter the admin office of the jail,
an inmate suddenly shouted invectives at him and threw a plate of food towards his direction. All throughout the
incident, Zoe was able to maintain his composure. This is a clear display of:
a. Insensitivity
b. Maximum Tolerance
c. Kanya-Kanya Syndrome
d. All of the above

27. Strip searches must be done by:

a. An officer of similar sex
b. A trustee inmate
c. Immediate supervisor
d. Any available BJMP personnel

28. When conducting a frisk strip search, the BJMP officer should always:
a. Subject to inmate to punishment
b. Search the body thoroughly
c. Vary his procedures in searching
d. Be systematic and thorough

29. Strip search should be conducted:

a. In the presence of other inmates so that there are witnesses
b. At the warden’s office
c. At the admission office in the presence of other jail personnel
d. Private room where it will be out of view of the others to avoid further embarrassment

30. In the conduct of the initial frisk search, the things that must be looked into are:
a. Addresses the telephone numbers of close and known associates
b. Deadly weapons
c. Drugs
d. All of the above

31. Frisk searches should be conducted only :

a. After visitation
b. Upon admission
c. After pulling an inmate from the cell prior to transfer
d. All of the above

32. Which of the following is not a step in the booking process?

a. Fingerprinting the inmate
b. Searching the inmate
c. Inventory of the inmate’s property
d. Questioning the inmate on the details of his crime

33. Who must be searched upon admission to jail?

a. Only those suspected of carrying deadly weapons or contrabands
b. Only those admitted following an arrest
c. Only those who have not been searched by the transport officer
d. All of the above
34. Why is it important to use alternative routes in escorting inmates?
a. It will help jail officers find the shortest and quickest route
b. It will keep all escorts alert
c. It will make the movements of the escorts less predictable
d. None of the above

35. Which members of the escort team should be briefed on the route to be taken?
a. All officers assigned to the escort
b. The driver of the escort cars
c. Only the driver of the lead vehicle
d. The primary and back up drivers

36. When escorting an inmate on foot, it is important to remember:

a. To walk several steps behind the inmate to decrease the chance of assaulting you
b. To walk side-by-side with the inmate
c. To walk in front of the inmate to be able to control what lies ahead
d. To walk slightly behind taking cognizance of the weak side of the inmate

37. It is important for the transport officer to be aware that:

a. Restraining devices are not necessary when inmates being escorted are manageable
b. Restraining devices are tools which must be properly maintained and made available
c. Restraining devices are optional when transporting inmates
d. None of the above

38. In a two (2) vehicle escort, which car should transport the inmate?
a. the first vehicle
b. the second vehicle
c. whichever vehicle would do
d. Whichever vehicle the Warden designated

39. The best definition for a contraband would be:

a. Anything that an inmate could use as a weapon
b. Anything in the inmate’s cell not issued by the jail authorities
c. any article, item, or thing prohibited by law and/or forbidden by jail rules that would pose as security
hazards or endanger the lives of inmates
d. Any item that an inmate can use to harm himself or others

40. Mere possession of this contraband is said to be unlawful in itself and such constitutes “illegal contraband”.
a. Dangerous Drugs
b. Weapons and Potential Weapons
c. Explosives
d. All of the above

41. Category of contraband which may not be classified as illegal under the law but are forbidden by jail rules
such as cellphone, money or other commodities of exchange such as jewelry.
a. Illegal contraband
b. Nuisance Contraband
c. Liquor
d. Pornographic materials

42. Which of the following would not be considered a contraband if found in an inmate’s cell?
a. A can of insecticide
b. Bottle of wine
c. Blades borrowed from jail personnel
d. None of the above

43. Which among the following does not constitute Key control rules?
a. Wardens must issue rules relative to key control
b. Account all keys every shift change
c. Carry only keys necessary for a shift
d. Storing of jails keys together with cuff keys

44. In cases where a jail or cuff key is lost, the proper thing for a duty personnel to do is to:
a. Ask the trustees if a key was found
b. Do a frisk search of all trustees in the area
c. Immediately notify supervisor if a jail or cuff key is lost
d. Do a cell search

45. Which is a good way of preventing keys from being stolen/lost?

a. Turning all keys after your shift
b. Checking the keys at all times
c. Welding the key rings shut
d. Leaving the keys secured in the designated key control area
46. How should one carry the keys in the presence of inmates?
a. Keep all keys visible to determine at once if a key is missing
b. Keep all your keys in your hands for quick access when needed
c. Carry them as inconspicuously as possible so inmates will not be tempted to take them away
d. Dangle them in your belt to let the inmates know that you are in – charge

47. The following are considered “rights” of inmates, except:

a. The right to be treated as human being
b. The right to be visited by counsel
c. The right to vote unless disqualified by law
d. The right to receive visitors during visiting hours

