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2nd Lesson Plan

School : SMA X
Subject : English
Grade/Semester :10 / 1st semester
Time Allocation : 1 x 25 Minutes
Theme : Narrative Text
Skills : Writing

Learning Objective
At the end of the class, students are able to:
• Identify the generic structure of narrative text.
• Write the simple narrative text.
IFVL 2 Timothy 3 : 16
Every scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction,
and for training in righteousness,
Teaching Method Direct Method

Material :
• Internet
Material & Equipment
1. Laptop
2. Power point
3. LCD
Class Activities
(8 Minutes)
• students are prepared to learn.
• Students read the IFVL and the teacher gives a short explanation of the reading.
• Students will be checked for attendance by the teacher.
• Students are asked to lead the opening prayer.
• Students follow the apperception activity through reviewing the previous lesson.
• Students are asked to guess 3 pictures that relate to the narrative story/text will be presented by the teacher.
Main Activities
(17 Minutes)
• Students are asked to read the learning objectives together
• Students listen to the teacher’s explanation of why this lesson is important.
• Students read about the meanings of narrative text, purpose of narrative text, general structure of narrative text,
and language features presented by the teacher.
• Students listen to the explanation about the narrative text by the teacher.
• Students are asked to find the generic structure of narrative text from the story about the Toba Lake shared by
the teacher.
• Students check their answers with the guidance of the teacher.
• Students are asked to write a simple narrative text on their own paper for 5 minutes
• After the students write their narrative text, the teacher will collect their paper.
Post Activities
(5 Minutes)
• Students are asked to re-read the learning objectives to see if they have been achieved the learning objectives or
• Students listen to the conclusion of the lesson by the teacher.
• Students are given assignments to do at home.
• Students lead the closing prayer.
• Class is over, time to go home!

Knowledge and skill Writing C1 Do the students write the

Vocabulary right vocabulary?
Attitude Politeness and manner C2 Do the students show
positive attitude, being
polite and project manner?
Rubric Evaluation
No Name Writing Attitude
Total 10 Points
Evaluation Scale:
5 = Excellent
4 = Good
3 = Standard
2 = Below Standard
1 = Poor

Approved by Field work I Student


Virginia, G. Sengkey, MAEd Mole, Anggreini

NIDN: 0930079201 NIM : 102022010009

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