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Global Supply Chain Master (GSCM)


Dr. Agnès Gorge


Due date: January 21th, 2024

Task: Write and individually upload a 2-pages essay on the following questions.

You’ve just been appointed Supply Chain director of a SME and you want to set up a S&OP

I. What do you do?

II. Which challenges do you foresee in this position?

I. Sales and operations planning (S&OP) is the tactical cross-functional process enabling to align strategic
operations, demand planning, inventory, and distribution with supply chain capacity. It is a critical
backbone between strategic planning and operations. It’s owned at the top management level and
Supply Chain Managers are responsible for executing and facilitating it by getting all stakeholders on
board. Setting up a Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) process for a Small to Medium-sized Enterprise
(SME) involves aligning various functions of the business to ensure that supply chain activities are
synchronized with sales, marketing, finance, purchasing, production, and other relevant departments.

Me, as a new appointed Supply Chain Director of an SME who wants to set up an S&OP process, I am aware that
S&OP process is an enabler of strategy execution for both performance and value creation and my role is pivotal
to achieve this target as an important connector and facilitator actor withing this process to ensure that the
organization is working together to meet customer expectations.

To do this and meet that challenging target, I will be involved on each of the 4 steps of the S&OP process as
mentioned bellow:

1. Data collecting and Analysis:

I will supervise the collection and analysis of relevant data from various departments such as sales
forecasts, production capacities, inventory levels, and supplier capabilities. I will ensure that
accurate, up-to-date, detailed, or aggregated data is available for the S&OP process. And I will work
closely with IT and other departments to gather necessary data and tools (ERP) to create a single
source of truth for decision-making.

2. Demand Planning:
I will lead the demand planning process by collaborating with sales, marketing, and finance teams to
forecast future customer demand. I will use historical data, market trends, and insights from the
sales team to develop accurate demand forecasts. So, I will ensure that demand plans are realistic
and achievable based on the organization's capabilities.

3. Supply Planning:
I will work closely with production, procurement, and logistics teams to align supply capabilities with
demand forecasts. I will evaluate production capacities, inventory levels, lead times, and supplier
capabilities to develop a feasible supply plan. I will identify potential constraints or risks in the supply
chain and develop what-if scenarios and strategies to mitigate them, such as securing additional
suppliers, ensuring safety stocks, or adjusting production schedules.

4. Collaborative Reconciliation and Executive S&OP meeting:

In this final step, I will facilitate the reconciliation of demand and supply plans during the S&OP
meeting where I present the integrated plan to the EXCOM team for review and approval using a
knowledge driven decision. I will ensure that any gaps between demand and supply are addressed
collaboratively with cross-functional teams. I will also handle the management of trade-offs between
the intervenants, and I will monitor the execution of the approved plan to meet profitability goals
and make necessary adjustments based on changing market conditions, customer demand, or supply
chain disruptions.

By following these steps, as a Supply Chain Director of an SME, I can effectively set up and implement an S&OP
process that aligns the organization's sales, operations, and financial plans, ultimately driving improved
performance, profitability, and customer satisfaction.

II. Implementing, updating, and running an S&OP process is a true transformational journey. However, to enable
the business arbitration and to create and capture value I might foresee some challenges related to an
environment of complexity and uncertainty in which I should be implicated by identifying, assessing, and
mitigating risks associated with S&OP implementation such us:

Supply chain disruptions, Demand fluctuations & volatility, Competitive pressures, and Pricing changes on the
S&OP plan.

To manage that risk, I should developpe the following techniques:

• Agility: facing uncertainty of demand VS capacities by developing contingency plans and risk
mitigation strategies to address potential challenges and uncertainties.

• Resilience: to external/internal challenges by adopting a continuous improvement strategy.

➢ Regularly review and refine the S&OP process based on feedback from stakeholders, changing
market conditions, and business objectives.

➢ Foster a culture of cooperation & collaboration, transparency, and accountability among cross-
functional team to drive continuous improvement and organizational alignment (One team is in
place and enables holistic optimization).

In summary, while implementing an S&OP process can offer significant benefits for an SME in terms of improved
alignment, efficiency, and profitability, Supply Chain Director must navigate various challenges related to risk
mitigation, resources, organizational dynamics, data management an extensibility. By addressing these
challenges proactively and collaboratively, a Supply Chain Director of an SME can build a more resilient, agile,
and integrated supply chain that supports sustainable growth and competitive advantage.

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