48. The following are among the privileges given to inmates, except:
a. To wear their own clothes while in confinement
b. To receive visitors during visiting hours
c. To be entitled to GCTA
d. To communicate with her/his respective embassy

49. As part of the Jail Booking Procedure, the admitting officer shall:
a. Ensure that the Inmate is fingerprinted and photographed
b. Subject the Inmate to strip-search to check for any markings, cuts, bruises and same shall be
indicated in the jail booking report
c. Apprise the inmate in a dialect known to him of the provisions of Art 29 of the RPC as amended by RA
d. All of the above

50. As laid down in the SOP for the Admission and Releasing of Inmates, the person responsible for the
verification of the authenticity of the Release Order, upon receipt thereof, is none other than:
a. Property Custodian
b. Records /Admin Officer
c. Desk Officer
d. Jail Warden

51. The person responsible for the processing of inmates release , verification of data on Inmate’s Carpeta to
that of the Release Order and routing of release papers to proper signatories is none other than:
a. Property Custodian
b. Records /Admin Officer
c. Desk Officer
d. Jail Warden

52. The person responsible for the receipt of property and deposited item of inmate and of returning the same,
with proper logbook entry is none other than:
a. Property Custodian
b. Records /Admin Officer
c. Desk Officer
d. Jail Warden

53. “Morning Meeting” is found in what BJMP program?

a. Livelihood Program component
b. Jail disciplinary Program component
c. Therapeutic Community Modality Program
d. Community Relations Service Program

54. Which among the following statements is not included in the guiding principles of WDP?
a. In accordance with the UN Standard’s Minimum Treatment of Inmates
b. Responsive and dynamic, providing treatment that is holistic and responsive in nature
c. Provides for retributive treatment
d. Creation is based on mutual trust and confidence

55. This kind of WDP service takes the form of subsistence such as food, clothing, hygienic supplies,etc.
a. Health Services
b. Provisions for Basic Needs
c. Livelihood Services
d. Educational Services

56. This WDP activity is concerned with the development of work values, individual worth and dignity, emotional
catharsis and individual creativity.
a. Religious Services
b. Livelihood Services
c. Sports and Recreation Services
d. Educational Services
57. The following are the purpose of “Morning Meeting”, except:
a. To start the day
b. To demonstrate common concerns and solve immediate problems
c. Enhance sense of community
d. To confront the person who made you feel bad

58. What is the corresponding disciplinary measure imposed under the BJMP Standard Operating Procedures
when a visitor is caught in possession of a Nuisance Contraband for the second time?
a. The visitor shall be filed an appropriate case in court
b. The visitor shall be subjected to pay fines
c. The visitor shall be given a warning and the contraband shall be confiscated and turned over to the
Property Custodian for proper disposal
d. The visitor shall be considered a delinquent visitor and shall be banned from entering the facility

59. Under the BJMP Standard Operating Procedures, a visitor caught in possession of an Illegal Contraband
shall be:
a. Denied immediate entry to the facility
b. Shall be arrested by the jail authorities
c. shall be turned-over to the nearest police station for filing of appropriate cases
d. All of the above
60. Mr. Dela Cruz was convicted of the crime of murder. After 10 days from the promulgation of the sentence, he
escaped from his
place of confinement. He maybe
A. liable for evasion of service of sentence
B. considered as an escaped prisoner
C. not liable for evasion of service of sentence
D. All of these

61. Ms. Bantog was convicted for the crime of infanticide. After serving her sentence she committed again the
same crime.Ms.
Ines Bantog maybe considered as a
A. recidivist
B. quasi-recidivist
C. habitual delinguent
D. mentally retarded person

62. The purpose of commutation of sentence is to:

A. do away with the miscarriage of justice
B. break the rigidity of the law
C. restore the political and civil rights of the accused
D. all of the above

63. What is the country, whose early schemes for humanizing the criminal justice under it’s common law,
originated probation.
A. England
B. United States
C. Greece
D. France

64. One who investigates for the court a referral for probation or supervises a probationer or both
A. police officer
B. probationer officer
C. intelligence officer
D. law enforcer

65. Post-sentence investigation report must be submitted by the probation officer to the court within
A. 20 days
B. 30 days
C. 60 days
D. 90 days

66. Parole in the Philippines is governed by the

A. determinate sentence law
B. Indeterminate sentence law
C. Board of pardon and parole
D. Parole and probation administration

67. Parole and Probation Administration is under the direction of the

A. Department of Finance
B. Department of Justice
C. Department of Interior and Local Government
68. What is the nature of the hearing for the violation of probation?
A. Formal
B. Summary
C. Due process
D. None of the above

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